-- Reset item temperature to the value of their tile. local count = 0 local types = {} local function update_temp(item,btemp) if item.temperature ~= btemp then count = count + 1 local tid = item:getType() types[tid] = (types[tid] or 0) + 1 end item.temperature = btemp item.temperature_fraction = 0 if item.contaminants then for _,c in ipairs(item.contaminants) do c.temperature = btemp c.temperature_fraction = 0 end end for _,sub in ipairs(dfhack.items.getContainedItems(item)) do update_temp(sub,btemp) end item:checkTemperatureDamage() end local last_frame = df.global.world.frame_counter-1 for _,item in ipairs(df.global.world.items.all) do if item.flags.on_ground and df.item_actual:is_instance(item) and item.temp_updated_frame == last_frame then local pos = item.pos local block = dfhack.maps.getTileBlock(pos) if block then update_temp(item, block.temperature_1[pos.x%16][pos.y%16]) end end end print('Items updated: '..count) local tlist = {} for k,_ in pairs(types) do tlist[#tlist+1] = k end table.sort(tlist, function(a,b) return types[a] > types[b] end) for _,k in ipairs(tlist) do print(' '..df.item_type[k]..':', types[k]) end