/** * Copyright (c) 2015, Michael Casadevall * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. **/ #include "Console.h" #include "Core.h" #include "DataDefs.h" #include "Export.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include "modules/EventManager.h" #include "modules/Units.h" #include "modules/Buildings.h" #include "modules/Maps.h" #include "modules/Job.h" #include "df/animal_training_level.h" #include "df/building_type.h" #include "df/caste_raw.h" #include "df/caste_raw_flags.h" #include "df/creature_raw.h" #include "df/job.h" #include "df/general_ref_unit_workerst.h" #include "df/profession.h" #include "df/ui.h" #include "df/unit.h" #include "df/unit_health_info.h" #include "df/unit_health_flags.h" #include "df/world.h" #include #include using namespace DFHack; using namespace DFHack::Units; using namespace DFHack::Buildings; using namespace std; DFHACK_PLUGIN("dwarfvet"); DFHACK_PLUGIN_IS_ENABLED(dwarfvet_enabled); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(ui); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(world); static vector tracked_units; static int32_t howOften = 100; struct hospital_spot { int32_t x; int32_t y; int32_t z; }; class Patient { public: // Constructor/Deconstrctor Patient(int32_t id, int spot_index, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t z); int32_t getID() { return this->id; }; int32_t getSpotIndex() { return this->spot_index; }; int32_t returnX() { return this->spot_in_hospital.x; }; int32_t returnY() { return this->spot_in_hospital.y; }; int32_t returnZ() { return this->spot_in_hospital.z; }; private: struct hospital_spot spot_in_hospital; int id; int spot_index; }; Patient::Patient(int32_t id, int32_t spot_index, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t z){ this->id = id; this->spot_in_hospital.x = x; this->spot_in_hospital.y = y; this->spot_in_hospital.z = z; } class AnimalHospital { public: // Constructor AnimalHospital(df::building *, color_ostream &out); ~AnimalHospital(); int32_t getID() { return id; } bool acceptPatient(int32_t id, color_ostream&); void processPatients(color_ostream &out); void dischargePatient(Patient * patient, color_ostream &out); void calculateHospital(bool force, color_ostream &out); void reportUsage(color_ostream &out); // GC bool to_be_deleted; private: int spots_open; int32_t id; int32_t x1; int32_t x2; int32_t y1; int32_t y2; int32_t z; int height; int length; // Doing an actual array in C++ is *annoying*, bloody copy constructors */ vector spots_in_use; vector building_in_hospital_notification; /* If present, we already notified about this */ vector accepted_patients; }; AnimalHospital::AnimalHospital(df::building * building, color_ostream &out) { // Copy in what we need to know id = building->id; x1 = building->x1; x2 = building->x2; y1 = building->y1; y2 = building->y2; z = building->z; // Determine how many spots we have for animals this->length = x2-x1+1; this->height = y2-y1+1; // And calculate the hospital! this->calculateHospital(true, out); } AnimalHospital::~AnimalHospital() { // Go through and delete all the patients for (vector::iterator accepted_patient = this->accepted_patients.begin(); accepted_patient != this->accepted_patients.end(); accepted_patient++) { delete (*accepted_patient); } } bool AnimalHospital::acceptPatient(int32_t id, color_ostream &out) { // This function determines if we can accept a patient, and if we will. this->calculateHospital(true, out); // First, do we have room? if (!spots_open) return false; // Yup, let's find the next open spot, // and give it to our patient int spot_cur = 0; // fuck the STL for requiring a second counter to make this usable for (vector::iterator spot = this->spots_in_use.begin(); spot != this->spots_in_use.end(); spot++) { if (*spot == false) { *spot = true; break; } spot_cur++; } spots_open--; // Convert the spot into x/y/z cords. int offset_y = spot_cur/length; int offset_x = spot_cur%length; // Create the patient! Patient * patient = new Patient(id, spot_cur, this->x1+offset_x, this->y1+offset_y, this->z ); accepted_patients.push_back(patient); return true; } // Before any use of the hospital, we need to make calculate open spots // and such. This can change (i.e. stuff built in hospital) and // such so it should be called on each function. void AnimalHospital::reportUsage(color_ostream &out) { // Debugging tool to see parts of the hospital in use int length_cursor = this->length; for (vector::iterator spot = this->spots_in_use.begin(); spot != this->spots_in_use.end(); spot++) { if (*spot) out.print("t"); if (!