local _ENV = mkmodule('plugins.sort.places') local sortoverlay = require('plugins.sort.sortoverlay') local widgets = require('gui.widgets') local utils = require('utils') local info = df.global.game.main_interface.info local buildings = info.buildings local zone_names = { [df.civzone_type.MeetingHall] = 'Meeting Area', [df.civzone_type.Bedroom] = 'Bedroom', [df.civzone_type.DiningHall] = 'Dining Hall', [df.civzone_type.Pen] = 'Pen/Pasture', [df.civzone_type.Pond] = 'Pit/Pond', [df.civzone_type.WaterSource] = 'Water Source', [df.civzone_type.Dungeon] = 'Dungeon', [df.civzone_type.FishingArea] = 'Fishing', [df.civzone_type.SandCollection] = 'Sand', [df.civzone_type.Office] = 'Office', [df.civzone_type.Dormitory] = 'Dormitory', [df.civzone_type.Barracks] = 'Barrachs', [df.civzone_type.ArcheryRange] = 'Archery Range', [df.civzone_type.Dump] = 'Garbage Dump', [df.civzone_type.AnimalTraining] = 'Animal Training', [df.civzone_type.Tomb] = 'Tomb', [df.civzone_type.PlantGathering] = 'Gather Fruit', [df.civzone_type.ClayCollection] = 'Clay' } local function get_default_zone_name(zone_type) return zone_names[zone_type] or '' end local function get_zone_search_key(zone) local site = df.global.world.world_data.active_site[0] local result = {} -- allow zones to be searchable by their name if #zone.name == 0 then table.insert(result, get_default_zone_name(zone.type)) else table.insert(result, zone.name) end -- allow zones w/ assignments to be searchable by their assigned unit if zone.assigned_unit ~= nil then table.insert(result, sortoverlay.get_unit_search_key(zone.assigned_unit)) end -- allow zones to be searchable by type if zone.location_id == -1 then -- zone is NOT a special location and we don't need to do anything special for type searching table.insert(result, df.civzone_type[zone.type]); else -- zone is a special location and we need to get its type from world data local building, success, _ = utils.binsearch(site.buildings, zone.location_id, 'id') if success then table.insert(result, df.language_name_type[building.name.type]) if building.name and building.name.has_name then table.insert(result, dfhack.TranslateName(building.name, true)) end end end -- allow barracks to be searchable by assigned squad for _, squad in ipairs(zone.squad_room_info) do table.insert(result, dfhack.military.getSquadName(squad.squad_id)) end return table.concat(result, ' ') end -- ---------------------- -- PlacesOverlay -- PlacesOverlay = defclass(PlacesOverlay, sortoverlay.SortOverlay) PlacesOverlay.ATTRS{ default_pos={x=71, y=9}, viewscreens='dwarfmode/Info', frame={w=40, h=6} } function PlacesOverlay:init() self:addviews{ widgets.BannerPanel{ frame={l=0, t=0, r=0, h=1}, visible=self:callback('get_key'), subviews={ widgets.EditField{ view_id='search', frame={l=1, t=0, r=1}, label_text="Search: ", key='CUSTOM_ALT_S', on_change=function(text) self:do_search(text) end, }, }, }, } self:register_handler('ZONES', buildings.list[df.buildings_mode_type.ZONES], curry(sortoverlay.single_vector_search, {get_search_key_fn=get_zone_search_key})) end function PlacesOverlay:get_key() if info.current_mode == df.info_interface_mode_type.BUILDINGS then -- TODO: Replace nested if with 'return df.buildings_mode_type[buildings.mode]' once other handlers are written -- Not there right now so it doesn't render a search bar on unsupported Places subpages if buildings.mode == df.buildings_mode_type.ZONES then return 'ZONES' end end end return _ENV