// // Created by josh on 7/28/21. // #include "Core.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include DFHACK_PLUGIN("spectate"); DFHACK_PLUGIN_IS_ENABLED(enabled); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(world); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(ui); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(pause_state); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(d_init); using namespace DFHack; using namespace df::enums; void onTick(color_ostream& out, void* tick); void onJobStart(color_ostream &out, void* job); void onJobCompletion(color_ostream &out, void* job); uint64_t tick_threshold = 50; bool focus_jobs_enabled = false; bool disengage_enabled = false; bool unpause_enabled = false; Pausing::AnnouncementLock* pause_lock = nullptr; bool lock_collision = false; bool following_dwarf = false; df::unit* our_dorf = nullptr; df::job* job_watched = nullptr; int32_t timestamp = -1; std::set job_tracker; std::map freq; std::default_random_engine RNG; #define base 0.99 static const std::string CONFIG_KEY = std::string(plugin_name) + "/config"; enum ConfigData { UNPAUSE, DISENGAGE, JOB_FOCUS, TICK_THRESHOLD }; static PersistentDataItem config; inline void saveConfig() { if (config.isValid()) { config.ival(UNPAUSE) = unpause_enabled; config.ival(DISENGAGE) = disengage_enabled; config.ival(JOB_FOCUS) = focus_jobs_enabled; config.ival(TICK_THRESHOLD) = tick_threshold; } } command_result spectate (color_ostream &out, std::vector & parameters); DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init (color_ostream &out, std::vector &commands) { commands.push_back(PluginCommand("spectate", "Automated spectator mode.", spectate, false)); pause_lock = World::AcquireAnnouncementPauseLock("spectate"); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown (color_ostream &out) { World::ReleasePauseLock(pause_lock); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_load_data (color_ostream &out) { config = World::GetPersistentData(CONFIG_KEY); if (!config.isValid()) { config = World::AddPersistentData(CONFIG_KEY); saveConfig(); } else { unpause_enabled = config.ival(UNPAUSE); disengage_enabled = config.ival(DISENGAGE); focus_jobs_enabled = config.ival(JOB_FOCUS); tick_threshold = config.ival(TICK_THRESHOLD); } return DFHack::CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_enable(color_ostream &out, bool enable) { namespace EM = EventManager; if (enable && !enabled) { out.print("Spectate mode enabled!\n"); using namespace EM::EventType; EM::EventHandler ticking(onTick, 15); EM::EventHandler start(onJobStart, 0); EM::EventHandler complete(onJobCompletion, 0); EM::registerListener(EventType::TICK, ticking, plugin_self); EM::registerListener(EventType::JOB_STARTED, start, plugin_self); EM::registerListener(EventType::JOB_COMPLETED, complete, plugin_self); } else if (!enable && enabled) { // warp 8, engage! out.print("Spectate mode disabled!\n"); EM::unregisterAll(plugin_self); job_tracker.clear(); freq.clear(); } enabled = enable; return DFHack::CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_onstatechange(color_ostream &out, state_change_event event) { if (enabled && world) { switch (event) { case SC_MAP_UNLOADED: case SC_BEGIN_UNLOAD: case SC_WORLD_UNLOADED: our_dorf = nullptr; job_watched = nullptr; following_dwarf = false; default: break; } } return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_onupdate(color_ostream &out) { if (lock_collision) { if (unpause_enabled) { // player asked for auto-unpause enabled World::SaveAnnouncementSettings(); if (World::DisableAnnouncementPausing()){ // now that we've got what we want, we can lock it down lock_collision = false; pause_lock->lock(); } } else { if (World::RestoreAnnouncementSettings()) { lock_collision = false; } } } while (unpause_enabled && !world->status.popups.empty()) { // dismiss announcement popup(s) Gui::getCurViewscreen(true)->feed_key(interface_key::CLOSE_MEGA_ANNOUNCEMENT); } if (disengage_enabled) { fprintf(stderr,"A: pre-segfault-potential\n"); fflush(stderr); if (our_dorf && our_dorf->id != df::global::ui->follow_unit){ plugin_enable(out, false); } fprintf(stderr,"A: post-segfault-potential\n"); fflush(stderr); } return DFHack::CR_OK; } void enable_auto_unpause(color_ostream &out, bool state){ if(unpause_enabled != state && lock_collision) { // when enabled, lock collision means announcements haven't been disabled // when disabled, lock collision means announcement are still disabled // the only state left to consider here is what the lock should be set to lock_collision = false; unpause_enabled = state; if (unpause_enabled) { pause_lock->lock(); } else { // this one should be redundant, the lock should already be unlocked right now pause_lock->unlock(); } return; } unpause_enabled = state; // update the announcement settings if we can if (unpause_enabled) { if (World::SaveAnnouncementSettings()) { World::DisableAnnouncementPausing(); pause_lock->lock(); } else { lock_collision = true; } } else { pause_lock->unlock(); if (!World::RestoreAnnouncementSettings()) { // this in theory shouldn't happen, if others use the lock like we do in spectate lock_collision = true; } } if (lock_collision){ out.printerr("auto-unpause: must wait for another Pausing::AnnouncementLock to be lifted. This setting will complete when the lock lifts.