-- The help text database and query interface. -- -- Help text is read from the rendered text in hack/docs/docs/. If no rendered -- text exists, it is read from the script sources (for scripts) or the string -- passed to the PluginCommand initializer (for plugins). -- -- There should be one help file for each plugin that contains a summary for the -- plugin itself and help for all the commands that plugin provides (if any). -- Each script should also have one documentation file. -- -- The database is lazy-loaded when an API method is called. It rechecks its -- help sources for updates if an API method has not been called in the last -- 60 seconds. local _ENV = mkmodule('helpdb') local MAX_STALE_MS = 60000 -- paths local RENDERED_PATH = 'hack/docs/docs/tools/' local TAG_DEFINITIONS = 'hack/docs/docs/Tags.txt' -- used when reading help text embedded in script sources local SCRIPT_DOC_BEGIN = '[====[' local SCRIPT_DOC_END = ']====]' local SCRIPT_DOC_BEGIN_RUBY = '=begin' local SCRIPT_DOC_END_RUBY = '=end' -- enums local ENTRY_TYPES = { BUILTIN='builtin', PLUGIN='plugin', COMMAND='command' } local HELP_SOURCES = { RENDERED='rendered', -- from the installed, rendered help text PLUGIN='plugin', -- from the plugin source code SCRIPT='script', -- from the script source code STUB='stub', -- from a generated stub } -- builtin command names, with aliases mapped to their canonical form local BUILTINS = { ['?']='help', alias=true, clear='cls', cls=true, ['devel/dump-rpc']=true, die=true, dir='ls', disable=true, enable=true, fpause=true, help=true, hide=true, keybinding=true, ['kill-lua']=true, ['load']=true, ls=true, man='help', plug=true, reload=true, script=true, ['sc-script']=true, show=true, tags=true, ['type']=true, unload=true, } --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- data structures --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- help text database, keys are a subset of the entry database -- entry name -> { -- help_source (element of HELP_SOURCES), -- short_help (string), -- long_help (string), -- tags (set), -- source_timestamp (mtime, 0 for non-files), -- source_path (string, nil for non-files) -- } local textdb = {} -- entry database, points to text in textdb -- entry name -> { -- entry_types (set of ENTRY_TYPES), -- short_help (string, if not nil then overrides short_help in text_entry), -- text_entry (string) -- } -- -- entry_types is a set because plugin commands can also be the plugin names. local entrydb = {} -- tag name -> list of entry names -- Tags defined in the TAG_DEFINITIONS file that have no associated db entries -- will have an empty list. local tag_index = {} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- data ingestion --------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function get_rendered_path(entry_name) return RENDERED_PATH .. entry_name .. '.txt' end local function has_rendered_help(entry_name) return dfhack.filesystem.mtime(get_rendered_path(entry_name)) ~= -1 end local DEFAULT_HELP_TEMPLATE = [[ %s %s No help available. ]] local function make_default_entry(entry_name, help_source, kwargs) local default_long_help = DEFAULT_HELP_TEMPLATE:format( entry_name, ('='):rep(#entry_name)) return { help_source=help_source, short_help='No help available.', long_help=default_long_help, tags={}, source_timestamp=kwargs.source_timestamp or 0, source_path=kwargs.source_path} end -- updates the short_text, the long_text, and the tags in the given entry based -- on the text returned from the iterator. -- if defined, opts can have the following fields: -- begin_marker (string that marks the beginning of the help text; all text -- before this marker is ignored) -- end_marker (string that marks the end of the help text; text will stop -- being parsed after this marker is seen) -- no_header (don't try to find the entity name at the top of the help text) -- first_line_is_short_help (if set, then read the short help text from the -- first commented line of the script instead of -- using the first sentence of the long help text. -- value is the comment character.) local function update_entry(entry, iterator, opts) opts = opts or {} local lines, tags = {}, '' local first_line_is_short_help = opts.first_line_is_short_help local begin_marker_found,header_found = not opts.begin_marker,opts.no_header local tags_found, short_help_found = false, opts.skip_short_help local in_tags, in_short_help = false, false for line in iterator do if not short_help_found and first_line_is_short_help then line = line:trim() local _,_,text = line:find('^'..first_line_is_short_help..'