-- trigger commands before/after reactions produce items -- author expwnent --@ module = true --[[=begin modtools/reaction-product-trigger ================================= This triggers dfhack commands when reaction products are produced, once per product. =end]] local eventful = require 'plugins.eventful' local utils = require 'utils' --TODO: onUnload productHooks = productHooks or {} reactionInputItems = reactionInputItems function preserveReagents() reactionInputItems:resize(0) end eventful.enableEvent(eventful.eventType.UNLOAD,1) eventful.onUnload.reactionProductTrigger = function() productHooks = {} end --productHooks.before = productHooks.before or {} --productHooks.after = productHooks.after or {} local function processArgs(args, reaction, reaction_product, unit, input_items, input_reagents, output_items, buildingId) local result = {} for _,arg in ipairs(args) do if arg == '\\WORKER_ID' then table.insert(result,tostring(unit.id)) elseif arg == '\\REACTION' then table.insert(result,reaction.code) -- elseif arg == '\\REACTION_PRODUCT' then -- table.insert(result,reaction_product) elseif arg == '\\INPUT_ITEMS' then --table.insert(result,'[') for _,item in ipairs(input_items) do table.insert(result,tostring(item.id)) end --table.insert(result,']') elseif arg == '\\OUTPUT_ITEMS' then --table.insert(result,'[') for _,item in ipairs(output_items) do table.insert(result,tostring(item.id)) end --table.insert(result,']') elseif arg == '\\BUILDING_ID' then table.insert(result,tostring(buildingId)) elseif string.sub(arg,1,1) == '\\' then table.insert(result,string.sub(arg,2)) else table.insert(result,arg) end end return result end local function afterProduce(reaction,reaction_product,unit,input_items,input_reagents,output_items) --printall(unit.job.current_job) local _,buildingId = dfhack.script_environment('modtools/reaction-trigger').getWorkerAndBuilding(unit.job.current_job) for _,hook in ipairs(productHooks[reaction.code] or {}) do local command = hook.command local processed = processArgs(command, reaction, reaction_product, unit, input_items, input_reagents, output_items, buildingId) dfhack.run_command(table.unpack(processed)) end end eventful.onReactionComplete.reactionProductTrigger = function(reaction,reaction_product,unit,input_items,input_reagents,output_items) reactionInputItems = input_items afterProduce(reaction,reaction_product,unit,input_items,input_reagents,output_items) reactionInputItems = nil end validArgs = validArgs or utils.invert({ 'help', 'clear', 'reactionName', 'command', }) if moduleMode then return end local args = {...} or {} args = utils.processArgs(args, validArgs) if args.help then print([[scripts/modtools/reaction-product-trigger.lua arguments: -help print this help message -clear unregister all reaction hooks -reactionName name specify the name of the reaction -command [ commandStrs ] specify the command to be run on the target(s) special args \\WORKER_ID \\REACTION \\BUILDING_ID \\LOCATION \\INPUT_ITEMS \\OUTPUT_ITEMS \\anything -> \anything anything -> anything ]]) return end if args.clear then productHooks = {} end if not args.reactionName then error('No reactionName.') end if not args.command then error('No command.') end productHooks[args.reactionName] = productHooks[args.reactionName] or {} table.insert(productHooks[args.reactionName], args)