/* www.sourceforge.net/projects/dfhack Copyright (c) 2009 Petr Mrázek (peterix), Kenneth Ferland (Impaler[WrG]), dorf This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ #include "DFCommonInternal.h" #include "../shmserver/shms.h" #include "../shmserver/mod-core.h" #include "../shmserver/mod-maps.h" using namespace DFHack; /* FIXME: memset to 0? */ class API::Private { public: Private() : block (NULL) , pm (NULL), p (NULL), offset_descriptor (NULL) , p_cons (NULL), p_bld (NULL), p_veg (NULL) {} void readName(t_name & name, uint32_t address); // get the name offsets bool InitReadNames(); uint32_t * block; uint32_t x_block_count, y_block_count, z_block_count; uint32_t regionX, regionY, regionZ; uint32_t worldSizeX, worldSizeY; uint32_t tile_type_offset; uint32_t designation_offset; uint32_t occupancy_offset; uint32_t block_flags_offset; uint32_t biome_stuffs; uint32_t veinvector; uint32_t veinsize; uint32_t vein_mineral_vptr; uint32_t vein_ice_vptr; uint32_t window_x_offset; uint32_t window_y_offset; uint32_t window_z_offset; uint32_t cursor_xyz_offset; uint32_t window_dims_offset; uint32_t current_cursor_creature_offset; uint32_t pause_state_offset; uint32_t view_screen_offset; uint32_t current_menu_state_offset; uint32_t name_firstname_offset; uint32_t name_nickname_offset; uint32_t name_words_offset; uint32_t creature_pos_offset; uint32_t creature_type_offset; uint32_t creature_flags1_offset; uint32_t creature_flags2_offset; uint32_t creature_name_offset; uint32_t creature_custom_profession_offset; uint32_t creature_profession_offset; uint32_t creature_sex_offset; uint32_t creature_id_offset; uint32_t creature_squad_name_offset; uint32_t creature_squad_leader_id_offset; uint32_t creature_money_offset; uint32_t creature_current_job_offset; uint32_t creature_current_job_id_offset; uint32_t creature_strength_offset; uint32_t creature_agility_offset; uint32_t creature_toughness_offset; uint32_t creature_skills_offset; uint32_t creature_labors_offset; uint32_t creature_happiness_offset; uint32_t creature_traits_offset; uint32_t creature_likes_offset; uint32_t creature_artifact_name_offset; uint32_t creature_mood_offset; uint32_t item_material_offset; uint32_t note_foreground_offset; uint32_t note_background_offset; uint32_t note_name_offset; uint32_t note_xyz_offset; uint32_t hotkey_start; uint32_t hotkey_mode_offset; uint32_t hotkey_xyz_offset; uint32_t hotkey_size; uint32_t settlement_name_offset; uint32_t settlement_world_xy_offset; uint32_t settlement_local_xy_offset; uint32_t dwarf_lang_table_offset; ProcessEnumerator* pm; Process* p; char * shm_start; memory_info* offset_descriptor; vector v_geology[eBiomeCount]; string xml; bool constructionsInited; bool buildingsInited; bool effectsInited; bool vegetationInited; bool creaturesInited; bool cursorWindowInited; bool viewSizeInited; bool itemsInited; bool notesInited; bool namesInited; bool hotkeyInited; bool settlementsInited; bool nameTablesInited; uint32_t maps_module; uint32_t tree_offset; DfVector *p_cre; DfVector *p_cons; DfVector *p_bld; DfVector *p_effect; DfVector *p_veg; DfVector *p_itm; DfVector *p_notes; DfVector *p_settlements; DfVector *p_current_settlement; }; // FIXME: flesh it out bool API::Private::InitReadNames() { name_firstname_offset = offset_descriptor->getOffset("name_firstname"); name_nickname_offset = offset_descriptor->getOffset("name_nickname"); name_words_offset = offset_descriptor->getOffset("name_words"); return true; } void API::Private::readName(t_name & name, uint32_t address) { g_pProcess->readSTLString(address + name_firstname_offset , name.first_name, 128); g_pProcess->readSTLString(address + name_nickname_offset , name.nickname, 128); g_pProcess->read(address + name_words_offset ,48, (uint8_t *) name.words); } API::API (const string path_to_xml) : d (new Private()) { d->xml = QUOT (MEMXML_DATA_PATH); d->xml += "/"; d->xml += path_to_xml; d->constructionsInited = false; d->creaturesInited = false; d->buildingsInited = false; d->effectsInited = false; d->vegetationInited = false; d->cursorWindowInited = false; d->viewSizeInited = false; d->itemsInited = false; d->notesInited = false; d->hotkeyInited = false; d->namesInited = false; d->nameTablesInited = false; d->pm = NULL; d->shm_start = 0; d->maps_module = 0; } API::~API() { // FIXME: call all finishread* methods here Detach(); delete d; } #define SHMCMD(num) ((shm_cmd *)d->shm_start)[num]->pingpong #define SHMHDR ((shm_core_hdr *)d->shm_start) #define SHMMAPSHDR ((Maps::shm_maps_hdr *)d->shm_start) #define SHMDATA(type) ((type *)(d->shm_start + SHM_HEADER)) /*-----------------------------------* * Init the mapblock pointer array * *-----------------------------------*/ bool API::InitMap() { uint32_t map_offset = d->offset_descriptor->getAddress ("map_data"); uint32_t x_count_offset = d->offset_descriptor->getAddress ("x_count"); uint32_t y_count_offset = d->offset_descriptor->getAddress ("y_count"); uint32_t z_count_offset = d->offset_descriptor->getAddress ("z_count"); // get the offsets once here d->tile_type_offset = d->offset_descriptor->getOffset ("type"); d->designation_offset = d->offset_descriptor->getOffset ("designation"); d->occupancy_offset = d->offset_descriptor->getOffset ("occupancy"); d->biome_stuffs = d->offset_descriptor->getOffset ("biome_stuffs"); d->veinvector = d->offset_descriptor->getOffset ("v_vein"); d->veinsize = d->offset_descriptor->getHexValue ("v_vein_size"); // these can fail and will be found when looking at the actual veins later // basically a cache d->vein_ice_vptr = 0; d->offset_descriptor->resolveClassnameToVPtr("block_square_event_frozen_liquid", d->vein_ice_vptr); d->vein_mineral_vptr = 0; d->offset_descriptor->resolveClassnameToVPtr("block_square_event_mineral",d->vein_mineral_vptr); /* * --> SHM initialization (if possible) <-- */ g_pProcess->getModuleIndex("Maps",2,d->maps_module); if(d->maps_module) { // supply the module with offsets so it can work with them Maps::maps_offsets *off = SHMDATA(Maps::maps_offsets); off->biome_stuffs = d->biome_stuffs; off->designation_offset = d->designation_offset; off->map_offset = map_offset; off->occupancy_offset = d->occupancy_offset; off->tile_type_offset = d->tile_type_offset; off->vein_ice_vptr = d->vein_ice_vptr; // FIXME: not necessarily true, the shm server