-- prints info on assigned hotkeys to the console local hotkeys = {'F1 ', 'F2 ', 'F3 ', 'F4 ', 'F5 ', 'F6 ', 'F7 ', 'F8 ', 'F9 ', 'F10', 'F11', 'F12'} for i=1, #hotkeys do local hk = hotkeys[i] hk = {id=hk} -- PLACEHOLDER PROPERTIES ONLY! hk.name = '_name' hk.x = df.global.window_x hk.y = df.global.window_y hk.z = df.global.window_z print(hk.id..' '..hk.name..' X= '..hk.x..', Y= '..hk.y..', Z= '..hk.z) end --[[ # the (very) old Python version... from context import Context, ContextManager cm = ContextManager("Memory.xml") df = cm.get_single_context() df.attach() gui = df.gui print "Hotkeys" hotkeys = gui.read_hotkeys() for key in hotkeys: print "x: %d\ny: %d\tz: %d\ttext: %s" % (key.x, key.y, key.z, key.name) df.detach() print "Done. Press any key to continue" raw_input() ]]--