-- trigger commands based on attacks with certain items --author expwnent --based on itemsyndrome by Putnam --triggers scripts when a unit attacks another with a weapon type, a weapon of a particular material, or a weapon contaminated with a particular material, or when a unit equips/unequips a particular item type, an item of a particular material, or an item contaminated with a particular material --[[=begin modtools/item-trigger ===================== This powerful tool triggers DFHack commands when a unit equips, unequips, or attacks another unit with specified item types, specified item materials, or specified item contaminants. =end]] local eventful = require 'plugins.eventful' local utils = require 'utils' itemTriggers = itemTriggers or {} materialTriggers = materialTriggers or {} contaminantTriggers = contaminantTriggers or {} eventful.enableEvent(eventful.eventType.UNIT_ATTACK,1) -- this event type is cheap, so checking every tick is fine eventful.enableEvent(eventful.eventType.INVENTORY_CHANGE,5) --this is expensive, but you might still want to set it lower eventful.enableEvent(eventful.eventType.UNLOAD,1) eventful.onUnload.itemTrigger = function() itemTriggers = {} materialTriggers = {} contaminantTriggers = {} end function processTrigger(command) local command2 = {} for i,arg in ipairs(command.command) do if arg == '\\ATTACKER_ID' then command2[i] = '' .. command.attacker.id elseif arg == '\\DEFENDER_ID' then command2[i] = '' .. command.defender.id elseif arg == '\\ITEM_MATERIAL' then command2[i] = command.itemMat:getToken() elseif arg == '\\ITEM_MATERIAL_TYPE' then command2[i] = command.itemMat['type'] elseif arg == '\\ITEM_MATERIAL_INDEX' then command2[i] = command.itemMat.index elseif arg == '\\ITEM_ID' then command2[i] = '' .. command.item.id elseif arg == '\\ITEM_TYPE' then command2[i] = command.itemType elseif arg == '\\CONTAMINANT_MATERIAL' then command2[i] = command.contaminantMat:getToken() elseif arg == '\\CONTAMINANT_MATERIAL_TYPE' then command2[i] = command.contaminantMat['type'] elseif arg == '\\CONTAMINANT_MATERIAL_INDEX' then command2[i] = command.contaminantMat.index elseif arg == '\\MODE' then command2[i] = command.mode elseif arg == '\\UNIT_ID' then command2[i] = command.unit.id elseif string.sub(arg,1,1) == '\\' then command2[i] = string.sub(arg,2) else command2[i] = arg end end dfhack.run_command(table.unpack(command2)) end function getitemType(item) if item:getSubtype() ~= -1 then itemType = dfhack.items.getSubtypeDef(item:getType(),item:getSubtype()).id else itemType = df.item_type[item:getType()] end return itemType end function handler(table) local itemMat = dfhack.matinfo.decode(table.item) local itemMatStr = itemMat:getToken() local itemType = getitemType(table.item) table.itemMat = itemMat table.itemType = itemType for _,command in ipairs(itemTriggers[itemType] or {}) do if command[table.mode] then utils.fillTable(command,table) processTrigger(command) utils.unfillTable(command,table) end end for _,command in ipairs(materialTriggers[itemMatStr] or {}) do if command[table.mode] then utils.fillTable(command,table) processTrigger(command) utils.unfillTable(command,table) end end for _,contaminant in ipairs(table.item.contaminants or {}) do local contaminantMat = dfhack.matinfo.decode(contaminant.mat_type, contaminant.mat_index) local contaminantStr = contaminantMat:getToken() table.contaminantMat = contaminantMat for _,command in ipairs(contaminantTriggers[contaminantStr] or {}) do utils.fillTable(command,table) processTrigger(command) utils.unfillTable(command,table) end table.contaminantMat = nil end end function equipHandler(unit, item, isEquip) local mode = (isEquip and 'onEquip') or (not isEquip and 'onUnequip') local table = {} table.mode = mode table.item = df.item.find(item) table.unit = df.unit.find(unit) handler(table) end eventful.onInventoryChange.equipmentTrigger = function(unit, item, item_old, item_new) if item_old and item_new then return end local isEquip = item_new and not item_old equipHandler(unit,item,isEquip) end eventful.onUnitAttack.attackTrigger = function(attacker,defender,wound) attacker = df.unit.find(attacker) defender = df.unit.find(defender) if not attacker then return end local attackerWeapon for _,item in ipairs(attacker.inventory) do if item.mode == df.unit_inventory_item.T_mode.Weapon then attackerWeapon = item.item break end end if not attackerWeapon then return end local table = {} table.attacker = attacker table.defender = defender table.item = attackerWeapon table.mode = 'onStrike' handler(table) end validArgs = validArgs or utils.invert({ 'clear', 'help', 'checkAttackEvery', 'checkInventoryEvery', 'command', 'itemType', 'onStrike', 'onEquip', 'onUnequip', 'material', 'contaminant', }) local args = utils.processArgs({...}, validArgs) if args.help then print([[scripts/modtools/item-trigger.lua usage arguments: -help print this help message -clear clear all registered triggers -checkAttackEvery n check the attack event at least every n ticks -checkInventoryEvery n check inventory event at least every n ticks -itemType type trigger the command for items of this type examples: ITEM_WEAPON_PICK RING -onStrike trigger the command when someone strikes someone with an appropriate weapon -onEquip trigger the command when someone equips an appropriate item -onUnequip trigger the command when someone unequips an appropriate item -material mat trigger the commmand on items with the given material examples INORGANIC:IRON CREATURE_MAT:DWARF:BRAIN PLANT_MAT:MUSHROOM_HELMET_PLUMP:DRINK -contaminant mat trigger the command on items with a given material contaminant examples INORGANIC:IRON CREATURE_MAT:DWARF:BRAIN PLANT_MAT:MUSHROOM_HELMET_PLUMP:DRINK -command [ commandStrs ] specify the command to be executed commandStrs \\ATTACKER_ID \\DEFENDER_ID \\ITEM_MATERIAL \\ITEM_MATERIAL_TYPE \\ITEM_ID \\ITEM_TYPE \\CONTAMINANT_MATERIAL \\CONTAMINANT_MATERIAL_TYPE \\CONTAMINANT_MATERIAL_INDEX \\MODE \\UNIT_ID \\anything -> \anything anything -> anything ]]) return end if args.clear then itemTriggers = {} materialTriggers = {} contaminantTriggers = {} end if args.checkAttackEvery then if not tonumber(args.checkAttackEvery) then error('checkAttackEvery must be a number') end eventful.enableEvent(eventful.eventType.UNIT_ATTACK,tonumber(args.checkAttackEvery)) end if args.checkInventoryEvery then if not tonumber(args.checkInventoryEvery) then error('checkInventoryEvery must be a number') end eventful.enableEvent(eventful.eventType.INVENTORY_CHANGE,tonumber(args.checkInventoryEvery)) end if not args.command then if not args.clear then error 'specify a command' end return end if args.itemType then if dfhack.items.findType(args.itemType) == -1 then local temp for _,itemdef in ipairs(df.global.world.raws.itemdefs.all) do if itemdef.id == args.itemType then temp = args.itemType --itemdef.subtype break end end if not temp then error 'Could not find item type.' end args.itemType = temp end end local numConditions = (args.material and 1 or 0) + (args.itemType and 1 or 0) + (args.contaminant and 1 or 0) if numConditions > 1 then error 'too many conditions defined: not (yet) supported (pester expwnent if you want it)' elseif numConditions == 0 then error 'specify a material, weaponType, or contaminant' end if args.material then if not materialTriggers[args.material] then materialTriggers[args.material] = {} end table.insert(materialTriggers[args.material],args) elseif args.itemType then if not itemTriggers[args.itemType] then itemTriggers[args.itemType] = {} end table.insert(itemTriggers[args.itemType],args) elseif args.contaminant then if not contaminantTriggers[args.contaminant] then contaminantTriggers[args.contaminant] = {} end table.insert(contaminantTriggers[args.contaminant],args) end