(*spot)) out.print("f"); length_cursor--; if (length_cursor < 0) { out.print("\n"); length_cursor = this->length; } } out.print("\n"); } void AnimalHospital::calculateHospital(bool force, color_ostream &out) { // Only calculate out the hospital if we actually have a patient in it // (acceptPatient will forcibly rerun this to make sure everything OK // Should reduce FPS impact of each calculation tick when the hospitals // are not in use //if (!force || (spots_open == length*height)) { // Hospital is idle, don't recalculate // return; //} // Calculate out the total area of the hospital // This can change if a hospital has been resized this->spots_open = length*height; this->spots_in_use.assign(this->spots_open, false); // The spots_in_use maps one to one with a spot // starting at the upper-left hand corner, then // across, then down. i.e. // // given hospital zone: // // UU // uU // // where U is in use, and u isn't, the array // would be t,t,f,t // Walk the building array and see what stuff is in the hospital, // then walk the patient array and remark those spots as used. // If a patient is in an invalid spot, reassign it for (df::building *building : world->buildings.all) { // Check that we're not comparing ourselves; if (building->id == this->id) { continue; } // Check if the building is on our z level, if it isn't // then it can't overlap the hospital (until Toady implements // multi-z buildings if (building->z != this->z) { continue; } // DF defines activity zones multiple times in the building structure // If axises agree with each other, we're looking at a reflection of // ourselves if (building->x1 == this->x1 && building->x2 == this->x2 && building->y1 == this->y1 && building->y2 == this->y2) { continue; } // Check for X/Y overlap // I can't believe I had to look this up -_-; // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/306316/determine-if-two-rectangles-overlap-each-other if ((this->x1 > building->x2 || building->x1 > this->x2 || this->y1 > building->y2 || building->y1 > this->y2)) { continue; } // Crap, building overlaps, we need to figure out where it is in the hospital // NOTE: under some conditions, this generates a false warning. Not a lot I can do about it // Mark spots used by that building as used; FIXME: handle special logic for traction benches and such int building_offset_x = building->x1 - this->x1; int building_offset_y = building->y1 - this->y1; int building_length = building->x2 - building->x1 + 1; int building_height = building->y2 - building->y1 + 1; // Cap the used calculation to only include the part in the hospital if (this->x1 > building->x1) { building_offset_x -= (this->x1 - building->x1); } if (this->y1 > building->y1) { building_offset_y -= (building->y1 - this->y1); } if ((this->x2 < building->x2) && building_offset_x) { building_length -= (this->x2 - building->x2) + 1; } if ((this->y2 < building->y2) && building_offset_y) { building_height = (building->y2 - this->y2) + 1; } // Quick explination, if a building is north or east of the activity zone, // we get a negative offset, we'll just skip those lines below. If its // south or west, we make the building length/height lower to compinsate. /* if we have a negative x offset, we correct that */ if (building_offset_x < 0) { building_height += building_offset_x; building_offset_x = 0; } /* Handle negative y offset */ if (building_offset_y < 0) { building_length += building_offset_y; building_offset_y = 0; }; /* Advance the pointer to first row we need to mark */ int spot_cur = 0; if (building_offset_y) { spot_cur = (length+1) * building_offset_y; } spot_cur += building_offset_x; /* Start marking! */ for (int i = 0; i < building_height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < building_length; j++) { spots_in_use[spot_cur+j] = true; } // Wind the cursor to the start of the next row spot_cur += length+1; } // *phew*, done. Now repeat the process for the next building! } } // Self explanatory void AnimalHospital::dischargePatient(Patient * patient, color_ostream &out) { int32_t id = patient->getID(); // Remove them from the hospital // We can safely iterate here because once we delete the unit // we no longer use the iterator for (vector::iterator accepted_patient = this->accepted_patients.begin(); accepted_patient != this->accepted_patients.end(); accepted_patient++) { if ( (*accepted_patient)->getID() == id) { out.print("Discharging unit %d from hospital %d\n", id, this->id); // Reclaim their spot spots_in_use[(*accepted_patient)->getSpotIndex()] = false; this->spots_open++; delete (*accepted_patient); this->accepted_patients.erase(accepted_patient); break; } } // And the master list for (vector::iterator it = tracked_units.begin(); it != tracked_units.end(); it++) { if ((*it) == id) { tracked_units.erase(it); break; } } return; } void AnimalHospital::processPatients(color_ostream &out) { // Where the magic happens for (vector::iterator patient = this->accepted_patients.begin(); patient != this->accepted_patients.end(); patient++) { int id = (*patient)->getID(); df::unit * real_unit = nullptr; // Appears the health bits can get freed/realloced too -_-;, Find the unit from the main // index and check it there. auto units = world->units.all; for ( size_t a = 0; a < units.size(); a++ ) { real_unit = units[a]; if (real_unit->id == id) { break; } } // Check to make sure the unit hasn't expired before assigning a job, or if they've been healed if (!real_unit || real_unit->flags1.bits.dead || !real_unit->health->flags.bits.needs_healthcare) { // discharge the patient from the hospital this->dischargePatient(*patient, out); return; } // Give the unit a job if they don't have any if (!real_unit->job.current_job) { // Create REST struct df::job * job = new df::job; DFHack::Job::linkIntoWorld(job); job->pos.x = (*patient)->returnX(); job->pos.y = (*patient)->returnY(); job->pos.z = (*patient)->returnZ(); job->flags.bits.special = 1; job->job_type = df::enums::job_type::Rest; df::general_ref *ref = df::allocate(); ref->setID(real_unit->id); job->general_refs.push_back(ref); real_unit->job.current_job = job; job->wait_timer = 1600; out.print("Telling intelligent unit %d to report to the hospital!\n", real_unit->id); } } } static vector animal_hospital_zones; void delete_animal_hospital_vector(color_ostream &out) { out.print("Clearing all animal hospitals\n"); for (vector::iterator animal_hospital = animal_hospital_zones.begin(); animal_hospital != animal_hospital_zones.end(); animal_hospital++) { delete (*animal_hospital); } animal_hospital_zones.clear(); } command_result dwarfvet(color_ostream &out, std::vector & parameters); DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init ( color_ostream &out, std::vector &commands) { commands.push_back(PluginCommand( "dwarfvet", "Allows animals to be cared for in animal hospitals (activity zones that are animal training + hospital combined).", dwarfvet, false, //allow non-interactive use "dwarfvet enable\n" " enables animals to use animal hospitals (requires dwarf with Animal Caretaker labor enabled)\n" "dwarfvet report\n" " displays all zones dwarfvet considers animal hospitals and their current location on the map\n" )); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown ( color_ostream &out ) { return CR_OK; } bool isActiveAnimalHospital(df::building * building) { if (Buildings::isHospital(building) && Buildings::isAnimalTraining(building) && Buildings::isActive(building)) { return true; } return false; } bool compareAnimalHospitalZones(df::building * hospital1, df::building * hospital2) { // We compare hospitals by checking if positions are identical, not by ID // since activity zones can easily be changed in size