// Intention: help with activity zone management (auto-pasture animals, auto-pit goblins, ...) // // the following things would be nice: // - dump info about pastures, pastured animals, count non-pastured tame animals, print gender info // - help finding caged dwarves? (maybe even allow to build their cages for fast release) // - dump info about caged goblins, animals, ... // - count grass tiles on pastures, move grazers to new pasture if old pasture is empty // move hungry unpastured grazers to pasture with grass // // What is working so far: // - print detailed info about activity zone and units under cursor (mostly for checking refs and stuff) // - mark a zone which is used for future assignment commands // - assign single selected creature to a zone // - mass-assign creatures using filters // - unassign single creature under cursor from current zone // - pitting own dwarves :) #include <functional> #include <stdexcept> #include <unordered_map> #include <unordered_set> #include "df/building_cagest.h" #include "df/building_chainst.h" #include "df/building_civzonest.h" #include "df/general_ref_building_civzone_assignedst.h" #include "df/plotinfost.h" #include "df/unit.h" #include "df/unit_relationship_type.h" #include "df/viewscreen_dwarfmodest.h" #include "df/world.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include "uicommon.h" #include "VTableInterpose.h" #include "modules/Buildings.h" #include "modules/Gui.h" #include "modules/Units.h" #include "modules/Translation.h" using std::function; using std::make_pair; using std::ostringstream; using std::pair; using std::runtime_error; using std::string; using std::unordered_map; using std::unordered_set; using std::vector; using namespace DFHack; DFHACK_PLUGIN("zone"); DFHACK_PLUGIN_IS_ENABLED(is_enabled); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(cursor); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(gps); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(plotinfo); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(ui_building_item_cursor); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(ui_building_assign_type); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(ui_building_assign_is_marked); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(ui_building_assign_units); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(ui_building_assign_items); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(ui_building_in_assign); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(ui_menu_width); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(world); static void doMarkForSlaughter(df::unit* unit) { unit->flags2.bits.slaughter = 1; } // found a unit with weird position values on one of my maps (negative and in the thousands) // it didn't appear in the animal stocks screen, but looked completely fine otherwise (alive, tame, own, etc) // maybe a rare bug, but better avoid assigning such units to zones or slaughter etc. static bool hasValidMapPos(df::unit* unit) { if( unit->pos.x >=0 && unit->pos.y >= 0 && unit->pos.z >= 0 && unit->pos.x < world->map.x_count && unit->pos.y < world->map.y_count && unit->pos.z < world->map.z_count) return true; else return false; } static bool isInBuiltCageRoom(df::unit*); // dump some unit info static void unitInfo(color_ostream & out, df::unit* unit, bool verbose = false) { out.print("Unit %d ", unit->id); //race %d, civ %d,", creature->race, creature->civ_id if(unit->name.has_name) { // units given a nick with the rename tool might not have a first name (animals etc) string firstname = unit->name.first_name; if(firstname.size() > 0) { firstname[0] = toupper(firstname[0]); out << "Name: " << firstname; } if(unit->name.nickname.size() > 0) out << " '" << unit->name.nickname << "'"; out << ", "; } if(Units::isAdult(unit)) out << "adult"; else if(Units::isBaby(unit)) out << "baby"; else if(Units::isChild(unit)) out << "child"; out << " "; // sometimes empty even in vanilla RAWS, sometimes contains full race name (e.g. baby alpaca) // all animals I looked at don't have babies anyways, their offspring tarts as CHILD //out << getRaceBabyName(unit); //out << getRaceChildName(unit); out << Units::getRaceName(unit) << " ("; switch(unit->sex) { case 0: out << "female"; break; case 1: out << "male"; break; case -1: default: out << "n/a"; break; } out << ")"; out << ", age: " << Units::getAge(unit, true); if(Units::isTame(unit)) out << ", tame"; if(Units::isOwnCiv(unit)) out << ", owned"; if(Units::isWar(unit)) out << ", war"; if(Units::isHunter(unit)) out << ", hunter"; if(Units::isMerchant(unit)) out << ", merchant"; if(Units::isForest(unit)) out << ", forest"; if(Units::isEggLayer(unit)) out << ", egglayer"; if(Units::isGrazer(unit)) out << ", grazer"; if(Units::isMilkable(unit)) out << ", milkable"; if(unit->flags2.bits.slaughter) out << ", slaughter"; if(verbose) { out << ". Pos: ("<<unit->pos.x << "/"<< unit->pos.y << "/" << unit->pos.z << ") " << endl; out << "index in units vector: " << Units::findIndexById(unit->id) << endl; } out << endl; if(!verbose) return; //out << "number of refs: " << creature->general_refs.size() << endl; for(size_t r = 0; r<unit->general_refs.size(); r++) { df::general_ref* ref = unit->general_refs.at(r); df::general_ref_type refType = ref->getType(); out << " ref#" << r <<" refType#" << refType << " "; //endl; switch(refType) { case df::general_ref_type::BUILDING_CIVZONE_ASSIGNED: { out << "assigned to zone"; df::building_civzonest * civAss = (df::building_civzonest *) ref->getBuilding(); out << " #" << civAss->id; } break; case df::general_ref_type::CONTAINED_IN_ITEM: out << "contained in item"; break; case df::general_ref_type::BUILDING_CAGED: out << "caged"; break; case df::general_ref_type::BUILDING_CHAIN: out << "chained"; break; default: //out << "unhandled reftype"; break; } out << endl; } if(isInBuiltCageRoom(unit)) { out << "in a room." << endl; } } static bool isCage(df::building * building) { return building && (building->getType() == df::building_type::Cage); } static bool isChain(df::building * building) { return building && (building->getType() == df::building_type::Chain); } static df::general_ref_building_civzone_assignedst * createCivzoneRef() { static bool vt_initialized = false; df::general_ref_building_civzone_assignedst* newref = NULL; // after having run successfully for the first time it's safe to simply create the object if(vt_initialized) { newref = (df::general_ref_building_civzone_assignedst*) df::general_ref_building_civzone_assignedst::_identity.instantiate(); return newref; } // being called for the first time, need to initialize the vtable for(size_t i = 0; i < world->units.all.size(); i++) { df::unit * creature = world->units.all[i]; for(size_t r = 0; r<creature->general_refs.size(); r++) { df::general_ref* ref; ref = creature->general_refs.at(r); if(ref->getType() == df::general_ref_type::BUILDING_CIVZONE_ASSIGNED) { if (strict_virtual_cast<df::general_ref_building_civzone_assignedst>(ref)) { // !! calling new() doesn't work, need _identity.instantiate() instead !! newref = (df::general_ref_building_civzone_assignedst*) df::general_ref_building_civzone_assignedst::_identity.instantiate(); vt_initialized = true; break; } } } if(vt_initialized) break; } return newref; } static bool isInBuiltCage(df::unit* unit); // check if assigned to pen, pit, (built) cage or chain // note: BUILDING_CAGED is not set for animals (maybe it's used for dwarves who get caged as sentence) // animals in cages (no matter if built or on stockpile) get the ref CONTAINED_IN_ITEM instead // removing them from cages on stockpiles is no problem even without clearing the ref // and usually it will be desired behavior to do so. static bool isAssigned(df::unit* unit) { bool assigned = false; for (size_t r=0; r < unit->general_refs.size(); r++) { df::general_ref * ref = unit->general_refs[r]; auto rtype = ref->getType(); if( rtype == df::general_ref_type::BUILDING_CIVZONE_ASSIGNED || rtype == df::general_ref_type::BUILDING_CAGED || rtype == df::general_ref_type::BUILDING_CHAIN || (rtype == df::general_ref_type::CONTAINED_IN_ITEM && isInBuiltCage(unit)) ) { assigned = true; break; } } return assigned; } static bool isAssignedToZone(df::unit* unit) { bool assigned = false; for (size_t r=0; r < unit->general_refs.size(); r++) { df::general_ref * ref = unit->general_refs[r]; auto rtype = ref->getType(); if(rtype == df::general_ref_type::BUILDING_CIVZONE_ASSIGNED) { assigned = true; break; } } return assigned; } // check if contained in item (e.g. animals in cages) static bool isContainedInItem(df::unit* unit) { bool contained = false; for (size_t r=0; r < unit->general_refs.size(); r++) { df::general_ref * ref = unit->general_refs[r]; auto rtype = ref->getType(); if(rtype == df::general_ref_type::CONTAINED_IN_ITEM) { contained = true; break; } } return contained; } static bool isInBuiltCage(df::unit* unit) { bool caged = false; for (size_t b=0; b < world->buildings.all.size(); b++) { df::building* building = world->buildings.all[b]; if( building->getType() == df::building_type::Cage) { df::building_cagest* cage = (df::building_cagest*) building; for(size_t c=0; c<cage->assigned_units.size(); c++) { if(cage->assigned_units[c] == unit->id) { caged = true; break; } } } if(caged) break; } return caged; } // built cage defined as room (supposed to detect zoo cages) static bool isInBuiltCageRoom(df::unit* unit) { bool caged_room = false; for (size_t b=0; b < world->buildings.all.size(); b++) { df::building* building = world->buildings.all[b]; // !!! building->isRoom() returns true if the building can be made a room but currently isn't // !!! except for coffins/tombs which always return false // !!! using the bool is_room however gives the correct state/value if(!building->is_room) continue; if(building->getType() == df::building_type::Cage) { df::building_cagest* cage = (df::building_cagest*) building; for(size_t c=0; c<cage->assigned_units.size(); c++) { if(cage->assigned_units[c] == unit->id) { caged_room = true; break; } } } if(caged_room) break; } return caged_room; } static df::building * getBuiltCageAtPos(df::coord pos) { df::building* cage = NULL; for (size_t b=0; b < world->buildings.all.size(); b++) { df::building* building = world->buildings.all[b]; if( building->getType() == df::building_type::Cage && building->x1 == pos.x && building->y1 == pos.y && building->z == pos.z ) { // don't set pointer if not constructed yet if(building->getBuildStage()!=building->getMaxBuildStage()) break; cage = building; break; } } return cage; } // check if unit is already assigned to a zone, remove that ref from unit and old zone // check if unit is already assigned to a cage, remove that ref from the cage // returns false if no cage or pasture information was found // helps as workaround for http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/mantisbt/view.php?id=4475 by the way // (pastured animals assigned to chains will get hauled back and forth because the pasture ref is not deleted) static bool unassignUnitFromBuilding(df::unit* unit) { bool success = false; for (std::size_t idx = 0; idx < unit->general_refs.size(); idx++) { df::general_ref * oldref = unit->general_refs[idx]; switch(oldref->getType()) { case df::general_ref_type::BUILDING_CIVZONE_ASSIGNED: { unit->general_refs.erase(unit->general_refs.begin() + idx); df::building_civzonest * oldciv = (df::building_civzonest *) oldref->getBuilding(); for(size_t oc=0; oc<oldciv->assigned_units.size(); oc++) { if(oldciv->assigned_units[oc] == unit->id) { oldciv->assigned_units.erase(oldciv->assigned_units.begin() + oc); break; } } delete oldref; success = true; break; } case df::general_ref_type::CONTAINED_IN_ITEM: { // game does not erase the ref until creature gets removed from cage //unit->general_refs.erase(unit->general_refs.begin() + idx); // walk through buildings, check cages for inhabitants, compare ids for (size_t b=0; b < world->buildings.all.size(); b++) { bool found = false; df::building* building = world->buildings.all[b]; if(isCage(building)) { df::building_cagest* oldcage = (df::building_cagest*) building; for(size_t oc=0; oc<oldcage->assigned_units.size(); oc++) { if(oldcage->assigned_units[oc] == unit->id) { oldcage->assigned_units.erase(oldcage->assigned_units.begin() + oc); found = true; break; } } } if(found) break; } success = true; break; } case df::general_ref_type::BUILDING_CHAIN: { // try not erasing the ref and see what happens //unit->general_refs.erase(unit->general_refs.begin() + idx); // probably need to delete chain reference here //success = true; break; } case df::general_ref_type::BUILDING_CAGED: { // not sure what to do here, doesn't seem to get used by the game //unit->general_refs.erase(unit->general_refs.begin() + idx); //success = true; break; } default: { // some reference which probably shouldn't get deleted // (animals who are historical figures and have a NEMESIS reference or whatever) break; } } } return success; } // assign to pen or pit static command_result assignUnitToZone(color_ostream& out, df::unit* unit, df::building* building, bool verbose = false) { // building must be a pen/pasture or pit if(!Buildings::isPenPasture(building) && !Buildings::isPitPond(building)) { out << "Invalid building type. This is not a pen/pasture or pit/pond." << endl; return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } // try to get a fresh civzone ref df::general_ref_building_civzone_assignedst * ref = createCivzoneRef(); if(!ref) { out << "Could not find a clonable activity zone reference" << endl << "You need to pen/pasture/pit at least one creature" << endl << "before using 'assign' for the first time." << endl; return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } // check if unit is already pastured, remove that ref from unit and old pasture // testing showed