/* https://github.com/peterix/dfhack A thread-safe logging console with a line editor. Based on linenoise: linenoise -- guerrilla line editing library against the idea that a line editing lib needs to be 20,000 lines of C code. You can find the latest source code at: http://github.com/antirez/linenoise Does a number of crazy assumptions that happen to be true in 99.9999% of the 2010 UNIX computers around. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (c) 2010, Salvatore Sanfilippo Copyright (c) 2010, Pieter Noordhuis Copyright (c) 2011, Petr Mrázek All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // George Vulov for MacOSX #ifndef __LINUX__ #define TMP_FAILURE_RETRY(expr) \ ({ long int _res; \ do _res = (long int) (expr); \ while (_res == -1L && errno == EINTR); \ _res; }) #endif #include "Console.h" #include "Hooks.h" using namespace DFHack; #include "tinythread.h" using namespace tthread; static int isUnsupportedTerm(void) { static const char *unsupported_term[] = {"dumb","cons25",NULL}; char *term = getenv("TERM"); int j; if (term == NULL) return 0; for (j = 0; unsupported_term[j]; j++) if (!strcasecmp(term,unsupported_term[j])) return 1; return 0; } const char * ANSI_CLS = "\033[2J"; const char * ANSI_BLACK = "\033[22;30m"; const char * ANSI_RED = "\033[22;31m"; const char * ANSI_GREEN = "\033[22;32m"; const char * ANSI_BROWN = "\033[22;33m"; const char * ANSI_BLUE = "\033[22;34m"; const char * ANSI_MAGENTA = "\033[22;35m"; const char * ANSI_CYAN = "\033[22;36m"; const char * ANSI_GREY = "\033[22;37m"; const char * ANSI_DARKGREY = "\033[01;30m"; const char * ANSI_LIGHTRED = "\033[01;31m"; const char * ANSI_LIGHTGREEN = "\033[01;32m"; const char * ANSI_YELLOW = "\033[01;33m"; const char * ANSI_LIGHTBLUE = "\033[01;34m"; const char * ANSI_LIGHTMAGENTA = "\033[01;35m"; const char * ANSI_LIGHTCYAN = "\033[01;36m"; const char * ANSI_WHITE = "\033[01;37m"; const char * RESETCOLOR = "\033[0m"; const char * getANSIColor(const int c) { switch (c) { case -1: return RESETCOLOR; // HACK! :P case 0 : return ANSI_BLACK; case 1 : return ANSI_BLUE; // non-ANSI case 2 : return ANSI_GREEN; case 3 : return ANSI_CYAN; // non-ANSI case 4 : return ANSI_RED; // non-ANSI case 5 : return ANSI_MAGENTA; case 6 : return ANSI_BROWN; case 7 : return ANSI_GREY; case 8 : return ANSI_DARKGREY; case 9 : return ANSI_LIGHTBLUE; // non-ANSI case 10: return ANSI_LIGHTGREEN; case 11: return ANSI_LIGHTCYAN; // non-ANSI; case 12: return ANSI_LIGHTRED; // non-ANSI; case 13: return ANSI_LIGHTMAGENTA; case 14: return ANSI_YELLOW; // non-ANSI case 15: return ANSI_WHITE; default: return ""; } } namespace DFHack { class Private { public: Private() { dfout_C = NULL; rawmode = false; in_batch = false; supported_terminal = false; state = con_unclaimed; }; virtual ~Private() { //sync(); } private: bool read_char(unsigned char & out) { FD_ZERO(&descriptor_set); FD_SET(STDIN_FILENO, &descriptor_set); FD_SET(exit_pipe[0], &descriptor_set); int ret = TMP_FAILURE_RETRY( select (FD_SETSIZE,&descriptor_set, NULL, NULL, NULL) ); if(ret == -1) return false; if (FD_ISSET(exit_pipe[0], &descriptor_set)) return false; if (FD_ISSET(STDIN_FILENO, &descriptor_set)) { // read byte from stdin ret = TMP_FAILURE_RETRY( read(STDIN_FILENO, &out, 1) ); if(ret == -1) return false; return true; } return false; } public: void print(const char *data) { fputs(data, dfout_C); } void print_text(color_ostream::color_value clr, const std::string &chunk) { if(!in_batch && state == con_lineedit) { disable_raw(); fprintf(dfout_C,"\x1b[1G"); fprintf(dfout_C,"\x1b[0K"); color(clr); print(chunk.c_str()); reset_color(); enable_raw(); prompt_refresh(); } else { color(clr); print(chunk.c_str()); } } void begin_batch() { assert(!in_batch); in_batch = true; if (state == con_lineedit) { disable_raw(); fprintf(dfout_C,"\x1b[1G"); fprintf(dfout_C,"\x1b[0K"); } } void end_batch() { assert(in_batch); flush(); in_batch = false; if (state == con_lineedit) { reset_color(); enable_raw(); prompt_refresh(); } } void flush() { if (!rawmode) fflush(dfout_C); } /// Clear the console, along with its scrollback void clear() { if(rawmode) { const char * clr = "\033c\033[3J\033[H"; if (::write(STDIN_FILENO,clr,strlen(clr)) == -1) ; } else { print("\033c\033[3J\033[H"); fflush(dfout_C); } } /// Position cursor at x,y. 1,1 = top left corner void gotoxy(int x, int y) { char tmp[64]; sprintf(tmp,"\033[%d;%dH", y,x); print(tmp); } /// Set color (ANSI color number) void color(Console::color_value index) { if(!rawmode) fprintf(dfout_C, "%s", getANSIColor(index)); else { const char * colstr = getANSIColor(index); int lstr = strlen(colstr); if (::write(STDIN_FILENO,colstr,lstr) == -1) ; } } /// Reset color to default void reset_color(void) { color(COLOR_RESET); if(!rawmode) fflush(dfout_C); } /// Enable or disable the caret/cursor void cursor(bool enable = true) { if(enable) print("\033[?25h"); else print("\033[?25l"); } /// Waits given number of milliseconds before continuing. void msleep(unsigned int msec); /// get the current number of columns int get_columns(void) { winsize ws; if (ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) == -1) return 80; return ws.ws_col; } /// get the current number of rows int get_rows(void) { winsize ws; if (ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) == -1) return 25; return ws.ws_row; } /// beep. maybe? //void beep (void); void back_word() { if (raw_cursor == 0) return; raw_cursor--; while (raw_cursor > 0 && !isalnum(raw_buffer[raw_cursor])) raw_cursor--; while (raw_cursor > 0 && isalnum(raw_buffer[raw_cursor])) raw_cursor--; if (!isalnum(raw_buffer[raw_cursor]) && raw_cursor != 0) raw_cursor++; prompt_refresh(); } void forward_word() { int len = raw_buffer.size(); if (raw_cursor == len) return; raw_cursor++; while (raw_cursor <= len && !isalnum(raw_buffer[raw_cursor])) raw_cursor++; while (raw_cursor <= len && isalnum(raw_buffer[raw_cursor])) raw_cursor++; if (raw_cursor > len) raw_cursor = len; prompt_refresh(); } /// A simple line edit (raw mode) int lineedit(const std::string& prompt, std::string& output, recursive_mutex * lock, CommandHistory & ch) { output.clear(); reset_color(); this->prompt = prompt; if (!supported_terminal) { print(prompt.c_str()); fflush(dfout_C); // FIXME: what do we do here??? //SDL_recursive_mutexV(lock); std::getline(std::cin, output); //SDL_recursive_mutexP(lock); return output.size(); } else { int count; if (enable_raw() == -1) return 0; if(state == con_lineedit) return -1; state = con_lineedit; count = prompt_loop(lock,ch); state = con_unclaimed; disable_raw(); print("\n"); if(count != -1) { output = raw_buffer; } return count; } } int enable_raw() { struct termios raw; if (!supported_terminal) return -1; if (tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO,&orig_termios) == -1) return -1; raw = orig_termios; //modify the original mode // input modes: no break, no CR to NL, no parity check, no strip char, // no start/stop output control. raw.c_iflag &= ~(BRKINT | ICRNL | INPCK | ISTRIP | IXON); // output modes - disable post processing raw.