.. _tiletypes-here: .. _tiletypes-here-point: tiletypes ========= Can be used for painting map tiles and is an interactive command, much like `liquids`. Some properties of existing tiles can be looked up with `probe`. If something goes wrong, `fixveins` may help. The tool works with two set of options and a brush. The brush determines which tiles will be processed. First set of options is the filter, which can exclude some of the tiles from the brush by looking at the tile properties. The second set of options is the paint - this determines how the selected tiles are changed. Both paint and filter can have many different properties including things like general shape (WALL, FLOOR, etc.), general material (SOIL, STONE, MINERAL, etc.), state of 'designated', 'hidden' and 'light' flags. The properties of filter and paint can be partially defined. This means that you can for example turn all stone fortifications into floors, preserving the material:: filter material STONE filter shape FORTIFICATION paint shape FLOOR Or turn mineral vein floors back into walls:: filter shape FLOOR filter material MINERAL paint shape WALL The tool also allows tweaking some tile flags:: paint hidden 1 paint hidden 0 This will hide previously revealed tiles (or show hidden with the 0 option). More recently, the tool supports changing the base material of the tile to an arbitrary stone from the raws, by creating new veins as required. Note that this mode paints under ice and constructions, instead of overwriting them. To enable, use:: paint stone MICROCLINE This mode is incompatible with the regular ``material`` setting, so changing it cancels the specific stone selection:: paint material ANY Since different vein types have different drop rates, it is possible to choose which one to use in painting:: paint veintype CLUSTER_SMALL When the chosen type is ``CLUSTER`` (the default), the tool may automatically choose to use layer stone or lava stone instead of veins if its material matches the desired one. Any paint or filter option (or the entire paint or filter) can be disabled entirely by using the ANY keyword:: paint hidden ANY paint shape ANY filter material any filter shape any filter any You can use several different brushes for painting tiles: :point: a single tile :range: a rectangular range :column: a column ranging from current cursor to the first solid tile above :block: a DF map block - 16x16 tiles, in a regular grid Example:: range 10 10 1 This will change the brush to a rectangle spanning 10x10 tiles on one z-level. The range starts at the position of the cursor and goes to the east, south and up. For more details, use ``tiletypes help``. tiletypes-command ----------------- Runs tiletypes commands, separated by ``;``. This makes it possible to change tiletypes modes from a hotkey or via dfhack-run. Example:: tiletypes-command p any ; p s wall ; p sp normal This resets the paint filter to unsmoothed walls. tiletypes-here-point -------------------- Apply the current tiletypes options at the in-game cursor position to a single tile. Can be used from a hotkey. This command supports the same options as `tiletypes-here` above. tiletypes-here -------------- Apply the current tiletypes options at the in-game cursor position, including the brush. Can be used from a hotkey. Options: :``-c``, ``--cursor ,,``: Use the specified map coordinates instead of the current cursor position. If this option is specified, then an active game map cursor is not necessary. :``-h``, ``--help``: Show command help text. :``-q``, ``--quiet``: Suppress non-error status output.