side needs a class lookup >_< off->vein_mineral_vptr = d->vein_mineral_vptr; // FIXME: not necessarily true, the shm server side needs a class lookup >_< off->veinvector = d->veinvector; off->x_count_offset = x_count_offset; off->y_count_offset = y_count_offset; off->z_count_offset = z_count_offset; full_barrier const uint32_t cmd = Maps::MAP_INIT + d->maps_module << 16; g_pProcess->SetAndWait(cmd); //cerr << "Map acceleration enabled!" << endl; } // get the map pointer uint32_t x_array_loc = g_pProcess->readDWord (map_offset); if (!x_array_loc) { throw Error::NoMapLoaded(); } // get the size uint32_t mx, my, mz; mx = d->x_block_count = g_pProcess->readDWord (x_count_offset); my = d->y_block_count = g_pProcess->readDWord (y_count_offset); mz = d->z_block_count = g_pProcess->readDWord (z_count_offset); // test for wrong map dimensions if (mx == 0 || mx > 48 || my == 0 || my > 48 || mz == 0) { throw Error::BadMapDimensions(mx, my); //return false; } // alloc array for pointers to all blocks d->block = new uint32_t[mx*my*mz]; uint32_t *temp_x = new uint32_t[mx]; uint32_t *temp_y = new uint32_t[my]; uint32_t *temp_z = new uint32_t[mz]; g_pProcess->read (x_array_loc, mx * sizeof (uint32_t), (uint8_t *) temp_x); for (uint32_t x = 0; x < mx; x++) { g_pProcess->read (temp_x[x], my * sizeof (uint32_t), (uint8_t *) temp_y); // y -> map column for (uint32_t y = 0; y < my; y++) { g_pProcess->read (temp_y[y], mz * sizeof (uint32_t), (uint8_t *) (d->block + x*my*mz + y*mz)); } } delete [] temp_x; delete [] temp_y; delete [] temp_z; return true; } bool API::DestroyMap() { if (d->block != NULL) { delete [] d->block; d->block = NULL; } return true; } bool API::isValidBlock (uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z) { if (x < 0 || x >= d->x_block_count || y < 0 || y >= d->y_block_count || z < 0 || z >= d->z_block_count) return false; return d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z] != 0; } uint32_t API::getBlockPtr (uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z) { if (x < 0 || x >= d->x_block_count || y < 0 || y >= d->y_block_count || z < 0 || z >= d->z_block_count) return 0; return d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z]; } bool API::ReadBlock40d(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, mapblock40d * buffer) { if(d->shm_start && d->maps_module) // ACCELERATE! { SHMMAPSHDR->x = x; SHMMAPSHDR->y = y; SHMMAPSHDR->z = z; volatile uint32_t cmd = Maps::MAP_READ_BLOCK_BY_COORDS + (d->maps_module << 16); if(!g_pProcess->SetAndWait(cmd)) return false; memcpy(buffer,SHMDATA(mapblock40d),sizeof(mapblock40d)); return true; } else // plain old block read { uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z]; if (addr) { g_pProcess->read (addr + d->tile_type_offset, sizeof (buffer->tiletypes), (uint8_t *) buffer->tiletypes); g_pProcess->read (addr + d->occupancy_offset, sizeof (buffer->occupancy), (uint8_t *) buffer->occupancy); g_pProcess->read (addr + d->designation_offset, sizeof (buffer->designaton), (uint8_t *) buffer->designaton); g_pProcess->read (addr + d->biome_stuffs, sizeof (buffer->biome_indices), (uint8_t *) buffer->biome_indices); buffer->origin = addr; uint32_t addr_of_struct = g_pProcess->readDWord(addr); buffer->dirty_dword = g_pProcess->readDWord(addr_of_struct); return true; } return false; } } // 256 * sizeof(uint16_t) bool API::ReadTileTypes (uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, uint16_t *buffer) { uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z]; if (addr) { g_pProcess->read (addr + d->tile_type_offset, 256 * sizeof (uint16_t), (uint8_t *) buffer); return true; } return false; } bool API::ReadDirtyBit(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, bool &dirtybit) { uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z]; if(addr) { uint32_t addr_of_struct = g_pProcess->readDWord(addr); dirtybit = g_pProcess->readDWord(addr_of_struct) & 1; return true; } return false; } bool API::WriteDirtyBit(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, bool dirtybit) { uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z]; if (addr) { uint32_t addr_of_struct = g_pProcess->readDWord(addr); uint32_t dirtydword = g_pProcess->readDWord(addr_of_struct); dirtydword &= 0xFFFFFFFE; dirtydword |= (uint32_t) dirtybit; g_pProcess->writeDWord (addr_of_struct, dirtydword); return true; } return false; } // 256 * sizeof(uint32_t) bool API::ReadDesignations (uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, uint32_t *buffer) { uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z]; if (addr) { g_pProcess->read (addr + d->designation_offset, 256 * sizeof (uint32_t), (uint8_t *) buffer); return true; } return false; } // 256 * sizeof(uint32_t) bool API::ReadOccupancy (uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, uint32_t *buffer) { uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z]; if (addr) { g_pProcess->read (addr + d->occupancy_offset, 256 * sizeof (uint32_t), (uint8_t *) buffer); return true; } return false; } // 256 * sizeof(uint16_t) bool API::WriteTileTypes (uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, uint16_t *buffer) { uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z]; if (addr) { g_pProcess->write (addr + d->tile_type_offset, 256 * sizeof (uint16_t), (uint8_t *) buffer); return true; } return false; } bool API::getCurrentCursorCreature(uint32_t & creature_index) { if(!d->cursorWindowInited) return false; creature_index = g_pProcess->readDWord(d->current_cursor_creature_offset); return true; } // 256 * sizeof(uint32_t) bool API::WriteDesignations (uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, uint32_t *buffer) { uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z]; if (addr) { g_pProcess->write (addr + d->designation_offset, 256 * sizeof (uint32_t), (uint8_t *) buffer); return true; } return false; } // 256 * sizeof(uint32_t) bool API::WriteOccupancy (uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, uint32_t *buffer) { uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z]; if (addr) { g_pProcess->write (addr + d->occupancy_offset, 256 * sizeof (uint32_t), (uint8_t *) buffer); return true; } return false; } // FIXME: this is bad. determine the real size! //16 of them? IDK... there's probably just 7. Reading more doesn't cause