-- Wakes up the sleeping, breaks up parties and stops breaks. local utils = require 'utils' local args = {...} local burrows = {} local bnames = {} if not dfhack.isMapLoaded() then qerror('Map is not loaded.') end for _,v in ipairs(args) do local b = dfhack.burrows.findByName(v) if not b then qerror('Unknown burrow: '..v) end table.insert(bnames, v) table.insert(burrows, b) end function is_in_burrows(pos) if #burrows == 0 then return true end for _,v in ipairs(burrows) do if dfhack.burrows.isAssignedTile(v, pos) then return true end end end function add_thought(unit, code) for _,v in ipairs(unit.status.recent_events) do if v.type == code then v.age = 0 return end end unit.status.recent_events:insert('#', { new = true, type = code }) end function wake_unit(unit) local job = unit.job.current_job if not job or job.job_type ~= df.job_type.Sleep then return end if job.completion_timer > 0 then unit.counters.unconscious = 0 add_thought(unit, df.unit_thought_type.SleepNoiseWake) elseif job.completion_timer < 0 then add_thought(unit, df.unit_thought_type.Tired) end job.pos:assign(unit.pos) job.completion_timer = 0 unit.path.dest:assign(unit.pos) unit.path.path.x:resize(0) unit.path.path.y:resize(0) unit.path.path.z:resize(0) unit.counters.job_counter = 0 end function stop_break(unit) local counter = dfhack.units.getMiscTrait(unit, df.misc_trait_type.OnBreak) if counter then counter.id = df.misc_trait_type.TimeSinceBreak counter.value = 100800 - 30*1200 add_thought(unit, df.unit_thought_type.Tired) end end -- Stop rest for _,v in ipairs(df.global.world.units.active) do local x,y,z = dfhack.units.getPosition(v) if x and not dfhack.units.isDead(v) and is_in_burrows(xyz2pos(x,y,z)) then wake_unit(v) stop_break(v) end end -- Stop parties for _,v in ipairs(df.global.ui.parties) do local pos = utils.getBuildingCenter(v.location) if is_in_burrows(pos) then v.timer = 0 for _, u in ipairs(v.units) do add_thought(unit, df.unit_thought_type.Tired) end end end local place = 'the halls and tunnels' if #bnames > 0 then if #bnames == 1 then place = bnames[1] else place = table.concat(bnames,', ',1,#bnames-1)..' and '..bnames[#bnames] end end dfhack.gui.showAnnouncement( 'A loud siren sounds throughout '..place..', waking the sleeping and startling the awake.', COLOR_BROWN, true )