labormanager ============ Automatically manage dwarf labors to efficiently complete jobs. Labormanager is derived from autolabor (above) but uses a completely different approach to assigning jobs to dwarves. While autolabor tries to keep as many dwarves busy as possible, labormanager instead strives to get jobs done as quickly as possible. Labormanager frequently scans the current job list, current list of dwarfs, and the map to determine how many dwarves need to be assigned to what labors in order to meet all current labor needs without starving any particular type of job. .. warning:: *As with autolabor, labormanager will override any manual changes you make to labors while it is enabled, including through other tools such as Dwarf Therapist* Simple usage: :enable labormanager: Enables the plugin with default settings. (Persistent per fortress) :disable labormanager: Disables the plugin. Anything beyond this is optional - labormanager works fairly well on the default settings. The default priorities for each labor vary (some labors are higher priority by default than others). The way the plugin works is that, once it determines how many of each labor is needed, it then sorts them by adjusted priority. (Labors other than hauling have a bias added to them based on how long it's been since they were last used, to prevent job starvation.) The labor with the highest priority is selected, the "best fit" dwarf for that labor is assigned to that labor, and then its priority is *halved*. This process is repeated until either dwarfs or labors run out. Because there is no easy way to detect how many haulers are actually needed at any moment, the plugin always ensures that at least one dwarf is assigned to each of the hauling labors, even if no hauling jobs are detected. At least one dwarf is always assigned to construction removing and cleaning because these jobs also cannot be easily detected. Lever pulling is always assigned to everyone. Any dwarfs for which there are no jobs will be assigned hauling, lever pulling, and cleaning labors. If you use animal trainers, note that labormanager will misbehave if you assign specific trainers to specific animals; results are only guaranteed if you use "any trainer", and animal trainers will probably be overallocated in any case. Labormanager also sometimes assigns extra labors to currently busy dwarfs so that when they finish their current job, they will go off and do something useful instead of standing around waiting for a job. There is special handling to ensure that at least one dwarf is assigned to haul food whenever food is detected left in a place where it will rot if not stored. This will cause a dwarf to go idle if you have no storepiles to haul food to. Dwarfs who are unable to work (child, in the military, wounded, handless, asleep, in a meeting) are entirely excluded from labor assignment. Any dwarf explicitly assigned to a burrow will also be completely ignored by labormanager. The fitness algorithm for assigning jobs to dwarfs generally attempts to favor dwarfs who are more skilled over those who are less skilled. It also tries to avoid assigning female dwarfs with children to jobs that are "outside", favors assigning "outside" jobs to dwarfs who are carrying a tool that could be used as a weapon, and tries to minimize how often dwarfs have to reequip. Labormanager automatically determines medical needs and reserves health care providers as needed. Note that this may cause idling if you have injured dwarfs but no or inadequate hospital facilities. Hunting is never assigned without a butchery, and fishing is never assigned without a fishery, and neither of these labors is assigned unless specifically enabled. The method by which labormanager determines what labor is needed for a particular job is complicated and, in places, incomplete. In some situations, labormanager will detect that it cannot determine what labor is required. It will, by default, pause and print an error message on the dfhack console, followed by the message "LABORMANAGER: Game paused so you can investigate the above message.". If this happens, please open an issue on github, reporting the lines that immediately preceded this message. You can tell labormanager to ignore this error and carry on by typing ``labormanager pause-on-error no``, but be warned that some job may go undone in this situation. Advanced usage: :labormanager enable: Turn plugin on. :labormanager disable: Turn plugin off. :labormanager priority : Set the priority value (see above) for labor to . :labormanager reset : Reset the priority value of labor to its default. :labormanager reset-all: Reset all priority values to their defaults. :labormanager allow-fishing: Allow dwarfs to fish. *Warning* This tends to result in most of the fort going fishing. :labormanager forbid-fishing: Forbid dwarfs from fishing. Default behavior. :labormanager allow-hunting: Allow dwarfs to hunt. *Warning* This tends to result in as many dwarfs going hunting as you have crossbows. :labormanager forbid-hunting: Forbid dwarfs from hunting. Default behavior. :labormanager list: Show current priorities and current allocation stats. :labormanager pause-on-error yes: Make labormanager pause if the labor inference engine fails. See above. :labormanager pause-on-error no: Allow labormanager to continue past a labor inference engine failure.