.. _dfhack-core:

DFHack Core

.. contents:: Contents
  :depth: 2

Command Implementation
DFHack commands can be implemented in three ways, all of which
are used in the same way:

:builtin:   commands are implemented by the core of DFHack. They manage
            other DFHack tools, interpret commands, and control basic
            aspects of DF (force pause or quit).

:plugins:   are stored in ``hack/plugins/`` and must be compiled with the
            same version of DFHack.  They are less flexible than scripts,
            but used for complex or ongoing tasks because they run faster.

:scripts:   are Ruby or Lua scripts stored in ``hack/scripts/``.
            Because they don't need to be compiled, scripts are
            more flexible about versions, and easier to distribute.
            Most third-party DFHack addons are scripts.

Using DFHack Commands
DFHack commands can be executed in a number of ways:

#. Typing the command into the DFHack console (see below)
#. From the OS terminal (see below)
#. Pressing a key combination set up with `keybinding`
#. From one of several `init-files`, automatically
#. Using `script` to run a batch of commands from a file

The DFHack Console
The command line has some nice line editing capabilities, including history
that's preserved between different runs of DF - use :kbd:`↑` and :kbd:`↓`
to go through the history.

To include whitespace in the argument/s to some command, quote it in
double quotes.  To include a double quote character, use ``\"``.

If the first non-whitespace character is ``:``, the command is parsed in
an alternative mode.  The non-whitespace characters following the ``:`` are
the command name, and the remaining part of the line is used verbatim as
the first argument.  This is very useful for the `lua` and `rb` commands.
As an example, the following two command lines are exactly equivalent::

  :foo a b "c d" e f
  foo "a b \"c d\" e f"

Using an OS terminal
DFHack commands can be run from an OS terminal at startup, using '+ args',
or at any other time using the ``dfhack-run`` executable.

If DF/DFHack is started with arguments beginning with ``+``, the remaining
text is treated as a command in the DFHack console.  It is possible to use
multiple such commands, which are split on ``+``.  For example:

.. code-block:: shell

    ./dfhack +load-save region1
    "Dwarf Fortress.exe" +devel/print-args Hello! +enable workflow

The first example (\*nix), `load-save`, skips the main menu and loads
``region1`` immediately.  The second (Windows) example prints
:guilabel:`Hello!` in the DFHack console, and `enables <enable>` `workflow`.
Note that the ``:foo`` syntax for whitespace in arguments is not compatible \
with '+ args'.

.. _dfhack-run:


If DF and DFHack are already running, calling ``dfhack-run my command``
in an external terminal is equivalent to calling ``my command`` in the
DFHack console.  Direct use of the DFHack console is generally easier,
but ``dfhack-run`` can be useful in a variety of circumstances:

- if the console is unavailable

  - with the init setting ``PRINT_MODE:TEXT``
  - while running an interactive command (e.g. `liquids` or `tiletypes`)

- from external programs or scripts
- if DF or DFHack are not responding


.. code-block:: shell

    ./dfhack-run cursecheck
    dfhack-run kill-lua

The first (\*nix) example `checks for vampires <cursecheck>`; the
second (Windows) example uses `kill-lua` to stop a Lua script.

.. note::

  ``dfhack-run`` attempts to connect to a server on TCP port 5000. If DFHack
  was unable to start this server, ``dfhack-run`` will not be able to connect.
  This could happen if you have other software listening on port 5000, or if
  you have multiple copies of DF running simultaneously. To assign a different
  port, see `remote-server-config`.

Built-in Commands
The following commands are provided by the 'core' components
of DFHack, rather than plugins or scripts.

.. contents::

.. _alias:

The ``alias`` command allows configuring aliases to other DFHack commands.
Aliases are resolved immediately after built-in commands, which means that an
alias cannot override a built-in command, but can override a command implemented
by a plugin or script.