if ( hospital1->x1 == hospital2->x1 && hospital1->x2 == hospital2->x2 && hospital1->y1 == hospital2->y1 && hospital1->y2 == hospital2->y2 && hospital1->z == hospital2->z) { return true; } return false; } void tickHandler(color_ostream& out, void* data) { if ( !dwarfvet_enabled ) return; CoreSuspender suspend; int32_t own_race_id = df::global::ui->race_id; int32_t own_civ_id = df::global::ui->civ_id; auto units = world->units.all; /** * Generate a list of animal hospitals on the map * * Since activity zones can change any instant given user interaction * we need to be constantly on the lookout for changed zones, and update * our cached list on the fly if necessary. **/ vector hospitals_on_map; // Because C++ iterators suck, we're going to build a temporary vector with the AHZ, and then // copy it for my own bloody sanity (and compilance with the STL spec) vector ahz_scratch; // Holding area for things to be added to the scratch vector to_be_added; // Walk the building tree, and generate a list of animal hospitals on the map for (size_t b =0 ; b < world->buildings.all.size(); b++) { df::building* building = world->buildings.all[b]; if (isActiveAnimalHospital(building)) { hospitals_on_map.push_back(building); } } int count_of_hospitals = hospitals_on_map.size(); int hospitals_cached = animal_hospital_zones.size(); //out.print ("count_of_Hospitals: %d, hospitals_cached: %d\n", count_of_hospitals, hospitals_cached); // It's possible our hospital cache is empty, if so, simply copy it, and jump to the main logic if (!hospitals_cached && count_of_hospitals) { out.print("Populating hospital cache:\n"); for (df::building *current_hospital : hospitals_on_map) { AnimalHospital * hospital = new AnimalHospital(current_hospital, out); out.print(" Found animal hospital %d at x1: %d, y1: %d, z: %d from valid hospital list\n", hospital->getID(), current_hospital->x1, current_hospital->y1, current_hospital->z ); animal_hospital_zones.push_back(hospital); } goto processUnits; } if (!count_of_hospitals && !hospitals_cached) { // No hospitals found, delete any cache, and return delete_animal_hospital_vector(out); out.print("No hospitals found, plugin sleeping ...\n"); goto cleanup; } // Now walk our list of known hospitals, do a bit of checking, then compare // TODO: this doesn't handle zone resizes at all for (vector::iterator animal_hospital = animal_hospital_zones.begin(); animal_hospital != animal_hospital_zones.end(); animal_hospital++) { // If a zone is changed at all, DF seems to reallocate it. // // Each AnimalHospital has a "to_be_deleted" bool. We're going to set that to true, and clear it if we can't // find a matching hospital. This limits the number of times we need to walk through the AHZ list to twice, and // lets us cleanly report it later // // Surviving hospitals will be copied to scratch which will become the new AHZ vector (*animal_hospital)->to_be_deleted = true; for (vector::iterator current_hospital = hospitals_on_map.begin(); current_hospital != hospitals_on_map.end(); current_hospital++) { /* Keep the hospital if its still valid */ if ((*animal_hospital)->getID() == (*current_hospital)->id) { ahz_scratch.push_back(*animal_hospital); (*animal_hospital)->to_be_deleted = false; break; } } } // Report what we're deleting by checking the to_be_deleted bool. // // Whatsever left is added to the pending add list for (vector::iterator animal_hospital = animal_hospital_zones.begin(); animal_hospital != animal_hospital_zones.end(); animal_hospital++) { if ((*animal_hospital)->to_be_deleted) { out.print("Hospital #%d removed\n", (*animal_hospital)->getID()); delete *animal_hospital; } } /* Now we need to walk the scratch and add anything that is a hospital and wasn't in the vector */ for (vector::iterator current_hospital = hospitals_on_map.begin(); current_hospital != hospitals_on_map.end(); current_hospital++) { bool new_hospital = true; for (vector::iterator animal_hospital = ahz_scratch.begin(); animal_hospital != ahz_scratch.end(); animal_hospital++) { if ((*animal_hospital)->getID() == (*current_hospital)->id) { // Next if