--onReport.lua --author expwnent --contains the "ON_REPORT" event: triggered when there is a new report in df.global.world.status.reports --example --local onReport = require 'onReport' --onReport.triggers.someName = function (reportId) -- --do stuff with that id --end local _ENV = mkmodule('onReport') local utils = require 'utils' local repeatUtil = require 'repeatUtil' lastReport = lastReport or -1 triggers = triggers or {} monitorFrequency = monitorFrequency or nil eventToDwarf = eventToDwarf or {} function updateEventToDwarf(reportId) if not eventToDwarf[reportId] then eventToDwarf[reportId] = {} end for _,unit in ipairs(df.global.world.units.all) do for _,reportType in ipairs(unit.reports.log) do for _,report in ipairs(reportType) do if report == reportId then eventToDwarf[reportId][unit.id] = true end end end end end function monitor() local reports = df.global.world.status.reports if df.global.world.status.next_report_id-1 <= lastReport then return end -- if #reports == 0 or reports[#reports-1].id <= lastReport then -- return -- end _,_,start = utils.binsearch(reports,lastReport,"id") while start < #reports and reports[start].id <= lastReport do start = start+1 end for i=start,#reports-1,1 do updateEventToDwarf(reports[i].id) for _,callBack in pairs(triggers) do callBack(reports[i].id) end lastReport = reports[i].id end end monitorEvery = function(n) if n <= 0 then print('cannot monitor onReport every '..n..' ticks.') return end if monitorFrequency and monitorFrequency < n then print('NOT decreasing frequency of onReport monitoring from every '..monitorFrequency..' ticks to every '..n..' ticks') return end print('monitor onReport every '..n..' ticks') monitorFrequency = n repeatUtil.scheduleEvery('onReportMonitoring', n, 'ticks', monitor) end monitorEvery(1) return _ENV