#include "Core.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "df/graphic.h" #include "df/building_siegeenginest.h" #include "df/builtin_mats.h" #include "df/world.h" #include "df/buildings_other_id.h" #include "df/job.h" #include "df/building_drawbuffer.h" #include "df/ui.h" #include "df/viewscreen_dwarfmodest.h" #include "df/ui_build_selector.h" #include "df/flow_info.h" #include "df/report.h" #include "df/proj_itemst.h" #include "df/unit.h" #include "df/unit_soul.h" #include "df/unit_skill.h" #include "df/physical_attribute_type.h" #include "df/creature_raw.h" #include "df/caste_raw.h" #include "df/caste_raw_flags.h" #include "df/assumed_identity.h" #include "df/game_mode.h" #include "df/unit_misc_trait.h" #include "MiscUtils.h" using std::vector; using std::string; using std::stack; using namespace DFHack; using namespace df::enums; using df::global::gamemode; using df::global::gps; using df::global::world; using df::global::ui; using df::global::ui_build_selector; using Screen::Pen; DFHACK_PLUGIN("siege-engine"); /* * Misc. utils */ typedef std::pair coord_range; static void set_range(coord_range *target, df::coord p1, df::coord p2) { if (!p1.isValid() || !p2.isValid()) { *target = coord_range(); } else { target->first.x = std::min(p1.x, p2.x); target->first.y = std::min(p1.y, p2.y); target->first.z = std::min(p1.z, p2.z); target->second.x = std::max(p1.x, p2.x); target->second.y = std::max(p1.y, p2.y); target->second.z = std::max(p1.z, p2.z); } } static bool is_range_valid(const coord_range &target) { return target.first.isValid() && target.second.isValid(); } static bool is_in_range(const coord_range &target, df::coord pos) { return target.first.isValid() && target.second.isValid() && target.first.x <= pos.x && pos.x <= target.second.x && target.first.y <= pos.y && pos.y <= target.second.y && target.first.z <= pos.z && pos.z <= target.second.z; } static std::pair get_engine_range(df::building_siegeenginest *bld) { if (bld->type == siegeengine_type::Ballista) return std::make_pair(0, 200); else return std::make_pair(30, 100); } static void orient_engine(df::building_siegeenginest *bld, df::coord target) { int dx = target.x - bld->centerx; int dy = target.y - bld->centery; if (abs(dx) > abs(dy)) bld->facing = (dx > 0) ? df::building_siegeenginest::Right : df::building_siegeenginest::Left; else bld->facing = (dy > 0) ? df::building_siegeenginest::Down : df::building_siegeenginest::Up; } static int random_int(int val) { return int(int64_t(rand())*val/RAND_MAX); } /* * Configuration management */ static bool enable_plugin(); struct EngineInfo { int id; coord_range target; df::coord center; bool hasTarget() { return is_range_valid(target); } bool onTarget(df::coord pos) { return is_in_range(target, pos); } df::coord getTargetSize() { return target.second - target.first; } }; static std::map engines; static std::map coord_engines; static EngineInfo *find_engine(df::building *bld, bool create = false) { if (!bld) return NULL; auto it = engines.find(bld); if (it != engines.end()) return &it->second; if (!create) return NULL; auto *obj = &engines[bld]; obj->id = bld->id; obj->center = df::coord(bld->centerx, bld->centery, bld->z); coord_engines[obj->center] = bld; return obj; } static EngineInfo *find_engine(df::coord pos) { return find_engine(coord_engines[pos]); } static void clear_engines() { engines.clear(); coord_engines.clear(); } static void load_engines() { clear_engines(); auto pworld = Core::getInstance().getWorld(); std::vector vec; pworld->GetPersistentData(&vec, "siege-engine/target/", true); for (auto it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it) { auto engine = find_engine(df::building::find(it->ival(0)), true); if (!engine) continue; engine->target.first = df::coord(it->ival(1), it->ival(2), it->ival(3)); engine->target.second = df::coord(it->ival(4), it->ival(5), it->ival(6)); } } static int getTargetArea(lua_State *L) { auto bld = Lua::CheckDFObject(L, 1); if (!bld) luaL_argerror(L, 1, "null building"); auto engine = find_engine(bld); if (engine && engine->hasTarget()) { Lua::Push(L, engine->target.first); Lua::Push(L, engine->target.second); } else { lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); } return 2; } static void clearTargetArea(df::building_siegeenginest *bld) { CHECK_NULL_POINTER(bld); if (auto engine = find_engine(bld)) engine->target = coord_range(); auto pworld = Core::getInstance().getWorld(); auto key = stl_sprintf("siege-engine/target/%d", bld->id); pworld->DeletePersistentData(pworld->GetPersistentData(key)); } static