-- Common startup file for all dfhack plugins with lua support -- The global dfhack table is already created by C++ init code. -- Console color constants COLOR_RESET = -1 COLOR_BLACK = 0 COLOR_BLUE = 1 COLOR_GREEN = 2 COLOR_CYAN = 3 COLOR_RED = 4 COLOR_MAGENTA = 5 COLOR_BROWN = 6 COLOR_GREY = 7 COLOR_DARKGREY = 8 COLOR_LIGHTBLUE = 9 COLOR_LIGHTGREEN = 10 COLOR_LIGHTCYAN = 11 COLOR_LIGHTRED = 12 COLOR_LIGHTMAGENTA = 13 COLOR_YELLOW = 14 COLOR_WHITE = 15 -- Error handling safecall = dfhack.safecall function dfhack.pcall(f, ...) return xpcall(f, dfhack.onerror, ...) end -- Module loading function mkmodule(module,env) local pkg = package.loaded[module] if pkg == nil then pkg = {} else if type(pkg) ~= 'table' then error("Not a table in package.loaded["..module.."]") end end setmetatable(pkg, { __index = (env or _G) }) return pkg end function reload(module) if type(package.loaded[module]) ~= 'table' then error("Module not loaded: "..module) end local path,err = package.searchpath(module,package.path) if not path then error(err) end dofile(path) end -- Misc functions function printall(table) if table == nil then return end for k,v in pairs(table) do print(k," = "..tostring(v)) end end function dfhack.persistent:__tostring() return "" end -- Feed the table back to the require() mechanism. return dfhack