%s*(.*)') if not text then -- if no first-line short help found, fall back to getting the -- first sentence of the help text. first_line_is_short_help = false else if not text:endswith('.') then text = text .. '.' end entry.short_help = text short_help_found = true goto continue end end if not begin_marker_found then local _, endpos = line:find(opts.begin_marker, 1, true) if endpos == #line then begin_marker_found = true end goto continue end if opts.end_marker then local _, endpos = line:find(opts.end_marker, 1, true) if endpos == #line then break end end if not header_found and line:find('%w') then header_found = true elseif in_tags then if #line == 0 then in_tags = false else tags = tags .. line end elseif not tags_found and line:find('^[*]*Tags:[*]*') then _,_,tags = line:trim():find('[*]*Tags:[*]* *(.*)') in_tags, tags_found = true, true elseif not short_help_found and line:find('^%s*%w') and not line:find('^%w+:') then if in_short_help then entry.short_help = entry.short_help .. ' ' .. line else entry.short_help = line:trim() end local sentence_end = entry.short_help:find('.', 1, true) if sentence_end then entry.short_help = entry.short_help:sub(1, sentence_end) short_help_found = true else in_short_help = true end end table.insert(lines, line) ::continue:: end entry.tags = {} for _,tag in ipairs(tags:split('[ ,|]+')) do if #tag > 0 and tag_index[tag] then entry.tags[tag] = true end end if #lines > 0 then entry.long_help = table.concat(lines, '\n') end end -- create db entry based on parsing sphinx-rendered help text local function make_rendered_entry(old_entry, entry_name, kwargs) local source_path = get_rendered_path(entry_name) local source_timestamp = dfhack.filesystem.mtime(source_path) if old_entry and old_entry.help_source == HELP_SOURCES.RENDERED and old_entry.source_timestamp >= source_timestamp then -- we already have the latest info return old_entry end kwargs.source_path, kwargs.source_timestamp = source_path, source_timestamp local entry = make_default_entry(entry_name, HELP_SOURCES.RENDERED, kwargs) local ok, lines = pcall(io.lines, source_path) if not ok then return entry end update_entry(entry, lines) return entry end -- create db entry based on the help text in the plugin source (used by -- out-of-tree plugins) local function make_plugin_entry(old_entry, entry_name, kwargs) if old_entry and old_entry.source == HELP_SOURCES.PLUGIN then -- we can't tell when a plugin is reloaded, so we can either choose to -- always refresh or never refresh. let's go with never for now for -- performance. return old_entry end local entry = make_default_entry(entry_name, HELP_SOURCES.PLUGIN, kwargs) local long_help = dfhack.internal.getCommandHelp(entry_name) if long_help and #long_help:trim() > 0 then update_entry(entry, long_help:trim():gmatch('[^\n]*'), {no_header=true}) end return entry end -- create db entry based on the help text in the script source (used by -- out-of-tree scripts) local function make_script_entry(old_entry, entry_name, kwargs) local source_path = kwargs.source_path local source_timestamp = dfhack.filesystem.mtime(source_path) if old_entry and old_entry.source == HELP_SOURCES.SCRIPT and old_entry.source_path == source_path and old_entry.source_timestamp >= source_timestamp then -- we already have the latest info return old_entry end kwargs.source_timestamp, kwargs.entry_type = source_timestamp local entry = make_default_entry(entry_name, HELP_SOURCES.SCRIPT, kwargs) local ok, lines = pcall(io.lines, source_path) if not ok then return entry end local is_rb = source_path:endswith('.rb') update_entry(entry, lines, {begin_marker=(is_rb and SCRIPT_DOC_BEGIN_RUBY or SCRIPT_DOC_BEGIN), end_marker=(is_rb and SCRIPT_DOC_END_RUBY or SCRIPT_DOC_END), first_line_is_short_help=(is_rb and '#' or '%-%-')}) return entry end -- updates the dbs (and associated tag index) with a new entry if the entry_name -- doesn't already exist in the dbs. local function update_db(old_db, entry_name, text_entry, help_source, kwargs) if entrydb[entry_name] then -- already in db (e.g. from a higher-priority script dir); skip return end entrydb[entry_name] = { entry_types=kwargs.entry_types, short_help=kwargs.short_help, text_entry=text_entry } if entry_name ~= text_entry then return end local text_entry, old_entry = nil, old_db[entry_name] if help_source == HELP_SOURCES.RENDERED