-- Add or remove syndromes from units --author expwnent --[[=begin modtools/add-syndrome ===================== This allows adding and removing syndromes from units. =end]] local syndromeUtil = require 'syndrome-util' local utils = require 'utils' validArgs = validArgs or utils.invert({ 'help', 'syndrome', 'resetPolicy', 'erase', 'eraseOldest', 'eraseAll', 'target', 'skipImmunities', 'eraseClass' }) local args = utils.processArgs({...}, validArgs) if args.help then print([[scripts/modtools/add-syndrome usage: arguments: -help print this help message -syndrome name the name of the syndrome to operate on examples: "gila monster bite" -resetPolicy policy specify a policy of what to do if the unit already has an instance of the syndrome examples: NewInstance default behavior: create a new instance of the syndrome DoNothing ResetDuration AddDuration -erase instead of adding an instance of the syndrome, erase one -eraseAll erase every instance of the syndrome -eraseClass SYN_CLASS erase every instance of every syndrome with the given SYN_CLASS -target id the unit id of the target unit examples: 0 28 -skipImmunities add the syndrome to the target regardless of whether it is immune to the syndrome ]]) return end if not args.target then error 'Specify a target.' end local targ = df.unit.find(tonumber(args.target)) if not targ then error ('Could not find target: ' .. args.target) end args.target = targ if args.eraseClass then local count = syndromeUtil.eraseSyndromeClass(args.target, args.eraseClass) --print('deleted ' .. tostring(count) .. ' syndromes') return end if args.resetPolicy then args.resetPolicy = syndromeUtil.ResetPolicy[args.resetPolicy] if not args.resetPolicy then error ('Invalid reset policy.') end end if not args.syndrome then error 'Specify a syndrome name.' end local syndrome for _,syn in ipairs(df.global.world.raws.syndromes.all) do if syn.syn_name == args.syndrome then syndrome = syn break end end if not syndrome then error ('Invalid syndrome: ' .. args.syndrome) end args.syndrome = syndrome if args.erase then syndromeUtil.eraseSyndrome(args.target,args.syndrome.id,args.eraseOldest) return end if args.eraseAll then syndromeUtil.eraseSyndromes(args.target,args.syndrome.id) return end if skipImmunities then syndromeUtil.infectWithSyndrome(args.target,args.syndrome,args.resetPolicy) else syndromeUtil.infectWithSyndromeIfValidTarget(args.target,args.syndrome,args.resetPolicy) end