Original code:

.text:087AC378                 cmp     edx, eax
.text:087AC37A                 mov     [esp+4Ch], eax
.text:087AC37E                 jnb     loc_87A7034
.text:087AC384                 mov     [esp+48h], edx
.text:087AC388                 mov     [esp+54h], ebx
.text:087AC440                 add     dword ptr [esp+48h], 4
.text:087AC445                 mov     ebp, [esp+48h]
.text:087AC449                 cmp     [esp+4Ch], ebp
.text:087AC44D                 ja      loc_87AC38C


89 44 24 4C
89 54 24 4C

.text:087AC37A                 mov     [esp+4Ch], edx

89 54 24 48  89 5C 24 54
E8 8A 51 8A  FF 90 90 90

.text:087AC384                 call    sub_8051513
.text:087AC389                 nop
.text:087AC38A                 nop
.text:087AC38B                 nop

83 44 24 48 04 8B 6C 24  48 39 6C 24 4C 0F 87 39  FF FF FF
83 6C 24 48 04 8B 6C 24  48 39 6C 24 4C 0F 86 39  FF FF FF

.text:087AC440                 sub     dword ptr [esp+48h], 4
.text:087AC445                 mov     ebp, [esp+48h]
.text:087AC449                 cmp     [esp+4Ch], ebp
.text:087AC44D                 jbe     loc_87AC38C

90 90 90 90 90  90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
83 E8 04 89 44  24 4C 89 5C 24 58 C3 90

.text:08051513 sub_8051513     proc near
.text:08051513                 sub     eax, 4
.text:08051516                 mov     [esp+4Ch], eax ; 48h
.text:0805151A                 mov     [esp+58h], ebx ; 54h
.text:0805151E                 retn
.text:0805151E sub_8051513     endp

You can use this script to apply the generated patch below:

This difference file is created by The Interactive Disassembler

00009513: 90 83
00009514: 90 E8
00009515: 90 04
00009516: 90 89
00009517: 90 44
00009518: 90 24
00009519: 90 4C
0000951A: 90 89
0000951B: 90 5C
0000951C: 90 24
0000951D: 90 58
0000951E: 90 C3
0076437B: 44 54
00764384: 89 E8
00764385: 54 8A
00764386: 24 51
00764387: 48 8A
00764388: 89 FF
00764389: 5C 90
0076438A: 24 90
0076438B: 54 90
00764441: 44 6C
0076444E: 87 86