errors as it's an array nested inside a block // 16 * sizeof(uint8_t) bool API::ReadRegionOffsets (uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, uint8_t *buffer) { uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z]; if (addr) { g_pProcess->read (addr + d->biome_stuffs, 16 * sizeof (uint8_t), buffer); return true; } return false; } // veins of a block, expects empty vein vectors bool API::ReadVeins(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, vector & veins, vector & ices) { uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z]; veins.clear(); ices.clear(); if (addr && d->veinvector && d->veinsize) { // veins are stored as a vector of pointers to veins /*pointer is 4 bytes! we work with a 32bit program here, no matter what architecture we compile khazad for*/ DfVector p_veins = d->p->readVector (addr + d->veinvector, 4); uint32_t size = p_veins.getSize(); veins.reserve (size); // read all veins for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size;i++) { t_vein v; t_frozenliquidvein fv; // read the vein pointer from the vector uint32_t temp = * (uint32_t *) p_veins[i]; uint32_t type = g_pProcess->readDWord(temp); try_again: if(type == d->vein_mineral_vptr) { // read the vein data (dereference pointer) g_pProcess->read (temp, sizeof(t_vein), (uint8_t *) &v); v.address_of = temp; // store it in the vector veins.push_back (v); } else if(type == d->vein_ice_vptr) { // read the ice vein data (dereference pointer) g_pProcess->read (temp, sizeof(t_frozenliquidvein), (uint8_t *) &fv); // store it in the vector ices.push_back (fv); } else if(g_pProcess->readClassName(type) == "block_square_event_frozen_liquid") { d->vein_ice_vptr = type; goto try_again; } else if(g_pProcess->readClassName(type) == "block_square_event_mineral") { d->vein_mineral_vptr = type; goto try_again; } } return true; } return false; } // getter for map size void API::getSize (uint32_t& x, uint32_t& y, uint32_t& z) { x = d->x_block_count; y = d->y_block_count; z = d->z_block_count; } bool API::ReadWoodMatgloss (vector & woods) { int matgloss_address = d->offset_descriptor->getAddress ("matgloss"); int matgloss_wood_name_offset = d->offset_descriptor->getOffset("matgloss_wood_name"); // TODO: find flag for autumnal coloring? DfVector p_matgloss = d->p->readVector (matgloss_address, 4); woods.clear(); t_matgloss mat; // TODO: use brown? mat.fore = 7; mat.back = 0; mat.bright = 0; uint32_t size = p_matgloss.getSize(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size ;i++) { // read the matgloss pointer from the vector into temp uint32_t temp = * (uint32_t *) p_matgloss[i]; // read the string pointed at by /* fill_char_buf(mat.id, d->p->readSTLString(temp)); // reads a C string given an address */ d->p->readSTLString (temp, mat.id, 128); d->p->readSTLString (temp+matgloss_wood_name_offset, mat.name, 128); woods.push_back (mat); } return true; } bool API::ReadStoneMatgloss (vector & stones) { memory_info * minfo = d->offset_descriptor; int matgloss_address = minfo->getAddress ("matgloss"); int matgloss_offset = minfo->getHexValue ("matgloss_skip"); int matgloss_colors = minfo->getOffset ("matgloss_stone_color"); int matgloss_stone_name_offset = minfo->getOffset("matgloss_stone_name"); DfVector p_matgloss = d->p->readVector (matgloss_address + matgloss_offset, 4); uint32_t size = p_matgloss.getSize(); stones.resize (0); stones.reserve (size); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size;i++) { // read the matgloss pointer from the vector into temp uint32_t temp = * (uint32_t *) p_matgloss[i]; // read the string pointed at by t_matgloss mat; //fill_char_buf(mat.id, d->p->readSTLString(temp)); // reads a C string given an address d->p->readSTLString (temp, mat.id, 128); d->p->readSTLString (temp+matgloss_stone_name_offset, mat.name, 128); mat.fore = (uint8_t) g_pProcess->readWord (temp + matgloss_colors); mat.back = (uint8_t) g_pProcess->readWord (temp + matgloss_colors + 2); mat.bright = (uint8_t) g_pProcess->readWord (temp + matgloss_colors + 4); stones.push_back (mat); } return true; } bool API::ReadMetalMatgloss (vector & metals) { memory_info * minfo = d->offset_descriptor; int matgloss_address = minfo->getAddress ("matgloss"); int matgloss_offset = minfo->getHexValue ("matgloss_skip"); int matgloss_colors = minfo->getOffset ("matgloss_metal_color"); int matgloss_metal_name_offset = minfo->getOffset("matgloss_metal_name"); DfVector p_matgloss = d->p->readVector (matgloss_address + matgloss_offset * 3, 4); metals.clear(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_matgloss.getSize();i++) { // read the matgloss pointer from the vector into temp uint32_t temp = * (uint32_t *) p_matgloss[i]; // read the string pointed at by t_matgloss mat; //fill_char_buf(mat.id, d->p->readSTLString(temp)); // reads a C string given an address d->p->readSTLString (temp, mat.id, 128); d->p->readSTLString (temp+matgloss_metal_name_offset, mat.name, 128); mat.fore = (uint8_t) g_pProcess->readWord (temp + matgloss_colors); mat.back = (uint8_t) g_pProcess->readWord (temp + matgloss_colors + 2); mat.bright = (uint8_t) g_pProcess->readWord (temp + matgloss_colors + 4); metals.push_back (mat); } return true; } bool API::ReadPlantMatgloss (vector & plants) { memory_info * minfo = d->offset_descriptor; int matgloss_address = minfo->getAddress ("matgloss"); int matgloss_offset = minfo->getHexValue ("matgloss_skip"); int matgloss_plant_name_offset = minfo->getOffset("matgloss_plant_name"); DfVector p_matgloss = d->p->readVector (matgloss_address + matgloss_offset * 2, 4); plants.clear(); // TODO: use green? t_matgloss mat; mat.fore = 7; mat.back = 0; mat.bright = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_matgloss.getSize();i++) { // read the matgloss pointer from the vector into temp uint32_t temp = * (uint32_t *) p_matgloss[i]; // read the string pointed at by //fill_char_buf(mat.id, d->p->readSTLString(temp)); // reads a C string given an address d->p->readSTLString (temp, mat.id, 128); d->p->readSTLString (temp+matgloss_plant_name_offset, mat.name, 128); plants.push_back (mat); } return true; } bool API::ReadPlantMatgloss (vector & plants) { memory_info * minfo = d->offset_descriptor; int matgloss_address = minfo->getAddress ("matgloss"); int matgloss_offset = minfo->getHexValue ("matgloss_skip"); int matgloss_plant_name_offset = minfo->getOffset("matgloss_plant_name"); int matgloss_plant_drink_offset = minfo->getOffset("matgloss_plant_drink"); int matgloss_plant_food_offset = minfo->getOffset("matgloss_plant_food"); int matgloss_plant_extract_offset = minfo->getOffset("matgloss_plant_extract"); DfVector p_matgloss = d->p->readVector (matgloss_address + matgloss_offset * 2, 4); plants.clear(); // TODO: use green? t_matglossPlant mat; mat.fore = 7; mat.back = 0; mat.bright = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_matgloss.getSize();i++) { // read the matgloss pointer from the vector into temp uint32_t temp = * (uint32_t *) p_matgloss[i]; // read the string pointed at by //fill_char_buf(mat.id, d->p->readSTLString(temp)); // reads a C string given an address d->p->readSTLString (temp, mat.id, 128); d->p->readSTLString (temp+matgloss_plant_name_offset, mat.name, 128); d->p->readSTLString (temp+matgloss_plant_drink_offset, mat.drink_name, 128); d->p->readSTLString (temp+matgloss_plant_food_offset, mat.food_name, 128); d->p->readSTLString (temp+matgloss_plant_extract_offset, mat.extract_name, 128); //d->p->readSTLString (temp plants.push_back (mat); } return true; } bool API::ReadCreatureMatgloss (vector & creatures) { memory_info * minfo = d->offset_descriptor; int matgloss_address = minfo->getAddress ("matgloss"); int matgloss_offset = minfo->getHexValue ("matgloss_skip"); int matgloss_creature_name_offset = minfo->getOffset("matgloss_creature_name"); DfVector p_matgloss = d->p->readVector (matgloss_address + matgloss_offset * 6, 4); creatures.clear(); // TODO: use green? t_matgloss mat; mat.fore = 7; mat.back = 0; mat.bright = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_matgloss.getSize();i++) { // read the matgloss pointer from the vector into temp uint32_t temp = * (uint32_t *) p_matgloss[i]; // read the string pointed at by //fill_char_buf(mat.id, d->p->readSTLString(temp)); // reads a C string given an address d->p->readSTLString (temp, mat.id, 128); d->p->readSTLString (temp+matgloss_creature_name_offset, mat.name, 128); creatures.push_back (mat); } return true; } //vector v_geology[eBiomeCount]; bool API::ReadGeology (vector < vector >& assign) { memory_info * minfo = d->offset_descriptor; // get needed addresses and offsets. Now this is what I call crazy. int region_x_offset = minfo->getAddress ("region_x"); int region_y_offset = minfo->getAddress ("region_y"); int region_z_offset = minfo->getAddress ("region_z"); int world_offset = minfo->getAddress ("world"); int world_regions_offset = minfo->getOffset ("w_regions_arr"); int region_size = minfo->getHexValue ("region_size"); int region_geo_index_offset = minfo->getOffset ("region_geo_index_off"); int world_geoblocks_offset = minfo->getOffset ("w_geoblocks"); int world_size_x = minfo->getOffset ("world_size_x"); int world_size_y = minfo->getOffset ("world_size_y"); int geolayer_geoblock_offset = minfo->getOffset ("geolayer_geoblock_offset"); uint32_t regionX, regionY, regionZ; uint16_t worldSizeX, worldSizeY; // read position of the region inside DF world g_pProcess->readDWord (region_x_offset, regionX); g_pProcess->readDWord (region_y_offset, regionY); g_pProcess->readDWord (region_z_offset, regionZ); // get world size g_pProcess->readWord (world_offset + world_size_x, worldSizeX); g_pProcess->readWord (world_offset + world_size_y, worldSizeY); // get pointer to first part of 2d array of regions uint32_t regions = g_pProcess->readDWord (world_offset + world_regions_offset); // read the geoblock vector DfVector geoblocks = d->p->readVector (world_offset + world_geoblocks_offset, 4); // iterate over 8 surrounding regions + local region for (int i = eNorthWest; i < eBiomeCount; i++) { // check bounds, fix them if needed int bioRX = regionX / 16 + (i % 3) - 1; if (bioRX < 0) bioRX = 0; if (bioRX >= worldSizeX) bioRX = worldSizeX - 1; int bioRY = regionY / 16 + (i / 3) - 1; if (bioRY < 0) bioRY = 0; if (bioRY >= worldSizeY) bioRY = worldSizeY - 1; // get pointer to column of regions uint32_t geoX; g_pProcess->readDWord (regions + bioRX*4, geoX); // get index into geoblock vector uint16_t geoindex; g_pProcess->readWord (geoX + bioRY*region_size + region_geo_index_offset, geoindex); // get the geoblock from the geoblock vector using the geoindex // read the matgloss pointer from the vector into temp uint32_t geoblock_off = * (uint32_t *) geoblocks[geoindex]; // get the vector with pointer to layers DfVector geolayers = d->p->readVector (geoblock_off + geolayer_geoblock_offset , 4); // let's hope // make sure we don't load crap assert (geolayers.getSize() > 0 && geolayers.getSize() <= 16); d->v_geology[i].reserve (geolayers.getSize()); // finally, read the layer matgloss for (uint32_t j = 0;j < geolayers.getSize();j++) { // read pointer to a layer uint32_t geol_offset = * (uint32_t *) geolayers[j]; // read word at pointer + 2, store in our geology vectors d->v_geology[i].push_back (g_pProcess->readWord (geol_offset + 2)); } } assign.clear(); assign.reserve (eBiomeCount); // // TODO: clean this up for (int i = 0; i < eBiomeCount;i++) { assign.push_back (d->v_geology[i]); } return true; } // returns number of buildings, expects v_buildingtypes that will later map t_building.type to its name bool API::InitReadBuildings ( uint32_t& numbuildings ) { int buildings = d->offset_descriptor->getAddress ("buildings"); d->buildingsInited = true; d->p_bld = new DfVector (d->p->readVector (buildings, 4)); numbuildings = d->p_bld->getSize(); return true; } // read one building bool API::ReadBuilding (const int32_t index, t_building & building) { if(!d->buildingsInited) return false; t_building_df40d bld_40d; // read pointer from vector at position uint32_t temp = * (uint32_t *) d->p_bld->at (index); //d->p_bld->read(index,(uint8_t *)&temp); //read building from memory g_pProcess->read (temp, sizeof (t_building_df40d), (uint8_t *) &bld_40d); // transform int32_t type = -1; d->offset_descriptor->resolveObjectToClassID (temp, type); building.origin = temp; building.vtable = bld_40d.vtable; building.x1 = bld_40d.x1; building.x2 = bld_40d.x2; building.y1 = bld_40d.y1; building.y2 = bld_40d.y2; building.z = bld_40d.z; building.material = bld_40d.material; building.type = type; return true; } void