that removing the ref from the unit only seems to be necessary for pastured creatures // if they are in cages on stockpiles the game unassigns them automatically // if they are in built cages the pointer to the creature needs to be removed from the cage // TODO: check what needs to be done for chains bool cleared_old = unassignUnitFromBuilding(unit); if(verbose) { if(cleared_old) out << "old zone info cleared."; else out << "no old zone info found."; } ref->building_id = building->id; unit->general_refs.push_back(ref); df::building_civzonest * civz = (df::building_civzonest *) building; civz->assigned_units.push_back(unit->id); out << "Unit " << unit->id << "(" << Units::getRaceName(unit) << ")" << " assigned to zone " << building->id; if(Buildings::isPitPond(building)) out << " (pit/pond)."; if(Buildings::isPenPasture(building)) out << " (pen/pasture)."; out << endl; return CR_OK; } static command_result assignUnitToCage(color_ostream& out, df::unit* unit, df::building* building, bool verbose) { // building must be a pen/pasture or pit if(!isCage(building)) { out << "Invalid building type. This is not a cage." << endl; return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } // don't assign owned pets to a cage. the owner will release them, resulting into infinite hauling (df bug) if(unit->relationship_ids[df::unit_relationship_type::Pet] != -1) return CR_OK; // check if unit is already pastured or caged, remove refs where necessary bool cleared_old = unassignUnitFromBuilding(unit); if(verbose) { if(cleared_old) out << "old zone info cleared."; else out << "no old zone info found."; } //ref->building_id = building->id; //unit->general_refs.push_back(ref); df::building_cagest* civz = (df::building_cagest*) building; civz->assigned_units.push_back(unit->id); out << "Unit " << unit->id << "(" << Units::getRaceName(unit) << ")" << " assigned to cage " << building->id; out << endl; return CR_OK; } static command_result assignUnitToChain(color_ostream& out, df::unit* unit, df::building* building, bool verbose) { out << "sorry. assigning to chains is not possible yet." << endl; return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } static command_result assignUnitToBuilding(color_ostream& out, df::unit* unit, df::building* building, bool verbose) { command_result result = CR_WRONG_USAGE; if(Buildings::isActivityZone(building)) result = assignUnitToZone(out, unit, building, verbose); else if(isCage(building)) result = assignUnitToCage(out, unit, building, verbose); else if(isChain(building)) result = assignUnitToChain(out, unit, building, verbose); else out << "Cannot assign units to this type of building!" << endl; return result; } static command_result assignUnitsToCagezone(color_ostream& out, vector<df::unit*> units, df::building* building, bool verbose) { if(!Buildings::isPenPasture(building)) { out << "A cage zone needs to be a pen/pasture containing at least one cage!" << endl; return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } int32_t x1 = building->x1; int32_t x2 = building->x2; int32_t y1 = building->y1; int32_t y2 = building->y2; int32_t z = building->z; vector <df::building_cagest*> cages; for (int32_t x = x1; x<=x2; x++) { for (int32_t y = y1; y<=y2; y++) { df::building* cage = getBuiltCageAtPos(df::coord(x,y,z)); if(cage) { df::building_cagest* cagest = (df::building_cagest*) cage; cages.push_back(cagest); } } } if(!cages.size()) { out << "No cages found in this zone!" << endl; return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } else { out << "Number of cages: " << cages.size() << endl; } while(units.size()) { // hrm, better use sort() instead? df::building_cagest * bestcage = cages[0]; size_t lowest = cages[0]->assigned_units.size(); for(size_t i=1; i<cages.size(); i++) { if(cages[i]->assigned_units.size()<lowest) { lowest = cages[i]->assigned_units.size(); bestcage = cages[i]; } } df::unit* unit = units.back(); units.pop_back(); command_result result = assignUnitToCage(out, unit, (df::building*) bestcage, verbose); if(result!=CR_OK) return result; } return CR_OK; } static command_result nickUnitsInZone(color_ostream& out, df::building* building, string nick) { // building must be a pen/pasture or pit if(!Buildings::isPenPasture(building) && !Buildings::isPitPond(building)) { out << "Invalid building type. This is not a pen/pasture or pit/pond." << endl; return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } df::building_civzonest * civz = (df::building_civzonest *) building; for(size_t i = 0; i < civz->assigned_units.size(); i++) { df::unit* unit = df::unit::find(civz->assigned_units[i]); if(unit) Units::setNickname(unit, nick); } return CR_OK; } static command_result nickUnitsInCage(color_ostream& out, df::building* building, string nick) { // building must be a pen/pasture or pit if(!isCage(building)) { out << "Invalid building type. This is not a cage." << endl; return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } df::building_cagest* cage = (df::building_cagest*) building; for(size_t i=0; i<cage->assigned_units.size(); i++) { df::unit* unit = df::unit::find(cage->assigned_units[i]); if(unit) Units::setNickname(unit, nick); } return CR_OK; } static command_result nickUnitsInChain(color_ostream& out, df::building* building, string nick) { out << "sorry. nicknaming chained units is not possible yet." << endl; return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } // give all units inside a pasture or cage the same nickname // (usage example: protect them from being autobutchered) static command_result nickUnitsInBuilding(color_ostream& out, df::building* building, string nick) { command_result result = CR_WRONG_USAGE; if(Buildings::isActivityZone(building)) result = nickUnitsInZone(out, building, nick); else if(isCage(building)) result = nickUnitsInCage(out, building, nick); else if(isChain(building)) result = nickUnitsInChain(out, building, nick); else out << "Cannot nickname units in this type of building!" << endl; return result; } // dump some zone info static void zoneInfo(color_ostream & out, df::building* building, bool verbose) { if(!Buildings::isActivityZone(building)) return; string name; building->getName(&name); out.print("Building %i - \"%s\" - type %s (%i)", building->id, name.c_str(), ENUM_KEY_STR(building_type, building->getType()).c_str(), building->getType()); out.print(", subtype %s (%i)", ENUM_KEY_STR(civzone_type, (df::civzone_type)building->getSubtype()).c_str(), building->getSubtype()); out.print("\n"); df::building_civzonest * civ = (df::building_civzonest *) building; if(Buildings::isActive(civ)) out << "active"; else out << "not active"; if(civ->zone_flags.bits.pen_pasture) out << ", pen/pasture"; else if (civ->zone_flags.bits.pit_pond) { out << " (pit flags:" << civ->pit_flags.whole << ")"; if(civ->pit_flags.bits.is_pond) out << ", pond"; else out << ", pit"; } out << endl; out << "x1:" <<building->x1 << " x2:" <<building->x2 << " y1:" <<building->y1 << " y2:" <<building->y2 << " z:" <<building->z << endl; size_t creaturecount = civ->assigned_units.size(); out << "Creatures in this zone: " << creaturecount << endl; for(size_t c = 0; c < creaturecount; c++) { int32_t cindex = civ->assigned_units.at(c); // print list of all units assigned to that zone for(size_t i = 0; i < world->units.all.size(); i++) { df::unit * creature = world->units.all[i]; if(creature->id != cindex) continue; unitInfo(out, creature, verbose); } } } // dump some cage info static void cageInfo(color_ostream & out, df::building* building, bool verbose) { if(!isCage(building)) return; string name; building->getName(&name); out.print("Building %i - \"%s\" - type %s (%i)", building->id, name.c_str(), ENUM_KEY_STR(building_type, building->getType()).c_str(), building->getType()); out.print("\n"); out << "x:" << building->x1 << " y:" << building->y1 << " z:" << building->z << endl; df::building_cagest * cage = (df::building_cagest*) building; size_t creaturecount = cage->assigned_units.size(); out << "Creatures in this cage: " << creaturecount << endl; for(size_t c = 0; c < creaturecount; c++) { int32_t cindex = cage->assigned_units.at(c); // print list of all units assigned to that cage for(size_t i = 0; i < world->units.all.size(); i++) { df::unit * creature = world->units.all[i]; if(creature->id != cindex) continue; unitInfo(out, creature, verbose); } } } // dump some chain/restraint info static void chainInfo(color_ostream & out, df::building* building, bool list_refs = false) { if(!isChain(building)) return; string name; building->getName(&name); out.print("Building %i - \"%s\" - type %s (%i)", building->id, name.c_str(), ENUM_KEY_STR(building_type, building->getType()).c_str(), building->getType()); out.print("\n"); df::building_chainst* chain = (df::building_chainst*) building; if(chain->assigned) { out << "assigned: "; unitInfo(out, chain->assigned, true); } if(chain->chained) { out << "chained: "; unitInfo(out, chain->chained, true); } } static df::building* getAssignableBuildingAtCursor(color_ostream& out) { // set building at cursor position to be new target building if (cursor->x == -30000) { out.printerr("No cursor; place cursor over activity zone, pen," " pasture, pit, pond, chain, or cage.\n"); return NULL; } auto building_at_tile = Buildings::findAtTile(Gui::getCursorPos()); // cagezone wants a pen/pit as starting point if (isCage(building_at_tile)) { out << "Target building type: cage." << endl; return building_at_tile; } else { auto zone_at_tile = Buildings::findPenPitAt(Gui::getCursorPos()); if(!zone_at_tile) { out << "No pen/pasture, pit, or cage under cursor!" << endl; return NULL; } else { out << "Target building type: pen/pasture or pit." << endl; return zone_at_tile; } } } // ZONE FILTERS (as in, filters used by 'zone') // Maps parameter names to filters. static unordered_map<string, function<bool(df::unit*)>> zone_filters; static struct zone_filters_init { zone_filters_init() { zone_filters["caged"] = isContainedInItem; zone_filters["egglayer"] = Units::isEggLayer; zone_filters["female"] = Units::isFemale; zone_filters["grazer"] = Units::isGrazer; zone_filters["hunting"] = Units::isHunter; zone_filters["male"] = Units::isMale; zone_filters["milkable"] = Units::isMilkable; zone_filters["naked"] = Units::isNaked; zone_filters["own"] = Units::isOwnCiv; zone_filters["tamable"] = Units::isTamable; zone_filters["tame"] = Units::isTame; zone_filters["trainablewar"] = [](df::unit *unit) -> bool { return !Units::isWar(unit) && !Units::isHunter(unit) && Units::isTrainableWar(unit); }; zone_filters["trainablehunt"] = [](df::unit *unit) -> bool { return !Units::isWar(unit) && !Units::isHunter(unit) && Units::isTrainableHunting(unit); }; zone_filters["trained"] = Units::isTrained; // backwards compatibility zone_filters["unassigned"] = [](df::unit *unit) -> bool { return !isAssigned(unit); }; zone_filters["war"] = Units::isWar; }} zone_filters_init_; // Extra annotations / descriptions for parameter names. static unordered_map<string, string> zone_filter_notes; static struct zone_filter_notes_init { zone_filter_notes_init() { zone_filter_notes["caged"] = "caged (ignores built cages)"; zone_filter_notes["hunting"] = "trained hunting creature"; zone_filter_notes["named"] = "has name or nickname"; zone_filter_notes["own"] = "own civilization"; zone_filter_notes["trainablehunt"] = "trainable for hunting"; zone_filter_notes["trainablewar"] = "trainable for war"; zone_filter_notes["war"] = "trained war creature"; }} zone_filter_notes_init_; static pair<string, function<bool(df::unit*)>> createRaceFilter(vector<string> &filter_args) { // guaranteed to exist. string race = filter_args[0]; return make_pair( "race of " + race, [race](df::unit *unit) -> bool { return Units::getRaceName(unit) == race; } ); } static pair<string, function<bool(df::unit*)>> createAgeFilter(vector<string> &filter_args) { int target_age; stringstream ss(filter_args[0]); ss >> target_age; if (ss.fail()) { ostringstream err; err << "Invalid age: " << filter_args[0] << "; age must be a number!"; throw runtime_error(err.str()); } if (target_age < 0) { ostringstream err; err << "Invalid age: " << target_age << "; age must be >= 0!"; throw runtime_error(err.str()); } return make_pair( "age of exactly " + int_to_string(target_age), [target_age](df::unit *unit) -> bool { return Units::getAge(unit, true) == target_age; } ); } static pair<string, function<bool(df::unit*)>> createMinAgeFilter(vector<string> &filter_args) { double min_age; stringstream ss(filter_args[0]); ss >> min_age; if (ss.fail()) { ostringstream err; err << "Invalid minimum age: " << filter_args[0] << "; age must be a number!"; throw runtime_error(err.str()); } if (min_age < 0) { ostringstream err; err << "Invalid minimum age: " << min_age << "; age must be >= 0!"; throw runtime_error(err.str()); } return make_pair( "minimum age of " + int_to_string(min_age), [min_age](df::unit *unit) -> bool { return Units::getAge(unit, true) >= min_age; } ); } static pair<string, function<bool(df::unit*)>> createMaxAgeFilter(vector<string> &filter_args) { double max_age; stringstream ss(filter_args[0]); ss >> max_age; if (ss.fail()) { ostringstream err; err << "Invalid maximum age: " << filter_args[0] << "; age must be a number!"; throw runtime_error(err.str()); } if (max_age < 0) { ostringstream err; err << "Invalid maximum age: " << max_age << "; age must be >= 0!"; throw runtime_error(err.str()); } return make_pair( "maximum age of " + int_to_string(max_age), [max_age](df::unit *unit) -> bool { return Units::getAge(unit, true) <= max_age; } ); } // Filters that take arguments. // Wow, what a type signature. // Applied to their number of arguments in a vector<string>& to create a pair. // Like: // int argcount = zone_param_filters[...].first; // function<bool(df::unit*)> filter = zone_param_filters[...].second(filter_args); // (description, filter). // Sort of like filter function constructors. // Constructor functions are permitted to throw strings, which will be caught and printed. // Result filter functions are not permitted to throw std::exceptions. // Result filter functions should not store references static unordered_map<string, pair<int, function<pair<string, function<bool(df::unit*)>>(vector<string>&)>>> zone_param_filters; static struct zone_param_filters_init { zone_param_filters_init() { zone_param_filters["race"] = make_pair(1, createRaceFilter); zone_param_filters["age"] = make_pair(1, createAgeFilter); zone_param_filters["minage"] = make_pair(1, createMinAgeFilter); zone_param_filters["maxage"] = make_pair(1, createMaxAgeFilter); }} zone_param_filters_init_; static command_result df_zone(color_ostream &out, vector <string> & parameters) { CoreSuspender suspend; if (!Maps::IsValid()) { out.printerr("Map is not available!