--[[ == Introduction == Note that this requires os.clock(), debug.sethook(), and debug.getinfo() or your equivalent replacements to be available if this is an embedded application. Example usage: profiler = newProfiler() profiler:start() < call some functions that take time > profiler:stop() local outfile = io.open( "profile.txt", "w+" ) profiler:report( outfile ) outfile:close() == Optionally choosing profiling method == The rest of this comment can be ignored if you merely want a good profiler. newProfiler(method, sampledelay): If method is omitted or "time", will profile based on real performance. optionally, frequency can be provided to control the number of opcodes per profiling tick. By default this is 100000, which (on my system) provides one tick approximately every 2ms and reduces system performance by about 10%. This can be reduced to increase accuracy at the cost of performance, or increased for the opposite effect. If method is "call", will profile based on function calls. Frequency is ignored. "time" may bias profiling somewhat towards large areas with "simple opcodes", as the profiling function (which introduces a certain amount of unavoidable overhead) will be called more often. This can be minimized by using a larger sample delay - the default should leave any error largely overshadowed by statistical noise. With a delay of 1000 I was able to achieve inaccuray of approximately 25%. Increasing the delay to 100000 left inaccuracy below my testing error. "call" may bias profiling heavily towards areas with many function calls. Testing found a degenerate case giving a figure inaccurate by approximately 20,000%. (Yes, a multiple of 200.) This is, however, more directly comparable to common profilers (such as gprof) and also gives accurate function call counts, which cannot be retrieved from "time". I strongly recommend "time" mode, and it is now the default. == History == 2008-09-16 - Time-based profiling and conversion to Lua 5.1 by Ben Wilhelm ( zorba-pepperfish@pavlovian.net ). Added the ability to optionally choose profiling methods, along with a new profiling method. Converted to Lua 5, a few improvements, and additional documentation by Tom Spilman ( tom@sickheadgames.com ) Additional corrections and tidying by original author Daniel Silverstone ( dsilvers@pepperfish.net ) == Status == Daniel Silverstone is no longer using this code, and judging by how long it's been waiting for Lua 5.1 support, I don't think Tom Spilman is either. I'm perfectly willing to take on maintenance, so if you have problems or questions, go ahead and email me :) -- Ben Wilhelm ( zorba-pepperfish@pavlovian.net ) ' == Copyright == Lua profiler - Copyright Pepperfish 2002,2003,2004 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. --]] local _ENV = mkmodule('profiler') -- -- All profiler related stuff is stored in the top level table '_profiler' -- local _profiler = {} local DEFAULT_FILTERED_FUNC = 1 local DEFAULT_MISSING_FUNC = 3 -- -- newProfiler() creates a new profiler object for managing -- the profiler and storing state. Note that only one profiler -- object can be executing at one time. -- function newProfiler(variant, sampledelay) if _profiler.running then print("Profiler already running.") return end variant = variant or "time" if variant ~= "time" and variant ~= "call" then print("Profiler method must be 'time' or 'call'.") return end local newprof = {} for k,v in pairs(_profiler) do newprof[k] = v end newprof.variant = variant newprof.sampledelay = sampledelay or 10000 return newprof end -- -- This function stops the profiler. It will do nothing -- if a profiler is not running, and nothing if it isn't -- the currently running profiler. -- function _profiler.stop(self) if _profiler.running ~= self then return end -- Stop the profiler. debug.sethook() _profiler.running = nil end local function get_stats(rawstats, prevented_functions, func, depth) if prevented_functions[func] then return nil end local stats = rawstats[func] if not stats then depth = depth + 1 ci = debug.getinfo(depth,"fnS") if ci.what == "C" and ci.name == "__index" then local value1 _, value1 = debug.getlocal(depth, 1) value1 = tostring(value1) value1 = value1:match("^<([^:]*):") or value1 ci.short_src = value1 