then text_entry = make_rendered_entry(old_entry, entry_name, kwargs) elseif help_source == HELP_SOURCES.PLUGIN then text_entry = make_plugin_entry(old_entry, entry_name, kwargs) elseif help_source == HELP_SOURCES.SCRIPT then text_entry = make_script_entry(old_entry, entry_name, kwargs) elseif help_source == HELP_SOURCES.STUB then text_entry = make_default_entry(entry_name, HELP_SOURCES.STUB, kwargs) else error('unhandled help source: ' .. help_source) end textdb[entry_name] = text_entry end -- add the builtin commands to the db local function scan_builtins(old_db) local entry_types = {[ENTRY_TYPES.BUILTIN]=true, [ENTRY_TYPES.COMMAND]=true} for builtin,canonical in pairs(BUILTINS) do if canonical == true then canonical = builtin end update_db(old_db, builtin, canonical, has_rendered_help(canonical) and HELP_SOURCES.RENDERED or HELP_SOURCES.STUB, {entry_types=entry_types}) end -- easter egg: replace underline for 'die' help with tombstones textdb.die.long_help = textdb.die.long_help:gsub('=', string.char(239)) end -- scan for enableable plugins and plugin-provided commands and add their help -- to the db local function scan_plugins(old_db) local plugin_names = dfhack.internal.listPlugins() for _,plugin in ipairs(plugin_names) do local commands = dfhack.internal.listCommands(plugin) local includes_plugin = false for _,command in ipairs(commands) do local kwargs = {entry_types={[ENTRY_TYPES.COMMAND]=true}} if command == plugin then kwargs.entry_types[ENTRY_TYPES.PLUGIN]=true includes_plugin = true end kwargs.short_help = dfhack.internal.getCommandDescription(command) update_db(old_db, command, plugin, has_rendered_help(plugin) and HELP_SOURCES.RENDERED or HELP_SOURCES.PLUGIN, kwargs) end if not includes_plugin then update_db(old_db, plugin, plugin, has_rendered_help(plugin) and HELP_SOURCES.RENDERED or HELP_SOURCES.STUB, {entry_types={[ENTRY_TYPES.PLUGIN]=true}}) end end end -- scan for scripts and add their help to the db local function scan_scripts(old_db) local entry_types = {[ENTRY_TYPES.COMMAND]=true} for _,script_path in ipairs(dfhack.internal.getScriptPaths()) do local files = dfhack.filesystem.listdir_recursive( script_path, nil, false) if not files then goto skip_path end for _,f in ipairs(files) do if f.isdir or (not f.path:endswith('.lua') and not f.path:endswith('.rb')) or f.path:startswith('test/') or f.path:startswith('internal/') then goto continue end local dot_index = f.path:find('%.[^.]*$') local entry_name = f.path:sub(1, dot_index - 1) local source_path = script_path .. '/' .. f.path update_db(old_db, entry_name, entry_name, has_rendered_help(entry_name) and HELP_SOURCES.RENDERED or HELP_SOURCES.SCRIPT, {entry_types=entry_types, source_path=source_path}) ::continue:: end ::skip_path:: end end -- read tags and descriptions from the TAG_DEFINITIONS file and add them all -- to tag_index, initizlizing each entry with an empty list. local function initialize_tags() local tag, desc, in_desc = nil, nil, false local ok, lines = pcall(io.lines, TAG_DEFINITIONS) if not ok then return end for line in lines do if in_desc then line = line:trim() if #line == 0 then in_desc = false goto continue end desc = desc .. ' ' .. line tag_index[tag].description = desc else _,_,tag,desc = line:find('^%* (%w+)[^:]*: (.+)') if not tag then goto continue end tag_index[tag] = {description=desc} in_desc = true end ::continue:: end end local function index_tags() for entry_name,entry in pairs(entrydb) do for tag in pairs(textdb[entry.text_entry].tags) do -- ignore unknown tags if tag_index[tag] then table.insert(tag_index[tag], entry_name) end end end end -- ensures the db is up to date by scanning all help sources. does not do -- anything if it has already been run within the last MAX_STALE_MS milliseconds local last_refresh_ms = 0 local function ensure_db() local now_ms = dfhack.getTickCount() if now_ms - last_refresh_ms <= MAX_STALE_MS then return end last_refresh_ms = now_ms local old_db = textdb textdb, entrydb, tag_index = {}, {}, {} initialize_tags() scan_builtins(old_db) scan_plugins(old_db) scan_scripts(old_db) index_tags() end local function parse_blocks(text) local blocks = {} for line in text:gmatch('[^\n]*') do local _,indent = line:find('^ *') table.insert(blocks, {line=line:trim(), indent=indent}) end return blocks end local function format_block(line, indent, width) local wrapped = line:wrap(width - indent) if indent == 0 then return wrapped end local padding = (' '):rep(indent) local