#include #include #include #include #include #include using std::vector; using std::string; using std::endl; using std::set; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace MapExtras; using namespace DFHack; typedef vector coord_vec; class Brush { public: virtual ~Brush(){}; virtual coord_vec points(MapCache & mc,DFHack::DFCoord start) = 0; }; /** * generic 3D rectangle brush. you can specify the dimensions of * the rectangle and optionally which tile is its 'center' */ class RectangleBrush : public Brush { public: RectangleBrush(int x, int y, int z = 1, int centerx = -1, int centery = -1, int centerz = -1) { if(centerx == -1) cx_ = x/2; else cx_ = centerx; if(centery == -1) cy_ = y/2; else cy_ = centery; if(centerz == -1) cz_ = z/2; else cz_ = centerz; x_ = x; y_ = y; z_ = z; }; coord_vec points(MapCache & mc, DFHack::DFCoord start) { coord_vec v; DFHack::DFCoord iterstart(start.x - cx_, start.y - cy_, start.z - cz_); DFHack::DFCoord iter = iterstart; for(int xi = 0; xi < x_; xi++) { for(int yi = 0; yi < y_; yi++) { for(int zi = 0; zi < z_; zi++) { if(mc.testCoord(iter)) v.push_back(iter); iter.z++; } iter.z = iterstart.z; iter.y++; } iter.y = iterstart.y; iter.x ++; } return v; }; ~RectangleBrush(){}; private: int x_, y_, z_; int cx_, cy_, cz_; }; /** * stupid block brush, legacy. use when you want to apply something to a whole DF map block. */ class BlockBrush : public Brush { public: BlockBrush(){}; ~BlockBrush(){}; coord_vec points(MapCache & mc, DFHack::DFCoord start) { coord_vec v; DFHack::DFCoord blockc = start % 16; DFHack::DFCoord iterc = blockc * 16; if( !mc.testCoord(start) ) return v; for(int xi = 0; xi < 16; xi++) { for(int yi = 0; yi < 16; yi++) { v.push_back(iterc); iterc.y++; } iterc.x ++; } return v; }; }; /** * Column from a position through open space tiles * example: create a column of magma */ class ColumnBrush : public Brush { public: ColumnBrush(){}; ~ColumnBrush(){}; coord_vec points(MapCache & mc, DFHack::DFCoord start) { coord_vec v; bool juststarted = true; while (mc.testCoord(start)) { uint16_t tt = mc.tiletypeAt(start); if(DFHack::LowPassable(tt) || juststarted && DFHack::HighPassable(tt)) { v.push_back(start); juststarted = false; start.z++; } else break; } return v; }; }; CommandHistory liquids_hist; DFhackCExport command_result df_liquids (Core * c, vector & parameters); DFhackCExport const char * plugin_name ( void ) { return "liquids"; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init ( Core * c, std::vector &commands) { liquids_hist.load("liquids.history"); commands.clear(); commands.push_back(PluginCommand("liquids", "Place magma, water or obsidian.", df_liquids, true)); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown ( Core * c ) { liquids_hist.save("liquids.history"); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result df_liquids (Core * c, vector & parameters) { int32_t x,y,z; uint32_t x_max,y_max,z_max; DFHack::Maps * Maps; DFHack::Gui * Position; for(int i = 0; i < parameters.size();i++) { if(parameters[i] == "help" || parameters[i] == "?") { c->con.print("This tool allows placing magma, water and other similar things.\n" "It is interactive and further help is available when you run it.\n" ); return CR_OK; } } Brush * brush = new RectangleBrush(1,1); string brushname = "point"; bool end = false; c->con << "Welcome to the liquid spawner.\nType 'help' or '?' for a list of available commands, 'q' to quit.