local _ENV = mkmodule('persist-table') --[[ persist-table.lua author expwnent This module is intended to help facilitate persistent table lookups. It is a wrapper over dfhack.persistent calls. It supports tables of arbitrary dimension and shape. Argument names should not include any of the following symbols: _\/& It stores information about each table and subtable's size and children. For convenience, all stored information is itself persistent. It would be more efficient to cache stored information in global variables and update it on save/load but this is not yet implemented. Ask expwnent to try this if performance is bad. --]] prefix = 'persist-table' function ensure(name) return dfhack.persistent.save({key=name}) end function gensym() local availables = dfhack.persistent.get_all(prefix .. '$available') or {} local available = nil local smallest = nil for _,candidate in pairs(availables) do --TODO: it would be great if we could iterate over these in order but we can't local score = tonumber(candidate.value) print('gensym', candidate, score, available, smallest) if (score and (not available or score < smallest)) then smallest = score available = candidate end end if available then local value = available.value available:delete() print('gensym: allocate ' .. value) return value end --none explicitly available, so smallest unused is the next available number local smallestUnused = ensure(prefix .. '$smallest_unused') if smallestUnused.value == '' then smallestUnused.value = '0' end local result = smallestUnused.value smallestUnused.value = tostring(1+tonumber(result)) smallestUnused:save() print('gensym: allocate ' .. result) return result end function releasesym(symb) local availables = dfhack.persistent.get_all(prefix .. '$available') or {} for _,available in pairs(availables) do print('releasesym: ', symb, available.value, available) if available.value == symb then print('error: persist-table.releasesym(' .. symb .. '): available.value = ' .. available.value) return end end dfhack.persistent.save({key=prefix .. '$available', value=symb}, true) print('releasesym: unallocate ' .. symb) end function accessTable(...) local args = {...} local name = 'mastertable' local previousName = nil local child for n,arg in ipairs(args) do child = ensure(prefix .. name .. '$$' .. arg) local old = child.value if old == '' then child.value = gensym() child.ints[1] = 0 local size = ensure(prefix .. name .. '$size') size.value = tostring(1+(tonumber(size.value) or 0)) size:save() if previousName then --local size = ensure(previousName .. '$size') --size.value = tostring(1+(tonumber(size.value) or 0)) --size:save() local prev = ensure(prefix .. name .. '$previous') prev.value = previousName prev:save() end child:save() --new child dfhack.persistent.save({key=prefix .. name, value=arg}, true) end --print(n,arg,previousName,child.key,child.value) previousName = name name = child.value end return child end function deleteTable(name) if not name then do return end end local previous = ensure(prefix .. name .. '$previous').value local children = dfhack.persistent.get_all(prefix .. name) or {} for _,child in ipairs(children) do --print('delete: ', name, previous, child) local ptr = ensure(prefix .. name .. '$$' .. child.value) if ( ptr.ints[1] == 0 ) then --releasesym(ptr.value) deleteTable(ptr.value) end ptr:delete() child:delete() end ensure(prefix .. name .. '$previous'):delete() ensure(prefix .. name .. '$size'):delete() if previous ~= '' then local size = ensure(prefix .. previous .. '$size') size.value = tostring(-1 + tonumber(size.value)) size:save() local children = dfhack.persistent.get_all(prefix .. previous) or {} for _,sibling in ipairs(children) do --print(sibling.value, name, previous .. '$$' .. sibling.value) local ptr = ensure(prefix .. previous .. '$$' .. sibling.value) if ptr.value == name then ptr:delete() sibling:delete() end end end releasesym(name) end function setTable(...) local args = {...} local last = args[#args] table.remove(args,#args) --table.setn(args, #args-1) local entry = accessTable(table.unpack(args)) local old = entry.value if entry.ints[1] == 0 then deleteTable(old) end entry.ints[1] = -1 entry.value = last entry:save() return old end return _ENV