local _ENV = mkmodule('plugins.sort.units') local utils = require('utils') orders = orders or {} -- Relies on NULL being auto-translated to NULL, and then sorted orders.exists = { key = function(unit) return 1 end } orders.name = { key = function(unit) local name = dfhack.units.getVisibleName(unit) if name and name.has_name then return dfhack.TranslateName(name) end end, compare = utils.compare_name } orders.age = { key = function(unit) return dfhack.units.getAge(unit) end } -- This assumes that units are added to active in arrival order orders.arrival = { key_table = function(units) local size = units.n or #units local lookup={} for i=1,size do if units[i] then lookup[units[i].id] = i end end local idx={} for i,v in ipairs(df.global.world.units.active) do if lookup[v.id] then idx[lookup[v.id]] = i end end return idx end } local function findRaceCaste(unit) local rraw = df.creature_raw.find(unit.race) return rraw, safe_index(rraw, 'caste', unit.caste) end orders.noble = { key = function(unit) local info = dfhack.units.getNoblePositions(unit) if info then return info[1].position.precedence end end } orders.profession = { key = function(unit) local cp = dfhack.units.getProfessionName(unit) if cp and cp ~= '' then return string.lower(cp) end end } orders.profession_class = { key = function(unit) local pid = unit.profession local parent = df.profession.attrs[pid].parent if parent >= 0 then return parent else return pid end end } orders.race = { key = function(unit) local rraw = findRaceCaste(unit) if rraw then return rraw.name[0] end end } orders.squad = { key = function(unit) local sidx = unit.military.squad_index if sidx >= 0 then return sidx end end } orders.squad_position = { key = function(unit) local sidx = unit.military.squad_index if sidx >= 0 then return sidx * 1000 + unit.military.squad_position end end } orders.happiness = { key = function(unit) return unit.status.happiness end } return _ENV