\n"); } } command_result spectate (color_ostream &out, std::vector & parameters) { if(!parameters.empty()) { if (parameters.size() % 2 != 0) { return DFHack::CR_WRONG_USAGE; } for (size_t i = 0; i+1 < parameters.size(); i += 2) { if (parameters[i] == "auto-unpause") { if (parameters[i+1] == "0") { enable_auto_unpause(out, false); } else if (parameters[i+1] == "1") { enable_auto_unpause(out, true); } else { return DFHack::CR_WRONG_USAGE; } } else if (parameters[i] == "auto-disengage") { if (parameters[i+1] == "0") { disengage_enabled = false; } else if (parameters[i+1] == "1") { disengage_enabled = true; } else { return DFHack::CR_WRONG_USAGE; } } else if (parameters[i] == "focus-jobs") { if (parameters[i+1] == "0") { focus_jobs_enabled = false; } else if (parameters[i+1] == "1") { focus_jobs_enabled = true; } else { return DFHack::CR_WRONG_USAGE; } } else if (parameters[i] == "tick-threshold") { try { tick_threshold = std::stol(parameters[i + 1]); } catch (const std::exception &e) { out.printerr("%s\n", e.what()); } } else { return DFHack::CR_WRONG_USAGE; } } } else { out.print("Spectate is %s\n", enabled ? "ENABLED." : "DISABLED."); out.print("tick-threshold: %zu\n", tick_threshold); out.print("focus-jobs: %s\n", focus_jobs_enabled ? "on." : "off."); out.print("auto-unpause: %s\n", unpause_enabled ? "on." : "off."); out.print("auto-disengage: %s\n", disengage_enabled ? "on." : "off."); } saveConfig(); return DFHack::CR_OK; } // every tick check whether to decide to follow a dwarf void onTick(color_ostream& out, void* ptr) { if (!df::global::ui) return; int32_t tick = df::global::world->frame_counter; if(our_dorf){ if(!Units::isAlive(our_dorf)){ following_dwarf = false; df::global::ui->follow_unit = -1; } } fprintf(stderr,"B: pre-segfault-potential\n"); fflush(stderr); if (!following_dwarf || (focus_jobs_enabled && !job_watched) || (tick - timestamp) > (int32_t)tick_threshold) { std::vector dwarves; for (auto unit: df::global::world->units.active) { if (!Units::isCitizen(unit)) { continue; } dwarves.push_back(unit); } std::uniform_int_distribution follow_any(0, dwarves.size() - 1); if (df::global::ui) { // if you're looking at a warning about a local address escaping, it means the unit* from dwarves (which aren't local) our_dorf = dwarves[follow_any(RNG)]; df::global::ui->follow_unit = our_dorf->id; job_watched = our_dorf->job.current_job; following_dwarf = true; if (!job_watched) { timestamp = tick; } } } fprintf(stderr,"B: post-segfault-potential\n"); fflush(stderr); } // every new worked job needs to be considered void onJobStart(color_ostream& out, void* job_ptr) { // todo: detect mood jobs int32_t tick = df::global::world->frame_counter; auto job = (df::job*) job_ptr; // don't forget about it int zcount = ++freq[job->pos.z]; job_tracker.emplace(job->id); // if we're not doing anything~ then let's pick something if ((focus_jobs_enabled && !job_watched) || (tick - timestamp) > (int32_t)tick_threshold) { following_dwarf = true; // todo: allow the user to configure b, and also revise the math const double b = base; double p = b * ((double) zcount / job_tracker.size()); std::bernoulli_distribution follow_job(p); if (!job->flags.bits.special && follow_job(RNG)) { job_watched = job; df::unit* unit = Job::getWorker(job); if (df::global::ui && unit) { our_dorf = unit; df::global::ui->follow_unit = unit->id; } } else { timestamp = tick; std::vector nonworkers; for (auto unit: df::global::world->units.active) { if (!Units::isCitizen(unit) || unit->job.current_job) { continue; } nonworkers.push_back(unit); } std::uniform_int_distribution<> follow_drunk(0, nonworkers.size() - 1); if (df::global::ui) { df::global::ui->follow_unit = nonworkers[follow_drunk(RNG)]->id; } } } } // every job completed can be forgotten about void onJobCompletion(color_ostream &out, void* job_ptr) { auto job = (df::job*)job_ptr; // forget about it freq[job->pos.z]--; freq[job->pos.z] = freq[job->pos.z] < 0 ? 0 : freq[job->pos.z]; // the job doesn't exist, so we definitely need to get rid of that job_tracker.erase(job->id); // the event manager clones jobs and returns those clones for completed jobs. So the pointers won't match without a refactor of EM passing clones to both events if (job_watched->id == job->id) { job_watched = nullptr; } }