-- create-unit.lua -- Originally created by warmist, edited by Putnam for the dragon ball mod to be used in reactions, modified by Dirst for use in The Earth Strikes Back mod, incorporating fixes discovered by Boltgun then Mifiki wrote the bit where it switches to arena mode briefly to do some of the messy work, then Expwnent combined that with the old script to make it function for histfigs -- version 0.5 -- This is a beta version. Use at your own risk. --[[ TODO children and babies: set child/baby job confirm body size is computed appropriately for different ages / life stages incarnate pre-existing historical figures some sort of invasion helper script set invasion_id, etc announcement for fake natural birth if appropriate ]] --[[=begin modtools/create-unit ==================== Creates a unit. Use ``modtools/create-unit -help`` for more info. =end]] --[[ if dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen()._type ~= df.viewscreen_dwarfmodest or df.global.ui.main.mode ~= df.ui_sidebar_mode.LookAround then print 'activate loo[k] mode' return end --]] local utils=require 'utils' function createUnit(race_id, caste_id) local curViewscreen = dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen() local dwarfmodeScreen = df.viewscreen_dwarfmodest:new() curViewscreen.child = dwarfmodeScreen dwarfmodeScreen.parent = curViewscreen local oldMode = df.global.ui.main.mode df.global.ui.main.mode = df.ui_sidebar_mode.LookAround local gui = require 'gui' df.global.world.arena_spawn.race:resize(0) df.global.world.arena_spawn.race:insert(0,race_id) --df.global.ui.race_id) df.global.world.arena_spawn.caste:resize(0) df.global.world.arena_spawn.caste:insert(0,caste_id) df.global.world.arena_spawn.creature_cnt:resize(0) df.global.world.arena_spawn.creature_cnt:insert(0,0) --df.global.world.arena_spawn.equipment.skills:insert(0,99) --df.global.world.arena_spawn.equipment.skill_levels:insert(0,0) df.global.gametype = 4 gui.simulateInput(dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(), 'D_LOOK_ARENA_CREATURE') gui.simulateInput(dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen(), 'SELECT') df.global.gametype = 0 curViewscreen.child = nil dwarfmodeScreen:delete() df.global.ui.main.mode = oldMode local id = df.global.unit_next_id-1 return id end --local u = df.unit.find(df.global.unit_next_id-1) --u.civ_id = df.global.ui.civ_id --u.population_id = df.historical_entity.find(df.global.ui.civ_id).populations[0] --local group = df.global.ui.group_id -- Picking a caste or gender at random function getRandomCasteId(race_id) local cr = df.creature_raw.find(race_id) local caste_id, casteMax casteMax = #cr.caste - 1 if casteMax > 0 then return math.random(0, casteMax) end return 0 end local function allocateNewChunk(hist_entity) hist_entity.save_file_id=df.global.unit_chunk_next_id df.global.unit_chunk_next_id=df.global.unit_chunk_next_id+1 hist_entity.next_member_idx=0 print("allocating chunk:",hist_entity.save_file_id) end local function allocateIds(nemesis_record,hist_entity) if hist_entity.next_member_idx==100 then allocateNewChunk(hist_entity) end nemesis_record.save_file_id=hist_entity.save_file_id nemesis_record.member_idx=hist_entity.next_member_idx hist_entity.next_member_idx=hist_entity.next_member_idx+1 end function createFigure(trgunit,he,he_group) local hf=df.historical_figure:new() hf.id=df.global.hist_figure_next_id hf.race=trgunit.race hf.caste=trgunit.caste hf.profession = trgunit.profession hf.sex = trgunit.sex df.global.hist_figure_next_id=df.global.hist_figure_next_id+1 hf.appeared_year = df.global.cur_year hf.born_year = trgunit.relations.birth_year hf.born_seconds = trgunit.relations.birth_time hf.curse_year = trgunit.relations.curse_year hf.curse_seconds = trgunit.relations.curse_time hf.birth_year_bias = trgunit.relations.birth_year_bias hf.birth_time_bias = trgunit.relations.birth_time_bias hf.old_year = trgunit.relations.old_year hf.old_seconds = trgunit.relations.old_time hf.died_year = -1 hf.died_seconds = -1 hf.name:assign(trgunit.name) hf.civ_id = trgunit.civ_id hf.population_id = trgunit.population_id hf.breed_id = -1 hf.unit_id = trgunit.id df.global.world.history.figures:insert("#",hf) hf.info = df.historical_figure_info:new() hf.info.unk_14 = df.historical_figure_info.T_unk_14:new() -- hf state? --unk_14.region_id = -1; unk_14.beast_id = -1; unk_14.unk_14 = 0 hf.info.unk_14.unk_18 = -1; hf.info.unk_14.unk_1c = -1 -- set values that seem related to state and do event --change_state(hf, dfg.ui.site_id, region_pos) --lets skip skills for now --local skills = df.historical_figure_info.T_skills:new() -- skills snap shot -- ... -- note that innate skills are automaticaly set by DF hf.info.skills = {new=true} he.histfig_ids:insert('#', hf.id) he.hist_figures:insert('#', hf) if he_group then he_group.histfig_ids:insert('#', hf.id) he_group.hist_figures:insert('#', hf) hf.entity_links:insert("#",{new=df.histfig_entity_link_memberst,entity_id=he_group.id,link_strength=100}) end trgunit.flags1.important_historical_figure = true trgunit.flags2.important_historical_figure = true trgunit.hist_figure_id = hf.id trgunit.hist_figure_id2 = hf.id hf.entity_links:insert("#",{new=df.histfig_entity_link_memberst,entity_id=trgunit.civ_id,link_strength=100}) --add entity event local hf_event_id=df.global.hist_event_next_id df.global.hist_event_next_id=df.global.hist_event_next_id+1 df.global.world.history.events:insert("#",{new=df.history_event_add_hf_entity_linkst,year=trgunit.relations.birth_year, seconds=trgunit.relations.birth_time,id=hf_event_id,civ=hf.civ_id,histfig=hf.id,link_type=0}) return hf end function createNemesis(trgunit,civ_id,group_id) local id=df.global.nemesis_next_id local nem=df.nemesis_record:new() nem.id=id nem.unit_id=trgunit.id nem.unit=trgunit nem.flags:resize(4) --not sure about these flags... -- [[ nem.flags[4]=true nem.flags[5]=true nem.flags[6]=true nem.flags[7]=true nem.flags[8]=true nem.flags[9]=true --]] --[[for k=4,8 do nem.flags[k]=true end]] nem.unk10=-1 nem.unk11=-1 nem.unk12=-1 df.global.world.nemesis.all:insert("#",nem) df.global.nemesis_next_id=id+1 trgunit.general_refs:insert("#",{new=df.general_ref_is_nemesisst,nemesis_id=id}) trgunit.flags1.important_historical_figure=true nem.save_file_id=-1 local he=df.historical_entity.find(civ_id) he.nemesis_ids:insert("#",id) he.nemesis:insert("#",nem) local he_group if group_id and group_id~=-1 then he_group=df.historical_entity.find(group_id) end if he_group then he_group.nemesis_ids:insert("#",id) he_group.nemesis:insert("#",nem) end allocateIds(nem,he) nem.figure=createFigure(trgunit,he,he_group) end --createNemesis(u, u.civ_id,group) function createUnitInCiv(race_id, caste_id, civ_id, group_id) local uid = createUnit(race_id, caste_id) local unit = df.unit.find(uid) if ( civ_id ) then createNemesis(unit, civ_id, group_id) end return uid end function createUnitInFortCiv(race_id, caste_id) return createUnitInCiv(race_id, caste_id, df.global.ui.civ_id) end function createUnitInFortCivAndGroup(race_id, caste_id) return createUnitInCiv(race_id, caste_id, df.global.ui.civ_id, df.global.ui.group_id) end function domesticate(uid, group_id) local u = df.unit.find(uid) group_id = group_id or df.global.ui.group_id -- If a friendly animal, make it domesticated. From Boltgun & Dirst local caste=df.creature_raw.find(u.race).caste[u.caste] if not(caste.flags.CAN_SPEAK and caste.flags.CAN_LEARN) then -- Fix friendly animals (from Boltgun) u.flags2.resident = false; u.flags3.body_temp_in_range = true; u.population_id = -1 u.status.current_soul.unit_id = u.id u.animal.population.region_x = -1 u.animal.population.region_y = -1 u.animal.population.unk_28 = -1 u.animal.population.population_idx = -1 u.animal.population.depth = -1 u.counters.soldier_mood_countdown = -1 u.counters.death_cause = -1 u.enemy.anon_4 = -1 u.enemy.anon_5 = -1 u.enemy.anon_6 = -1 -- And make them tame (from Dirst) u.flags1.tame = true u.training_level = 7 end end function nameUnit(id, entityRawName, civ_id) --pick a random appropriate name --choose three random words in the appropriate things local unit = df.unit.find(id) local entity_raw if entityRawName then for k,v in ipairs(df.global.world.raws.entities) do if v.code == entityRawName then entity_raw = v break end end else local entity = df.historical_entity.find(civ_id) entity_raw = entity.entity_raw end if not entity_raw then error('entity raw = nil: ', id, entityRawName, civ_id) end local translation = entity_raw.translation local translationIndex for k,v in ipairs(df.global.world.raws.language.translations) do if v.name == translation then translationIndex = k break end end --translation = df.language_translation.find(translation) local language_word_table = entity_raw.symbols.symbols1[0] --educated guess function randomWord() local index = math.random(0, #language_word_table.words[0] - 1) return index end local firstName = randomWord() local lastName1 = randomWord() local lastName2 = randomWord() local name = unit.status.current_soul.name name.words[0] = language_word_table.words[0][lastName1] name.parts_of_speech[0] = language_word_table.parts[0][lastName1] name.words[1] = language_word_table.words[0][lastName2] name.parts_of_speech[1] = language_word_table.parts[0][lastName2] name.first_name = df.language_word.find(language_word_table.words[0][firstName]).forms[language_word_table.parts[0][firstName]] name.has_name = true name.language = translationIndex name = unit.name name.words[0] = language_word_table.words[0][lastName1] name.parts_of_speech[0] = language_word_table.parts[0][lastName1] name.words[1] = language_word_table.words[0][lastName2] name.parts_of_speech[1] = language_word_table.parts[0][lastName2] name.first_name = df.language_word.find(language_word_table.words[0][firstName]).forms[language_word_table.parts[0][firstName]] name.has_name = true name.language = translationIndex if unit.hist_figure_id ~= -1 then local histfig = df.historical_figure.find(unit.hist_figure_id) name = histfig.name name.words[0] = language_word_table.words[0][lastName1] name.parts_of_speech[0] = language_word_table.parts[0][lastName1] name.words[1] = language_word_table.words[0][lastName2] name.parts_of_speech[1] = language_word_table.parts[0][lastName2] name.first_name = df.language_word.find(language_word_table.words[0][firstName]).forms[language_word_table.parts[0][firstName]] name.has_name = true name.language = translationIndex end end validArgs = --[[validArgs or]]utils.invert({ 'help', 'race', 'caste', 'domesticate', 'civId', 'groupId', 'flagSet', 'flagClear', 'name', 'location', 'age' }) if moduleMode then return end local args = utils.processArgs({...}, validArgs) if args.help then print( [[scripts/modtools/create-unit.lua arguments: -help print this help message -race raceName specify the race of the unit to be created examples: DWARF HUMAN -caste casteName specify the caste of the unit to be created examples: MALE FEMALE -domesticate if the unit can't learn or can't speak, then make it a friendly animal -civId id make the created unit a member of the specified civ (or none if id = -1) if id is \\LOCAL, then make it a member of the civ associated with the current fort otherwise id must be an integer -groupId id make the created unit a member of the specified group (or none if id = -1) if id is \\LOCAL, then make it a member of the group associated with the current