.. _documentation: ########################### DFHack Documentation System ########################### DFHack documentation, like the file you are reading now, is created as ``.rst`` files, which are in `reStructuredText (reST) `_ format. This is a documentation format common in the Python community. It is very similar in concept - and in syntax - to Markdown, as found on GitHub and many other places. However it is more advanced than Markdown, with more features available when compiled to HTML, such as automatic tables of contents, cross-linking, special external links (forum, wiki, etc) and more. The documentation is compiled by a Python tool, `Sphinx `_. The DFHack build process will compile the documentation, but this is disabled by default due to the additional Python and Sphinx requirements. You typically only need to build the docs if you're changing them, or perhaps if you want a local HTML copy; otherwise, you can read an `online version hosted by ReadTheDocs `_. (Note that even if you do want a local copy, it is certainly not necessary to compile the documentation in order to read it. Like Markdown, reST documents are designed to be just as readable in a plain-text editor as they are in HTML format. The main thing you lose in plain text format is hyperlinking.) .. contents:: .. _docs-standards: Documentation standards ======================= Whether you're adding new code or just fixing old documentation (and there's plenty), there are a few important standards for completeness and consistent style. Treat this section as a guide rather than iron law, match the surrounding text, and you'll be fine. Each command should have a short (~54 character) help string, which is shown by the `ls` command. For scripts, this is a comment on the first line (the comment marker and whitespace is stripped). For plugins it's the second argument to ``PluginCommand``. Please make this brief but descriptive! Everything should be documented! If it's not clear *where* a particular thing should be documented, ask on IRC or in the DFHack thread on Bay12 - as well as getting help, you'll be providing valuable feedback that makes it easier for future readers! Scripts can use a custom autodoc function, based on the Sphinx ``include`` directive - anything between the tokens is copied into the appropriate scripts documentation page. For Ruby, we follow the built-in docstring convention (``=begin`` and ``=end``). For Lua, the tokens are ``[====[`` and ``]====]`` - ordinary multi-line strings. It is highly encouraged to reuse this string as the in-console documentation by (eg.) printing it when a ``-help`` argument is given. The docs **must** have a heading which exactly matches the command, underlined with ``=====`` to the same length. For example, a lua file would have:: local helpstr = [====[ add-thought =========== Adds a thought or emotion to the selected unit. Can be used by other scripts, or the gui invoked by running ``add-thought gui`` with a unit selected. ]====] Where the heading for a section is also the name of a command, the spelling and case should exactly match the command to enter in the DFHack command line. Try to keep lines within 80-100 characters, so it's readable in plain text in the terminal - Sphinx (our documentation system) will make sure paragraphs flow. If there aren't many options or examples to show, they can go in a paragraph of text. Use double-backticks to put commands in monospaced font, like this:: You can use ``cleanowned scattered x`` to dump tattered or abandoned items. If the command takes more than three arguments, format the list as a table called Usage. The table *only* lists arguments, not full commands. Input values are specified in angle brackets. Example:: Usage: :arg1: A simple argument. :arg2 : Does something based on the input value. :Very long argument: Is very specific. To demonstrate usage - useful mainly when the syntax is complicated, list the full command with arguments in monospaced font, then indent the next line and describe the effect:: ``resume all`` Resumes all suspended constructions. If it would be helpful to mention another DFHack command, don't just type the name - add a hyperlink! Specify the link target in backticks, and it will be replaced with the corresponding title and linked: eg ```autolabor``` => `autolabor`. Link targets should be equivalent to the command described (without file extension), and placed above the heading of that section like this:: .. _autolabor: autolabor ========= Add link targets if you need them, but otherwise plain headings are preferred. Scripts have link targets created automatically. Building the documentation ========================== Required dependencies --------------------- In order to build the documentation, you must have Python with Sphinx version 1.8 or later. Both Python 2.x and 3.x are supported. When installing Sphinx from OS package managers, be aware that there is another program called Sphinx, completely unrelated to documentation management. Be sure you are installing the right Sphinx; it may be called ``python-sphinx``, for example. To avoid doubt, ``pip`` can be used instead as detailed below. Once you have installed Sphinx, ``sphinx-build --version`` should report the version of Sphinx that you have installed. If this works, CMake should also be able to find Sphinx. For more detailed platform-specific instructions, see the sections below: .. contents:: :local: :backlinks: none Linux ~~~~~ Most Linux distributions will include Python as standard. Check your package manager to see if Sphinx 1.3.1 or later is available, but at the time of writing Ubuntu for example only has 1.2.x. You can instead install Sphinx with the pip package manager. This may need to be installed from your OS package manager; this is the case on Ubuntu. On Ubuntu/Debian, use the following to first install pip:: sudo apt-get install python-pip Once pip is available, you can then install the Python Sphinx module with:: pip install sphinx If you run this as a normal user it will install a local copy for your user only. Run it with sudo if you want a system-wide install. Either is fine for DFHack, however if installing locally do check that ``sphinx-build`` is in your path. It may be installed in a directory such as ``~/.local/bin/``, so after pip install, find ``sphinx-build`` and ensure its directory is in your local ``$PATH``. macOS ~~~~~ macOS has Python 2.7 installed by default, but it does not have the pip package manager. You can install Homebrew's Python 3, which includes pip, and then install the latest Sphinx using pip:: brew install python3 pip3 install sphinx Alternatively, you can simply install Sphinx 1.3.x directly from Homebrew:: brew install sphinx-doc This will install Sphinx for macOS's system Python 2.7, without needing pip. Either method works; if you plan to use Python for other purposes, it might best to install Homebrew's Python 3 so that you have the latest Python as well as pip. If not, just installing sphinx-doc for macOS's system Python 2.7 is fine. Windows ~~~~~~~ Python for Windows can be downloaded `from python.org `_. The latest version of Python 3 is recommended, as it includes pip already. You can also install Python and pip through the Chocolatey package manager. After installing Chocolatey as outlined in the `Windows compilation instructions `, run the following command from an elevated (admin) command prompt (e.g. ``cmd.exe``):: choco install python pip -y Once you have pip available, you can install Sphinx with the following command:: pip install sphinx Note that this may require opening a new (admin) command prompt if you just installed pip from the same command prompt. Using CMake ----------- Enabling the ``BUILD_DOCS`` CMake option will cause the documentation to be built whenever it changes as part of the normal DFHack build process. There are several ways to do this: * When initially running CMake, add ``-DBUILD_DOCS:bool=ON`` to your ``cmake`` command. For example:: cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:string=Release -DBUILD_DOCS:bool=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= * If you have already run CMake, you can simply run it again from your build folder to update your configuration:: cmake .. -DBUILD_DOCS:bool=ON * You can edit the ``BUILD_DOCS`` setting in CMakeCache.txt directly * You can use the CMake GUI to change ``BUILD_DOCS`` * On Windows, if you prefer to use the batch scripts, you can run ``generate-msvc-gui.bat`` and set ``BUILD_DOCS`` through the GUI. If you are running another file, such as ``generate-msvc-all.bat``, you will need to edit it to add the flag. You can also run ``cmake`` on the command line, similar to other platforms. Running Sphinx manually ----------------------- You can also build the documentation without going through CMake, which may be faster. There is a ``docs/build.sh`` script available for Linux and macOS that will run essentially the same command that CMake runs - see the script for options. To build the documentation with default options, run the following command from the root DFHack folder:: sphinx-build . docs/html Sphinx has many options to enable clean builds, parallel builds, logging, and more - run ``sphinx-build --help`` for details. .. _build-changelog: Building the changelogs ======================= If you have Python installed, but do not want to build all of the documentation, you can build the changelogs with the ``docs/gen_changelog.py`` script. This script provides additional options, including one to build individual changelogs for all DFHack versions - run ``python docs/gen_changelog.py --help`` for details. Changelog entries are obtained from ``changelog.txt`` files in multiple repos. This allows changes to be listed in the same repo where they were made. These changelogs are combined as part of the changelog build process: * ``docs/changelog.txt`` for changes in the main ``dfhack`` repo * ``scripts/changelog.txt`` for changes made to scripts in the ``scripts`` repo * ``library/xml/changelog.txt`` for changes made in the ``df-structures`` repo Building the changelogs generates two files: ``docs/_auto/news.rst`` and ``docs/_auto/news-dev.rst``. These correspond to `changelog` and `dev-changelog` and contain changes organized by stable and development DFHack releases, respectively. For example, an entry listed under "0.44.05-alpha1" in changelog.txt will be listed under that version in the development changelog as well, but under "0.44.05-r1" in the stable changelog (assuming that is the closest stable release after 0.44.05-alpha1). An entry listed under a stable release like "0.44.05-r1" in changelog.txt will be listed under that release in both the stable changelog and the development changelog. Changelog syntax ---------------- .. include:: /docs/changelog.txt :start-after: ===help :end-before: ===end