we're already here new_hospital = false; break; } } // Add it if its new if (new_hospital == true) to_be_added.push_back(*current_hospital); } /* Now add it to the scratch AHZ */ for (vector::iterator current_hospital = to_be_added.begin(); current_hospital != to_be_added.end(); current_hospital++) { // Add it to the vector out.print("Adding new hospital #id: %d at x1 %d y1: %d z: %d\n", (*current_hospital)->id, (*current_hospital)->x1, (*current_hospital)->y1, (*current_hospital)->z ); AnimalHospital * hospital = new AnimalHospital(*current_hospital, out); ahz_scratch.push_back(hospital); } /* Copy the scratch to the AHZ */ animal_hospital_zones = ahz_scratch; // We always recheck the cache instead of counts because someone might have removed then added a hospital /* if (hospitals_cached != count_of_hospitals) { out.print("Hospitals on the map changed, rebuilding cache\n"); for (vector::iterator current_hospital = hospitals_on_map.begin(); current_hospital != hospitals_on_map.end(); current_hospital++) { bool add_hospital = true; for (vector::iterator map_hospital = animal_hospital_zones.begin(); map_hospital != animal_hospital_zones.end(); map_hospital++) { if (compareAnimalHospitalZones(*map_hospital, *current_hospital)) { // Same hospital, we're good add_hospital = false; break; } } // Add it to the list if (add_hospital) { out.print("Adding zone at x1: %d, y1: %d to valid hospital list\n", (*current_hospital)->x1, (*current_hospital)->y1); animal_hospital_zones.push_back(*current_hospital); } } } */ processUnits: /* Code borrowed from petcapRemover.cpp */ for ( size_t a = 0; a < units.size(); a++ ) { df::unit* unit = units[a]; /* As hilarious as it would be, lets not treat FB :) */ if ( unit->flags1.bits.dead || unit->flags1.bits.active_invader || unit->flags2.bits.underworld || unit->flags2.bits.visitor_uninvited || unit->flags2.bits.visitor ) { continue; } if ( !Units::isTamable(unit)) { continue; } /** * So, for a unit to be elligable for the hospital, all the following must be true * * 1. It must be a member of our civilization * 2. It must be tame (semi-wild counts for this) * 2.1 If its not a dwarf, AND untame clear its civ out so traps work * 3. It must have a health struct (which is generated by combat) * 4. health->needs_healthcare must be set to true * 5. If health->requires_recovery is set, the creature can't move under its own power * and a Recover Wounded or Pen/Pasture job MUST be created by hand - TODO * 6. An open spot in the "Animal Hospital" (activity zone with hospital+animal training set) * must be available * * I apologize if this excessively verbose, but the healthcare system is stupidly conplex * and there's tons of edgecases to watch out for, and I want someone else to ACTUALLY * beside me able to understand what's going on */ // 1. Make sure its our own civ if (!Units::isOwnCiv(unit)) { continue; } // 2. Check for tameness if (unit->training_level == df::animal_training_level::WildUntamed) { // We don't IMMEDIATELY continue here, if the unit is // part of our civ, it indiciates it WAS tamed, and reverted // from SemiWild. Clear its civ flag so it looses TRAPAVOID // // Unfortunately, dwarves (or whatever is CIV_SELECTABLE) // also have a default taming level of WildUntamed so // check for this case // // Furthermore, it MIGHT be a werebeast, so check THAT too // and exclude those as well. // // Finally, this breaks makeown. I might need to write a patch // to set the tameness of "makeowned" units so dwarfvet can notice // it if (unit->race == own_race_id || unit->enemy.normal_race == own_race_id) { continue; } else { unit->civ_id = -1; out.print ("Clearing civ on unit: %d", unit->id); } } // 3. Check for health struct if (!unit->health) { // Unit has not been injured ever; health struct MIA continue; } // 4. Check the healthcare flags if (unit->health->flags.bits.needs_healthcare) { /** * So, for dwarves to care for a unit it must be resting in * in a hospital zone. Since non-dwarves never take jobs * this why animal healthcare doesn't work for animals despite * animal caretaker being coded