fort otherwise id must be an integer -name entityRawName set the unit's name to be a random name appropriate for the given entity examples: MOUNTAIN -location [ x y z ] create the unit at the specified coordinates -age howOld set the birth date of the unit to the specified number of years ago -flagSet [ flag1 flag2 ... ] set the specified unit flags in the new unit to true flags may be selected from df.unit_flags1, df.unit_flags2, or df.unit_flags3 -flagClear [ flag1 flag2 ... ] set the specified unit flags in the new unit to false flags may be selected from df.unit_flags1, df.unit_flags2, or df.unit_flags3 ]]) return end local race local raceIndex local casteIndex if not args.race or not args.caste then error 'Specfiy a race and caste for the new unit.' end --find race for i,v in ipairs(df.global.world.raws.creatures.all) do if v.creature_id == args.race then raceIndex = i race = v break end end if not race then error 'Invalid race.' end for i,v in ipairs(race.caste) do if v.caste_id == args.caste then casteIndex = i break end end if not casteIndex then error 'Invalid caste.' end local age if args.age then age = tonumber(args.age) if not age and not age == 0 then error('Invalid age: ' .. args.age) end end local civ_id if args.civId == '\\LOCAL' then civ_id = df.global.ui.civ_id elseif args.civId and tonumber(args.civId) then civ_id = tonumber(args.civId) end local group_id if args.groupId == '\\LOCAL' then group_id = df.global.ui.group_id elseif args.groupId and tonumber(args.groupId) then group_id = tonumber(args.groupId) end local unitId = createUnitInCiv(raceIndex, casteIndex, civ_id, group_id) if args.domesticate then domesticate(unitId, group_id) end if age or age == 0 then local u = df.unit.find(unitId) local oldYearDelta = u.relations.old_year - u.relations.birth_year u.relations.birth_year = df.global.cur_year - age u.relations.old_year = u.relations.birth_year + oldYearDelta --these flags are an educated guess of how to get the game to compute sizes correctly: use -flagSet and -flagClear arguments to override or supplement u.flags2.calculated_nerves = false u.flags2.calculated_bodyparts = false u.flags3.body_part_relsize_computed = false u.flags3.size_modifier_computed = false u.flags3.compute_health = true u.flags3.weight_computed = false --TODO: if the unit is a child or baby it will still behave like an adult end if args.flagSet or args.flagClear then local u = df.unit.find(unitId) local flagsToSet = {} local flagsToClear = {} for _,v in ipairs(args.flagSet or {}) do flagsToSet[v] = true end for _,v in ipairs(args.flagClear or {}) do flagsToClear[v] = true end for _,k in ipairs(df.unit_flags1) do if flagsToSet[k] then u.flags1[k] = true; elseif flagsToClear[k] then u.flags1[k] = false; end end for _,k in ipairs(df.unit_flags2) do if flagsToSet[k] then u.flags2[k] = true; elseif flagsToClear[k] then u.flags2[k] = false; end end for _,k in ipairs(df.unit_flags3) do if flagsToSet[k] then u.flags3[k] = true; elseif flagsToClear[k] then u.flags3[k] = false; end end end if args.name then nameUnit(unitId, args.name, civ_id) else local unit = df.unit.find(unitId) unit.name.has_name = false if unit.status.current_soul then unit.status.current_soul.name.has_name = false end --[[if unit.hist_figure_id ~= -1 then local histfig = df.historical_figure.find(unit.hist_figure_id) histfig.name.has_name = false end--]] end if civ_id then local u = df.unit.find(unitId) u.civ_id = civ_id end if args.location then local u = df.unit.find(unitId) local pos = df.coord:new() pos.x = tonumber(args.location[1]) pos.y = tonumber(args.location[2]) pos.z = tonumber(args.location[3]) local teleport = dfhack.script_environment('teleport') teleport.teleport(u, pos) end --[[if group_id then local u = df.unit.find(unitId) u.group_id = group_id end--]]