// Invert/toggle all block flags, to see what they do. // Seems like they don't do anything... #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; #include <DFHack.h> #include <extra/MapExtras.h> #include <extra/termutil.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { bool temporary_terminal = TemporaryTerminal(); uint32_t x_max = 0, y_max = 0, z_max = 0; DFHack::ContextManager manager("Memory.xml"); DFHack::Context *context = manager.getSingleContext(); if (!context->Attach()) { std::cerr << "Unable to attach to DF!" << std::endl; if(temporary_terminal) std::cin.ignore(); return 1; } DFHack::Maps *maps = context->getMaps(); if (!maps->Start()) { std::cerr << "Cannot get map info!" << std::endl; context->Detach(); if(temporary_terminal) std::cin.ignore(); return 1; } maps->getSize(x_max, y_max, z_max); MapExtras::MapCache map(maps); for(uint32_t z = 0; z < z_max; z++) { for(uint32_t b_y = 0; b_y < y_max; b_y++) { for(uint32_t b_x = 0; b_x < x_max; b_x++) { // Get the map block DFHack::DFCoord blockCoord(b_x, b_y); MapExtras::Block *b = map.BlockAt(DFHack::DFCoord(b_x, b_y, z)); if (!b || !b->valid) { continue; } DFHack::t_blockflags flags = b->BlockFlags(); flags.whole = flags.whole ^ 0xFFFFFFFF; b->setBlockFlags(flags); b->Write(); } // block x } // block y } // z maps->Finish(); context->Detach(); return 0; }