\nPress return after a command to confirm." << std::endl; string mode="magma"; string flowmode="f+"; string setmode ="s."; unsigned int amount = 7; int width = 1, height = 1, z_levels = 1; while(!end) { c->Resume(); string command = ""; std::stringstream str; str <<"[" << mode << ":" << brushname << ":" << amount << ":" << flowmode << ":" << setmode << "]#"; if(c->con.lineedit(str.str(),command,liquids_hist) == -1) return CR_FAILURE; if(command=="help" || command == "?") { c->con << "Modes:" << endl << "m - switch to magma" << endl << "w - switch to water" << endl << "o - make obsidian wall instead" << endl << "of - make obsidian floors" << endl << "rs - make a river source" << endl << "f - flow bits only" << endl << "Set-Modes (only for magma/water):" << endl << "s+ - only add" << endl << "s. - set" << endl << "s- - only remove" << endl << "Properties (only for magma/water):" << endl << "f+ - make the spawned liquid flow" << endl << "f. - don't change flow state (read state in flow mode)" << endl << "f- - make the spawned liquid static" << endl << "0-7 - set liquid amount" << endl << "Brush:" << endl << "point - single tile [p]" << endl << "range - block with cursor at bottom north-west [r]" << endl << " (any place, any size)" << endl << "block - DF map block with cursor in it" << endl << " (regular spaced 16x16x1 blocks)" << endl << "column - Column from cursor, up through free space" << endl << "Other:" << endl << "q - quit" << endl << "help or ? - print this list of commands" << endl << "empty line - put liquid" << endl << endl << "Usage: point the DF cursor at a tile you want to modify" << endl << "and use the commands available :)" << endl; } else if(command == "m") { mode = "magma"; } else if(command == "o") { mode = "obsidian"; } else if(command == "of") { mode = "obsidian_floor"; } else if(command == "w") { mode = "water"; } else if(command == "f") { mode = "flowbits"; } else if(command == "rs") { mode = "riversource"; } else if(command == "point" || command == "p") { delete brush; brushname = "point"; brush = new RectangleBrush(1,1); } else if(command == "range" || command == "r") { std::stringstream str; CommandHistory range_hist; str << " :set range width<" << width << "># "; c->con.lineedit(str.str(),command,range_hist); range_hist.add(command); width = command == "" ? width : atoi (command.c_str()); if(width < 1) width = 1; str.clear(); str << " :set range height<" << height << "># "; c->con.lineedit(str.str(),command,range_hist); range_hist.add(command); height = command == "" ? height : atoi (command.c_str()); if(height < 1) height = 1; str.clear(); str << " :set range z-levels<" << z_levels << "># "; c->con.lineedit(str.str(),command,range_hist); range_hist.add(command); z_levels = command == "" ? z_levels : atoi (command.c_str()); if(z_levels < 1) z_levels = 1; delete brush; if(width == 1 && height == 1 && z_levels == 1) { brushname="point"; } else { brushname = "range"; } brush = new RectangleBrush(width,height,z_levels,0,0,0); } else if(command == "block") { delete brush; brushname = "block"; brush = new BlockBrush(); } else if(command == "column") { delete brush; brushname = "column"; brush = new ColumnBrush(); } else if(command == "q") { end = true; } else if(command == "f+") { flowmode = "f+"; } else if(command == "f-") { flowmode = "f-"; } else if(command == "f.") { flowmode = "f."; } else if(command == "s+") { setmode = "s+"; } else if(command == "s-") { setmode = "s-"; } else if(command == "s.") { setmode = "s."; } // blah blah, bad code, bite me. else if(command == "0") amount = 0; else if(command == "1") amount = 1; else if(command == "2") amount = 2; else if(command == "3") amount = 3; else if(command == "4") amount = 4; else if(command == "5") amount = 5; else if(command == "6") amount = 6; else if(command == "7") amount = 7; else