-- Inject new raw definitions into the world --[[=begin devel/inject-raws ================= WARNING: THIS SCRIPT CAN PERMANENLY DAMAGE YOUR SAVE. This script attempts to inject new raw objects into your world. If the injected references do not match the actual edited raws, your save will refuse to load, or load but crash. This script can handle reaction, item and building definitions. The savegame contains a list of the relevant definition tokens in the right order, but all details are read from raws every time. This allows just adding stub definitions, and simply saving and reloading the game. This is useful enough for modders and some users to justify the danger. Usage example:: devel/inject-raws trapcomp ITEM_TRAPCOMP_STEAM_PISTON workshop STEAM_ENGINE MAGMA_STEAM_ENGINE reaction STOKE_BOILER =end]] local utils = require 'utils' local raws = df.global.world.raws print[[ WARNING: THIS SCRIPT CAN PERMANENLY DAMAGE YOUR SAVE. This script attempts to inject new raw objects into your world. If the injected references do not match the actual edited raws, your save will refuse to load, or load but crash. ]] if not utils.prompt_yes_no('Did you make a backup?') then qerror('Not backed up.') end df.global.pause_state = true local changed = false function inject_reaction(name) for _,v in ipairs(raws.reactions) do if v.code == name then print('Reaction '..name..' already exists.') return end end print('Injecting reaction '..name) changed = true raws.reactions:insert('#', { new = true, code = name, name = 'Dummy reaction '..name, index = #raws.reactions, }) end local building_types = { workshop = { df.building_def_workshopst, raws.buildings.workshops }, furnace = { df.building_def_furnacest, raws.buildings.furnaces }, } function inject_building(btype, name) for _,v in ipairs(raws.buildings.all) do if v.code == name then print('Building '..name..' already exists.') return end end print('Injecting building '..name) changed = true local typeinfo = building_types[btype] local id = raws.buildings.next_id raws.buildings.next_id = id+1 raws.buildings.all:insert('#', { new = typeinfo[1], code = name, name = 'Dummy '..btype..' '..name, id = id, }) typeinfo[2]:insert('#', raws.buildings.all[#raws.buildings.all-1]) end local itemdefs = raws.itemdefs local item_types = { weapon = { df.itemdef_weaponst, itemdefs.weapons, 'weapon_type' }, trainweapon = { df.itemdef_weaponst, itemdefs.weapons, 'training_weapon_type' }, pick = { df.itemdef_weaponst, itemdefs.weapons, 'digger_type' }, trapcomp = { df.itemdef_trapcompst, itemdefs.trapcomps, 'trapcomp_type' }, toy = { df.itemdef_toyst, itemdefs.toys, 'toy_type' }, tool = { df.itemdef_toolst, itemdefs.tools, 'tool_type' }, instrument = { df.itemdef_instrumentst, itemdefs.instruments, 'instrument_type' }, armor = { df.itemdef_armorst, itemdefs.armor, 'armor_type' }, ammo = { df.itemdef_ammost, itemdefs.ammo, 'ammo_type' }, siegeammo = { df.itemdef_siegeammost, itemdefs.siege_ammo, 'siegeammo_type' }, gloves = { df.itemdef_glovest, itemdefs.gloves, 'gloves_type' }, shoes = { df.itemdef_shoest, itemdefs.shoes, 'shoes_type' }, shield = { df.itemdef_shieldst, itemdefs.shields, 'shield_type' }, helm = { df.itemdef_helmst, itemdefs.helms, 'helm_type' }, pants = { df.itemdef_pantsst, itemdefs.pants, 'pants_type' }, food = { df.itemdef_foodst, itemdefs.food }, } function add_to_civ(entity, bvec, id) for _,v in ipairs(entity.resources[bvec]) do if v == id then return end end entity.resources[bvec]:insert('#', id) end function add_to_dwarf_civs(btype, id) local typeinfo = item_types[btype] if not typeinfo[3] then print('Not adding to civs.') end for _,entity in ipairs(df.global.world.entities.all) do if entity.race == df.global.ui.race_id then add_to_civ(entity, typeinfo[3], id) end end end function inject_item(btype, name) for _,v in ipairs(itemdefs.all) do if v.id == name then print('Itemdef '..name..' already exists.') return end end print('Injecting item '..name) changed = true local typeinfo = item_types[btype] local vec = typeinfo[2] local id = #vec vec:insert('#', { new = typeinfo[1], id = name, subtype = id, name = name, name_plural = name, }) itemdefs.all:insert('#', vec[id]) add_to_dwarf_civs(btype, id) end local args = {...} local mode = nil local ops = {} for _,kv in ipairs(args) do if mode and string.match(kv, '^[%u_]+$') then table.insert(ops, curry(mode, kv)) elseif kv == 'reaction' then mode = inject_reaction elseif building_types[kv] then mode = curry(inject_building, kv) elseif item_types[kv] then mode = curry(inject_item, kv) else qerror('Invalid option: '..kv) end end if #ops > 0 then print('') for _,v in ipairs(ops) do v() end end if changed then print('\nNow without unpausing save and reload the game to re-read raws.') else print('\nNo changes made.') end