API::FinishReadBuildings() { if(d->p_bld) { delete d->p_bld; d->p_bld = NULL; } d->buildingsInited = false; } bool API::InitReadEffects ( uint32_t & numeffects ) { if(d->effectsInited) FinishReadEffects(); int effects = d->offset_descriptor->getAddress ("effects_vector"); d->effectsInited = true; d->p_effect = new DfVector (d->p->readVector (effects, 4)); numeffects = d->p_effect->getSize(); return true; } bool API::ReadEffect(const int32_t index, t_effect_df40d & effect) { if(!d->effectsInited) return false; if(index >= d->p_effect->getSize()) return false; // read pointer from vector at position uint32_t temp = * (uint32_t *) d->p_effect->at (index); //read effect from memory g_pProcess->read (temp, sizeof (t_effect_df40d), (uint8_t *) &effect); return true; } // use with care! bool API::WriteEffect(const int32_t index, const t_effect_df40d & effect) { if(!d->effectsInited) return false; if(index >= d->p_effect->getSize()) return false; // read pointer from vector at position uint32_t temp = * (uint32_t *) d->p_effect->at (index); // write effect to memory g_pProcess->write(temp,sizeof(t_effect_df40d), (uint8_t *) &effect); return true; } void API::FinishReadEffects() { if(d->p_effect) { delete d->p_effect; d->p_effect = NULL; } d->effectsInited = false; } //TODO: maybe do construction reading differently - this could go slow with many of them. // returns number of constructions, prepares a vector, returns total number of constructions bool API::InitReadConstructions(uint32_t & numconstructions) { int constructions = d->offset_descriptor->getAddress ("constructions"); d->p_cons = new DfVector (d->p->readVector (constructions, 4)); d->constructionsInited = true; numconstructions = d->p_cons->getSize(); return true; } bool API::ReadConstruction (const int32_t index, t_construction & construction) { if(!d->constructionsInited) return false; t_construction_df40d c_40d; // read pointer from vector at position uint32_t temp = * (uint32_t *) d->p_cons->at (index); //read construction from memory g_pProcess->read (temp, sizeof (t_construction_df40d), (uint8_t *) &c_40d); // transform construction.x = c_40d.x; construction.y = c_40d.y; construction.z = c_40d.z; construction.material = c_40d.material; return true; } void API::FinishReadConstructions() { if(d->p_cons) { delete d->p_cons; d->p_cons = NULL; } d->constructionsInited = false; } bool API::InitReadVegetation(uint32_t & numplants) { try { int vegetation = d->offset_descriptor->getAddress ("vegetation"); d->tree_offset = d->offset_descriptor->getOffset ("tree_desc_offset"); d->vegetationInited = true; d->p_veg = new DfVector (d->p->readVector (vegetation, 4)); numplants = d->p_veg->getSize(); return true; } catch (Error::MissingMemoryDefinition&) { d->vegetationInited = false; numplants = 0; throw; } } bool API::ReadVegetation (const int32_t index, t_tree_desc & shrubbery) { if(!d->vegetationInited) return false; // read pointer from vector at position uint32_t temp = * (uint32_t *) d->p_veg->at (index); //read construction from memory g_pProcess->read (temp + d->tree_offset, sizeof (t_tree_desc), (uint8_t *) &shrubbery); // FIXME: this is completely wrong. type isn't just tree/shrub but also different kinds of trees. stuff that grows around ponds has its own type ID if (shrubbery.material.type == 3) shrubbery.material.type = 2; return true; } void API::FinishReadVegetation() { if(d->p_veg) { delete d->p_veg; d->p_veg = 0; } d->vegetationInited = false; } bool API::InitReadCreatures( uint32_t &numcreatures ) { try { memory_info * minfo = d->offset_descriptor; d->InitReadNames(); int creatures = d->offset_descriptor->getAddress ("creatures"); d->creature_pos_offset = minfo->getOffset ("creature_position"); d->creature_type_offset = minfo->getOffset ("creature_race"); d->creature_flags1_offset = minfo->getOffset ("creature_flags1"); d->creature_flags2_offset = minfo->getOffset ("creature_flags2"); d->creature_name_offset = minfo->getOffset ("creature_name"); d->creature_custom_profession_offset = minfo->getOffset ("creature_custom_profession"); d->creature_profession_offset = minfo->getOffset ("creature_profession"); d->creature_sex_offset = minfo->getOffset ("creature_sex"); d->creature_id_offset = minfo->getOffset ("creature_id"); d->creature_squad_name_offset = minfo->getOffset ("creature_squad_name"); d->creature_squad_leader_id_offset = minfo->getOffset ("creature_squad_leader_id"); d->creature_money_offset = minfo->getOffset ("creature_money"); d->creature_current_job_offset = minfo->getOffset ("creature_current_job"); d->creature_current_job_id_offset = minfo->getOffset ("current_job_id"); d->creature_strength_offset = minfo->getOffset ("creature_strength"); d->creature_agility_offset = minfo->getOffset ("creature_agility"); d->creature_toughness_offset = minfo->getOffset ("creature_toughness"); d->creature_skills_offset = minfo->getOffset ("creature_skills"); d->creature_labors_offset = minfo->getOffset ("creature_labors"); d->creature_happiness_offset = minfo->getOffset ("creature_happiness"); d->creature_traits_offset = minfo->getOffset ("creature_traits"); d->creature_likes_offset = minfo->getOffset("creature_likes"); d->creature_artifact_name_offset = minfo->getOffset("creature_artifact_name"); d->creature_mood_offset = minfo->getOffset("creature_mood"); d->p_cre = new DfVector (d->p->readVector (creatures, 4)); //InitReadNameTables(); d->creaturesInited = true; numcreatures = d->p_cre->getSize(); return true; } catch (Error::MissingMemoryDefinition&) { d->creaturesInited = false; numcreatures = 0; throw; } } bool API::InitReadNotes( uint32_t &numnotes ) { try { memory_info * minfo = d->offset_descriptor; int notes = minfo->getAddress ("notes"); d->note_foreground_offset = minfo->getOffset ("note_foreground"); d->note_background_offset = minfo->getOffset ("note_background"); d->note_name_offset = minfo->getOffset ("note_name"); d->note_xyz_offset = minfo->getOffset ("note_xyz"); d->p_notes = new DfVector (d->p->readVector (notes, 4)); d->notesInited = true; numnotes = d->p_notes->getSize(); return true; } catch (Error::MissingMemoryDefinition&) { d->notesInited = false; numnotes = 0; throw; } } bool API::ReadNote (const int32_t index, t_note & note) { if(!d->notesInited) return false; // read pointer from vector at position uint32_t temp = * (uint32_t *) d->p_notes->at (index); note.symbol = g_pProcess->readByte(temp); note.foreground = g_pProcess->readWord(temp + d->note_foreground_offset); note.background = g_pProcess->readWord(temp + d->note_background_offset); d->p->readSTLString (temp + d->note_name_offset, note.name, 128); g_pProcess->read (temp + d->note_xyz_offset, 3*sizeof (uint16_t), (uint8_t *) ¬e.x); return true; } bool API::InitReadSettlements( uint32_t & numsettlements ) { try { d->InitReadNames(); memory_info * minfo = d->offset_descriptor; int allSettlements = minfo->getAddress ("settlements"); int currentSettlement = minfo->getAddress("settlement_current"); d->settlement_name_offset = minfo->getOffset ("settlement_name"); d->settlement_world_xy_offset = minfo->getOffset ("settlement_world_xy"); d->settlement_local_xy_offset = minfo->getOffset ("settlement_local_xy"); d->p_settlements = new DfVector (d->p->readVector (allSettlements, 4)); d->p_current_settlement = new DfVector(d->p->readVector(currentSettlement,4)); d->settlementsInited = true; numsettlements = d->p_settlements->getSize(); return true; } catch (Error::MissingMemoryDefinition&) { d->settlementsInited = false; numsettlements = 0; throw; } } bool API::ReadSettlement(const int32_t index, t_settlement & settlement) { if(!d->settlementsInited) return false; if(!d->p_settlements->getSize()) return false; // read pointer from vector at position uint32_t temp = * (uint32_t *) d->p_settlements->at (index); settlement.origin = temp; d->readName(settlement.name, temp + d->settlement_name_offset); g_pProcess->read(temp + d->settlement_world_xy_offset, 2 * sizeof(int16_t), (uint8_t *) &settlement.world_x); g_pProcess->read(temp + d->settlement_local_xy_offset, 4 * sizeof(int16_t), (uint8_t *) &settlement.local_x1); return true; } bool API::ReadCurrentSettlement(t_settlement & settlement) { if(!d->settlementsInited) return false; if(!d->p_current_settlement->getSize()) return false; uint32_t temp = * (uint32_t *) d->p_current_settlement->at(0); settlement.origin = temp; d->readName(settlement.name, temp + d->settlement_name_offset); g_pProcess->read(temp + d->settlement_world_xy_offset, 2 * sizeof(int16_t), (uint8_t *) &settlement.world_x); g_pProcess->read(temp + d->settlement_local_xy_offset, 4 * sizeof(int16_t), (uint8_t *) &settlement.local_x1); return true; } void API::FinishReadSettlements() { if(d->p_settlements) { delete d->p_settlements; d->p_settlements = NULL; } if(d->p_current_settlement) { delete d->p_current_settlement; d->p_current_settlement = NULL; } d->settlementsInited = false; } bool API::InitReadHotkeys( ) { try { memory_info * minfo = d->offset_descriptor; d->hotkey_start = minfo->getAddress("hotkey_start"); d->hotkey_mode_offset = minfo->getOffset ("hotkey_mode"); d->hotkey_xyz_offset = minfo->getOffset("hotkey_xyz"); d->hotkey_size = minfo->getHexValue("hotkey_size"); d->hotkeyInited = true; return true; } catch (Error::MissingMemoryDefinition&) { d->hotkeyInited = false; throw; } } bool API::ReadHotkeys(t_hotkey hotkeys[]) { if (!d->hotkeyInited) return false; uint32_t currHotkey = d->hotkey_start; for(uint32_t i = 0 ; i < NUM_HOTKEYS ;i++) { d->p->readSTLString(currHotkey,hotkeys[i].name,10); hotkeys[i].mode = g_pProcess->readWord(currHotkey+d->hotkey_mode_offset); g_pProcess->read (currHotkey + d->hotkey_xyz_offset, 3*sizeof (int32_t), (uint8_t *) &hotkeys[i].x); currHotkey+=d->hotkey_size; } return true; } // returns index of creature actually read or -1 if no creature can be found int32_t API::ReadCreatureInBox (int32_t index, t_creature & furball, const uint16_t x1, const uint16_t y1, const uint16_t z1, const uint16_t x2, const uint16_t y2, const uint16_t z2) { if (!d->creaturesInited) return -1; uint16_t coords[3]; uint32_t size = d->p_cre->getSize(); while (uint32_t(index) < size) { // read pointer from vector at position uint32_t temp = * (uint32_t *) d->p_cre->at (index); g_pProcess->read (temp + d->creature_pos_offset, 3 * sizeof (uint16_t), (uint8_t *) &coords); if (coords[0] >= x1 && coords[0] < x2) { if (coords[1] >= y1 && coords[1] < y2) { if (coords[2] >= z1 && coords[2] < z2) { ReadCreature (index, furball); return index; } } } index++; } return -1; } bool API::getItemIndexesInBox(vector &indexes, const uint16_t x1, const uint16_t y1, const uint16_t z1, const uint16_t x2, const uint16_t y2, const uint16_t z2) { if(!d->itemsInited) return false; indexes.clear(); uint32_t size = d->p_itm->getSize(); struct temp2{ uint16_t coords[3]; uint32_t flags; }; temp2 temp2; for(uint32_t i =0;ip_itm->at(i); g_pProcess->read(temp+sizeof(uint32_t),5 * sizeof(uint16_t), (uint8_t *) &temp2); if(temp2.flags & (1 << 0)){ if (temp2.coords[0] >= x1 && temp2.coords[0] < x2) { if (temp2.coords[1] >= y1 && temp2.coords[1] < y2) { if (temp2.coords[2] >= z1 && temp2.coords[2] < z2) { indexes.push_back(i); } } } } } return true; } bool API::ReadCreature (const int32_t index, t_creature & furball) { if(!d->creaturesInited) return false; // read pointer from vector at position uint32_t temp = * (uint32_t *) d->p_cre->at (index); furball.origin = temp; //read creature from memory g_pProcess->read (temp + d->creature_pos_offset, 3 * sizeof (uint16_t), (uint8_t *) & (furball.x)); // xyz really g_pProcess->readDWord (temp + d->creature_type_offset, furball.type); g_pProcess->readDWord (temp + d->creature_flags1_offset, furball.flags1.whole); g_pProcess->readDWord (temp + d->creature_flags2_offset, furball.flags2.whole); // names d->readName(furball.name,temp + d->creature_name_offset); d->readName(furball.squad_name, temp + d->creature_squad_name_offset); d->readName(furball.artifact_name, temp + d->creature_artifact_name_offset); // custom profession fill_char_buf (furball.custom_profession, d->p->readSTLString (temp + d->creature_custom_profession_offset)); // labors g_pProcess->read (temp + d->creature_labors_offset, NUM_CREATURE_LABORS, furball.labors); // traits g_pProcess->read (temp + d->creature_traits_offset, sizeof (uint16_t) * NUM_CREATURE_TRAITS, (uint8_t *) &furball.traits); // learned skills DfVector skills (d->p->readVector (temp + d->creature_skills_offset, 4)); furball.numSkills = skills.getSize(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < furball.numSkills;i++) { uint32_t temp2 = * (uint32_t *) skills[i]; //skills.read(i, (uint8_t *) &temp2); // a byte: this gives us 256 skills maximum. furball.skills[i].id = g_pProcess->readByte (temp2); furball.skills[i].rating = g_pProcess->readByte (temp2 + 4); furball.skills[i].experience = g_pProcess->readWord (temp2 + 8); } // profession furball.profession = g_pProcess->readByte (temp + d->creature_profession_offset); // current job HACK: the job object isn't cleanly represented here uint32_t jobIdAddr = g_pProcess->readDWord (temp + d->creature_current_job_offset); if (jobIdAddr) { furball.current_job.active = true; furball.current_job.jobId = g_pProcess->readByte (jobIdAddr + d->creature_current_job_id_offset); } else { furball.current_job.active = false; } //likes DfVector likes(d->p->readVector(temp+d->creature_likes_offset,4)); furball.numLikes = likes.getSize(); for(uint32_t i = 0;iread(temp2,sizeof(t_like),(uint8_t *) &furball.likes[i]); } furball.mood = (int16_t) g_pProcess->readWord (temp + d->creature_mood_offset); g_pProcess->readDWord (temp + d->creature_happiness_offset, furball.happiness); g_pProcess->readDWord (temp + d->creature_id_offset, furball.id); g_pProcess->readDWord (temp + d->creature_agility_offset, furball.agility); g_pProcess->readDWord (temp + d->creature_strength_offset, furball.strength); g_pProcess->readDWord (temp + d->creature_toughness_offset, furball.toughness); g_pProcess->readDWord (temp + d->creature_money_offset, furball.money); furball.squad_leader_id = (int32_t) g_pProcess->readDWord (temp + d->creature_squad_leader_id_offset); g_pProcess->readByte (temp + d->creature_sex_offset, furball.sex); return true; } void API::WriteLabors(const uint32_t index, uint8_t labors[NUM_CREATURE_LABORS]) { uint32_t temp = * (uint32_t *) d->p_cre->at (index); WriteRaw(temp + d->creature_labors_offset, NUM_CREATURE_LABORS, labors); } bool API::InitReadNameTables(vector > & translations , vector > & foreign_languages) //(map< string, vector > & nameTable) { try { int genericAddress = d->offset_descriptor->getAddress ("language_vector"); int transAddress = d->offset_descriptor->getAddress ("translation_vector"); int word_table_offset = d->offset_descriptor->getOffset ("word_table"); int sizeof_string = d->offset_descriptor->getHexValue ("sizeof_string"); DfVector genericVec (d->p->readVector (genericAddress, 4)); DfVector transVec (d->p->readVector (transAddress, 4)); translations.resize(10); for (uint32_t i = 0;i < genericVec.getSize();i++) { uint32_t genericNamePtr = * (uint32_t *) genericVec.at (i); for(int i=0; i<10;i++) { string word = d->p->readSTLString (genericNamePtr + i * sizeof_string); translations[i].push_back (word); } } foreign_languages.resize(transVec.getSize()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < transVec.getSize();i++) { uint32_t transPtr = * (uint32_t *) transVec.at (i); //string transName = d->p->readSTLString (transPtr); DfVector trans_names_vec (d->p->readVector (transPtr + word_table_offset, 4)); for (uint32_t j = 0;j < trans_names_vec.getSize();j++) { uint32_t transNamePtr = * (uint32_t *) trans_names_vec.at (j); string name = d->p->readSTLString (transNamePtr); foreign_languages[i].push_back (name); } } d->nameTablesInited = true; return true; } catch (Error::MissingMemoryDefinition&) { d->nameTablesInited = false; throw; } } string API::TranslateName(const DFHack::t_name &name,const std::vector< std::vector > & translations ,const std::vector< std::vector > & foreign_languages, bool inEnglish) { string out; assert (d->nameTablesInited); map >::const_iterator it; if(!inEnglish) { if(name.words[0] >=0 || name.words[1] >=0) { if(name.words[0]>=0) out.append(foreign_languages[name.language][name.words[0]]); if(name.words[1]>=0) out.append(foreign_languages[name.language][name.words[1]]); out[0] = toupper(out[0]); } if(name.words[5] >=0) { string word; for(int i=2;i<=5;i++) if(name.words[i]>=0) word.append(foreign_languages[name.language][name.words[i]]); word[0] = toupper(word[0]); if(out.length() > 0) out.append(" "); out.append(word); } if(name.words[6] >=0) { string word; word.append(foreign_languages[name.language][name.words[6]]); word[0] = toupper(word[0]); if(out.length() > 0) out.append(" "); out.append(word); } } else { if(name.words[0] >=0 || name.words[1] >=0) { if(name.words[0]>=0) out.append(translations[name.parts_of_speech[0]+1][name.words[0]]); if(name.words[1]>=0) out.append(translations[name.parts_of_speech[1]+1][name.words[1]]); out[0] = toupper(out[0]); } if(name.words[5] >=0) { if(out.length() > 0) out.append(" the"); else out.append("The"); string word; for(int i=2;i<=5;i++) { if(name.words[i]>=0) { word = translations[name.parts_of_speech[i]+1][name.words[i]]; word[0] = toupper(word[0]); out.append(" " + word); } } } if(name.words[6] >=0) { if(out.length() > 0) out.append(" of"); else out.append("Of"); string word; word.append(translations[name.parts_of_speech[6]+1][name.words[6]]); word[0] = toupper(word[0]); out.append(" " + word); } } return out; } void API::FinishReadNameTables() { d->nameTablesInited = false; } void API::FinishReadCreatures() { if(d->p_cre) { delete d->p_cre; d->p_cre = 0; } d->creaturesInited = false; //FinishReadNameTables(); } void API::FinishReadNotes() { if(d->p_notes) { delete d->p_notes; d->p_notes = 0; } d->notesInited = false; } bool API::Attach() { // detach all processes, destroy manager if (d->pm == 0) { d->pm = new ProcessEnumerator (d->xml); // FIXME: handle bad XML better } else { d->pm->purge(); } // find a process (ProcessManager can find multiple when used properly) if (!d->pm->findProcessess()) { throw Error::NoProcess(); //cerr << "couldn't find a suitable process" << endl; //return false; } d->p = (*d->pm) [0]; if (!d->p->attach()) { throw Error::CantAttach(); //cerr << "couldn't attach to process" << endl; //return false; // couldn't attach to process, no go } d->shm_start = d->p->getSHMStart(); d->offset_descriptor = d->p->getDescriptor(); // process is attached, everything went just fine... hopefully return true; } bool API::Detach() { if(!d->p) return false; if (!d->p->detach()) { return false; } if (d->pm != NULL) { delete d->pm; } d->pm = NULL; d->p = NULL; d->shm_start = 0; d->offset_descriptor = NULL; return true; } bool API::isAttached() { return d->p != NULL; } bool API::Suspend() { return d->p->suspend(); } bool API::AsyncSuspend() { return