:``alias list``: lists all configured aliases
:``alias add <name> <command> [arguments...]``: adds an alias
:``alias replace <name> <command> [arguments...]``: replaces an existing
    alias with a new command, or adds the alias if it does not already exist
:``alias delete <name>``: removes the specified alias

Aliases can be given additional arguments when created and invoked, which will
be passed to the underlying command in order. An example with `devel/print-args`::

    [DFHack]# alias add pargs devel/print-args example
    [DFHack]# pargs text

.. _cls:

Clear the terminal.  Does not delete command history.

.. _die:

Instantly kills DF without saving.

.. _disable:

.. _enable:

Many plugins can be in a distinct enabled or disabled state. Some of
them activate and deactivate automatically depending on the contents
of the world raws. Others store their state in world data. However a
number of them have to be enabled globally, and the init file is the
right place to do it.

Most such plugins or scripts support the built-in ``enable`` and ``disable``
commands. Calling them at any time without arguments prints a list
of enabled and disabled plugins, and shows whether that can be changed
through the same commands. Passing plugin names to these commands will enable
or disable the specified plugins. For example, to enable the `manipulator`

  enable manipulator

It is also possible to enable or disable multiple plugins at once::

  enable manipulator search

.. _fpause:

Forces DF to pause. This is useful when your FPS drops below 1 and you lose
control of the game.

.. _help:

Most commands support using the ``help <command>`` built-in command
to retrieve further help without having to look at this document.
``? <cmd>`` and ``man <cmd>`` are aliases.

Some commands (including many scripts) instead take ``help`` or ``?``
as an option on their command line - ie ``<cmd> help``.

.. _hide:

Hides the DFHack terminal window.  Only available on Windows.

.. _keybinding:

To set keybindings, use the built-in ``keybinding`` command. Like any other
command it can be used at any time from the console, but bindings are not
remembered between runs of the game unless re-created in `dfhack.init`.

Currently, any combinations of Ctrl/Alt/Shift with A-Z, 0-9, or F1-F12 are supported.

Possible ways to call the command:

``keybinding list <key>``
  List bindings active for the key combination.
``keybinding clear <key> <key>...``
  Remove bindings for the specified keys.
``keybinding add <key> "cmdline" "cmdline"...``
  Add bindings for the specified key.
``keybinding set <key> "cmdline" "cmdline"...``
  Clear, and then add bindings for the specified key.

The ``<key>`` parameter above has the following *case-sensitive* syntax::


where the *KEY* part can be any recognized key and [] denote optional parts.

When multiple commands are bound to the same key combination, DFHack selects
the first applicable one. Later ``add`` commands, and earlier entries within one
``add`` command have priority. Commands that are not specifically intended for use
as a hotkey are always considered applicable.

The ``context`` part in the key specifier above can be used to explicitly restrict
the UI state where the binding would be applicable. If called without parameters,
the ``keybinding`` command among other things prints the current context string.

Only bindings with a ``context`` tag that either matches the current context fully,
or is a prefix ending at a ``/`` boundary would be considered for execution, i.e.
when in context ``foo/bar/baz``, keybindings restricted to any of ``@foo/bar/baz``,
``@foo/bar``, ``@foo`` or none will be active.

Multiple contexts can be specified by separating them with a
pipe (``|``) - for example, ``@foo|bar|baz/foo`` would match
anything under ``@foo``, ``@bar``, or ``@baz/foo``.

Interactive commands like `liquids` cannot be used as hotkeys.

.. _kill-lua:

Stops any currently-running Lua scripts. By default, scripts can
only be interrupted every 256 instructions. Use ``kill-lua force``
to interrupt the next instruction.

.. _load:
.. _unload:
.. _reload:

``load``, ``unload``, and ``reload`` control whether a plugin is loaded
into memory - note that plugins are loaded but disabled unless you do
something.  Usage::

    load|unload|reload PLUGIN|(-a|--all)

Allows dealing with plugins individually by name, or all at once.

Note that plugins do not maintain their enabled state if they are reloaded, so
you may need to use `enable` to re-enable a plugin after reloading it.

.. _ls:

``ls`` does not list files like the Unix command, but rather
available commands - first built in commands, then plugins,
and scripts at the end.  Usage:

:ls -a:         Also list scripts in subdirectories of ``hack/scripts/``,
                which are generally not intended for direct use.
:ls <plugin>:   List subcommands for the given plugin.

