// Just show some position data #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::vector; using std::string; using namespace DFHack; DFhackCExport command_result df_probe (Core * c, vector & parameters); DFhackCExport command_result df_cprobe (Core * c, vector & parameters); DFhackCExport const char * plugin_name ( void ) { return "probe"; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init ( Core * c, std::vector &commands) { commands.clear(); commands.push_back(PluginCommand("probe", "A tile probe", df_probe)); commands.push_back(PluginCommand("cprobe", "A creature probe", df_cprobe)); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown ( Core * c ) { return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result df_cprobe (Core * c, vector & parameters) { Console & con = c->con; BEGIN_PROBE: c->Suspend(); DFHack::Gui *Gui = c->getGui(); DFHack::Creatures * cr = c->getCreatures(); int32_t cursorX, cursorY, cursorZ; Gui->getCursorCoords(cursorX,cursorY,cursorZ); if(cursorX == -30000) { con.printerr("No cursor; place cursor over creature to probe.\n"); } else { uint32_t ncr; cr->Start(ncr); for(auto i = 0; i < ncr; i++) { df_creature * unit = cr->GetCreature( i ); if(unit->x == cursorX && unit->y == cursorY && unit->z == cursorZ) { con.print("Creature %d, race %d (%x), civ %d (%x)\n", unit->id, unit->race, unit->race, unit->civ, unit->civ); break; } } } c->Resume(); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result df_probe (Core * c, vector & parameters) { //bool showBlock, showDesig, showOccup, showTile, showMisc; Console & con = c->con; /* if (!parseOptions(parameters, showBlock, showDesig, showOccup, showTile, showMisc)) { con.printerr("Unknown parameters!\n"); return CR_FAILURE; } */ BEGIN_PROBE: c->Suspend(); DFHack::Gui *Gui = c->getGui(); DFHack::Materials *Materials = c->getMaterials(); DFHack::VersionInfo* mem = c->vinfo; DFHack::Maps *Maps = c->getMaps(); std::vector inorganic; bool hasmats = Materials->CopyInorganicMaterials(inorganic); if(!Maps->Start()) { con.printerr("Unable to access map data!\n"); } else { MapExtras::MapCache mc (Maps); int32_t regionX, regionY, regionZ; Maps->getPosition(regionX,regionY,regionZ); bool have_features = Maps->StartFeatures(); int32_t cursorX, cursorY, cursorZ; Gui->getCursorCoords(cursorX,cursorY,cursorZ); if(cursorX == -30000) { con.printerr("No cursor; place cursor over tile to probe.\n"); } else { DFCoord cursor (cursorX,cursorY,cursorZ); uint32_t blockX = cursorX / 16; uint32_t tileX = cursorX % 16; uint32_t blockY = cursorY / 16; uint32_t tileY = cursorY % 16; MapExtras::Block * b = mc.BlockAt(cursor/16); mapblock40d & block = b->raw; if(b) { con.print("block addr: 0x%x\n\n", block.origin); /* if (showBlock) { con.print("block flags:\n"); print_bits(block.blockflags.whole,con); con.print("\n\n"); } */ int16_t tiletype = mc.tiletypeAt(cursor); naked_designation &des = block.designation[tileX][tileY].bits; /* if(showDesig) { con.print("designation\n"); print_bits(block.designation[tileX][tileY].whole, con); con.print("\n\n"); } if(showOccup) { con.print("occupancy\n"); print_bits(block.occupancy[tileX][tileY].whole, con); con.print("\n\n"); } */ // tiletype con.print("tiletype: %d", tiletype); if(tileName(tiletype)) con.print(" = %s",tileName(tiletype)); con.print("\n"); DFHack::TileShape shape = tileShape(tiletype); DFHack::TileMaterial material = tileMaterial(tiletype); DFHack::TileSpecial special = tileSpecial(tiletype); con.print("%-10s: %4d %s\n","Class" ,shape, TileShapeString[ shape ]); con.print("%-10s: %4d %s\n","Material" , material,TileMaterialString[ material ]); con.print("%-10s: %4d %s\n","Special" , special, TileSpecialString[ special ]); con.print("%-10s: %4d\n" ,"Variant" , tileVariant(tiletype)); con.print("%-10s: %s\n" ,"Direction", tileDirection(tiletype).getStr()); con.print("\n"); con.print("temperature1: %d U\n",mc.temperature1At(cursor)); con.print("temperature2: %d U\n",mc.temperature2At(cursor)); // biome, geolayer con << "biome: " << des.biome << std::endl; con << "geolayer: " << des.geolayer_index << std::endl; int16_t base_rock = mc.baseMaterialAt(cursor); if(base_rock != -1) { con << "Layer material: " << dec << base_rock; if(hasmats) con << " / " << inorganic[base_rock].id << " / " << inorganic[base_rock].name << endl; else con << endl; } int16_t vein_rock = mc.veinMaterialAt(cursor); if(vein_rock != -1) { con << "Vein material (final): " << dec << vein_rock; if(hasmats) con << " / " << inorganic[vein_rock].id << " / " << inorganic[vein_rock].name << endl; else con << endl; } // liquids if(des.flow_size) { if(des.liquid_type == DFHack::liquid_magma) con <<"magma: "; else con <<"water: "; con << des.flow_size << std::endl; } if(des.flow_forbid) con << "flow forbid" << std::endl; if(des.pile) con << "stockpile?" << std::endl; if(des.rained) con << "rained?" << std::endl; if(des.smooth) con << "smooth?" << std::endl; if(des.water_salt) con << "salty" << endl; if(des.water_stagnant) con << "stagnant" << endl; #define PRINT_FLAG( X ) con.print("%-16s= %c\n", #X , ( des.X ? 'Y' : ' ' ) ) PRINT_FLAG( hidden ); PRINT_FLAG( light ); PRINT_FLAG( skyview ); PRINT_FLAG( subterranean ); PRINT_FLAG( water_table ); PRINT_FLAG( rained ); DFCoord pc(blockX, blockY); if(have_features) { t_feature * local = 0; t_feature * global = 0; Maps->ReadFeatures(&(b->raw),&local,&global); PRINT_FLAG( feature_local ); if(local) { con.print("%-16s", ""); con.print(" %4d", block.local_feature); con.print(" (%2d)", local->type); con.print(" addr 0x%X ", local->origin); con.print(" %s\n", sa_feature(local->type)); } PRINT_FLAG( feature_global ); if(global) { con.print("%-16s", ""); con.print(" %4d", block.global_feature); con.print(" (%2d)", global->type); con.print(" %s\n", sa_feature(global->type)); } } else { PRINT_FLAG( feature_local ); PRINT_FLAG( feature_global ); } #undef PRINT_FLAG con << "local feature idx: " << block.local_feature << endl; con << "global feature idx: " << block.global_feature << endl; con << "mystery: " << block.mystery << endl; con << std::endl; } } } c->Resume(); return CR_OK; }