-- Simple widgets for screens local _ENV = mkmodule('gui.widgets') local gui = require('gui') local utils = require('utils') local dscreen = dfhack.screen local function show_view(view,vis) if view then view.visible = vis end end local function getval(obj) if type(obj) == 'function' then return obj() else return obj end end local function map_opttab(tab,idx) if tab then return tab[idx] else return idx end end STANDARDSCROLL = { STANDARDSCROLL_UP = -1, STANDARDSCROLL_DOWN = 1, STANDARDSCROLL_PAGEUP = '-page', STANDARDSCROLL_PAGEDOWN = '+page', } SECONDSCROLL = { SECONDSCROLL_UP = -1, SECONDSCROLL_DOWN = 1, SECONDSCROLL_PAGEUP = '-page', SECONDSCROLL_PAGEDOWN = '+page', } ------------ -- Widget -- ------------ Widget = defclass(Widget, gui.View) Widget.ATTRS { frame = DEFAULT_NIL, frame_inset = DEFAULT_NIL, frame_background = DEFAULT_NIL, } function Widget:computeFrame(parent_rect) local sw, sh = parent_rect.width, parent_rect.height return gui.compute_frame_body(sw, sh, self.frame, self.frame_inset) end function Widget:onRenderFrame(dc, rect) if self.frame_background then dc:fill(rect, self.frame_background) end end ----------- -- Panel -- ----------- Panel = defclass(Panel, Widget) Panel.ATTRS { on_render = DEFAULT_NIL, on_layout = DEFAULT_NIL, autoarrange_subviews = false, -- whether to automatically lay out subviews autoarrange_gap = 0, -- how many blank lines to insert between widgets } function Panel:init(args) self:addviews(args.subviews) end function Panel:onRenderBody(dc) if self.on_render then self.on_render(dc) end end function Panel:postComputeFrame(body) if self.on_layout then self.on_layout(body) end end -- if self.autoarrange_subviews is true, lay out visible subviews vertically, -- adding gaps between widgets according to self.autoarrange_gap. function Panel:postUpdateLayout() if not self.autoarrange_subviews then return end local gap = self.autoarrange_gap local y = 0 for _,subview in ipairs(self.subviews) do if not subview.frame then goto continue end subview.frame.t = y if subview.visible then y = y + (subview.frame.h or 0) + gap end ::continue:: end self.frame_rect.height = y -- let widgets adjust to their new positions self:updateSubviewLayout() end ------------------- -- ResizingPanel -- ------------------- ResizingPanel = defclass(ResizingPanel, Panel) -- adjust our frame dimensions according to positions and sizes of our subviews function ResizingPanel:postUpdateLayout(frame_body) local w, h = 0, 0 for _,s in ipairs(self.subviews) do if s.visible then w = math.max(w, (s.frame and s.frame.l or 0) + (s.frame and s.frame.w or frame_body.width)) h = math.max(h, (s.frame and s.frame.t or 0) + (s.frame and s.frame.h or frame_body.height)) end end if not self.frame then self.frame = {} end self.frame.w, self.frame.h = w, h end ----------- -- Pages -- ----------- Pages = defclass(Pages, Panel) function Pages:init(args) for _,v in ipairs(self.subviews) do v.visible = false end self:setSelected(args.selected or 1) end function Pages:setSelected(idx) if type(idx) ~= 'number' then local key = idx if type(idx) == 'string' then key = self.subviews[key] end idx = utils.linear_index(self.subviews, key) if not idx then error('Unknown page: '..key) end end show_view(self.subviews[self.selected], false) self.selected = math.min(math.max(1, idx), #self.subviews) show_view(self.subviews[self.selected], true) end function Pages:getSelected() return self.selected, self.subviews[self.selected] end function Pages:getSelectedPage() return self.subviews[self.selected] end ---------------- -- Edit field -- ---------------- EditField = defclass(EditField, Widget) EditField.ATTRS{ label_text = DEFAULT_NIL, text = '', text_pen = DEFAULT_NIL, on_char = DEFAULT_NIL, on_change = DEFAULT_NIL, on_submit = DEFAULT_NIL, on_submit2 = DEFAULT_NIL, key = DEFAULT_NIL, key_sep = DEFAULT_NIL, modal = false, } function EditField:preinit(init_table) init_table.frame = init_table.frame or {} init_table.frame.h = init_table.frame.h or 1 end function EditField:init() local function on_activate() self.saved_text = self.text self:setFocus(true) end self.start_pos = 1 self.cursor = #self.text + 1 self:addviews{HotkeyLabel{frame={t=0,l=0}, key=self.key, key_sep=self.key_sep, label=self.label_text, on_activate=self.key and on_activate or nil}} end function EditField:getPreferredFocusState() return not self.key end function EditField:setCursor(cursor) if not cursor or cursor > #self.text then self.cursor = #self.text + 1 return end self.cursor = math.max(1, cursor) end function EditField:setText(text, cursor) self.text = text self:setCursor(cursor) end function EditField:postUpdateLayout() self.text_offset = self.subviews[1]:getTextWidth() end function EditField:onRenderBody(dc) dc:pen(self.text_pen or COLOR_LIGHTCYAN):fill(0,0,dc.width-1,0) local cursor_char = '_' if not self.active or not self.focus or gui.blink_visible(300) then cursor_char = (self.cursor > #self.text) and ' ' or self.text:sub(self.cursor, self.cursor) end local txt = self.text:sub(1, self.cursor - 1) .. cursor_char .. self.text:sub(self.cursor + 1) local max_width = dc.width - self.text_offset self.start_pos = 1 if #txt > max_width then -- get the substring in the vicinity of the cursor max_width = max_width - 2 local half_width = math.floor(max_width/2) local start_pos = math.max(1, self.cursor-half_width) local end_pos = math.min(#txt, self.cursor+half_width-1) if self.cursor + half_width > #txt then start_pos = #txt - (max_width - 1) end if self.cursor - half_width <= 1 then end_pos = max_width + 1 end self.start_pos = start_pos > 1 and start_pos - 1 or start_pos txt = ('%s%s%s'):format(start_pos == 1 and '' or string.char(27), txt:sub(start_pos, end_pos), end_pos == #txt and '' or string.char(26)) end dc:advance(self.text_offset):string(txt) end function EditField:onInput(keys) if not self.focus then -- only react to our hotkey return self:inputToSubviews(keys) end if self.key and keys.LEAVESCREEN then local old = self.text self:setText(self.saved_text) if self.on_change and old ~= self.saved_text then self.on_change(self.text, old) end self:setFocus(false) return true end if keys.SELECT then if self.key then self:setFocus(false) end if self.on_submit then self.on_submit(self.text) return true end return not not self.key elseif keys.SEC_SELECT then if self.key then self:setFocus(false) end if self.on_submit2 then self.on_submit2(self.text) return true end return not not self.key elseif keys._MOUSE_L then local mouse_x, mouse_y = self:getMousePos() if mouse_x then self:setCursor(self.start_pos + mouse_x) return true end elseif keys.CURSOR_LEFT then self:setCursor(self.cursor - 1) return true elseif keys.A_MOVE_W_DOWN then -- Ctrl-Left (prev word start) local _, prev_word_start = self.text:sub(1, self.cursor-1): find('.*[^%w_%-]+[%w_%-]') self:setCursor(prev_word_start or 1) return true elseif keys.A_CARE_MOVE_W then -- Alt-Left (home) self:setCursor(1) return true elseif keys.CURSOR_RIGHT then self:setCursor(self.cursor + 1) return true elseif keys.A_MOVE_E_DOWN then -- Ctrl-Right (next word end) local _, next_word_end = self.text:find('[%w_%-]+[^%w_%-]', self.cursor) self:setCursor(next_word_end) return true elseif keys.A_CARE_MOVE_E then -- Alt-Right (end) self:setCursor() return true elseif keys._STRING then local old = self.text if keys._STRING == 0 then -- handle backspace local del_pos = self.cursor - 1 if del_pos > 0 then self:setText(old:sub(1, del_pos-1) .. old:sub(del_pos+1), del_pos) end else local cv = string.char(keys._STRING) if not self.on_char or