local json = require 'json' local script = require 'gui.script' local utils = require 'utils' local args = {...} local done_command = args[1] local STATUS_FILE = 'test_status.json' local TestStatus = { PENDING = 'pending', PASSED = 'passed', FAILED = 'failed', } local VALID_MODES = utils.invert{'none', 'fortress'} expect = {} function expect.true_(value, comment) return not not value, comment, 'expected true' end function expect.false_(value, comment) return not value, comment, 'expected false' end function expect.eq(a, b, comment) return a == b, comment, ('%s ~= %s'):format(a, b) end function expect.ne(a, b, comment) return a ~= b, comment, ('%s == %s'):format(a, b) end function expect.error(func, ...) local ok, ret = pcall(func, ...) if ok then return false, 'no error raised by function call' else return true end end function delay(frames) frames = frames or 1 script.sleep(frames, 'frames') end function build_test_env() local env = { test = utils.OrderedTable(), config = { mode = 'none', }, expect = {}, delay = delay, } local private = { checks = 0, checks_ok = 0, } for name, func in pairs(expect) do env.expect[name] = function(...) private.checks = private.checks + 1 local ret = {func(...)} local ok = table.remove(ret, 1) local msg = '' for _, part in pairs(ret) do if part then msg = msg .. ': ' .. tostring(part) end end msg = msg:sub(3) -- strip leading ': ' if ok then private.checks_ok = private.checks_ok + 1 else dfhack.printerr('Check failed! ' .. (msg or '(no message)')) local info = debug.getinfo(2) dfhack.printerr((' at %s:%d'):format(info.short_src, info.currentline)) print('') end end end setmetatable(env, {__index = _G}) return env, private end function get_test_files() local files = {} for _, entry in ipairs(dfhack.filesystem.listdir_recursive(dfhack.getHackPath() .. 'test')) do if not entry.isdir and not entry.path:match('main.lua') then table.insert(files, entry.path) end end table.sort(files) return files end function load_test_status() if dfhack.filesystem.isfile(STATUS_FILE) then return json.decode_file(STATUS_FILE) end end function save_test_status(status) json.encode_file(status, STATUS_FILE) end function finish_tests() if done_command then dfhack.run_command(done_command) end end function load_tests(file, tests) local short_filename = file:sub(file:find('test'), -1) print('Loading file: ' .. short_filename) local env, env_private = build_test_env() local code, err = loadfile(file, 't', env) if not code then dfhack.printerr('Failed to load file: ' .. tostring(err)) return false else local ok, err = pcall(code) if not ok then dfhack.printerr('Error when running file: ' .. tostring(err)) return false else if not VALID_MODES[env.config.mode] then dfhack.printerr('Invalid config.mode: ' .. env.config.mode) return false end for name, test_func in pairs(env.test) do local test_data = { full_name = short_filename .. ':' .. name, func = test_func, private = env_private, config = env.config, } test_data.name = test_data.full_name:gsub('test/', ''):gsub('.lua', '') table.insert(tests, test_data) end end end return true end function run_test(test, status, counts) if status[test.full_name] == TestStatus.PENDING then test.private.checks = 0 test.private.checks_ok = 0 counts.tests = counts.tests + 1 local ok, err = pcall(test.func) local passed = false if not ok then dfhack.printerr('test errored: ' .. test.name .. ': ' .. tostring(err)) elseif test.private.checks ~= test.private.checks_ok then dfhack.printerr('test failed: ' .. test.name) else print('test passed: ' .. test.name) passed = true counts.tests_ok = counts.tests_ok + 1 end counts.checks = counts.checks + (tonumber(test.private.checks) or 0) counts.checks_ok = counts.checks_ok + (tonumber(test.private.checks_ok) or 0) status[test.full_name] = passed and TestStatus.PASSED or TestStatus.FAILED save_test_status(status) else print('test skipped: ' .. test.name .. ' (state = ' .. status[test.full_name] .. ')') end end function main() local files = get_test_files() local counts = { tests = 0, tests_ok = 0, checks = 0, checks_ok = 0, file_errors = 0, } local passed = true print('Looking for title screen...') for i = 0, 100 do local scr = dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen() if df.viewscreen_titlest:is_instance(scr) then print('Found title screen') break else scr:feed_key(df.interface_key.LEAVESCREEN) delay(10) end end if not df.viewscreen_titlest:is_instance(dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen()) then qerror('Could not find title screen') end print('Loading tests') local tests = {} for _, file in ipairs(files) do if not load_tests(file, tests) then passed = false counts.file_errors = counts.file_errors + 1 end end local status = load_test_status() or {} for _, test in pairs(tests) do if not status[test.full_name] then status[test.full_name] = TestStatus.PENDING end end print('Running tests') for _, test in pairs(tests) do run_test(test, status, counts) end print('\nTest summary:') print(('%d/%d tests passed'):format(counts.tests_ok, counts.tests)) print(('%d/%d checks passed'):format(counts.checks_ok, counts.checks)) print(('%d test files failed to load'):format(counts.file_errors)) end script.start(function() dfhack.with_finalize(finish_tests, main) end)