if(command.empty()) { c->Suspend(); Maps = c->getMaps(); Maps->Start(); Maps->getSize(x_max,y_max,z_max); Position = c->getGui(); do { if(!Maps->Start()) { c->con << "Can't see any DF map loaded." << endl; break; } if(!Position->getCursorCoords(x,y,z)) { c->con << "Can't get cursor coords! Make sure you have a cursor active in DF." << endl; break; } c->con << "cursor coords: " << x << "/" << y << "/" << z << endl; MapCache mcache(Maps); DFHack::DFCoord cursor(x,y,z); coord_vec all_tiles = brush->points(mcache,cursor); c->con << "working..." << endl; if(mode == "obsidian") { coord_vec::iterator iter = all_tiles.begin(); while (iter != all_tiles.end()) { mcache.setTiletypeAt(*iter, 331); mcache.setTemp1At(*iter,10015); mcache.setTemp2At(*iter,10015); DFHack::t_designation des = mcache.designationAt(*iter); des.bits.flow_size = 0; mcache.setDesignationAt(*iter, des); iter ++; } } if(mode == "obsidian_floor") { coord_vec::iterator iter = all_tiles.begin(); while (iter != all_tiles.end()) { mcache.setTiletypeAt(*iter, 340); iter ++; } } else if(mode == "riversource") { set seen_blocks; coord_vec::iterator iter = all_tiles.begin(); while (iter != all_tiles.end()) { mcache.setTiletypeAt(*iter, 90); DFHack::t_designation a = mcache.designationAt(*iter); a.bits.liquid_type = DFHack::liquid_water; a.bits.liquid_static = false; a.bits.flow_size = 7; mcache.setTemp1At(*iter,10015); mcache.setTemp2At(*iter,10015); mcache.setDesignationAt(*iter,a); Block * b = mcache.BlockAt((*iter)/16); DFHack::t_blockflags bf = b->BlockFlags(); bf.bits.liquid_1 = true; bf.bits.liquid_2 = true; b->setBlockFlags(bf); iter++; } } else if(mode== "magma" || mode== "water" || mode == "flowbits") { set seen_blocks; coord_vec::iterator iter = all_tiles.begin(); while (iter != all_tiles.end()) { DFHack::DFCoord current = *iter; DFHack::t_designation des = mcache.designationAt(current); uint16_t tt = mcache.tiletypeAt(current); DFHack::naked_designation & flow = des.bits; // don't put liquids into places where they don't belong... if(!DFHack::FlowPassable(tt)) { iter++; continue; } if(mode != "flowbits") { if(setmode == "s.") { flow.flow_size = amount; } else if(setmode == "s+") { if(flow.flow_size < amount) flow.flow_size = amount; } else if(setmode == "s-") { if (flow.flow_size > amount) flow.flow_size = amount; } if(amount != 0 && mode == "magma") { flow.liquid_type = DFHack::liquid_magma; mcache.setTemp1At(current,12000); mcache.setTemp2At(current,12000); } else if(amount != 0 && mode == "water") { flow.liquid_type = DFHack::liquid_water; mcache.setTemp1At(current,10015); mcache.setTemp2At(current,10015); } else if(amount == 0 && (mode == "water" || mode == "magma")) { // reset temperature to sane default mcache.setTemp1At(current,10015); mcache.setTemp2At(current,10015); } mcache.setDesignationAt(current,des); } seen_blocks.insert(mcache.BlockAt((*iter) / 16)); iter++; } set ::iterator biter = seen_blocks.begin(); while (biter != seen_blocks.end()) { DFHack::t_blockflags bflags = (*biter)->BlockFlags(); if(flowmode == "f+") { bflags.bits.liquid_1 = true; bflags.bits.liquid_2 = true; (*biter)->setBlockFlags(bflags); } else if(flowmode == "f-") { bflags.bits.liquid_1 = false; bflags.bits.liquid_2 = false; (*biter)->setBlockFlags(bflags); } else { c->con << "flow bit 1 = " << bflags.bits.liquid_1 << endl; c->con << "flow bit 2 = " << bflags.bits.liquid_2 << endl; } biter ++; } } if(mcache.WriteAll()) c->con << "OK" << endl; else c->con << "Something failed horribly! RUN!" << endl; Maps->Finish(); } while (0); c->Resume(); } else { c->con << command << " : unknown command." << endl; } } return CR_OK; }