#include "Console.h" #include "Core.h" #include "DataDefs.h" #include "Export.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include "df/world.h" #include "df/world_raws.h" #include "df/creature_raw.h" #include "df/caste_raw.h" //#include "df/world.h" using namespace DFHack; DFHACK_PLUGIN("generated-creature-renamer"); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(world); command_result rename_creatures (color_ostream &out, std::vector & parameters); DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init (color_ostream &out, std::vector &commands) { commands.push_back(PluginCommand( "rename_creatures", "Renames generated creature tags to something friendlier to modders", rename_creatures, false, //allow non-interactive use "longHelpString" )); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown (color_ostream &out) { return CR_OK; } std::string descriptors[] = { "blob", "quadruped", "humanoid", "silverfish", "mayfly", "dragonfly", "damselfly", "stonefly", "earwig", "grasshopper", "cricket", "stick insect", "cockroach", "termite", "mantis", "louse", "thrips", "aphid", "cicada", "assassin bug", "wasp", "hornet", "tiger beetle", "ladybug", "weevil", "darkling beetle", "click beetle", "firefly", "scarab beetle", "stag beetle", "dung beetle", "rhinoceros beetle", "rove beetle", "snakefly", "lacewing", "antlion larva", "mosquito", "flea", "scorpionfly", "caddisfly", "butterfly", "moth", "caterpillar", "maggot", "spider", "tarantula", "scorpion", "tick", "mite", "shrimp", "lobster", "crab", "nematode", "snail", "slug", "earthworm", "leech", "bristleworm", "ribbon worm", "flat worm", "toad", "frog", "salamander", "newt", "alligator", "crocodile", "lizard", "chameleon", "iguana", "gecko", "skink", "gila monster", "monitor", "serpent", "viper", "rattlesnake", "cobra", "python", "anaconda", "turtle", "tortoise", "pterosaur", "dimetrodon", "sauropod", "theropod", "iguanodont", "hadrosaurid", "stegosaurid", "ceratopsid", "ankylosaurid", "duck", "goose", "swan", "turkey", "grouse", "chicken", "quail", "pheasant", "gull", "loon", "grebe", "albatross", "petrel", "penguin", "pelican", "stork", "vulture", "flamingo", "falcon", "kestrel", "condor", "osprey", "buzzard", "eagle", "harrier", "kite", "crane", "dove", "pigeon", "parrot", "cockatoo", "cuckoo", "nightjar", "swift", "hummingbird", "kingfisher", "hornbill", "quetzal", "toucan", "woodpecker", "lyrebird", "thornbill", "honeyeater", "oriole", "fantail", "shrike", "crow", "raven", "magpie", "kinglet", "lark", "swallow", "martin", "bushtit", "warbler", "thrush", "oxpecker", "starling", "mockingbird", "wren", "nuthatch", "sparrow", "tanager", "cardinal", "bunting", "finch", "titmouse", "chickadee", "waxwing", "flycatcher", "opossum", "koala", "wombat", "kangaroo", "sloth", "anteater", "armadillo", "squirrel", "marmot", "beaver", "gopher", "mouse", "porcupine", "chinchilla", "cavy", "capybara", "rabbit", "hare", "lemur", "loris", "monkey", "hedgehog", "shrew", "mole", "fruit bat", "wolf", "coyote", "jackal", "raccoon", "coati", "weasel", "otter", "badger", "skunk", "bear", "panda", "panther", "mongoose", "hyena", "civet", "walrus", "pangolin", "elephant", "mammoth", "horse", "zebra", "tapir", "rhinoceros", "warthog", "hippopotamus", "camel", "llama", "giraffe", "deer", "moose", "antelope", "sheep", "goat", "bison", "buffalo", "bull" }; command_result rename_creatures (color_ostream &out, std::vector & parameters) { if (!parameters.empty()) return CR_WRONG_USAGE; CoreSuspender suspend; for (int i = 0; i < world->raws.creatures.all.size(); i++) { auto creatureRaw = world->raws.creatures.all[i]; if (!creatureRaw->flags.is_set(df::enums::creature_raw_flags::GENERATED)) continue; out.print(creatureRaw->creature_id.c_str()); out.print("\n"); out.print(creatureRaw->caste[0]->description.c_str()); out.print("\n"); } return CR_OK; }