d->p->asyncSuspend(); } bool API::Resume() { return d->p->resume(); } bool API::ForceResume() { return d->p->forceresume(); } bool API::isSuspended() { return d->p->isSuspended(); } void API::ReadRaw (const uint32_t offset, const uint32_t size, uint8_t *target) { g_pProcess->read (offset, size, target); } void API::WriteRaw (const uint32_t offset, const uint32_t size, uint8_t *source) { g_pProcess->write (offset, size, source); } bool API::InitViewAndCursor() { try { d->window_x_offset = d->offset_descriptor->getAddress ("window_x"); d->window_y_offset = d->offset_descriptor->getAddress ("window_y"); d->window_z_offset = d->offset_descriptor->getAddress ("window_z"); d->cursor_xyz_offset = d->offset_descriptor->getAddress ("cursor_xyz"); d->current_cursor_creature_offset = d->offset_descriptor->getAddress ("current_cursor_creature"); d->current_menu_state_offset = d->offset_descriptor->getAddress("current_menu_state"); d->pause_state_offset = d->offset_descriptor->getAddress ("pause_state"); d->view_screen_offset = d->offset_descriptor->getAddress ("view_screen"); d->cursorWindowInited = true; return true; } catch (Error::MissingMemoryDefinition&) { d->cursorWindowInited = false; throw; } } bool API::InitViewSize() { try { d->window_dims_offset = d->offset_descriptor->getAddress ("window_dims"); d->viewSizeInited = true; return true; } catch (Error::MissingMemoryDefinition&) { d->viewSizeInited = false; throw; } } bool API::getViewCoords (int32_t &x, int32_t &y, int32_t &z) { if (!d->cursorWindowInited) return false; g_pProcess->readDWord (d->window_x_offset, (uint32_t &) x); g_pProcess->readDWord (d->window_y_offset, (uint32_t &) y); g_pProcess->readDWord (d->window_z_offset, (uint32_t &) z); return true; } //FIXME: confine writing of coords to map bounds? bool API::setViewCoords (const int32_t x, const int32_t y, const int32_t z) { if (!d->cursorWindowInited) return false; g_pProcess->writeDWord (d->window_x_offset, (uint32_t) x); g_pProcess->writeDWord (d->window_y_offset, (uint32_t) y); g_pProcess->writeDWord (d->window_z_offset, (uint32_t) z); return true; } bool API::getCursorCoords (int32_t &x, int32_t &y, int32_t &z) { if(!d->cursorWindowInited) return false; int32_t coords[3]; g_pProcess->read (d->cursor_xyz_offset, 3*sizeof (int32_t), (uint8_t *) coords); x = coords[0]; y = coords[1]; z = coords[2]; if (x == -30000) return false; return true; } //FIXME: confine writing of coords to map bounds? bool API::setCursorCoords (const int32_t x, const int32_t y, const int32_t z) { if (!d->cursorWindowInited) return false; int32_t coords[3] = {x, y, z}; g_pProcess->write (d->cursor_xyz_offset, 3*sizeof (int32_t), (uint8_t *) coords); return true; } bool API::getWindowSize (int32_t &width, int32_t &height) { if(! d->viewSizeInited) return false; int32_t coords[2]; g_pProcess->read (d->window_dims_offset, 2*sizeof (int32_t), (uint8_t *) coords); width = coords[0]; height = coords[1]; return true; } /* bool API::getClassIDMapping (vector & objecttypes) { if(isAttached()) { d->offset_descriptor->getClassIDMapping(objecttypes); return true; } return false; } */ memory_info *API::getMemoryInfo() { return d->offset_descriptor; } Process * API::getProcess() { return d->p; } DFWindow * API::getWindow() { return d->p->getWindow(); } bool API::InitReadItems(uint32_t & numitems) { try { int items = d->offset_descriptor->getAddress ("items"); d->item_material_offset = d->offset_descriptor->getOffset ("item_materials"); d->p_itm = new DfVector (d->p->readVector (items, 4)); d->itemsInited = true; numitems = d->p_itm->getSize(); return true; } catch (Error::MissingMemoryDefinition&) { d->itemsInited = false; numitems = 0; throw; } } bool API::ReadItem (const uint32_t index, t_item & item) { if (!d->itemsInited) return false; t_item_df40d item_40d; // read pointer from vector at position uint32_t temp = * (uint32_t *) d->p_itm->at (index); //read building from memory g_pProcess->read (temp, sizeof (t_item_df40d), (uint8_t *) &item_40d); // transform int32_t type = -1; d->offset_descriptor->resolveObjectToClassID (temp, type); item.origin = temp; item.vtable = item_40d.vtable; item.x = item_40d.x; item.y = item_40d.y; item.z = item_40d.z; item.type = type; item.ID = item_40d.ID; item.flags.whole = item_40d.flags; //TODO certain item types (creature based, threads, seeds, bags do not have the first matType byte, instead they have the material index only located at 0x68 g_pProcess->read (temp + d->item_material_offset, sizeof (t_matglossPair), (uint8_t *) &item.material); //for(int i = 0; i < 0xCC; i++){ // used for item research // uint8_t byte = MreadByte(temp+i); // item.bytes.push_back(byte); //} return true; } void API::FinishReadItems() { if(d->p_itm) { delete d->p_itm; d->p_itm = NULL; } d->itemsInited = false; } bool API::ReadPauseState() { // replace with an exception if(!d->cursorWindowInited) return false; uint32_t pauseState = g_pProcess->readDWord (d->pause_state_offset); return pauseState & 1; } uint32_t API::ReadMenuState() { if(d->cursorWindowInited) return(g_pProcess->readDWord(d->current_menu_state_offset)); return false; } bool API::ReadViewScreen (t_viewscreen &screen) { if (!d->cursorWindowInited) return false; uint32_t last = g_pProcess->readDWord (d->view_screen_offset); uint32_t screenAddr = g_pProcess->readDWord (last); uint32_t nextScreenPtr = g_pProcess->readDWord (last + 4); while (nextScreenPtr != 0) { last = nextScreenPtr; screenAddr = g_pProcess->readDWord (nextScreenPtr); nextScreenPtr = g_pProcess->readDWord (nextScreenPtr + 4); } return d->offset_descriptor->resolveObjectToClassID (last, screen.type); } bool API::ReadItemTypes(vector< vector< t_itemType > > & itemTypes) { memory_info * minfo = d->offset_descriptor; int matgloss_address = minfo->getAddress("matgloss"); int matgloss_skip = minfo->getHexValue("matgloss_skip"); int item_type_name_offset = minfo->getOffset("item_type_name"); for(int i = 8;i<20;i++) { DfVector p_temp = d->p->readVector(matgloss_address + i*matgloss_skip,4); vector< t_itemType > typesForVec; for(uint32_t j =0; jp->readSTLString(temp+4,currType.id,128); d->p->readSTLString(temp+item_type_name_offset,currType.name,128); //stringsForVec.push_back(string(name)); typesForVec.push_back(currType); } itemTypes.push_back(typesForVec); } return true; }