 * Confiscates and dumps garbage owned by dwarfs.

#include <sstream>
#include <climits>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
using namespace std;

#include "Core.h"
#include "Console.h"
#include "Export.h"
#include "PluginManager.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "modules/Items.h"
#include "modules/Units.h"
#include "modules/Translation.h"
#include "DataDefs.h"
#include "df/world.h"

using namespace DFHack;
using namespace df::enums;


command_result df_cleanowned (color_ostream &out, vector <string> & parameters);

DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init ( color_ostream &out, std::vector <PluginCommand> &commands)
        "cleanowned", "Confiscates and dumps garbage owned by dwarfs.",
        df_cleanowned, false,
        "  This tool lets you confiscate and dump all the garbage\n"
        "  dwarves ultimately accumulate.\n"
        "  By default, only rotten and dropped food is confiscated.\n"
        "  dryrun    - don't actually do anything, just print what would be done.\n"
        "  scattered - confiscate owned items on the ground\n"
        "  all       - confiscate everything\n"
        "  x         - confiscate & dump 'x' and worse damaged items\n"
        "  X         - confiscate & dump 'X' and worse damaged items\n"
        "  cleanowned scattered X\n"
        "    This will confiscate rotten and dropped food, garbage on the floors\n"
        "    and any worn items with 'X' damage and above.\n"
    return CR_OK;

DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown ( color_ostream &out )
    return CR_OK;

command_result df_cleanowned (color_ostream &out, vector <string> & parameters)
    bool dump_scattered = false;
    bool confiscate_all = false;
    bool dry_run = false;
    int wear_dump_level = 65536;

    for(std::size_t i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++)
        string & param = parameters[i];
        if(param == "dryrun")
            dry_run = true;
        else if(param == "scattered")
            dump_scattered = true;
        else if(param == "all")
            confiscate_all = true;
        else if(param == "x")
            wear_dump_level = 1;
        else if(param == "X")
            wear_dump_level = 2;
            return CR_WRONG_USAGE;

    CoreSuspender suspend;

    if (!Translation::IsValid())
        out.printerr("Translation data unavailable!\n");
        return CR_FAILURE;

    out.print("Found total %d items.\n", world->items.all.size());

    for (std::size_t i=0; i < world->items.all.size(); i++)
        df::item * item = world->items.all[i];
        bool confiscate = false;
        bool dump = false;

        if (!item->flags.bits.owned)
            if (Items::getOwner(item))
                out.print("Fixing a misflagged item: \t");
                confiscate = true;

        if (item->flags.bits.rotten)
            out.print("Confiscating a rotten item: \t");
            confiscate = true;
        else if (item->flags.bits.on_ground)
            df::item_type type = item->getType();
            if(type == item_type::MEAT ||
               type == item_type::FISH ||
               type == item_type::VERMIN ||
               type == item_type::PET ||
               type == item_type::PLANT ||
               type == item_type::CHEESE ||
               type == item_type::FOOD
                confiscate = true;
                    out.print("Dumping a dropped item: \t");
                    dump = true;
                    out.print("Confiscating a dropped item: \t");
            else if(dump_scattered)
                out.print("Confiscating and dumping litter: \t");
                confiscate = true;
                dump = true;
        else if (item->getWear() >= wear_dump_level)
            out.print("Confiscating and dumping a worn item: \t");
            confiscate = true;
            dump = true;
        else if (confiscate_all)
            out.print("Confiscating: \t");
            confiscate = true;

        if (confiscate)
            std::string description;
            item->getItemDescription(&description, 0);
                "0x%x %s (wear %d)",

            df::unit *owner = Items::getOwner(item);

            if (owner)
                out.print(", owner %s", Translation::TranslateName(&owner->name,false).c_str());

            if (!dry_run)
                if (!Items::setOwner(item,NULL))
                    out.print("(unsuccessfully) ");
                if (dump)
                    item->flags.bits.dump = 1;
    return CR_OK;