module DFHack class << self # return a map block by tile coordinates # you can also use find_map_block(cursor) or anything that respond to x/y/z def map_block_at(x, y=nil, z=nil) x = x.pos if x.respond_to?(:pos) x, y, z = x.x, x.y, x.z if x.respond_to?(:x) if x >= 0 and x < and y >= 0 and y < and z >= 0 and z <[x/16][y/16][z] end end def map_designation_at(x, y=nil, z=nil) x = x.pos if x.respond_to?(:pos) x, y, z = x.x, x.y, x.z if x.respond_to?(:x) if b = map_block_at(x, y, z) b.designation[x%16][y%16] end end def map_occupancy_at(x, y=nil, z=nil) x = x.pos if x.respond_to?(:pos) x, y, z = x.x, x.y, x.z if x.respond_to?(:x) if b = map_block_at(x, y, z) b.occupancy[x%16][y%16] end end # yields every map block def each_map_block ( { |xb| xl =[xb] ( { |yb| yl = xl[yb] ( { |z| p = yl[z] yield p if p } } } end # yields every map block for a given z level def each_map_block_z(z) ( { |xb| xl =[xb] ( { |yb| p = xl[yb][z] yield p if p } } end end end