indented_lines = {} for line in wrapped:gmatch('[^\n]*') do table.insert(indented_lines, padding .. line) end return table.concat(indented_lines, '\n') end -- wraps the unwrapped source help at the specified width, preserving block -- indents local function rewrap(text, width) local formatted_blocks = {} for _,block in ipairs(parse_blocks(text)) do table.insert(formatted_blocks, format_block(block.line, block.indent, width)) end return table.concat(formatted_blocks, '\n') end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- get API --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- converts strings into single-element lists containing that string local function normalize_string_list(l) if not l or #l == 0 then return nil end if type(l) == 'string' then return {l} end return l end local function has_keys(str, dict) if not str or #str == 0 then return false end for _,s in ipairs(normalize_string_list(str)) do if not dict[s] then return false end end return true end -- returns whether the given string (or list of strings) is an entry (are all -- entries) in the db function is_entry(str) ensure_db() return has_keys(str, entrydb) end local function get_db_property(entry_name, property) ensure_db() if not entrydb[entry_name] then error(('helpdb entry not found: "%s"'):format(entry_name)) end return entrydb[entry_name][property] or textdb[entrydb[entry_name].text_entry][property] end function get_entry_types(entry) return get_db_property(entry, 'entry_types') end -- returns the ~54 char summary blurb associated with the entry function get_entry_short_help(entry) return get_db_property(entry, 'short_help') end -- returns the full help documentation associated with the entry, optionally -- wrapped to the specified width (80 if not specified). function get_entry_long_help(entry, width) return rewrap(get_db_property(entry, 'long_help'), width or 80) end -- returns the set of tags associated with the entry function get_entry_tags(entry) return get_db_property(entry, 'tags') end -- returns whether the given string (or list of strings) matches a tag name function is_tag(str) ensure_db() return has_keys(str, tag_index) end local function set_to_sorted_list(set) local list = {} for item in pairs(set) do table.insert(list, item) end table.sort(list) return list end -- returns the defined tags in alphabetical order function get_tags() ensure_db() return set_to_sorted_list(tag_index) end function get_tag_data(tag) ensure_db() if not tag_index[tag] then error(('helpdb tag not found: "%s"'):format(tag)) end return tag_index[tag] end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- search API --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- returns a list of path elements in reverse order local function chunk_for_sorting(str) local parts = str:split('/') local chunks = {} for i=1,#parts do chunks[#parts - i + 1] = parts[i] end return chunks end -- sorts by last path component, then by parent path components. -- something comes before nothing. -- e.g. gui/autofarm comes immediately before autofarm function sort_by_basename(a, b) local a = chunk_for_sorting(a) local b = chunk_for_sorting(b) local i = 1 while a[i] do if not b[i] then return true end if a[i] ~= b[i] then return a[i] < b[i] end i = i + 1 end return false end local function matches(entry_name, filter) if filter.tag then local matched = false local tags = get_db_property(entry_name, 'tags') for _,tag in ipairs(filter.tag) do if tags[tag] then matched = true break end end if not matched then return false end end if filter.entry_type then local matched = false local etypes = get_db_property(entry_name, 'entry_types') for _,etype in ipairs(filter.entry_type) do if etypes[etype] then matched = true break end end if not matched then return false end end if filter.str then local matched = false for _,str in ipairs(filter.str) do if entry_name:find(str, 1, true) then matched = true break end end if not matched then return false end end return true end -- normalizes the lists in the filter and returns nil if no filter elements are -- populated local function normalize_filter(f) if not f then return nil end local filter = {} filter.str = normalize_string_list(f.str) filter.tag = normalize_string_list(f.tag) filter.entry_type = normalize_string_list(f.entry_type) if not filter.str and not filter.tag and not filter.entry_type then return nil end return filter end -- returns a list of entry names, alphabetized by their last