local _ENV = mkmodule('json') local internal = require 'json.internal' encode_defaults = { -- For compatibility with jsonxx (C++) pretty = true, indent = '\t', } function encode(data, options, msg) local opts = {} for k, v in pairs(encode_defaults) do opts[k] = v end for k, v in pairs(options or {}) do opts[k] = v end return internal:encode(data, msg, opts) end function encode_file(data, path, overwrite, ...) if dfhack.filesystem.exists(path) and not overwrite then error('File exists: ' .. path) end if dfhack.filesystem.isdir(path) then error('Is a directory: ' .. path) end local contents = encode(data, ...) local f = io.open(path, 'w') f:write(contents) f:close() end function decode(data, msg) return internal:decode(data, msg) end function decode_file(path, ...) local f = io.open(path) if not f then error('Could not open ' .. path) end local raw = f:read('*all') f:close() return decode(contents, ...) end return _ENV