-- scripts/modtools/reaction-trigger-transition.lua -- author expwnent -- prints useful things to the console and a file to help modders transition from autoSyndrome to reaction-trigger -- this script is basically an apology for breaking backward compatibiility local function maybeQuote(str) if str == '' or string.find(str,' ') then return ('"' .. str .. '"') else return str end end warnings = '' output = '' for _,reaction in ipairs(df.global.world.raws.reactions) do local function foreachProduct(product) local prodType = product:getType() if prodType ~= df.reaction_product_type.item then return end if product.item_type ~= df.item_type.BOULDER then return end if product.mat_index < 0 then return end local inorganic = df.global.world.raws.inorganics[product.mat_index] local didInorganicName for _,syndrome in ipairs(inorganic.material.syndrome) do local workerOnly = true local allowMultipleTargets = false; local command local commandStr local destroyRock = true; local foundAutoSyndrome = false; local resetPolicy; for i,synclass in ipairs(syndrome.syn_class) do synclass = synclass.value if false then elseif synclass == '\\AUTO_SYNDROME' then foundAutoSyndrome = true elseif synclass == '\\ALLOW_NONWORKER_TARGETS' then workerOnly = false elseif synclass == '\\ALLOW_MULTIPLE_TARGETS' then allowMultipleTargets = true elseif synclass == '\\PRESERVE_ROCK' then destroyRock = false elseif synclass == '\\RESET_POLICY DoNothing' then resetPolicy = 'DoNothing' elseif synclass == '\\RESET_POLICY ResetDuration' then resetPolicy = 'ResetDuration' elseif synclass == '\\RESET_POLICY AddDuration' then resetPolicy = 'AddDuration' elseif synclass == '\\RESET_POLICY NewInstance' then resetPolicy = 'NewInstance' elseif synclass == '\\COMMAND' then command = '' elseif command then if synclass == '\\LOCATION' then command = command .. '\\LOCATION ' elseif synclass == '\\WORKER_ID' then command = command .. '\\WORKER_ID ' elseif synclass == '\\REACTION_INDEX' then warnings = warnings .. ('Warning: \\REACTION_INDEX is deprecated. Use \\REACTION_NAME instead.\n') command = command .. '\\REACTION_NAME ' else commandStr = true command = command .. maybeQuote(synclass) .. ' ' end end end if foundAutoSyndrome then if destroyRock then warnings = warnings .. ('Warning: instead of destroying the rock, do not produce it in the first place.\n') end if workerOnly then workerOnly = 'true' else workerOnly = 'false' end if allowMultipleTargets then allowMultipleTargets = 'true' else allowMultipleTargets = 'false' end local reactionTriggerStr = 'modtools/reaction-trigger -reactionName ' .. maybeQuote(reaction.code) --.. '"' if workerOnly ~= 'true' then reactionTriggerStr = reactionTriggerStr .. ' -workerOnly ' .. workerOnly end if allowMultipleTargets ~= 'false' then reactionTriggerStr = reactionTriggerStr .. ' -allowMultipleTargets ' .. allowMultipleTargets end if resetPolicy and resetPolicy ~= 'NewInstance' then reactionTriggerStr = reactionTriggerStr .. ' -resetPolicy ' .. resetPolicy end if #syndrome.ce > 0 then if syndrome.syn_name == '' then warnings = warnings .. ('Warning: give this syndrome a name!\n') end reactionTriggerStr = reactionTriggerStr .. ' -syndrome ' .. maybeQuote(syndrome.syn_name) .. '' end if command and commandStr then reactionTriggerStr = reactionTriggerStr .. ' -command ' .. command end if (not command or command == '') and (not syndrome.syn_name or syndrome.syn_name == '') then --output = output .. '#' else if not didInorganicName then -- output = output .. '# ' .. (inorganic.id) .. '\n' didInorganicName = true end output = output .. (reactionTriggerStr) .. '\n' end end end end for _,product in ipairs(reaction.products) do foreachProduct(product) end end print(warnings) print('\n\n\n\n') print(output) local file = io.open('reaction-trigger-transition.txt', 'w+') --io.output(file) --file:write(warnings) --file:write('\n\n\n\n') file:write(output) file:flush() --io.flush(file) io.close(file) --io.output() print('transition information written to reaction-trigger-transition.txt')