self.on_char(cv, old) then self:setText(old:sub(1,self.cursor-1)..cv..old:sub(self.cursor), self.cursor + 1) end end if self.on_change and self.text ~= old then self.on_change(self.text, old) end return true end -- if we're modal, then unconditionally eat all the input return self.modal end ----------- -- Label -- ----------- function parse_label_text(obj) local text = obj.text or {} if type(text) ~= 'table' then text = { text } end local curline = nil local out = { } local active = nil local idtab = nil for _,v in ipairs(text) do local vv if type(v) == 'string' then vv = v:split(NEWLINE) else vv = { v } end for i = 1,#vv do local cv = vv[i] if i > 1 then if not curline then table.insert(out, {}) end curline = nil end if cv ~= '' then if not curline then curline = {} table.insert(out, curline) end if type(cv) == 'string' then table.insert(curline, { text = cv }) else table.insert(curline, cv) if cv.on_activate then active = active or {} table.insert(active, cv) end if cv.id then idtab = idtab or {} idtab[cv.id] = cv end end end end end obj.text_lines = out obj.text_active = active obj.text_ids = idtab end local function is_disabled(token) return (token.disabled ~= nil and getval(token.disabled)) or (token.enabled ~= nil and not getval(token.enabled)) end function render_text(obj,dc,x0,y0,pen,dpen,disabled) local width = 0 for iline = dc and obj.start_line_num or 1, #obj.text_lines do local x, line = 0, obj.text_lines[iline] if dc then local offset = (obj.start_line_num or 1) - 1 local y = y0 + iline - offset - 1 -- skip text outside of the containing frame if y > dc.height - 1 then break end dc:seek(x+x0, y) end for _,token in ipairs(line) do token.line = iline token.x1 = x if token.gap then x = x + token.gap if dc then dc:advance(token.gap) end end if token.tile then x = x + 1 if dc then dc:char(nil, token.tile) end end if token.text or token.key then local text = ''..(getval(token.text) or '') local keypen = dfhack.pen.parse(token.key_pen or COLOR_LIGHTGREEN) if dc then local tpen = getval(token.pen) if disabled or is_disabled(token) then dc:pen(getval(token.dpen) or tpen or dpen) if keypen.fg ~= COLOR_BLACK then keypen.bold = false end else dc:pen(tpen or pen) end end local width = getval(token.width) local padstr if width then x = x + width if #text > width then text = string.sub(text,1,width) else if token.pad_char then padstr = string.rep(token.pad_char,width-#text) end if dc and token.rjustify then if padstr then dc:string(padstr) else dc:advance(width-#text) end end end else x = x + #text end if token.key then local keystr = gui.getKeyDisplay(token.key) local sep = token.key_sep or '' x = x + #keystr if sep:startswith('()') then if dc then dc:string(text) dc:string(' ('):string(keystr,keypen) dc:string(sep:sub(2)) end x = x + 1 + #sep else if dc then dc:string(keystr,keypen):string(sep):string(text) end x = x + #sep end else if dc then dc:string(text) end end if width and dc and not token.rjustify then if padstr then dc:string(padstr) else dc:advance(width-#text) end end end token.x2 = x end width = math.max(width, x) end obj.text_width = width end function check_text_keys(self, keys) if self.text_active then for _,item in ipairs(self.text_active) do if item.key and keys[item.key] and not is_disabled(item) then item.on_activate() return true end end end end Label = defclass(Label, Widget) Label.ATTRS{ text_pen = COLOR_WHITE, text_dpen = COLOR_DARKGREY, -- disabled text_hpen = DEFAULT_NIL, -- highlight - default is text_pen with reversed brightness disabled = DEFAULT_NIL, enabled = DEFAULT_NIL, auto_height = true, auto_width = false, on_click = DEFAULT_NIL, on_rclick = DEFAULT_NIL, -- scroll_keys = STANDARDSCROLL, show_scroll_icons = DEFAULT_NIL, -- DEFAULT_NIL, 'right', 'left', false up_arrow_icon = string.char(24), down_arrow_icon = string.char(25), scroll_icon_pen = COLOR_LIGHTCYAN, } function Label:init(args) -- use existing saved text if no explicit text was specified. this avoids -- overwriting pre-formatted text that subclasses may have already set self:setText(args.text or self.text) if not self.text_hpen then self.text_hpen = ((tonumber(self.text_pen) or tonumber(self.text_pen.fg) or 0) + 8) % 16 end end function Label:setText(text) self.start_line_num = 1 self.text = text parse_label_text(self) if self.auto_height then self.frame = self.frame or {} self.frame.h = self:getTextHeight() end end function Label:update_scroll_inset() if self.show_scroll_icons == nil then self._show_scroll_icons = self:getTextHeight() > self.frame_body.height and 'right' or false else self._show_scroll_icons = self.show_scroll_icons end if self._show_scroll_icons then -- here self._show_scroll_icons can only be either -- 'left' or any true value which we interpret as right local l,t,r,b = gui.parse_inset(self.frame_inset) if self._show_scroll_icons == 'left' and l <= 0 then l = 1 elseif r <= 0 then r = 1 end self.frame_inset = {l=l,t=t,r=r,b=b} end end function Label:render_scroll_icons(dc, x, y1, y2) if self.start_line_num ~= 1 then dc:seek(x, y1):char(self.up_arrow_icon, self.scroll_icon_pen) end local last_visible_line = self.start_line_num + self.frame_body.height - 1 if last_visible_line < self:getTextHeight() then dc:seek(x, y2):char(self.down_arrow_icon, self.scroll_icon_pen) end end function Label:computeFrame(parent_rect) local frame_rect,body_rect = Label.super.computeFrame(self, parent_rect) self.frame_rect = frame_rect self.frame_body = parent_rect:viewport(body_rect or frame_rect) self:update_scroll_inset() -- frame_body is now set -- recalc with updated frame_inset return Label.super.computeFrame(self, parent_rect) end function Label:preUpdateLayout() if self.auto_width then self.frame = self.frame or {} self.frame.w = self:getTextWidth() end end function Label:itemById(id) if self.text_ids then return self.text_ids[id] end end function Label:getTextHeight() return #self.text_lines end function Label:getTextWidth() render_text(self) return self.text_width end function Label:onRenderBody(dc) local text_pen = self.text_pen if self:getMousePos() and (self.on_click or self.on_rclick) then text_pen = self.text_hpen end render_text(self,dc,0,0,text_pen,self.text_dpen,is_disabled(self)) end function Label:onRenderFrame(dc, rect) if self._show_scroll_icons and self:getTextHeight() > self.frame_body.height then local x = self._show_scroll_icons == 'left' and self.frame_body.x1-dc.x1-1 or self.frame_body.x2-dc.x1+1 self:render_scroll_icons(dc, x, self.frame_body.y1-dc.y1, self.frame_body.y2-dc.y1 ) end end function Label:scroll(nlines) if type(nlines) == 'string' then if nlines == '+page' then nlines = self.frame_body.height elseif nlines == '-page' then nlines = -self.frame_body.height elseif nlines == '+halfpage' then nlines = math.ceil(self.frame_body.height/2) elseif nlines == '-halfpage' then nlines = -math.ceil(self.frame_body.height/2) else error(('unhandled scroll keyword: "%s"'):format(nlines)) end end local n = self.start_line_num + nlines n = math.min(n, self:getTextHeight() - self.frame_body.height + 1) n = math.max(n, 1) self.start_line_num = n end function Label:onInput(keys) if is_disabled(self) then return false end if keys._MOUSE_L_DOWN and self:getMousePos() and self.on_click then self:on_click() end if keys._MOUSE_R_DOWN and self:getMousePos() and self.on_rclick then self:on_rclick() end for k,v in pairs(self.scroll_keys) do if keys[k] then self:scroll(v) end end return check_text_keys(self, keys) end ------------------ -- WrappedLabel -- ------------------ WrappedLabel = defclass(WrappedLabel, Label) WrappedLabel.ATTRS{ text_to_wrap=DEFAULT_NIL, indent=0, } function WrappedLabel:getWrappedText(width) -- 0 width can happen if the parent has 0 width if not self.text_to_wrap or width <= 0 then return nil end local text_to_wrap = getval(self.text_to_wrap) if type(text_to_wrap) == 'table' then text_to_wrap = table.concat(text_to_wrap, NEWLINE) end return text_to_wrap:wrap(width - self.indent) end -- we can't set the text in init() since we may not yet have a frame that we -- can get wrapping bounds from. function WrappedLabel:postComputeFrame() local wrapped_text = self:getWrappedText(self.frame_body.width) if not wrapped_text then return end local text = {} for _,line in ipairs(wrapped_text:split(NEWLINE)) do table.insert(text, {gap=self.indent, text=line}) -- a trailing newline will get ignored so we don't have to manually trim table.insert(text, NEWLINE) end self:setText(text) end ------------------ -- TooltipLabel -- ------------------ TooltipLabel = defclass(TooltipLabel, WrappedLabel) TooltipLabel.ATTRS{ show_tooltip=DEFAULT_NIL, indent=2, text_pen=COLOR_GREY, } function TooltipLabel:preUpdateLayout() self.visible = getval(self.show_tooltip) end ----------------- -- HotkeyLabel -- ----------------- HotkeyLabel = defclass(HotkeyLabel, Label) HotkeyLabel.ATTRS{ key=DEFAULT_NIL, key_sep=': ', label=DEFAULT_NIL, on_activate=DEFAULT_NIL, } function HotkeyLabel:init() self:setText{{key=self.key, key_sep=self.key_sep, text=self.label, on_activate=self.on_activate}} end function HotkeyLabel:onInput(keys) if HotkeyLabel.super.onInput(self, keys) then return true elseif keys._MOUSE_L and self:getMousePos() then self.on_activate() return true end end ---------------------- -- CycleHotkeyLabel -- ---------------------- CycleHotkeyLabel = defclass(CycleHotkeyLabel, Label) CycleHotkeyLabel.ATTRS{ key=DEFAULT_NIL, label=DEFAULT_NIL, label_width=DEFAULT_NIL, options=DEFAULT_NIL, initial_option=1, on_change=DEFAULT_NIL, } function CycleHotkeyLabel:init() -- initialize option_idx for i in ipairs(self.options) do if self.initial_option == self:getOptionValue(i) then self.option_idx = i break end end if not self.option_idx then if self.options[self.initial_option] then self.option_idx = self.initial_option end end if not self.option_idx then error(('cannot find option with value or index: "%s"') :format(self.initial_option)) end self:setText{ {key=self.key, key_sep=': ', text=self.label, width=self.label_width, on_activate=self:callback('cycle')}, ' ', {text=self:callback('getOptionLabel')}, } end function CycleHotkeyLabel:cycle() local old_option_idx = self.option_idx if self.option_idx == #self.options then self.option_idx = 1 else self.option_idx = self.option_idx + 1 end if self.on_change then self.on_change(self:getOptionValue(), self:getOptionValue(old_option_idx)) end end function CycleHotkeyLabel:getOptionLabel(option_idx) option_idx = option_idx or self.option_idx local option = self.options[option_idx] if type(option) == 'table' then return option.label end return option end function CycleHotkeyLabel:getOptionValue(option_idx) option_idx = option_idx or self.option_idx local option = self.options[option_idx] if type(option) == 'table' then return option.value end return option end ----------------------- -- ToggleHotkeyLabel -- ----------------------- ToggleHotkeyLabel = defclass(ToggleHotkeyLabel, CycleHotkeyLabel) ToggleHotkeyLabel.ATTRS{ options={{label='On', value=true}, {label='Off', value=false}}, } ---------- -- List -- ---------- List = defclass(List, Widget) List.ATTRS{ text_pen = COLOR_CYAN, cursor_pen = COLOR_LIGHTCYAN, inactive_pen = DEFAULT_NIL, on_select = DEFAULT_NIL, on_submit = DEFAULT_NIL, on_submit2 = DEFAULT_NIL, row_height = 1, scroll_keys = STANDARDSCROLL, icon_width = DEFAULT_NIL, } function