#include "Internal.h"

#include "modules/DFSDL.h"

#include "Debug.h"
#include "PluginManager.h"

#include <SDL_stdinc.h>

namespace DFHack {
    DBG_DECLARE(core, dfsdl, DebugCategory::LINFO);

using namespace DFHack;

static DFLibrary *g_sdl_handle = nullptr;
static DFLibrary *g_sdl_image_handle = nullptr;
static const std::vector<std::string> SDL_LIBS {
static const std::vector<std::string> SDL_IMAGE_LIBS {

SDL_Surface * (*g_IMG_Load)(const char *) = nullptr;
SDL_Surface * (*g_SDL_CreateRGBSurface)(uint32_t, int, int, int, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) = nullptr;
SDL_Surface * (*g_SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom)(void *pixels, int width, int height, int depth, int pitch, uint32_t Rmask, uint32_t Gmask, uint32_t Bmask, uint32_t Amask) = nullptr;
int (*g_SDL_UpperBlit)(SDL_Surface *, const SDL_Rect *, SDL_Surface *, SDL_Rect *) = nullptr;
SDL_Surface * (*g_SDL_ConvertSurface)(SDL_Surface *, const SDL_PixelFormat *, uint32_t) = nullptr;
void (*g_SDL_FreeSurface)(SDL_Surface *) = nullptr;
// int (*g_SDL_SemWait)(DFSDL_sem *) = nullptr;
// int (*g_SDL_SemPost)(DFSDL_sem *) = nullptr;
int (*g_SDL_PushEvent)(SDL_Event *) = nullptr;
SDL_bool (*g_SDL_HasClipboardText)();
int (*g_SDL_SetClipboardText)(const char *text);
char * (*g_SDL_GetClipboardText)();
void (*g_SDL_free)(void *);

bool DFSDL::init(color_ostream &out) {
    for (auto &lib_str : SDL_LIBS) {
        if ((g_sdl_handle = OpenPlugin(lib_str.c_str())))
    if (!g_sdl_handle) {
        out.printerr("DFHack could not find SDL\n");
        return false;

    for (auto &lib_str : SDL_IMAGE_LIBS) {
        if ((g_sdl_image_handle = OpenPlugin(lib_str.c_str())))
    if (!g_sdl_image_handle) {
        out.printerr("DFHack could not find SDL_image\n");
        return false;

    #define bind(handle, name) \
        g_##name = (decltype(g_##name))LookupPlugin(handle, #name); \
        if (!g_##name) { \
            out.printerr("DFHack could not find: " #name "\n"); \
            return false; \

    bind(g_sdl_image_handle, IMG_Load);
    bind(g_sdl_handle, SDL_CreateRGBSurface);
    bind(g_sdl_handle, SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom);
    bind(g_sdl_handle, SDL_UpperBlit);
    bind(g_sdl_handle, SDL_ConvertSurface);
    bind(g_sdl_handle, SDL_FreeSurface);
    // bind(g_sdl_handle, SDL_SemWait);
    // bind(g_sdl_handle, SDL_SemPost);
    bind(g_sdl_handle, SDL_PushEvent);
    bind(g_sdl_handle, SDL_HasClipboardText);
    bind(g_sdl_handle, SDL_SetClipboardText);
    bind(g_sdl_handle, SDL_GetClipboardText);
    bind(g_sdl_handle, SDL_free);
    #undef bind

    DEBUG(dfsdl,out).print("sdl successfully loaded\n");
    return true;

// It's ok to leave NULLs in the raws list (according to usage in g_src)
void DFSDL::cleanup() {
    if (g_sdl_handle) {
        g_sdl_handle = nullptr;
    if (g_sdl_image_handle) {
        g_sdl_image_handle = nullptr;

SDL_Surface * DFSDL::DFIMG_Load(const char *file) {
    return g_IMG_Load(file);

SDL_Surface * DFSDL::DFSDL_CreateRGBSurface(uint32_t flags, int width, int height, int depth, uint32_t Rmask, uint32_t Gmask, uint32_t Bmask, uint32_t Amask) {
    return g_SDL_CreateRGBSurface(flags, width, height, depth, Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask);

SDL_Surface * DFSDL::DFSDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(void *pixels, int width, int height, int depth, int pitch, uint32_t Rmask, uint32_t Gmask, uint32_t Bmask, uint32_t Amask) {
    return g_SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(pixels, width, height, depth, pitch, Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask);

int DFSDL::DFSDL_UpperBlit(SDL_Surface *src, const SDL_Rect *srcrect, SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *dstrect) {
    return g_SDL_UpperBlit(src, srcrect, dst, dstrect);

SDL_Surface * DFSDL::DFSDL_ConvertSurface(SDL_Surface *src, const SDL_PixelFormat *fmt, uint32_t flags) {
    return g_SDL_ConvertSurface(src, fmt, flags);

void DFSDL::DFSDL_FreeSurface(SDL_Surface *surface) {

// int DFSDL::DFSDL_SemWait(DFSDL_sem *sem) {
//     return g_SDL_SemWait(sem);
// }

// int DFSDL::DFSDL_SemPost(DFSDL_sem *sem) {
//     return g_SDL_SemPost(sem);
// }

int DFSDL::DFSDL_PushEvent(SDL_Event *event) {
    return g_SDL_PushEvent(event);

void DFSDL::DFSDL_free(void *ptr) {

char * DFSDL::DFSDL_GetClipboardText() {
    return g_SDL_GetClipboardText();

int DFSDL::DFSDL_SetClipboardText(const char *text) {
    return g_SDL_SetClipboardText(text);

DFHACK_EXPORT std::string DFHack::getClipboardTextCp437() {
    if (!g_sdl_handle || g_SDL_HasClipboardText() != SDL_TRUE)
        return "";
    char *text = g_SDL_GetClipboardText();
    // convert tabs to spaces so they don't get converted to '?'
    for (char *c = text; *c; ++c) {
        if (*c == '\t')
            *c = ' ';
    std::string textcp437 = UTF2DF(text);
    return textcp437;

DFHACK_EXPORT bool DFHack::setClipboardTextCp437(std::string text) {
    if (!g_sdl_handle)
        return false;
    return 0 == DFHack::DFSDL::DFSDL_SetClipboardText(DF2UTF(text).c_str());