Copyright © 2018 Pauli <suokkos\gmail.com>

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damages arising from the use of this software.

Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
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#pragma once

#include "ColorText.h"

#include <atomic>
#include "Core.h"

namespace DFHack {

/*! \file Debug.h
 * Light weight wrappers for runtime debug output filtering. The idea is to add
 * as little as possible code compared to debug output without filtering. The
 * effect is archived using #TRACE, #DEBUG, #INFO, #WARN and #ERR macros. They
 * "return" color_ostream object or reference that can be then used normally for
 * either printf or stream style debug output.
 * Internally macros do inline filtering check which allows compiler to have a
 * fast path when output is disabled. However, if output is enabled then
 * parameters are evaluated and the printing function is called. The macro setup
 * code will also print a standard header for each log message, including
 * timestamp, plugin name, and category name.
 * \code{.cpp}
 * #include "Debug.h"
 * DBG_DECLARE(myplugin,init);
 * DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init ( color_ostream &out, std::vector <PluginCommand> &commands)
 * {
 *     command_result rv = CR_OK;
 *     DEBUG(init, out).print("initializing\n")
 *     if ((rv = initWork()) != CR_OK) {
 *         ERR(init, out) << "initWork failed with "
 *              << rv << " error code" << std::endl;
 *         return rv;
 *     }
 *     return rv
 * }
 * \endcode
 * The debug print filtering levels can be changed using a debugger. The
 * following gdb example will automatically setup core/init and core/render to
 * trace level when SDL_init is called.
 * \code{.unparsed}
 * break SDL_init
 * commands
 * silent
 * p DFHack::debug::core::debug_init.allowed_ = 0
 * p DFHack::debug::core::debug_render.allowed_ = 0
 * c
 * end
 * \endcode

#ifndef __has_cpp_attribute
#define __has_cpp_attribute(x) 0

 * \defgroup debug_branch_prediction Branch prediction helper macros
 * Helper macro tells compiler that debug output branch is unlikely and should
 * be optimized to cold section of the function.
 * \{
#if __cplusplus >= 202000L || __has_cpp_attribute(likely)
// c++20 will have standard branch prediction hint attributes
#define likely(x) (x) [[likely]]
#define unlikely(x) (x) [[unlikely]]
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
// gcc has builtin functions that give hints to the branch prediction
#define likely(x) (__builtin_expect(!!(x), 1))
#define unlikely(x) (__builtin_expect(!!(x), 0))
#define likely(x) (x)
#define unlikely(x) (x)
//! \}

#ifdef NDEBUG
 * Reduce minimum compiled in debug levels if NDEBUG is defined. This is LDEBUG
 * and not LINFO so users can usefully increase logging levels for bug reports.
#define DBG_FILTER DFHack::DebugCategory::LDEBUG
//! Set default compiled in debug levels to include all prints
#define DBG_FILTER DFHack::DebugCategory::LTRACE

 * DebugCategory is used to enable and disable debug messages in runtime.
 * Declaration and definition are handled by #DBG_DECLARE and #DBG_DEFINE
 * macros. Runtime filtering support is handled by #TRACE, #DEBUG, #INFO, #WARN
 * and #ERR macros.
class DFHACK_EXPORT DebugCategory final {
    //! type helper to maybe make it easier to convert to std::string_view when
    //! c++17 can be required.
    using cstring = const char*;
    using cstring_ref = const char*;
     * Debug level enum for message filtering
    enum level {
        LTRACE = 0,
        LDEBUG = 1,
        LINFO = 2,
        LWARNING = 3,
        LERROR = 4,

     * \param plugin the name of plugin the category belongs to
     * \param category the name of category
     * \param defaultLevel optional default filtering level for the category
    constexpr DebugCategory(cstring_ref plugin,
            cstring_ref category,
            level defaultLevel = LWARNING) noexcept :

    DebugCategory(const DebugCategory&) = delete;
    DebugCategory(DebugCategory&&) = delete;
    DebugCategory& operator=(DebugCategory) = delete;
    DebugCategory& operator=(DebugCategory&&) = delete;

     * Used by debug macros to check if message should be printed.
     * It is defined in the header to allow compiler inline it and make disabled
     * state a fast path without function calls.
     * \param msgLevel the debug message level the following print belongs to
     * \return boolean with true indicating that message should be printed
    bool isEnabled(const level msgLevel) const noexcept {
        const uint32_t intLevel = static_cast<uint32_t>(msgLevel);
        // Compile time filtering to allow compiling out debug checks prints
        // from binary.
        return static_cast<uint32_t>(DBG_FILTER) <= intLevel &&
            // Runtime filtering for debug messages
            static_cast<uint32_t>(allowed_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) <= intLevel;

    struct DFHACK_EXPORT ostream_proxy_prefix : public color_ostream_proxy {
        ostream_proxy_prefix(const DebugCategory& cat,
                color_ostream& target,
                DebugCategory::level level);
        ~ostream_proxy_prefix() {

     * Fetch a steam object proxy object for output. It also adds standard
     * message components like time and plugin and category names to the line.
     * User must make sure that the line is terminated with a line end.
     * \param msgLevel Specifies the level which next debug message belongs
     * \return color_ostream_proxy that can be used to print the message
     * \sa DFHack::Core::getConsole()
    ostream_proxy_prefix getStream(const level msgLevel) const
        return {*this,Core::getInstance().getConsole(),msgLevel};
     * Add standard message components to existing output stream object to begin
     * a new message line to an shared buffered object.
     * \param msgLevel Specifies the level which next debug message belongs
     * \param target An output stream object where a debug output is printed
     * \return color_ostream reference that was passed as second parameter
    ostream_proxy_prefix getStream(const level msgLevel, color_ostream& target) const
        return {*this,target,msgLevel};

