
Tags: productivity, unit, adventure

Collects all widgets into a frobozz electric cromufiler. You might want to do
this if you discover that your widgets have become decromulated. It is safe to
run this command periodically even if you are unsure if that's the case.


    cromulate [all|here] [<options>]

When run without parameters, it lists all your widgets. Add the ``all`` keyword
to collect all widgets into the cromufiler, or the ``here`` keyword to just
collect those under the cursor.


:``-d``, ``--destroy``:
    Destroy the widgets instead of collecting them into the cromufiler.
:``-q``, ``--quiet``:
    Don't display any informational output. Errors will still be printed to the


- ``cromulate``
    Lists all widgets and their positions
- ``cromlate all``
    Gather all widgets into the cromufiler
- ``cromulate here --destroy``
    Destroys the widgets under the cursor