# This dfhack config file automates common tasks for your forts. # It was written for the Dreamfort set of quickfort blueprints, but the # configuration here is useful for any fort! Feed free to edit or override # to your liking. # Uncomment this next line if you want buildingplan (and quickfort) to use only # blocks (not bars or logs) for constructions and workshops. If you do # uncomment, be sure to bring some blocks with you for starting workshops! #on-new-fortress buildingplan set boulders false; buildingplan set logs false # Disable cooking of useful item types when you start a new fortress. on-new-fortress ban-cooking tallow; ban-cooking honey; ban-cooking oil; ban-cooking seeds; ban-cooking brew; ban-cooking fruit; ban-cooking mill; ban-cooking thread; ban-cooking milk; ban-cooking booze # Show a warning dialog when units are starving repeat -name warn-starving -time 10 -timeUnits days -command [ warn-starving ] # Force dwarves to drop tattered clothing instead of clinging to the scraps repeat -name cleanowned -time 1 -timeUnits months -command [ cleanowned X ] # Automatically enqueue orders to shear and milk animals repeat -name autoShearCreature -time 14 -timeUnits days -command [ workorder ShearCreature ] repeat -name autoMilkCreature -time 14 -timeUnits days -command [ workorder "{\"job\":\"MilkCreature\",\"item_conditions\":[{\"condition\":\"AtLeast\",\"value\":2,\"flags\":[\"empty\"],\"item_type\":\"BUCKET\"}]}" ] # Fulfill high-volume orders before slower once-daily orders repeat -name orders-sort -time 1 -timeUnits days -command [ orders sort ] # Don't let caravans bring barrels of blood and other useless liquids fix/blood-del # Manages crop assignment for farm plots enable autofarm autofarm default 30 autofarm threshold 150 GRASS_TAIL_PIG # allows you to configure a stockpile to automatically mark items for melting enable automelt # creates manager orders to produce replacements for worn clothing enable tailor # auto-assigns nesting birds to nestbox zones and protects fertile eggs from # being cooked/eaten enable zone autonestbox nestboxes # manages seed stocks enable seedwatch seedwatch all 30 # ensures important tasks get assigned to workers. # otherwise these job types can get ignored in busy forts. prioritize -a StoreItemInVehicle StoreItemInBag StoreItemInBarrel PullLever prioritize -a StoreItemInLocation StoreItemInHospital prioritize -a DestroyBuilding RemoveConstruction RecoverWounded DumpItem prioritize -a CleanSelf SlaughterAnimal PrepareRawFish ExtractFromRawFish prioritize -a TradeAtDepot BringItemToDepot CleanTrap ManageWorkOrders prioritize -a --haul-labor=Food,Body StoreItemInStockpile prioritize -a --reaction-name=TAN_A_HIDE CustomReaction # autobutcher settings are saved in the savegame, so we only need to set them once. # this way, any custom settings you set during gameplay are not overwritten # # feel free to change this to "target 0 0 0 0" if you don't expect to want to raise # any animals not listed here -- you can always change it anytime during the game # later if you change your mind. on-new-fortress enable autobutcher on-new-fortress autobutcher target 2 2 2 2 new # dogs and cats. You should raise the limits for dogs if you will be training them # for hunting or war. on-new-fortress autobutcher target 2 2 2 2 DOG on-new-fortress autobutcher target 1 1 2 2 CAT # geese are our primary source of bones and leather. let the younglings grow up # before we butcher so we get adult-scale products from them. BIRD_PEAFOWL_BLUE, # BIRD_CHICKEN, and BIRD_TURKEY are also viable. feel free to change this to # your bird of choice. on-new-fortress autobutcher target 50 50 14 2 BIRD_GOOSE # alpaca, sheep, and llamas give wool. we need to keep these numbers low, though, or # else risk running out of grass for grazing. on-new-fortress autobutcher target 2 2 4 2 ALPACA SHEEP LLAMA # pigs give milk and meat and are zero-maintenance. on-new-fortress autobutcher target 5 5 6 2 PIG # butcher all unprofitable animals on-new-fortress autobutcher target 0 0 0 0 HORSE YAK DONKEY WATER_BUFFALO GOAT CAVY BIRD_DUCK BIRD_GUINEAFOWL # watch for new animals on-new-fortress autobutcher autowatch