-- Display DF version information about the current save --@module = true --[[=begin devel/save-version ================== Display DF version information about the current save =end]] local function dummy() return nil end function has_field(tbl, field) return (pcall(function() assert(tbl[field] ~= nil) end)) end function class_has_field(cls, field) local obj = cls:new() local ret = has_field(obj, field) obj:delete() return ret end versions = { -- skipped v0.21-v0.28 [1287] = "0.31.01", [1288] = "0.31.02", [1289] = "0.31.03", [1292] = "0.31.04", [1295] = "0.31.05", [1297] = "0.31.06", [1300] = "0.31.08", [1304] = "0.31.09", [1305] = "0.31.10", [1310] = "0.31.11", [1311] = "0.31.12", [1323] = "0.31.13", [1325] = "0.31.14", [1326] = "0.31.15", [1327] = "0.31.16", [1340] = "0.31.17", [1341] = "0.31.18", [1351] = "0.31.19", [1353] = "0.31.20", [1354] = "0.31.21", [1359] = "0.31.22", [1360] = "0.31.23", [1361] = "0.31.24", [1362] = "0.31.25", [1372] = "0.34.01", [1374] = "0.34.02", [1376] = "0.34.03", [1377] = "0.34.04", [1378] = "0.34.05", [1382] = "0.34.06", [1383] = "0.34.07", [1400] = "0.34.08", [1402] = "0.34.09", [1403] = "0.34.10", [1404] = "0.34.11", [1441] = "0.40.01", [1442] = "0.40.02", [1443] = "0.40.03", [1444] = "0.40.04", [1445] = "0.40.05", [1446] = "0.40.06", [1448] = "0.40.07", [1449] = "0.40.08", [1451] = "0.40.09", [1452] = "0.40.10", [1456] = "0.40.11", [1459] = "0.40.12", [1462] = "0.40.13", [1469] = "0.40.14", [1470] = "0.40.15", [1471] = "0.40.16", [1472] = "0.40.17", [1473] = "0.40.18", [1474] = "0.40.19", [1477] = "0.40.20", [1478] = "0.40.21", [1479] = "0.40.22", [1480] = "0.40.23", [1481] = "0.40.24", [1531] = "0.42.01", [1532] = "0.42.02", [1533] = "0.42.03", [1534] = "0.42.04", } min_version = math.huge max_version = -math.huge for k in pairs(versions) do min_version = math.min(min_version, k) max_version = math.max(max_version, k) end if class_has_field(df.world.T_cur_savegame, 'save_version') then function get_save_version() return df.global.world.cur_savegame.save_version end elseif class_has_field(df.world.T_pathfinder, 'anon_2') then function get_save_version() return df.global.world.pathfinder.anon_2 end else get_save_version = dummy end if class_has_field(df.world, 'original_save_version') then function get_original_save_version() return df.global.world.original_save_version end else get_original_save_version = dummy end function describe(version) if version == 0 then return 'no world loaded' elseif versions[version] then return versions[version] elseif version < min_version then return 'unknown old version before ' .. describe(min_version) .. ': ' .. tostring(version) elseif version > max_version then return 'unknown new version after ' .. describe(max_version) .. ': ' .. tostring(version) else return 'unknown version: ' .. tostring(version) end end function dump(desc, func) local ret = tonumber(func()) if ret then print(desc .. ': ' .. describe(ret)) else dfhack.printerr('could not find ' .. desc .. ' (DFHack version too old)') end end if not moduleMode then if not dfhack.isWorldLoaded() then qerror('no world loaded') end dump('original DF version', get_original_save_version) dump('most recent DF version', get_save_version) end