-- scripts/forum-dwarves.lua -- Save a copy of a text screen in markdown (for reddit among others). Use 'markdownexport help' for more details. -- This is a derivatiwe work based upon scripts/forum-dwarves.lua by Caldfir and expwnent -- Adapted for markdown by Mchl https://github.com/Mchl local args = {...} if args[1] == 'help' then print([[ description: This script will attempt to read the current df-screen, and if it is a text-viewscreen (such as the dwarf 'thoughts' screen or an item / creature 'description') then append a marked-down version of this text to the target file (for easy pasting on reddit for example). Previous entries in the file are not overwritten, so you may use the 'markdown' command multiple times to create a single document containing the text from multiple screens (eg: text screens from several dwarves, or text screens from multiple artifacts/items, or some combination). known screens: The screens which have been tested and known to function properly with this script are: 1: dwarf/unit 'thoughts' screen 2: item/art 'description' screen 3: individual 'historical item/figure' screens There may be other screens to which the script applies. It should be safe to attempt running the script with any screen active, with an error message to inform you when the selected screen is not appropriate for this script. target file: The target file's name is 'markdownexport.txt'. A remider to this effect will be displayed if the script is successful. character encoding: The text will likely be using system-default encoding, and as such will likely NOT display special characters (eg:é,õ,ç) correctly. To fix this, you need to modify the character set that you are reading the document with. 'Notepad++' is a freely available program which can do this using the following steps: 1: open the document in Notepad++ 2: in the menu-bar, select Encoding->Character Sets->Western European->OEM-US 3: copy the text normally to wherever you want to use it ]]) return end local utils = require 'utils' local gui = require 'gui' local dialog = require 'gui.dialogs' local scrn = dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen() local flerb = dfhack.gui.getFocusString(scrn) local months = { [1] = 'Granite', [2] = 'Slate', [3] = 'Felsite', [4] = 'Hematite', [5] = 'Malachite', [6] = 'Galena', [7] = 'Limestone', [8] = 'Sandstone', [9] = 'Timber', [10] = 'Moonstone', [11] = 'Opal', [12] = 'Obsidian', } local function reformat(strin) local strout = strin -- [P] tags seem to indicate a new paragraph local newline_idx = string.find(strout, '[P]', 1, true) while newline_idx ~= nil do strout = string.sub(strout, 1, newline_idx - 1) .. '\n***\n\n' .. string.sub(strout, newline_idx + 3) newline_idx = string.find(strout, '[P]', 1, true) end -- [R] tags seem to indicate a new 'section'. Let's mark it with a horizontal line. newline_idx = string.find(strout, '[R]', 1, true) while newline_idx ~= nil do strout = string.sub(strout, 1, newline_idx - 1) .. '\n***\n\n' .. string.sub(strout,newline_idx + 3) newline_idx = string.find(strout, '[R]', 1, true) end -- No idea what [B] tags might indicate. Just removing them seems to work fine newline_idx = string.find(strout, '[B]', 1, true) while newline_idx ~= nil do strout = string.sub(strout, 1, newline_idx - 1) .. string.sub(strout,newline_idx + 3) newline_idx = string.find(strout, '[B]', 1, true) end -- Reddit doesn't support custom colors in markdown. We need to remove all color information :( local color_idx = string.find(strout, '[C:', 1, true) while color_idx ~= nil do strout = string.sub(strout, 1, color_idx - 1) .. string.sub(strout, color_idx + 9) color_idx = string.find(strout, '[C:', 1, true) end return strout end local function formattime(year, ticks) -- Dwarf Mode month is 33600 ticks long local month = math.floor(ticks / 33600) local dayRemainder = ticks - month * 33600 -- Dwarf Mode day is 1200 ticks long local day = math.floor(dayRemainder / 1200) local timeRemainder = dayRemainder - day * 1200 -- Assuming a 24h day each Dwarf Mode tick corresponds to 72 seconds local seconds = timeRemainder * 72 local H = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(seconds / 3600)); local m = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(seconds / 60 - (H * 60))); local i = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(seconds - H * 3600 - m * 60)); day = day + 1 if (day == 1 or day == 21) then day = day .. 'st' elseif (day == 2 or day == 22) then day = day .. 'nd' else day = day .. 'th' end return (day .. " " .. months[month + 1] .. " " .. year .. " " .. H .. ":" .. m..":" .. i) end if flerb == 'textviewer' then local lines = scrn.src_text if lines ~= nil then local log = io.open('markdownexport.txt', 'a') log:write('### ' .. scrn.title .. '\n') print('Exporting ' .. scrn.title .. '\n') for n,x in ipairs(lines) do log:write(reformat(x.value).." ") -- debug output -- print(x.value) end log:write('\n***\n\n') log:close() end print 'Data exported to "markdownexport.txt"' elseif flerb == 'announcelist' then local lines = scrn.reports if lines ~= nil then local log = io.open('markdownexport.txt', 'a') local lastTime = "" for n,x in ipairs(lines) do local currentTime = formattime(x.year, x.time) if (currentTime ~= lastTime) then lastTime = currentTime log:write('\n***\n\n') log:write('## ' .. currentTime .. '\n') end -- debug output -- print(x.text) log:write(x.text .. '\n') end log:close() end print 'Data exported to "markdownexport.txt"' else print 'This is not a textview nor a announcelist screen. Can\'t export data, sorry.' end