\n"); return CR_FAILURE; } static df::building* target_building = NULL; int target_count = 0; bool unit_info = false; bool unit_slaughter = false; bool building_assign = false; bool building_unassign = false; bool cagezone_assign = false; bool nick_set = false; string target_nick; bool enum_nick = false; string enum_prefix; bool verbose = false; size_t start_index; { const string & p0 = parameters[0]; if (p0 == "help" || p0 == "?") { return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } else if(p0 == "zinfo") { if (cursor->x == -30000) { out.color(COLOR_RED); out << "No cursor; place cursor over activity zone, chain, or cage." << endl; out.reset_color(); return CR_FAILURE; } // give info on zone(s), chain or cage under cursor // (doesn't use the findXyzAtCursor() methods because zones might // overlap and contain a cage or chain) vector<df::building_civzonest*> zones; Buildings::findCivzonesAt(&zones, Gui::getCursorPos()); for (auto zone = zones.begin(); zone != zones.end(); ++zone) zoneInfo(out, *zone, verbose); df::building* building = Buildings::findAtTile(Gui::getCursorPos()); chainInfo(out, building, verbose); cageInfo(out, building, verbose); return CR_OK; } else if(p0 == "set") { target_building = getAssignableBuildingAtCursor(out); if (target_building) { out.color(COLOR_BLUE); out << "Current building set to #" << target_building->id << endl; out.reset_color(); return CR_OK; } else { out.color(COLOR_BLUE); out << "Current building unset (no building under cursor)." << endl; out.reset_color(); return CR_OK; } } else if(p0 == "unassign") { // if there's a unit selected... df::unit *unit = Gui::getSelectedUnit(out, true); if (unit) { // remove assignment reference from unit and old zone if(unassignUnitFromBuilding(unit)) { out.color(COLOR_BLUE); out << "Selected unit unassigned." << endl; out.reset_color(); } else { out.color(COLOR_RED); out << "Selected unit is not assigned to an activity zone!" << endl; out.reset_color(); } } // if followed by another parameter, check if it's numeric bool target_building_given = false; if(parameters.size() >= 2) { auto & str = parameters[1]; if(str.size() > 0 && str[0] >= '0' && str[0] <= '9') { stringstream ss(parameters[1]); int new_building = -1; ss >> new_building; if(new_building != -1) { target_building = df::building::find(new_building); target_building_given = true; out << "Using building #" << new_building << endl; } else { out.color(COLOR_RED); out << "Couldn't parse " << parameters[1] << endl; out.reset_color(); } } } if (!target_building_given) { if(target_building) { out << "No building id specified. Will use #" << target_building->id << endl; } else { out.color(COLOR_RED); out << "No building id specified and current one is invalid!" << endl; out.reset_color(); return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } } out << "Unassigning unit(s) from building..." << endl; building_unassign = true; start_index = 1; } else if(p0 == "uinfo") { out << "Logging unit info..." << endl; unit_info = true; start_index = 1; } else if(p0 == "assign" || p0 == "tocages") { const char* const building_type = p0 == "assign" ? "building" : "cage zone"; // if followed by another parameter, check if it's numeric bool target_building_given = false; if(parameters.size() >= 2) { auto & str = parameters[1]; if(str.size() > 0 && str[0] >= '0' && str[0] <= '9') { stringstream ss(parameters[1]); int new_building = -1; ss >> new_building; if(new_building != -1) { target_building = df::building::find(new_building); target_building_given = true; out << "Assign unit(s) to " << building_type << " #" << new_building << endl; start_index = 2; } } } if(!target_building_given) { if(target_building) { out << "No " << building_type << " id specified. Will use #" << target_building->id << endl; building_assign = true; start_index = 1; } else { out.color(COLOR_RED); out << "No " << building_type << " id specified and current one is invalid!" << endl; out.reset_color(); return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } } if (p0 == "assign") { building_assign = true; } else { cagezone_assign = true; } } else if(p0 == "slaughter") { out << "Assign animals for slaughter." << endl; unit_slaughter = true; start_index = 1; } else if(p0 == "nick") { if(parameters.size() <= 2) { out.printerr("No nickname specified! Use 'remnick' to remove nicknames!\n"); return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } nick_set = true; target_nick = parameters[1]; start_index = 2; out << "Set nickname to: " << target_nick << endl; } else if(p0 == "enumnick") { if(parameters.size() <= 2) { out.printerr("No prefix specified! Use 'remnick' to remove nicknames!\n"); return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } enum_nick = true; enum_prefix = parameters[1]; start_index = 2; out << "Set nickname to: " << enum_prefix <<" <N>" << endl; } else if(p0 == "remnick") { nick_set = true; target_nick = ""; start_index = 1; out << "Remove nicknames..." << endl; } else if(p0 == "zone") { // when there are no other arguments return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } else { out.color(COLOR_RED); out << "Unknown command: " << p0 << endl; out.reset_color(); return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } } // whether to invert the next filter we read bool invert_filter = false; // custom handling for things with defaults bool merchant_filter_set = false; bool named_filter_set = false; bool race_filter_set = false; // a vector of active filters // if all filters return true, we process a unit // if any filter returns false, we skip that unit vector<function<bool(df::unit*)>> active_filters; for (size_t i = start_index; i < parameters.size(); i++) { string& p = parameters[i]; if(p == "verbose") { if(invert_filter) { out.color(COLOR_RED); out << "Note: 'not verbose' unnecessary, verbose mode disabled by default" << endl; out.reset_color(); } verbose = !invert_filter; invert_filter = false; } else if(p == "not") { invert_filter = true; } else if(p == "count") { if(invert_filter) { out.color(COLOR_RED); out << "Error: 'not count' doesn't make sense." << endl; out.reset_color(); return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } if(i == parameters.size()-1) { out.color(COLOR_RED); out << "Error: no count specified." << endl; out.reset_color(); return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } else { stringstream ss(parameters[i+1]); i++; ss >> target_count; if(target_count <= 0) { out.color(COLOR_RED); out << "Error: invalid count specified (must be > 0)." << endl; out.reset_color(); } out.color(COLOR_GREEN); out << "Process up to " << target_count << " units." << endl; out.reset_color(); } } else if(p == "all") { if(invert_filter) { out.color(COLOR_RED); out << "Error: 'not all' doesn't make sense." << endl; out.reset_color(); return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } out.color(COLOR_GREEN); out << "Process all units." << endl; out.reset_color(); target_count = INT_MAX; } else if (zone_filters.count(p) == 1) { string& desc = zone_filter_notes.count(p) == 1 ? zone_filter_notes[p] : p; if (invert_filter) { auto &filter = zone_filters[p]; auto z = not1(filter); // we have to invert the filter, so we use a closure active_filters.push_back(not1(filter)); out.color(COLOR_GREEN); out << "Filter: 'not " << desc << "'" << endl; out.reset_color(); } else { active_filters.push_back(zone_filters[p]); out.color(COLOR_GREEN); out << "Filter: '" << desc << "'" << endl; out.reset_color(); } invert_filter = false; } else if (zone_param_filters.count(p) == 1) { // get the constructor auto &filter_pair = zone_param_filters[p]; auto arg_count = filter_pair.first; auto &filter_constructor = filter_pair.second; vector<string> args; // get arguments while (arg_count) { i++; arg_count--; args.push_back(parameters[i]); } // get results try { auto result_pair = filter_constructor(args); string& desc = result_pair.first; auto& filter = result_pair.second; if (invert_filter) { active_filters.push_back(not1(filter)); out.color(COLOR_GREEN); out << "Filter: 'not " << desc << "'" << endl; out.reset_color(); } else { active_filters.push_back(filter); out.color(COLOR_GREEN); out << "Filter: '" << desc << "'" << endl; out.reset_color(); } invert_filter = false; if (p == "race") { race_filter_set = true; } } catch (const exception&) { return CR_FAILURE; } } else if(p == "merchant") { if (invert_filter) { out.color(COLOR_GREEN); out << "Filter: 'not merchant'" << endl; out.reset_color(); active_filters.push_back([](df::unit *unit) { return !Units::isMerchant(unit) && !Units::isForest(unit); } ); } else { out.color(COLOR_GREEN); out << "Filter: 'merchant'" << endl; out.reset_color(); active_filters.push_back([](df::unit *unit) { return Units::isMerchant(unit) || Units::isForest(unit); } ); } merchant_filter_set = true; invert_filter = false; } else if(p == "named") { if (invert_filter) { out.color(COLOR_GREEN); out << "Filter: 'not named'" << endl; out.reset_color(); if (unit_slaughter) { out.color(COLOR_RED); out << "Note: 'not named' unnecessary when slaughtering, " "named units ignored by default" << endl; out.reset_color(); } active_filters.push_back([](df::unit *unit) { return !unit->name.has_name; } ); } else { out.color(COLOR_GREEN); out << "Filter: 'named'" << endl; out.reset_color(); active_filters.push_back([](df::unit *unit) { return unit->name.has_name; } ); } named_filter_set = true; invert_filter = false; } else { out.printerr("Unknown command: %s\n", p.c_str()); return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } } if (building_unassign) { // filter for units in the building unordered_set<int32_t> assigned_unit_ids; if(Buildings::isActivityZone(target_building)) { df::building_civzonest *civz = (df::building_civzonest *) target_building; auto &assigned_units_vec = civz->assigned_units; copy(assigned_units_vec.begin(), assigned_units_vec.end(), std::inserter(assigned_unit_ids, assigned_unit_ids.end())); } else if(isCage(target_building)) { df::building_cagest *cage = (df::building_cagest *) target_building; auto &assigned_units_vec = cage->assigned_units; copy(assigned_units_vec.begin(), assigned_units_vec.end(), std::inserter(assigned_unit_ids, assigned_unit_ids.end())); } else if(isChain(target_building)) { out.color(COLOR_RED); out << "Sorry, unassigning units from chains is not possible yet." << endl; out.reset_color(); return CR_FAILURE; } else { out.color(COLOR_RED); out << "Cannot unassign units from this type of building!" << endl; out.reset_color(); return CR_FAILURE; } active_filters.push_back([assigned_unit_ids](df::unit *unit) -> bool { return assigned_unit_ids.count(unit->id) == 1; } ); } if (target_count == 0) { out.color(COLOR_RED); out << "No target count! 'zone " << parameters[0] << "' must be followed by 'all' or 'count [COUNT]'." << endl; out.reset_color(); return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } if(!race_filter_set && (building_assign || cagezone_assign || unit_slaughter)) { string own_race_name = Units::getRaceNameById(plotinfo->race_id); out.color(COLOR_BROWN); out << "Default filter for " << parameters[0] << ": 'not (race " << own_race_name << " or own civilization)'; use 'race " << own_race_name << "' filter to override." << endl; out.reset_color(); active_filters.push_back([](df::unit *unit) { return !Units::isOwnRace(unit) || !Units::isOwnCiv(unit); } ); } if(!named_filter_set && unit_slaughter) { out.color(COLOR_BROWN); out << "Default filter for " << parameters[0] << ": 'not named'; use 'named' filter to override." << endl; out.reset_color(); active_filters.push_back([](df::unit *unit) { return !unit->name.has_name; } ); } if(!merchant_filter_set && (building_assign || cagezone_assign || unit_slaughter)) { out.color(COLOR_BROWN); out << "Default filter for " << parameters[0] << ": 'not merchant'; use 'merchant' filter to override." << endl; out.reset_color(); active_filters.push_back([](df::unit *unit) { return !Units::isMerchant(unit) && !Units::isForest(unit); } ); } if(building_assign || cagezone_assign || (nick_set && target_count == 0)) { if (!target_building) { out.color(COLOR_RED); out << "Invalid building id." << endl; out.reset_color(); return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } if(nick_set) { out.color(COLOR_BLUE); out << "Renaming all units in target building." << endl; out.reset_color(); return nickUnitsInBuilding(out, target_building, target_nick); } } if(target_count > 0) { vector <df::unit*> units_for_cagezone; int count = 0; int matchedCount = 0; for(auto unit_it = world->units.all.begin(); unit_it != world->units.all.end(); ++unit_it) { df::unit *unit = *unit_it; // ignore inactive and undead units if (!Units::isActive(unit) || Units::isUndead(unit)) { continue; } bool passes_all_filters = true; for (auto filter_it = active_filters.begin(); filter_it != active_filters.end(); ++filter_it) { auto &filter = *filter_it; if (!filter(unit)) { passes_all_filters = false; break; } } if (!passes_all_filters) { continue; } // animals bought in cages have an invalid map pos until they are freed for the first time // but if they are not in a cage and have an invalid pos it's better not to touch them if(!isContainedInItem(unit) && !hasValidMapPos(unit)) { if(verbose) { out << "----------"<<endl; out << "invalid unit pos but not in cage either. will skip this unit." << endl; unitInfo(out, unit, verbose); out << "----------"<<endl; } continue; } matchedCount++; if(unit_info) { unitInfo(out, unit, verbose); continue; } else if(nick_set) { Units::setNickname(unit, target_nick); } else if(enum_nick) { std::stringstream ss; ss << enum_prefix << " " << matchedCount; Units::setNickname(unit, ss.str()); } else if(cagezone_assign) { units_for_cagezone.push_back(unit); } else if(building_assign) { command_result result = assignUnitToBuilding(out, unit, target_building, verbose); if(result != CR_OK) return result; } else if(unit_slaughter) { doMarkForSlaughter(unit); } else if(building_unassign) { bool removed = unassignUnitFromBuilding(unit); if (removed) { out << "Unit " << unit->id << "(" << Units::getRaceName(unit) << ")" << " unassigned from"; if (Buildings::isActivityZone(target_building)) { out << " zone "; } else if (isCage(target_building)) { out << " cage "; } else if (isChain(target_building)) { out << " chain "; } else { out << " ???? "; } out << target_building->id << endl; } else { out.printerr("Failed to remove unit from building:"); unitInfo(out, unit, true); } } count++; if(count >= target_count) break; } if(cagezone_assign) { command_result result = assignUnitsToCagezone(out, units_for_cagezone, target_building, verbose); if(result != CR_OK) return result; } out.color(COLOR_BLUE); out << "Matched creatures: " << matchedCount << endl; out << "Processed creatures: " << count << endl; out.reset_color(); } else { // must have unit selected df::unit *unit = Gui::getSelectedUnit(out, true); if (!unit) { out.color(COLOR_RED); out << "Error: no unit selected!" << endl; out.reset_color(); return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } if(unit_info) { unitInfo(out, unit, verbose); return CR_OK; } else if(building_assign) { return assignUnitToBuilding(out, unit, target_building, verbose); } else if(unit_slaughter) { doMarkForSlaughter(unit); return CR_OK; } } return CR_OK; } //START zone filters class zone_filter { public: zone_filter() { initialized = false; } void initialize(const df::ui_sidebar_mode &mode) { if (!initialized) { this->mode = mode; saved_ui_building_assign_type.clear(); saved_ui_building_assign_units.clear(); saved_ui_building_assign_items.clear(); saved_ui_building_assign_is_marked.clear(); saved_indexes.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < ui_building_assign_units->size(); i++) { saved_ui_building_assign_type.push_back(ui_building_assign_type->at(i)); saved_ui_building_assign_units.push_back(ui_building_assign_units->at(i)); saved_ui_building_assign_items.push_back(ui_building_assign_items->at(i)); saved_ui_building_assign_is_marked.push_back(ui_building_assign_is_marked->at(i)); } search_string.clear(); show_non_grazers = show_pastured = show_noncaged = show_male = show_female = show_other_zones = true; entry_mode = false; initialized = true; } } void deinitialize() { initialized = false; } void apply_filters() { if (saved_indexes.size() > 0) { bool list_has_been_sorted = (ui_building_assign_units->size() == reference_list.size() && *ui_building_assign_units != reference_list); for (size_t i = 0; i < saved_indexes.size(); i++) { int adjusted_item_index = i; if (list_has_been_sorted) { for (size_t j = 0; j < ui_building_assign_units->size(); j++) { if (ui_building_assign_units->at(j) == reference_list[i]) { adjusted_item_index = j; break; } } } saved_ui_building_assign_is_marked[saved_indexes[i]] = ui_building_assign_is_marked->at(adjusted_item_index); } } string search_string_l = toLower(search_string); saved_indexes.clear(); ui_building_assign_type->clear(); ui_building_assign_is_marked->clear(); ui_building_assign_units->clear(); ui_building_assign_items->clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < saved_ui_building_assign_units.size(); i++) { df::unit *curr_unit = saved_ui_building_assign_units[i]; if (!curr_unit) continue; if (!show_non_grazers && !Units::isGrazer(curr_unit)) continue; if (!show_pastured && isAssignedToZone(curr_unit)) continue; if (!show_noncaged) { // must be in a container if(!isContainedInItem(curr_unit)) continue; // but exclude built cages (zoos, traps, ...) to avoid "accidental" pitting of creatures you'd prefer to keep if (isInBuiltCage(curr_unit)) continue; } if (!show_male && Units::isMale(curr_unit)) continue; if (!show_female && Units::isFemale(curr_unit)) continue; if (!search_string_l.empty()) { string desc = Translation::TranslateName( Units::getVisibleName(curr_unit), false); desc += Units::getProfessionName(curr_unit); desc = toLower(desc); if (desc.find(search_string_l) == string::npos) continue; } ui_building_assign_type->push_back(saved_ui_building_assign_type[i]); ui_building_assign_units->push_back(curr_unit); ui_building_assign_items->push_back(saved_ui_building_assign_items[i]); ui_building_assign_is_marked->push_back(saved_ui_building_assign_is_marked[i]); saved_indexes.push_back(i); // Used to map filtered indexes back to original, if needed } reference_list = *ui_building_assign_units; *ui_building_item_cursor = 0; } bool handle_input(const set<df::interface_key> *input) { if (!initialized) return false; bool key_processed = true; if (entry_mode) { // Query typing mode if (input->count(interface_key::SECONDSCROLL_UP) || input->count(interface_key::SECONDSCROLL_DOWN) || input->count(interface_key::SECONDSCROLL_PAGEUP) || input->count(interface_key::SECONDSCROLL_PAGEDOWN)) { // Arrow key pressed. Leave entry mode and allow screen to process key entry_mode = false; return false; } df::interface_key last_token = get_string_key(input); int charcode = Screen::keyToChar(last_token); if (charcode >= 32 && charcode <= 126) { // Standard character search_string += char(charcode); apply_filters(); } else if (last_token == interface_key::STRING_A000) { // Backspace if (search_string.length() > 0) { search_string.erase(search_string.length()-1); apply_filters(); } } else if (input->count(interface_key::SELECT) || input->count(interface_key::LEAVESCREEN)) { // ENTER or ESC: leave typing mode entry_mode = false; } } // Not in query typing mode else if (input->count(interface_key::CUSTOM_SHIFT_G) && (mode == ui_sidebar_mode::ZonesPenInfo || mode == ui_sidebar_mode::QueryBuilding)) { show_non_grazers = !show_non_grazers; apply_filters(); } else if (input->count(interface_key::CUSTOM_SHIFT_C) && (mode == ui_sidebar_mode::ZonesPenInfo || mode == ui_sidebar_mode::ZonesPitInfo || mode == ui_sidebar_mode::QueryBuilding)) { show_noncaged = !show_noncaged; apply_filters(); } else if (input->count(interface_key::CUSTOM_SHIFT_P) && (mode == ui_sidebar_mode::ZonesPenInfo || mode == ui_sidebar_mode::ZonesPitInfo || mode == ui_sidebar_mode::QueryBuilding)) { show_pastured = !show_pastured; apply_filters(); } else if (input->count(interface_key::CUSTOM_SHIFT_M) && (mode == ui_sidebar_mode::ZonesPenInfo || mode == ui_sidebar_mode::ZonesPitInfo || mode == ui_sidebar_mode::QueryBuilding)) { show_male = !show_male; apply_filters(); } else if (input->count(interface_key::CUSTOM_SHIFT_F) && (mode == ui_sidebar_mode::ZonesPenInfo || mode == ui_sidebar_mode::ZonesPitInfo || mode == ui_sidebar_mode::QueryBuilding)) { show_female = !show_female; apply_filters(); } else if (input->count(interface_key::CUSTOM_S)) { // Hotkey pressed, enter typing mode entry_mode = true; } else if (input->count(interface_key::CUSTOM_SHIFT_S)) { // Shift + Hotkey pressed, clear query search_string.clear(); apply_filters(); } else { // Not a key for us, pass it on to the screen key_processed = false; } return key_processed || entry_mode; // Only pass unrecognized keys down if not in typing mode } void do_render() { if (!initialized) return; int left_margin = gps->dimx - 30; int8_t a = (*ui_menu_width)[0]; int8_t b = (*ui_menu_width)[1]; if ((a == 1 && b > 1) || (a == 2 && b == 2)) left_margin -= 24; int x = left_margin; int y = 24; OutputString(COLOR_BROWN, x, y, "DFHack Filtering"); x = left_margin; ++y; OutputString(COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, x, y, "s"); OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, y, ": Search"); if (!search_string.empty() || entry_mode) { OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, y, ": "); if (!search_string.empty()) OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, y, search_string); if (entry_mode) OutputString(COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, x, y, "_"); } if (mode == ui_sidebar_mode::ZonesPenInfo || mode == ui_sidebar_mode::QueryBuilding) { x = left_margin; y += 2; OutputString(COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, x, y, "G"); OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, y, ": "); OutputString((show_non_grazers) ? COLOR_WHITE : COLOR_GREY, x, y, "Non-Grazing"); x = left_margin; ++y; OutputString(COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, x, y, "C"); OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, y, ": "); OutputString((show_noncaged) ? COLOR_WHITE : COLOR_GREY, x, y, "Not Caged"); x = left_margin; ++y; OutputString(COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, x, y, "P"); OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, y, ": "); OutputString((show_pastured) ? COLOR_WHITE : COLOR_GREY, x, y, "Currently Pastured"); x = left_margin; ++y; OutputString(COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, x, y, "F"); OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, y, ": "); OutputString((show_female) ? COLOR_WHITE : COLOR_GREY, x, y, "Female"); x = left_margin; ++y; OutputString(COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, x, y, "M"); OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, y, ": "); OutputString((show_male) ? COLOR_WHITE : COLOR_GREY, x, y, "Male"); } // pits don't have grazer filter because it seems pointless if (mode == ui_sidebar_mode::ZonesPitInfo) { x = left_margin; y += 2; OutputString(COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, x, y, "C"); OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, y, ": "); OutputString((show_noncaged) ? COLOR_WHITE : COLOR_GREY, x, y, "Not Caged"); x = left_margin; ++y; OutputString(COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, x, y, "P"); OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, y, ": "); OutputString((show_pastured) ? COLOR_WHITE : COLOR_GREY, x, y, "Currently Pastured"); x = left_margin; ++y; OutputString(COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, x, y, "F"); OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, y, ": "); OutputString((show_female) ? COLOR_WHITE : COLOR_GREY, x, y, "Female"); x = left_margin; ++y; OutputString(COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, x, y, "M"); OutputString(COLOR_WHITE, x, y, ": "); OutputString((show_male) ? COLOR_WHITE : COLOR_GREY, x, y, "Male"); } } private: df::ui_sidebar_mode mode; string search_string; bool initialized; bool entry_mode; bool show_non_grazers, show_pastured, show_noncaged, show_male, show_female, show_other_zones; std::vector<int8_t> saved_ui_building_assign_type; std::vector<df::unit*> saved_ui_building_assign_units, reference_list; std::vector<df::item*> saved_ui_building_assign_items; std::vector<char> saved_ui_building_assign_is_marked; vector <int> saved_indexes; }; struct zone_hook : public df::viewscreen_dwarfmodest { typedef df::viewscreen_dwarfmodest interpose_base; static zone_filter filter; DEFINE_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(void, feed, (set<df::interface_key> *input)) { if (!filter.handle_input(input)) INTERPOSE_NEXT(feed)(input); } DEFINE_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(void, render, ()) { if ( ( (plotinfo->main.mode == ui_sidebar_mode::ZonesPenInfo || plotinfo->main.mode == ui_sidebar_mode::ZonesPitInfo) && ui_building_assign_type && ui_building_assign_units && ui_building_assign_is_marked && ui_building_assign_items && ui_building_assign_type->size() == ui_building_assign_units->size() && ui_building_item_cursor) // allow mode QueryBuilding, but only for cages (bedrooms will crash DF with this code, chains don't work either etc) || ( plotinfo->main.mode == ui_sidebar_mode::QueryBuilding && ui_building_in_assign && *ui_building_in_assign && ui_building_assign_type && ui_building_assign_units && ui_building_assign_type->size() == ui_building_assign_units->size() && ui_building_assign_type->size() == ui_building_assign_items->size() && ui_building_assign_type->size() == ui_building_assign_is_marked->size() && ui_building_item_cursor && world->selected_building && isCage(world->selected_building) ) ) { if (vector_get(*ui_building_assign_units, *ui_building_item_cursor)) filter.initialize(plotinfo->main.mode); } else { filter.deinitialize(); } INTERPOSE_NEXT(render)(); filter.do_render(); } }; zone_filter zone_hook::filter; IMPLEMENT_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(zone_hook, feed); IMPLEMENT_VMETHOD_INTERPOSE(zone_hook, render); //END zone filters DFhackCExport command_result plugin_enable(color_ostream &out, bool enable) { if (enable != is_enabled) { if (!INTERPOSE_HOOK(zone_hook, feed).apply(enable) || !INTERPOSE_HOOK(zone_hook, render).apply(enable)) return CR_FAILURE; is_enabled = enable; } return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init(color_ostream &out, std::vector <PluginCommand> &commands) { commands.push_back(PluginCommand( "zone", "Manage activity zones.", df_zone)); return CR_OK; }