-- dfstatus 1.5 - a quick access status screen. -- written by enjia2000@gmail.com, fixed by Lethosor and PeridexisErrant local gui = require 'gui' function draw() screen2 = gui.FramedScreen{ frame_style = gui.GREY_LINE_FRAME, frame_title = 'dfstatus', frame_width = 16, frame_height = 17, frame_inset = 1, } end if (not shown) then draw() screen2:show() shown = true else shown = nil screen2:dismiss() end function screen2:onRenderBody(dc) local drink = 0 local wood = 0 --local meat = 0 --local raw_fish = 0 --local plants = 0 local prepared_meals = 0 local fuel = 0 local pigiron = 0 local iron = 0 local steel = 0 local silver = 0 local copper = 0 local gold = 0 local tannedhides = 0 local cloth = 0 --print("------------------------------") for _,item in ipairs(df.global.world.items.all) do if(not item.flags.rotten and not item.flags.dump and not item.flags.forbid) then if(item:getType() ~= df.item_type.THREAD and item:getType() ~= df.item_type.REMAINS and item:getType() ~= df.item_type.ARMOR and item:getType() ~= df.item_type.SHOES and item:getType() ~= df.item_type.SHIELD and item:getType() ~= df.item_type.HELM and item:getType() ~= df.item_type.GOVES) then --print(item:getType() .. ":" .. dfhack.items.getDescription(item,0)) end if(item:getType() == df.item_type.DRINK)then --print(item:getType() .. ":" .. dfhack.items.getDescription(item,0)) end if (item:getType() == df.item_type.WOOD) then wood = wood + item:getStackSize() elseif (item:getType() == df.item_type.DRINK) then drink = drink + item:getStackSize() elseif (item:getType() == df.item_type.SKIN_TANNED) then tannedhides = tannedhides + item:getStackSize() elseif (item:getType() == df.item_type.CLOTH) then cloth = cloth + item:getStackSize() --elseif (item:getType() == df.item_type.MEAT) then meat = meat + item:getStackSize() --elseif (item:getType() == df.item_type.FISH_RAW) then raw_fish = raw_fish + item:getStackSize() --elseif (item:getType() == df.item_type.PLANT) then plants = plants + item:getStackSize() elseif (item:getType() == df.item_type.FOOD) then prepared_meals = prepared_meals + item:getStackSize() elseif (item:getType() == df.item_type.BAR) then for token in string.gmatch(dfhack.items.getDescription(item,0),"[^%s]+") do if (token == "silver") then silver = silver + item:getStackSize() elseif (token == "charcoal" or token == "coke") then fuel = fuel + item:getStackSize() elseif (token == "iron") then iron = iron + item:getStackSize() elseif (token == "pig") then pigiron = pigiron + item:getStackSize() elseif (token == "copper") then copper = copper + item:getStackSize() elseif (token == "gold") then gold = gold + item:getStackSize() elseif (token == "steel") then steel = steel + item:getStackSize() end break -- only need to look at the 1st token of each item. end end end end --print("------------------------------") dc:string("Drinks: ".. drink, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN) dc:newline(0) dc:string("Meals: ".. prepared_meals, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN) dc:newline(0) dc:newline(0) dc:string("Wood: ".. wood, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN) dc:newline(0) dc:newline(0) dc:string("Hides: ".. tannedhides, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN) dc:newline(0) dc:string("Cloth: ".. cloth, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN) dc:newline(0) -- dc:string("Raw Fish: ".. raw_fish, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN) -- dc:newline(0) -- dc:string("Plants: ".. plants, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN) -- dc:newline(0) dc:newline(0) dc:string("Bars:", COLOR_LIGHTGREEN) dc:newline(1) dc:string("Fuel: ".. fuel, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN) dc:newline(1) dc:string("Pig Iron: ".. pigiron, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN) dc:newline(1) dc:string("Steel: ".. steel, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN) dc:newline(1) dc:string("Iron: ".. iron, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN) dc:newline(1) dc:newline(1) dc:string("Copper: ".. copper, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN) dc:newline(1) dc:string("Silver: ".. silver, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN) dc:newline(1) dc:string("Gold: ".. gold, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN) end function screen2:onInput(keys) if keys.LEAVESCREEN or keys.SELECT then shown = nil self:dismiss() end end