.. _plug:

Lists available plugins, including their state and detailed description.

        Lists available plugins (*not* commands implemented by plugins)
``plug [PLUGIN] [PLUGIN] ...``
        List state and detailed description of the given plugins,
        including commands implemented by the plugin.

.. _sc-script:

Allows additional scripts to be run when certain events occur
(similar to onLoad*.init scripts)

.. _script:

Reads a text file, and runs each line as a DFHack command
as if it had been typed in by the user - treating the
input like `an init file <init-files>`.

Some other tools, such as `autobutcher` and `workflow`, export
their settings as the commands to create them - which are later
loaded with ``script``

.. _show:

Shows the terminal window after it has been `hidden <hide>`.
Only available on Windows.  You'll need to use it from a
`keybinding` set beforehand, or the in-game `command-prompt`.

.. _type:

``type command`` shows where ``command`` is implemented.

Other Commands
The following commands are *not* built-in, but offer similarly useful functions.

* `command-prompt`
* `hotkeys`
* `lua`
* `multicmd`
* `nopause`
* `quicksave`
* `rb`
* `repeat`

.. _init-files:

Init Files

.. contents::

DFHack allows users to automatically run commonly-used DFHack commands
when DF is first loaded, when a game is loaded, and when a game is unloaded.

Init scripts function the same way they would if the user manually typed
in their contents, but are much more convenient.  In order to facilitate
savegave portability, mod merging, and general organization of init files,
DFHack supports multiple init files both in the main DF directory and
save-specific init files in the save folders.

DFHack looks for init files in three places each time they could be run:

#. The main DF directory
#. :file:`data/save/{world}/raw`, where ``world`` is the current save, and
#. :file:`data/save/{world}/raw/objects`

When reading commands from dfhack.init or with the `script` command, if the final
character on a line is a backslash then the next uncommented line is considered a
continuation of that line, with the backslash deleted.  Commented lines are skipped,
so it is possible to comment out parts of a command with the ``#`` character.

.. _dfhack.init:

If your DF folder contains at least one file named ``dfhack*.init``
(where ``*`` is a placeholder for any string), then all such files
are executed in alphabetical order when DF is first started.

DFHack is distributed with :download:`/dfhack.init-example` as an example
with an up-to-date collection of basic commands; mostly setting standard
keybindings and `enabling <enable>` plugins.  You are encouraged to look
through this file to learn which features it makes available under which
key combinations.  You may also customise it and rename it to ``dfhack.init``.

If your DF folder does not contain any ``dfhack*.init`` files, the example
will be run as a fallback.

These files are best used for keybindings and enabling persistent plugins
which do not require a world to be loaded.

.. _onLoad.init:

When a world is loaded, DFHack looks for files of the form ``onLoad*.init``,
where ``*`` can be any string, including the empty string.

All matching init files will be executed in alphabetical order.
A world being loaded can mean a fortress, an adventurer, or legends mode.

These files are best used for non-persistent commands, such as setting
a `fix <scripts-fix>` script to run on `repeat`.

.. _onUnload.init:

When a world is unloaded, DFHack looks for files of the form ``onUnload*.init``.
Again, these files may be in any of the above three places.
All matching init files will be executed in alphebetical order.

Modders often use such scripts to disable tools which should not affect
an unmodded save.

.. _other_init_files:

Other init files

* ``onMapLoad*.init`` and ``onMapUnload*.init`` are run when a map,
  distinct from a world, is loaded.  This is good for map-affecting
  commands (e.g. `clean`), or avoiding issues in Legends mode.

* Any lua script named ``raw/init.d/*.lua``, in the save or main DF
  directory, will be run when any world or that save is loaded.