bool setTargetArea(df::building_siegeenginest *bld, df::coord target_min, df::coord target_max) { CHECK_NULL_POINTER(bld); CHECK_INVALID_ARGUMENT(target_min.isValid() && target_max.isValid()); if (!enable_plugin()) return false; auto pworld = Core::getInstance().getWorld(); auto key = stl_sprintf("siege-engine/target/%d", bld->id); auto entry = pworld->GetPersistentData(key, NULL); if (!entry.isValid()) return false; auto engine = find_engine(bld, true); set_range(&engine->target, target_min, target_max); entry.ival(0) = bld->id; entry.ival(1) = engine->target.first.x; entry.ival(2) = engine->target.first.y; entry.ival(3) = engine->target.first.z; entry.ival(4) = engine->target.second.x; entry.ival(5) = engine->target.second.y; entry.ival(6) = engine->target.second.z; df::coord sum = target_min + target_max; orient_engine(bld, df::coord(sum.x/2, sum.y/2, sum.z/2)); return true; } /* * Trajectory */ struct ProjectilePath { df::coord origin, goal, target, fudge_delta; int divisor, fudge_factor; df::coord speed, direction; ProjectilePath(df::coord origin, df::coord goal) : origin(origin), goal(goal), target(goal), fudge_factor(1) { fudge_delta = df::coord(0,0,0); calc_line(); } void fudge(int factor, df::coord delta) { fudge_factor = factor; fudge_delta = delta; auto diff = goal - origin; diff.x *= fudge_factor; diff.y *= fudge_factor; diff.z *= fudge_factor; target = origin + diff + fudge_delta; calc_line(); } void calc_line() { speed = target - origin; divisor = std::max(abs(speed.x), std::max(abs(speed.y), abs(speed.z))); if (divisor <= 0) divisor = 1; direction = df::coord(speed.x>=0?1:-1,speed.y>=0?1:-1,speed.z>=0?1:-1); } df::coord operator[] (int i) const { int div2 = divisor * 2; int bias = divisor-1; return origin + df::coord( (2*speed.x*i + direction.x*bias)/div2, (2*speed.y*i + direction.y*bias)/div2, (2*speed.z*i + direction.z*bias)/div2 ); } }; static bool isPassableTile(df::coord pos) { auto ptile = Maps::getTileType(pos); return !ptile || FlowPassable(*ptile); } struct PathMetrics { enum CollisionType { Impassable, Floor, Ceiling, MapEdge } hit_type; int collision_step; int goal_step, goal_z_step; std::vector coords; bool hits() { return collision_step > goal_step; } PathMetrics(const ProjectilePath &path, bool list_coords = false) { coords.clear(); collision_step = goal_step = goal_z_step = 1000000; int step = 0; df::coord prev_pos = path.origin; if (list_coords) coords.push_back(prev_pos); for (;;) { df::coord cur_pos = path[++step]; if (cur_pos == prev_pos) break; if (list_coords) coords.push_back(cur_pos); if (cur_pos.z == path.goal.z) { goal_z_step = std::min(step, goal_z_step); if (cur_pos == path.goal) goal_step = step; } if (!Maps::isValidTilePos(cur_pos)) { hit_type = PathMetrics::MapEdge; break; } if (!isPassableTile(cur_pos)) { hit_type = Impassable; break; } if (cur_pos.z != prev_pos.z) { int top_z = std::max(prev_pos.z, cur_pos.z); auto ptile = Maps::getTileType(cur_pos.x, cur_pos.y, top_z); if (ptile && !LowPassable(*ptile)) { hit_type = (cur_pos.z > prev_pos.z ? Ceiling : Floor); break; } } prev_pos = cur_pos; } collision_step = step; } }; struct AimContext { df::building_siegeenginest *bld; df::coord origin; coord_range building_rect; EngineInfo *engine; std::pair fire_range; AimContext(df::building_siegeenginest *bld, EngineInfo *engine) : bld(bld), engine(engine) { origin = df::coord(bld->centerx, bld->centery, bld->z); building_rect = coord_range( df::coord(bld->x1, bld->y1, bld->z), df::coord(bld->x2, bld->y2, bld->z) ); fire_range = get_engine_range(bld); } bool isInRange(const PathMetrics &raytrace) { return raytrace.goal_step >= fire_range.first && raytrace.goal_step <= fire_range.second; } bool adjustToPassable(df::coord *pos) { if (isPassableTile(*pos)) return true; for (df::coord fudge = *pos; fudge.z < engine->target.second.z; fudge.z++) { if (!isPassableTile(fudge)) continue; *pos = fudge; return true; } for (df::coord fudge = *pos; fudge.z > engine->target.first.z; fudge.z--) { if (!isPassableTile(fudge)) continue; *pos = fudge; return true; } return false; } }; static std::string getTileStatus(df::building_siegeenginest *bld, df::coord tile_pos) { AimContext context(bld, NULL); ProjectilePath path(context.origin, tile_pos); PathMetrics raytrace(path); if (raytrace.hits()) { if (context.isInRange(raytrace)) return "ok"; else return "out_of_range"; } else return "blocked"; } static void paintAimScreen(df::building_siegeenginest *bld, df::coord view, df::coord2d ltop, df::coord2d