in DF itself * * How a unit gets there is dependent on several factors. If * a unit can move under its own power, it will take the rest * job, with a position of a bed in the hospital, then move * into that bed and fall asleep. This triggers a doctor to * treat the unit. * * If a unit *can't* move, it will set needs_recovery, which * creates a "Recover Wounded" job in the job list, and then * create the "Rest" job as listed above. Another dwarf with * the right labors will go recover the unit, then the above * logic kicks off. * * The necessary flags seem to be properly set for all units * on the map, so in theory, we just need to make the jobs and * we're in business, but from a realism POV, I don't think * non-sentient animals would be smart enough to go to the * hospital on their own, so instead, we're going to do the following * * If a unit CAN_THINK, and can move let it act like a dwarf, * it will try and find an open spot in the hospital, and if so, * go there to be treated. In vanilla, the only tamable animal * with CAN_THINK are Gremlins, so this is actually an edge case * but its the easiest to code. * * TODO: figure out exact logic for non-thinking critters. */ // Now we need to find if this unit can be accepted at a hospital bool awareOfUnit = false; for (vector::iterator it = tracked_units.begin(); it != tracked_units.end(); it++) { if ((*it) == unit->id) { awareOfUnit = true; } } // New unit for dwarfvet to be aware of! if (!awareOfUnit) { // The master list handles all patients which are accepted // Check if this is a unit we're already aware of for (auto animal_hospital : animal_hospital_zones) { if (animal_hospital->acceptPatient(unit->id, out)) { out.print("Accepted patient %d at hospital %d\n", unit->id, animal_hospital->getID()); tracked_units.push_back(unit->id); break; } } } } } // The final step, process all patients! for (vector::iterator animal_hospital = animal_hospital_zones.begin(); animal_hospital != animal_hospital_zones.end(); animal_hospital++) { (*animal_hospital)->calculateHospital(true, out); (*animal_hospital)->processPatients(out); } cleanup: EventManager::unregisterAll(plugin_self); EventManager::EventHandler handle(tickHandler, howOften); EventManager::registerTick(handle, howOften, plugin_self); } command_result dwarfvet (color_ostream &out, std::vector & parameters) { CoreSuspender suspend; for ( size_t a = 0; a < parameters.size(); a++ ) { if ( parameters[a] == "enable" ) { out.print("dwarfvet enabled!\n"); dwarfvet_enabled = true; } if ( parameters[a] == "disable") { out.print("dwarvet disabled!\n"); dwarfvet_enabled = false; } if ( parameters[a] == "report") { out.print("Current animal hospitals are:\n"); for (size_t b =0 ; b < world->buildings.all.size(); b++) { df::building* building = world->buildings.all[b]; if (isActiveAnimalHospital(building)) { out.print(" at x1: %d, x2: %d, y1: %d, y2: %d, z: %d\n", building->x1, building->x2, building->y1, building->y2, building->z); } } return CR_OK; } if ( parameters[a] == "report-usage") { out.print("Current animal hospitals are:\n"); for (vector::iterator animal_hospital = animal_hospital_zones.begin(); animal_hospital != animal_hospital_zones.end(); animal_hospital++) { (*animal_hospital)->calculateHospital(true, out); (*animal_hospital)->reportUsage(out); } return CR_OK; } } if ( !dwarfvet_enabled ) { return CR_OK; } EventManager::unregisterAll(plugin_self); EventManager::EventHandler handle(tickHandler, howOften); EventManager::registerTick(handle, howOften, plugin_self); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_enable(color_ostream &out, bool enable) { if (enable && !dwarfvet_enabled) { dwarfvet_enabled = true; } else if (!enable && dwarfvet_enabled) { delete_animal_hospital_vector(out); dwarfvet_enabled = false; } return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_onstatechange(color_ostream &out, state_change_event event) { switch (event) { case DFHack::SC_MAP_LOADED: break; case DFHack::SC_MAP_UNLOADED: delete_animal_hospital_vector(out); dwarfvet_enabled = false; break; default: break; } return CR_OK; }