end stats = { func = ci.func, anon = ci.name == nil, count = 0, time = 0, profile_time = 0, anon_child_time = 0, name_child_time = 0, children = {}, children_time = {}, currentline = {}, func_info = ci, } rawstats[func] = stats end return stats end -- -- Simple wrapper to handle the hook. You should not -- be calling this directly. Duplicated to reduce overhead. -- local function _profiler_hook_wrapper_by_call(action) local entry = os.clock() local self = _profiler.running local depth, stack = self.depth, self.stack if action == "call" then local parent = stack[depth] if parent and parent.should_not_profile > 0 then parent.should_not_profile = parent.should_not_profile + 1 parent.profile_time = parent.profile_time + (os.clock() - entry) return end local ci = debug.getinfo(2,"f") local func = ci.func local rawstats = self.rawstats local stats = get_stats(rawstats, self.prevented_functions, func, 2) depth = depth + 1 self.depth = depth local this = stack[depth] if not this then this = { should_not_profile = stats and 0 or 1, stats = stats, clock_start = entry, profile_time = 0, } stack[depth] = this else this.should_not_profile = stats and 0 or 1 this.stats = stats this.clock_start = entry end this.profile_time = (os.clock() - entry) else if depth == 0 then return end local this = stack[depth] if this.should_not_profile > 0 then this.should_not_profile = this.should_not_profile - 1 if this.should_not_profile == 0 then self.depth = depth - 1 local parent = stack[self.depth] if parent then local time = entry - this.start_time - this.profile_time parent.stats.anon_child_time = parent.stats.anon_child_time + time parent.profile_time = parent.profile_time + this.profile_time + (os.clock() - entry) end else this.profile_time = this.profile_time + (os.clock() - entry) end return end local time = entry - this.clock_start - this.profile_time depth = depth - 1 self.depth = depth local parent = stack[depth] local this_stats,parent_stats = this.stats,parent and parent.stats or nil local func = this_stats.func this_stats.count = this_stats.count + 1 this_stats.time = this_stats.time + time this_stats.profile_time = this_stats.profile_time + this.profile_time if not parent then return end if this_stats.anon then parent_stats.anon_child_time = parent_stats.anon_child_time + time else parent_stats.name_child_time = parent_stats.name_child_time + time end local ch = parent_stats.children[func] if not ch then parent_stats.children[func] = 1 parent_stats.children_time[func] = time else parent_stats.children[func] = ch + 1 parent_stats.children_time[func] = parent_stats.children_time[func] + time end parent.profile_time = parent.profile_time + this.profile_time + (os.clock() - entry) end end local function _profiler_hook_wrapper_by_time() local self = _profiler.running local timetaken = os.clock() - self.lastclock local rawstats = self.rawstats local prevented = self.prevented_functions local depth = 2 local caller = debug.getinfo(depth,'fl') local child if not caller then return end local cf = caller.func if cf then child = get_stats(rawstats, prevented, cf, depth) if child then child.count = child.count + 1 child.time = child.time + timetaken local line = caller.currentline child.currentline[line] = (child.currentline[line] or 0) + 1 else cf = DEFAULT_FILTERED_FUNC end else cf = DEFAULT_MISSING_FUNC end depth = 3 local caller = debug.getinfo(depth,'f') while caller do if caller.func then local this = get_stats(rawstats, prevented, caller.func, depth) if this then this.time = this.time + timetaken if not child or child.anon then this.anon_child_time = this.anon_child_time + timetaken else this.name_child_time = this.name_child_time + timetaken end local ch = this.children[cf] if ch then this.children[cf] = ch + 1 this.children_time[cf] = this.children_time[cf] + timetaken else this.children[cf] = 1 this.children_time[cf] = timetaken end cf = caller.func else cf = DEFAULT_FILTERED_FUNC end child = this else cf = DEFAULT_MISSING_FUNC child = nil end depth = depth + 1 caller = debug.getinfo(depth, 'f') end self.lastclock = os.clock() end -- -- This function starts the profiler. It will do nothing -- if this (or any other) profiler is already running. -- function _profiler.start(self) if _profiler.running then