size) { CHECK_NULL_POINTER(bld); AimContext context(bld, find_engine(bld)); for (int x = 0; x < size.x; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < size.y; y++) { df::coord tile_pos = view + df::coord(x,y,0); if (is_in_range(context.building_rect, tile_pos)) continue; Pen cur_tile = Screen::readTile(ltop.x+x, ltop.y+y); if (!cur_tile.valid()) continue; ProjectilePath path(context.origin, tile_pos); PathMetrics raytrace(path); int color; if (raytrace.hits()) { if (context.isInRange(raytrace)) color = COLOR_GREEN; else color = COLOR_CYAN; } else color = COLOR_RED; if (cur_tile.fg && cur_tile.ch != ' ') { cur_tile.fg = color; cur_tile.bg = 0; } else { cur_tile.fg = 0; cur_tile.bg = color; } cur_tile.bold = (context.engine && context.engine->onTarget(tile_pos)); if (cur_tile.tile) cur_tile.tile_mode = Pen::CharColor; Screen::paintTile(cur_tile, ltop.x+x, ltop.y+y); } } } /* * Unit tracking */ /* * Projectile hook */ struct projectile_hook : df::proj_itemst { typedef df::proj_itemst interpose_base; void aimAtPoint(AimContext &context, ProjectilePath &path, bool bad_shot = false) { target_pos = path.target; PathMetrics raytrace(path); // Materialize map blocks, or the projectile will crash into them for (int i = 0; i < raytrace.collision_step; i++) Maps::ensureTileBlock(path[i]); if (flags.bits.piercing) { if (bad_shot) fall_threshold = std::min(raytrace.goal_z_step, raytrace.collision_step); } else { if (bad_shot) fall_threshold = context.fire_range.second; else fall_threshold = raytrace.goal_step; } fall_threshold = std::max(fall_threshold, context.fire_range.first); fall_threshold = std::min(fall_threshold, context.fire_range.second); } void aimAtArea(AimContext &context) { df::coord target, last_passable; df::coord tbase = context.engine->target.first; df::coord tsize = context.engine->getTargetSize(); bool success = false; for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { target = tbase + df::coord( random_int(tsize.x), random_int(tsize.y), random_int(tsize.z) ); if (context.adjustToPassable(&target)) last_passable = target; else continue; ProjectilePath path(context.origin, target); PathMetrics raytrace(path); if (raytrace.hits() && context.isInRange(raytrace)) { aimAtPoint(context, path); return; } } if (!last_passable.isValid()) last_passable = target; ProjectilePath path(context.origin, last_passable); aimAtPoint(context, path, true); } void doCheckMovement() { if (distance_flown != 0 || fall_counter != fall_delay) return; auto engine = find_engine(origin_pos); if (!engine || !engine->hasTarget()) return; auto bld0 = df::building::find(engine->id); auto bld = strict_virtual_cast(bld0); if (!bld) return; AimContext context(bld, engine); aimAtArea(context); } DEFINE_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(bool, checkMovement, ()) { if (flags.bits.high_flying || flags.bits.piercing) doCheckMovement(); return INTERPOSE_NEXT(checkMovement)(); } }; IMPLEMENT_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(projectile_hook, checkMovement); /* * Initialization */ DFHACK_PLUGIN_LUA_FUNCTIONS { DFHACK_LUA_FUNCTION(clearTargetArea), DFHACK_LUA_FUNCTION(setTargetArea), DFHACK_LUA_FUNCTION(getTileStatus), DFHACK_LUA_FUNCTION(paintAimScreen), DFHACK_LUA_END }; DFHACK_PLUGIN_LUA_COMMANDS { DFHACK_LUA_COMMAND(getTargetArea), DFHACK_LUA_END }; static bool is_enabled = false; static void enable_hooks(bool enable) { is_enabled = enable; INTERPOSE_HOOK(projectile_hook, checkMovement).apply(enable); if (enable) load_engines(); else clear_engines(); } static bool enable_plugin() { if (is_enabled) return true; auto pworld = Core::getInstance().getWorld(); auto entry = pworld->GetPersistentData("siege-engine/enabled", NULL); if (!entry.isValid()) return false; enable_hooks(true); return true; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_onstatechange(color_ostream &out, state_change_event event) { switch (event) { case SC_MAP_LOADED: { auto pworld = Core::getInstance().getWorld(); bool enable = pworld->GetPersistentData("siege-engine/enabled").isValid(); if (enable) { out.print("Enabling the siege engine plugin.\n"); enable_hooks(true); } else enable_hooks(false); } break; case SC_MAP_UNLOADED: enable_hooks(false); break; default: break; } return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init ( color_ostream &out, std::vector &commands) { if (Core::getInstance().isMapLoaded()) plugin_onstatechange(out, SC_MAP_LOADED); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown ( color_ostream &out ) { enable_hooks(false); return CR_OK; }