spectate ======== .. dfhack-tool:: :summary: Automatically follow productive dwarves. :tags: fort interface Usage ----- :: enable spectate spectate set tick-threshold spectate enable|disable When enabled, the plugin will automatically switch which dwarf is being followed periodically, preferring dwarves on z-levels with the highest job activity. To set features that toggle between two states, use {0,1} to specify which state the feature should be in. Anything else will take any positive value. Changes to plugin settings will be saved per world. Whether the plugin itself is enabled or not is not saved. Examples -------- ``spectate`` The plugin reports its feature status. ``spectate auto-unpause 1`` Enable the spectate plugin to automatically dismiss pause events caused by the game. Siege events are one example of such a game event. ``spectate tick-interval 50`` Set the tick interval the followed dwarf can be changed at back to its default value. Options ------- :no option: Show plugin status. :tick-threshold: Set the plugin's tick interval for changing the followed dwarf. Acts as a maximum follow time when used with focus-jobs enabled. (default: 50) :focus-jobs: Toggle whether the plugin should always be following a job. (default: 0) :auto-unpause: Toggle auto-dismissal of game pause events. (default: 0) :auto-disengage: Toggle auto-disengagement of plugin through player intervention while unpaused. (default: 0)