.. _dfhack-config:

Configuration Files

Some DFHack settings can be changed by modifying files in the ``dfhack-config``
folder (which is in the DF folder). The default versions of these files, if they
exist, are in ``dfhack-config/default`` and are installed when DFHack starts if

.. _script-paths:

Script paths

Script paths are folders that DFHack searches to find a script when a command is
run. By default, the following folders are searched, in order (relative to the
root DF folder):

1. :file:`data/save/{<region folder>}/raw/scripts` (only if a save is loaded)
2. :file:`raw/scripts`
3. :file:`hack/scripts`

For example, if ``teleport`` is run, these folders are searched in order for
``teleport.lua`` or ``teleport.rb``, and the first matching file is run.

Script paths can be added by modifying :file:`dfhack-config/script-paths.txt`.
Each line should start with one of these characters:

- ``+``: adds a script path that is searched *before* the default paths (above)
- ``-``: adds a script path that is searched *after* the default paths
- ``#``: a comment (the line is ignored)

Paths can be absolute or relative - relative paths are interpreted relative to
the root DF folder.

.. admonition:: Tip

    When developing scripts in the :source-scripts:`dfhack/scripts repo <>`,
    it may be useful to add the path to your local copy of the repo with ``+``.
    This will allow you to make changes in the repo and have them take effect
    immediately, without needing to re-install or copy scripts over manually.

Note that ``script-paths.txt`` is only read at startup, but the paths can also be
modified programmatically at any time through the `Lua API <lua-api-internal>`.

.. _env-vars:

Environment Variables

DFHack's behavior can be adjusted with some environment variables. For example,
on UNIX-like systems:

.. code-block:: shell

  DFHACK_SOME_VAR=1 ./dfhack

- ``DFHACK_PORT``: the port to use for the RPC server (used by ``dfhack-run``
  and `remotefortressreader` among others) instead of the default ``5000``. As
  with the default, if this port cannot be used, the server is not started.
  See `remote` for more details.

- ``DFHACK_DISABLE_CONSOLE``: if set, the DFHack console is not set up. This is
  the default behavior if ``PRINT_MODE:TEXT`` is set in ``data/init/init.txt``.
  Intended for situations where DFHack cannot run in a terminal window.

- ``DFHACK_HEADLESS``: if set, and ``PRINT_MODE:TEXT`` is set, DF's display will
  be hidden, and the console will be started unless ``DFHACK_DISABLE_CONSOLE``
  is also set. Intended for non-interactive gameplay only.

- ``DFHACK_NO_GLOBALS``, ``DFHACK_NO_VTABLES``: ignores all global or vtable
  addresses in ``symbols.xml``, respectively. Intended for development use -
  e.g. to make sure tools do not crash when these addresses are missing.

- ``DFHACK_NO_DEV_PLUGINS``: if set, any plugins from the plugins/devel folder
  that are built and installed will not be loaded on startup.

- ``DFHACK_LOG_MEM_RANGES`` (macOS only): if set, logs memory ranges to
  ``stderr.log``. Note that `devel/lsmem` can also do this.

- ``DFHACK_ENABLE_LUACOV``: if set, enables coverage analysis of Lua scripts.
  Use the `devel/luacov` script to generate coverage reports from the collected

Other (non-DFHack-specific) variables that affect DFHack:

- ``TERM``: if this is set to ``dumb`` or ``cons25`` on \*nix, the console will
  not support any escape sequences (arrow keys, etc.).

- ``LANG``, ``LC_CTYPE``: if either of these contain "UTF8" or "UTF-8" (not case
  sensitive), ``DF2CONSOLE()`` will produce UTF-8-encoded text. Note that this
  should be the case in most UTF-8-capable \*nix terminal emulators already.

Miscellaneous Notes
This section is for odd but important notes that don't fit anywhere else.

* If a DF :kbd:`H` hotkey is named with a DFHack command, pressing
  the corresponding :kbd:`Fx` button will run that command, instead of
  zooming to the set location.
  *This feature will be removed in a future version.*  (see :issue:`731`)

* The binaries for 0.40.15-r1 to 0.34.11-r4 are on DFFD_.
  Older versions are available here_.
  *These files will eventually be migrated to GitHub.*  (see :issue:`473`)

  .. _DFFD: https://dffd.bay12games.com/search.php?string=DFHack&id=15&limit=1000
  .. _here: https://dethware.org/dfhack/download