--full-heal.lua --author Kurik Amudnil, Urist DaVinci --edited by expwnent -- attempt to fully heal a selected unit, option -r to attempt to resurrect the unit local args = {...} local resurrect = false local i=0 for _,arg in ipairs(args) do if arg == '-r' or arg == '-R' then resurrect = true elseif tonumber(arg) then unit = df.unit.find(tonumber(arg)) elseif arg == 'help' or arg == '-help' or arg == '-h' then print('full-heal: heal a unit completely from anything, optionally including death.') print(' full-heal [unitId]') print(' heal the unit with the given id') print(' full-heal -r [unitId]') print(' heal the unit with the given id and bring them back from death if they are dead') print(' full-heal') print(' heal the currently selected unit') print(' full-heal -r') print(' heal the currently selected unit and bring them back from death if they are dead') print(' full-heal help') print(' print this help message') return end end unit = unit or dfhack.gui.getSelectedUnit() if not unit then qerror('Error: please select a unit or pass its id as an argument.') end if unit then if resurrect then if unit.flags1.dead then --print("Resurrecting...") unit.flags2.slaughter = false unit.flags3.scuttle = false end unit.flags1.dead = false unit.flags2.killed = false unit.flags3.ghostly = false --unit.unk_100 = 3 end --print("Erasing wounds...") while #unit.body.wounds > 0 do unit.body.wounds:erase(#unit.body.wounds-1) end unit.body.wound_next_id=1 --print("Refilling blood...") unit.body.blood_count=unit.body.blood_max --print("Resetting grasp/stand status...") unit.status2.limbs_stand_count=unit.status2.limbs_stand_max unit.status2.limbs_grasp_count=unit.status2.limbs_grasp_max --print("Resetting status flags...") unit.flags2.has_breaks=false unit.flags2.gutted=false unit.flags2.circulatory_spray=false unit.flags2.vision_good=true unit.flags2.vision_damaged=false unit.flags2.vision_missing=false unit.flags2.breathing_good=true unit.flags2.breathing_problem=false unit.flags2.calculated_nerves=false unit.flags2.calculated_bodyparts=false unit.flags2.calculated_insulation=false unit.flags3.compute_health=true --print("Resetting counters...") unit.counters.winded=0 unit.counters.stunned=0 unit.counters.unconscious=0 unit.counters.webbed=0 unit.counters.pain=0 unit.counters.nausea=0 unit.counters.dizziness=0 unit.counters2.paralysis=0 unit.counters2.fever=0 unit.counters2.exhaustion=0 unit.counters2.hunger_timer=0 unit.counters2.thirst_timer=0 unit.counters2.sleepiness_timer=0 unit.counters2.vomit_timeout=0 --print("Resetting body part status...") v=unit.body.components for i=0,#v.nonsolid_remaining - 1,1 do v.nonsolid_remaining[i] = 100 -- percent remaining of fluid layers (Urist Da Vinci) end v=unit.body.components for i=0,#v.layer_wound_area - 1,1 do v.layer_status[i].whole = 0 -- severed, leaking layers (Urist Da Vinci) v.layer_wound_area[i] = 0 -- wound contact areas (Urist Da Vinci) v.layer_cut_fraction[i] = 0 -- 100*surface percentage of cuts/fractures on the body part layer (Urist Da Vinci) v.layer_dent_fraction[i] = 0 -- 100*surface percentage of dents on the body part layer (Urist Da Vinci) v.layer_effect_fraction[i] = 0 -- 100*surface percentage of "effects" on the body part layer (Urist Da Vinci) end v=unit.body.components.body_part_status for i=0,#v-1,1 do v[i].on_fire = false v[i].missing = false v[i].organ_loss = false v[i].organ_damage = false v[i].muscle_loss = false v[i].muscle_damage = false v[i].bone_loss = false v[i].bone_damage = false v[i].skin_damage = false v[i].motor_nerve_severed = false v[i].sensory_nerve_severed = false end if unit.job.current_job and unit.job.current_job.job_type == df.job_type.Rest then --print("Wake from rest -> clean self...") unit.job.current_job = df.job_type.CleanSelf end end