List:init(info) self.page_top = 1 self.page_size = 1 if info.choices then self:setChoices(info.choices, info.selected) else self.choices = {} self.selected = 1 end end function List:setChoices(choices, selected) self.choices = {} for i,v in ipairs(choices or {}) do local l = utils.clone(v); if type(v) ~= 'table' then l = { text = v } else l.text = v.text or v.caption or v[1] end parse_label_text(l) self.choices[i] = l end self:setSelected(selected) end function List:setSelected(selected) self.selected = selected or self.selected or 1 self:moveCursor(0, true) return self.selected end function List:getChoices() return self.choices end function List:getSelected() if #self.choices > 0 then return self.selected, self.choices[self.selected] end end function List:getContentWidth() local width = 0 for i,v in ipairs(self.choices) do render_text(v) local roww = v.text_width if v.key then roww = roww + 3 + #gui.getKeyDisplay(v.key) end width = math.max(width, roww) end return width + (self.icon_width or 0) end function List:getContentHeight() return #self.choices * self.row_height end function List:postComputeFrame(body) self.page_size = math.max(1, math.floor(body.height / self.row_height)) self:moveCursor(0) end function List:moveCursor(delta, force_cb) local page = math.max(1, self.page_size) local cnt = #self.choices if cnt < 1 then self.page_top = 1 self.selected = 1 if force_cb and self.on_select then self.on_select(nil,nil) end return end local off = self.selected+delta-1 local ds = math.abs(delta) if ds > 1 then if off >= cnt+ds-1 then off = 0 else off = math.min(cnt-1, off) end if off <= -ds then off = cnt-1 else off = math.max(0, off) end end self.selected = 1 + off % cnt self.page_top = 1 + page * math.floor((self.selected-1) / page) if (force_cb or delta ~= 0) and self.on_select then self.on_select(self:getSelected()) end end function List:onRenderBody(dc) local choices = self.choices local top = self.page_top local iend = math.min(#choices, top+self.page_size-1) local iw = self.icon_width local function paint_icon(icon, obj) if type(icon) ~= 'string' then dc:char(nil,icon) else if current then dc:string(icon, obj.icon_pen or self.icon_pen or cur_pen) else dc:string(icon, obj.icon_pen or self.icon_pen or cur_dpen) end end end for i = top,iend do local obj = choices[i] local current = (i == self.selected) local cur_pen = self.cursor_pen local cur_dpen = self.text_pen local active_pen = current and cur_pen or cur_dpen if not self.active then cur_pen = self.inactive_pen or self.cursor_pen end local y = (i - top)*self.row_height local icon = getval(obj.icon) if iw and icon then dc:seek(0, y):pen(active_pen) paint_icon(icon, obj) end render_text(obj, dc, iw or 0, y, cur_pen, cur_dpen, not current) local ip = dc.width if obj.key then local keystr = gui.getKeyDisplay(obj.key) ip = ip-2-#keystr dc:seek(ip,y):pen(self.text_pen) dc:string('('):string(keystr,COLOR_LIGHTGREEN):string(')') end if icon and not iw then dc:seek(ip-1,y):pen(active_pen) paint_icon(icon, obj) end end end function List:submit() if self.on_submit and #self.choices > 0 then self.on_submit(self:getSelected()) end end function List:submit2() if self.on_submit2 and #self.choices > 0 then self.on_submit2(self:getSelected()) end end function List:onInput(keys) if self.on_submit and keys.SELECT then self:submit() return true elseif self.on_submit2 and keys.SEC_SELECT then self:submit2() return true elseif keys._MOUSE_L then local _, mouse_y = self:getMousePos() if mouse_y and #self.choices > 0 and mouse_y < (#self.choices-self.page_top+1) * self.row_height then local idx = self.page_top + math.floor(mouse_y/self.row_height) self:setSelected(idx) self:submit() return true end else for k,v in pairs(self.scroll_keys) do if keys[k] then if v == '+page' then v = self.page_size elseif v == '-page' then v = -self.page_size end self:moveCursor(v) return true end end for i,v in ipairs(self.choices) do if v.key and keys[v.key] then self:setSelected(i) self:submit() return true end end local current = self.choices[self.selected] if current then return check_text_keys(current, keys) end end end ------------------- -- Filtered List -- ------------------- FilteredList = defclass(FilteredList, Widget) FilteredList.ATTRS { edit_below = false, edit_key = DEFAULT_NIL, } function FilteredList:init(info) self.edit = EditField{ text_pen = info.edit_pen or info.cursor_pen, frame = { l = info.icon_width, t = 0, h = 1 }, on_change = self:callback('onFilterChange'), on_char = self:callback('onFilterChar'), key = self.edit_key, } self.list = List{ frame = { t = 2 }, text_pen = info.text_pen, cursor_pen = info.cursor_pen, inactive_pen = info.inactive_pen, icon_pen = info.icon_pen, row_height = info.row_height, scroll_keys = info.scroll_keys, icon_width = info.icon_width, } if self.edit_below then self.edit.frame = { l = info.icon_width, b = 0, h = 1 } self.list.frame = { t = 0, b = 2 } end if info.on_select then self.list.on_select = function() return info.on_select(self:getSelected()) end end if info.on_submit then self.list.on_submit = function() return info.on_submit(self:getSelected()) end end if info.on_submit2 then self.list.on_submit2 = function() return info.on_submit2(self:getSelected()) end end self.not_found = Label{ visible = true, text = info.not_found_label or 'No matches', text_pen = COLOR_LIGHTRED, frame = { l = info.icon_width, t = self.list.frame.t }, } self:addviews{ self.edit, self.list, self.not_found } if info.choices then self:setChoices(info.choices, info.selected) else self.choices = {} end end function FilteredList:getChoices() return self.choices end function FilteredList:getVisibleChoices() return self.list.choices end function FilteredList:setChoices(choices, pos) choices = choices or {} self.edit.text = '' self.list:setChoices(choices, pos) self.choices = self.list.choices self.not_found.visible = (#choices == 0) end function FilteredList:submit() return self.list:submit() end function FilteredList:submit2() return self.list:submit2() end function FilteredList:canSubmit() return not self.not_found.visible end function FilteredList:getSelected() local i,v = self.list:getSelected() if i then return map_opttab(self.choice_index, i), v end end function FilteredList:getContentWidth() return self.list:getContentWidth() end function FilteredList:getContentHeight() return self.list:getContentHeight() + 2 end function FilteredList:getFilter() return self.edit.text, self.list.choices end function FilteredList:setFilter(filter, pos) local choices = self.choices local cidx = nil filter = filter or '' self.edit.text = filter if filter ~= '' then local tokens = filter:split() local ipos = pos choices = {} cidx = {} pos = nil for i,v in ipairs(self.choices) do local ok = true local search_key = v.search_key or v.text for _,key in ipairs(tokens) do key = key:escape_pattern() -- start matches at non-space or non-punctuation. this allows -- punctuation itself to be matched if that is useful (e.g. -- filenames or parameter names) if key ~= '' and not search_key:match('%f[^%p\x00]'..key) and not search_key:match('%f[^%s\x00]'..key) then ok = false break end end if ok then table.insert(choices, v) cidx[#choices] = i if ipos == i then pos = #choices end end end end self.choice_index = cidx self.list:setChoices(choices, pos) self.not_found.visible = (#choices == 0) end function FilteredList:onFilterChange(text) self:setFilter(text) end function FilteredList:onFilterChar(char, text) if char == ' ' then return string.match(text, '%S$') end return true end return _ENV