     * \brief Allow management code to set a new filtering level
     * Caller must have locked DebugManager::access_mutex_.
    void allowed(level value) noexcept;
    //! Query current filtering level
    level allowed() const noexcept;
    //! Query plugin name
    cstring_ref plugin() const noexcept;
    //! Query category name
    cstring_ref category() const noexcept;

    cstring plugin_;
    cstring category_;
    std::atomic<level> allowed_;
#if __cplusplus >= 201703L || __cpp_lib_atomic_is_always_lock_free >= 201603
            "std::atomic<level> should be lock free. You are using a very old CPU or code needs to use std::atomic<int>");

 * Handle actual registering wrong template parameter generated pointer
 * calculation.
class DFHACK_EXPORT DebugRegisterBase {
    DebugRegisterBase(DebugCategory* category);
    void unregister(DebugCategory* category);

 * Register DebugCategory to DebugManager
template<DebugCategory* category>
class DebugRegister final : public DebugRegisterBase {
    DebugRegister() :
    ~DebugRegister() {

#define DBG_NAME(category) debug_ ## category

 * Declares a debug category. There must be only one declaration per category.
 * Declaration should be in same plugin where it is used. If same category name
 * is used in core and multiple plugins they all are changed with same command
 * unless user explicitly specifies a plugin name.
 * Must be used in one translation unit only.
 * \param plugin the name of plugin where debug category is used
 * \param category the name of category
 * \param level the initial DebugCategory::level filtering level.
#define DBG_DECLARE(plugin,category, ...)                                   \
    namespace debug { namespace plugin {                                    \
        DebugCategory DBG_NAME(category){#plugin,#category,__VA_ARGS__};    \
        DebugRegister<&DBG_NAME(category)> register_ ## category;           \
    } }                                                                     \
    using debug::plugin::DBG_NAME(category)

 * Can be used to access a shared DBG_DECLARE category. But may not be used from
 * static initializer because translation unit order is undefined.
 * Can be used in shared headers to gain access to one definition from
 * \param plugin The plugin name that must match DBG_DECLARE
 * \param category The category name that must matnch DBG_DECLARE
#define DBG_EXTERN(plugin,category)                                         \
    namespace debug { namespace plugin {                                    \
        extern DFHack::DebugCategory DBG_NAME(category);                    \
    } }                                                                     \
    using debug::plugin::DBG_NAME(category)

#define DBG_PRINT(category,pred,level,...)                                  \
    if pred(!DFHack::DBG_NAME(category).isEnabled(level))                   \
        ; /* nop fast path when debug category is disabled */               \
    else /* else to allow macro use in if-else branches */                  \
        DFHack::DBG_NAME(category).getStream(level, ## __VA_ARGS__)         \
/* end of DBG_PRINT */

 * Open a line for trace level debug output if enabled
 * Preferred category for inside loop debug messages or callbacks/methods called
 * multiple times per second. Good example would be render or onUpdate methods.
 * \param category the debug category
 * \param optional the optional second parameter is an existing
 *                 color_ostream_proxy object
 * \return color_ostream object that can be used for stream output
#define TRACE(category, ...) DBG_PRINT(category, likely, \
        DFHack::DebugCategory::LTRACE, ## __VA_ARGS__)

 * Open a line for debug level debug output if enabled
 * Preferred place to use it would be commonly called functions that don't fall
 * into trace category.
 * \param category the debug category
 * \param optional the optional second parameter is an existing
 *                 color_ostream_proxy object
 * \return color_ostream object that can be used for stream output
#define DEBUG(category, ...) DBG_PRINT(category, likely, \
        DFHack::DebugCategory::LDEBUG, ## __VA_ARGS__)

 * Open a line for error level debug output if enabled
 * Important debug messages when some rarely changed state changes. Example
 * would be when a debug category filtering level changes.
 * \param category the debug category
 * \param optional the optional second parameter is an existing
 *                 color_ostream_proxy object
 * \return color_ostream object that can be used for stream output
#define INFO(category, ...) DBG_PRINT(category, likely, \
        DFHack::DebugCategory::LINFO, ## __VA_ARGS__)

 * Open a line for warning level debug output if enabled
 * Warning category is for recoverable errors. This generally signals that
 * something unusual happened but there is code handling the error which should
 * allow df continue running without issues.
 * \param category the debug category
 * \param optional the optional second parameter is an existing
 *                 color_ostream_proxy object
 * \return color_ostream object that can be used for stream output
#define WARN(category, ...) DBG_PRINT(category, unlikely, \
        DFHack::DebugCategory::LWARNING, ## __VA_ARGS__)

 * Open a line for error level error output if enabled
 * Errors should be printed only for cases where plugin or dfhack can't recover
 * from reported error and it requires manual handling from the user.
 * \param category the debug category
 * \param optional the optional second parameter is an existing
 *                 color_ostream_proxy object
 * \return color_ostream object that can be used for stream output
#define ERR(category, ...) DBG_PRINT(category, unlikely, \
        DFHack::DebugCategory::LERROR, ## __VA_ARGS__)