path component, -- with populated path components coming before null path components (e.g. -- autobutcher will immediately follow gui/autobutcher). -- the optional include and exclude filter params are maps with the following -- elements: -- str - if a string, filters by the given substring. if a table of strings, -- includes entry names that match any of the given substrings. -- tag - if a string, filters by the given tag name. if a table of strings, -- includes entries that match any of the given tags. -- entry_type - if a string, matches entries of the given type. if a table of -- strings, includes entries that match any of the given types. valid -- types are: "builtin", "plugin", "command". note that many plugin -- commands have the same name as the plugin, so those entries will -- match both "plugin" and "command" types. function search_entries(include, exclude) ensure_db() include = normalize_filter(include) exclude = normalize_filter(exclude) local entries = {} for entry in pairs(entrydb) do if (not include or matches(entry, include)) and (not exclude or not matches(entry, exclude)) then table.insert(entries, entry) end end table.sort(entries, sort_by_basename) return entries end -- returns a list of all commands. used by Core's autocomplete functionality. function get_commands() local include = {entry_type=ENTRY_TYPES.COMMAND} return search_entries(include) end function is_builtin(command) return is_entry(command) and get_entry_types(command)[ENTRY_TYPES.BUILTIN] end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- print API (outputs to console) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- implements the 'help' builtin command function help(entry) ensure_db() if not entrydb[entry] then dfhack.printerr(('No help entry found for "%s"'):format(entry)) return end print(get_entry_long_help(entry)) end -- prints col1text (width 21), a one space gap, and col2 (width 58) -- if col1text is longer than 21 characters, col2text is printed starting on the -- next line. if col2text is longer than 58 characters, it is wrapped. col2text -- lines on lines below the col1text output are indented by one space further -- than the col2text on the first line. local COL1WIDTH, COL2WIDTH = 20, 58 local function print_columns(col1text, col2text) col2text = col2text:wrap(COL2WIDTH) local wrapped_col2 = {} for line in col2text:gmatch('[^'..NEWLINE..']*') do table.insert(wrapped_col2, line) end local col2_start_line = 1 if #col1text > COL1WIDTH then print(col1text) else print(('%-'..COL1WIDTH..'s %s'):format(col1text, wrapped_col2[1])) col2_start_line = 2 end for i=col2_start_line,#wrapped_col2 do print(('%'..COL1WIDTH..'s %s'):format(' ', wrapped_col2[i])) end end -- prints the requested entries to the console. include and exclude filters are -- defined as in search_entries() above. local function list_entries(skip_tags, include, exclude) local entries = search_entries(include, exclude) for _,entry in ipairs(entries) do local short_help = get_entry_short_help(entry) if not skip_tags then local tags = set_to_sorted_list(get_entry_tags(entry)) if #tags > 0 then local taglist = table.concat(tags, ', ') short_help = short_help .. NEWLINE .. 'tags: ' .. taglist end end print_columns(entry, short_help) end if #entries == 0 then print('No matches.') end end -- wraps the list_entries() API to provide a more convenient interface for Core -- to implement the 'ls' builtin command. -- filter_str - if a tag name, will filter by that tag. otherwise, will filter -- as a substring -- skip_tags - whether to skip printing tag info -- show_dev_commands - if true, will include scripts in the modtools/ and -- devel/ directories. otherwise those scripts will be -- excluded function ls(filter_str, skip_tags, show_dev_commands) local include = {entry_type={ENTRY_TYPES.COMMAND}} if is_tag(filter_str) then include.tag = filter_str else include.str = filter_str end list_entries(skip_tags, include, show_dev_commands and {} or {tag='dev'}) end local function list_tags() local tags = get_tags() for _,tag in ipairs(tags) do print_columns(tag, get_tag_data(tag).description) end end -- implements the 'tags' builtin command function tags(tag) if tag and #tag > 0 and not is_tag(tag) then dfhack.printerr(('unrecognized tag: "%s"'):format(tag)) end if not is_tag(tag) then list_tags() return end local skip_tags = true local include = {entry_type={ENTRY_TYPES.COMMAND}, tag=tag} list_entries(skip_tags, include) end return _ENV