return end -- Start the profiler. This begins by setting up internal profiler state _profiler.running = self assert(_profiler.running) self.rawstats = {} self.stack = {} self.depth = 0 if self.variant == "time" then self.lastclock = os.clock() debug.sethook( _profiler_hook_wrapper_by_time, "", self.sampledelay ) elseif self.variant == "call" then debug.sethook( _profiler_hook_wrapper_by_call, "cr" ) else error("Profiler method must be 'time' or 'call'.") end end -- -- This writes a profile report to the output file object. If -- sort_by_total_time is nil or false the output is sorted by -- the function time minus the time in it's children. -- function _profiler.report( self, outfile, sort_by_total_time ) outfile:write [[Lua Profile output created by profiler.lua. Copyright Pepperfish 2002+ ]] -- This is pretty awful. local terms = {} if self.variant == "time" then terms.capitalized = "Sample" terms.single = "sample" terms.pastverb = "sampled" elseif self.variant == "call" then terms.capitalized = "Call" terms.single = "call" terms.pastverb = "called" else error("Profiler method must be 'time' or 'call'.") end local total_time = 0 local ordering = {} for func,record in pairs(self.rawstats) do table.insert(ordering, func) end if sort_by_total_time then table.sort( ordering, function(a,b) return self.rawstats[a].time > self.rawstats[b].time end ) else table.sort( ordering, function(a,b) local arec = self.rawstats[a] local brec = self.rawstats[b] local atime = arec.time - (arec.anon_child_time + arec.name_child_time) local btime = brec.time - (brec.anon_child_time + brec.name_child_time) return atime > btime end ) end for i=1,#ordering do local func = ordering[i] local record = self.rawstats[func] local thisfuncname = " " .. self:_pretty_name(func) .. " " if string.len( thisfuncname ) < 42 then thisfuncname = string.rep( "-", math.floor((42 - string.len(thisfuncname))/2) ) .. thisfuncname thisfuncname = thisfuncname .. string.rep( "-", 42 - string.len(thisfuncname) ) end local child_count = 0 for _,v in pairs(record.children) do child_count = child_count + v end total_time = total_time + ( record.time - ( record.anon_child_time + record.name_child_time ) ) outfile:write( string.rep( "-", 19 ) .. thisfuncname .. string.rep( "-", 19 ) .. "\n" ) outfile:write( terms.capitalized.." count: " .. string.format( "%5d", record.count ) .. "\n" ) outfile:write( terms.capitalized.." count in children: " .. string.format( "%5d", child_count ) .. "\n" ) outfile:write( "Time spend total: " .. string.format( "%4.3f", record.time ) .. "s\n" ) outfile:write( "Time spent in children: " .. string.format("%4.3f",record.anon_child_time+record.name_child_time) .. "s\n" ) outfile:write( "Time spent in profiler: " .. string.format("%4.3f",record.profile_time) .. "s\n" ) local timeinself = record.time - (record.anon_child_time + record.name_child_time) outfile:write( "Time spent in self: " .. string.format("%4.3f", timeinself) .. "s\n" ) outfile:write( "Time spent per " .. terms.single .. ": " .. string.format("%4.6f", record.time/(record.count+(self.variant == "time" and child_count or 0))) .. "s/" .. terms.single .. "\n" ) outfile:write( "Time spent in self per "..terms.single..": " .. string.format( "%4.6f", record.count > 0 and timeinself/record.count or 0.0 ) .. "s/" .. terms.single.."\n" ) -- Report on each child in the form -- Child <funcname> called n times and took a.bs local added_blank = 0 for k,v in pairs(record.children) do if self.prevented_functions[k] == nil or self.prevented_functions[k] == 0 then if added_blank == 0 then outfile:write( "\n" ) -- extra separation line added_blank = 1 end local pretty_name if k == DEFAULT_FILTERED_FUNC then pretty_name = "(Filtered function)" elseif k == DEFAULT_MISSING_FUNC then pretty_name = "(Function pointer missing)" else pretty_name = self:_pretty_name(k) end outfile:write( "Child " .. pretty_name .. string.rep( " ", 41-string.len(pretty_name) ) .. " " .. terms.pastverb.." " .. string.format("%6d", v) ) outfile:write( " times. Took " .. string.format("%4.3f", record.children_time[k] ) .. "s\n" ) end end local lines = {} for line,v in pairs(record.currentline) do if line >= 0 then lines[#lines+1] = line end end table.sort(lines) for i=1,#lines do local line = lines[i] local v = record.currentline[line] -- @todo How about reading the source code from the file? outfile:write( ("%6d %s in line %d\n"):format(v, terms.pastverb, line)) end outfile:write( "\n" ) -- extra separation line outfile:flush() end outfile:write( "\n\n" ) outfile:write( "Total time spent in profiled functions: " .. string.format("%5.3g",total_time) .. "s\n" ) outfile:write( [[ END ]] ) outfile:flush() end -- -- This writes the profile to the output file object as -- loadable Lua source. -- function _profiler.lua_report(self,outfile) -- Purpose: Write out the entire raw state in a cross-referenceable form. local ordering = {} local functonum = {} for func,record in pairs(self.rawstats) do table.insert(ordering, func) functonum[func] = #ordering end outfile:write( "-- Profile generated by profiler.lua Copyright Pepperfish 2002+\n\n" ) outfile:write( "-- Function names\nfuncnames = {}\n" ) for i=1,#ordering do local thisfunc = ordering[i] outfile:write( "funcnames[" .. i .. "] = " .. string.format("%q", self:_pretty_name(thisfunc)) .. "\n" ) end outfile:write( "\n" ) outfile:write( "-- Function times\nfunctimes = {}\n" ) for i=1,#ordering do local thisfunc = ordering[i] local record = self.rawstats[thisfunc] outfile:write( "functimes[" .. i .. "] = { " ) outfile:write( "tot=" .. record.time .. ", " ) outfile:write( "achild=" .. record.anon_child_time .. ", " ) outfile:write( "nchild=" .. record.name_child_time .. ", " ) outfile:write( "count=" .. record.count .. " }\n" ) end outfile:write( "\n" ) outfile:write( "-- Child links\nchildren = {}\n" ) for i=1,#ordering do local thisfunc = ordering[i] local record = self.rawstats[thisfunc] outfile:write( "children[" .. i .. "] = { " ) for k,v in pairs(record.children) do if functonum[k] then -- non-recorded functions will be ignored now outfile:write( functonum[k] .. ", " ) end end outfile:write( "}\n" ) end outfile:write( "\n" ) outfile:write( "-- Child call counts\nchildcounts = {}\n" ) for i=1,#ordering do local thisfunc = ordering[i] local record = self.rawstats[thisfunc] outfile:write( "childcounts[" .. i .. "] = { " ) for k,v in pairs(record.children) do if functonum[k] then -- non-recorded functions will be ignored now outfile:write( v .. ", " ) end end outfile:write( "}\n" ) end outfile:write( "\n" ) outfile:write( "-- Child call time\nchildtimes = {}\n" ) for i=1,#ordering do local thisfunc = ordering[i] local record = self.rawstats[thisfunc]; outfile:write( "childtimes[" .. i .. "] = { " ) for k,v in pairs(record.children) do if functonum[k] then -- non-recorded functions will be ignored now outfile:write( record.children_time[k] .. ", " ) end end outfile:write( "}\n" ) end outfile:write( "\n\n-- That is all.\n\n" ) outfile:flush() end -- Internal function to calculate a pretty name for the profile output function _profiler._pretty_name(self,func) -- Only the data collected during the actual -- run seems to be correct.... why? local info = self.rawstats[ func ].func_info -- local info = debug.getinfo( func ) local name = "" if info.what == "Lua" then name = "L:" end if info.what == "C" then name = "C:" end if info.what == "main" then name = " :" end if info.namewhat ~= nil then name = name .. info.namewhat .. ":" end if info.name == nil then name = name .. "<"..tostring(func) .. ">" else name = name .. info.name end if info.short_src then name = name .. "@" .. info.short_src else if info.what == "C" then name = name .. "@?" else name = name .. "@<string>" end end name = name .. ":" if info.what == "C" then name = name .. "?" else name = name .. info.linedefined end return name end -- -- This allows you to specify functions which you do -- not want profiled. -- -- BUG: 2 will probably act exactly like 1 in "time" mode. -- If anyone cares, let me (zorba) know and it can be fixed. -- function _profiler.prevent(self, func, enable) if enable then self.prevented_functions[func] = true else self.prevented_functions[func] = nil end end _profiler.prevented_functions = { [_profiler.start] = true, [_profiler.stop] = true, [_profiler_hook_wrapper_by_time] = true, [_profiler_hook_wrapper_by_call] = true, [_profiler.prevent] = true, [_profiler.report] = true, [_profiler.lua_report] = true, [_profiler._pretty_name] = true } return _ENV