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST); // control modes - set 8 bit chars raw.c_cflag |= (CS8); // local modes - choing off, canonical off, no extended functions, // no signal chars (^Z,^C) #ifdef CONSOLE_NO_CATCH raw.c_lflag &= ~( ECHO | ICANON | IEXTEN ); #else raw.c_lflag &= ~( ECHO | ICANON | IEXTEN | ISIG ); #endif // control chars - set return condition: min number of bytes and timer. // We want read to return every single byte, without timeout. raw.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; raw.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;// 1 byte, no timer // put terminal in raw mode after flushing if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO,TCSAFLUSH,&raw) < 0) return -1; rawmode = 1; return 0; } void disable_raw() { /* Don't even check the return value as it's too late. */ if (rawmode && tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO,TCSAFLUSH,&orig_termios) != -1) rawmode = 0; } void prompt_refresh() { char seq[64]; int cols = get_columns(); int plen = prompt.size(); const char * buf = raw_buffer.c_str(); int len = raw_buffer.size(); int cooked_cursor = raw_cursor; // Use math! This is silly. while((plen+cooked_cursor) >= cols) { buf++; len--; cooked_cursor--; } while (plen+len > cols) { len--; } /* Cursor to left edge */ snprintf(seq,64,"\x1b[1G"); if (::write(STDIN_FILENO,seq,strlen(seq)) == -1) return; /* Write the prompt and the current buffer content */ if (::write(STDIN_FILENO,prompt.c_str(),plen) == -1) return; if (::write(STDIN_FILENO,buf,len) == -1) return; /* Erase to right */ snprintf(seq,64,"\x1b[0K"); if (::write(STDIN_FILENO,seq,strlen(seq)) == -1) return; /* Move cursor to original position. */ snprintf(seq,64,"\x1b[1G\x1b[%dC", (int)(cooked_cursor+plen)); if (::write(STDIN_FILENO,seq,strlen(seq)) == -1) return; } int prompt_loop(recursive_mutex * lock, CommandHistory & history) { int fd = STDIN_FILENO; size_t plen = prompt.size(); int history_index = 0; raw_buffer.clear(); raw_cursor = 0; /* The latest history entry is always our current buffer, that * initially is just an empty string. */ const std::string empty; history.add(empty); if (::write(fd,prompt.c_str(),prompt.size()) == -1) return -1; while(1) { unsigned char c; int isok; unsigned char seq[2], seq2; lock->unlock(); if(!read_char(c)) { lock->lock(); return -2; } lock->lock(); /* Only autocomplete when the callback is set. It returns < 0 when * there was an error reading from fd. Otherwise it will return the * character that should be handled next. */ if (c == 9) { /* if( completionCallback != NULL) { c = completeLine(fd,prompt,buf,buflen,&len,&pos,cols); // Return on errors if (c < 0) return len; // Read next character when 0 if (c == 0) continue; } else { // ignore tab continue; } */ // just ignore tabs continue; } switch(c) { case 13: // enter history.remove(); return raw_buffer.size(); case 3: // ctrl-c errno = EAGAIN; return -1; case 127: // backspace case 8: // ctrl-h if (raw_cursor > 0 && raw_buffer.size() > 0) { raw_buffer.erase(raw_cursor-1,1); raw_cursor--; prompt_refresh(); } break; case 27: // escape sequence lock->unlock(); if (!read_char(seq[0])) { lock->lock(); return -2; } lock->lock(); if (seq[0] == 'b') { back_word(); } else if (seq[0] == 'f') { forward_word(); } else if(seq[0] == '[') { if (!read_char(seq[1])) { lock->lock(); return -2; } if (seq[1] == 'D') { left_arrow: if (raw_cursor > 0) { raw_cursor--; prompt_refresh(); } } else if ( seq[1] == 'C') { right_arrow: /* right arrow */ if (size_t(raw_cursor) != raw_buffer.size()) { raw_cursor++; prompt_refresh(); } } else if (seq[1] == 'A' || seq[1] == 'B') { /* up and down arrow: history */ if (history.size() > 1) { /* Update the current history entry before to * overwrite it with tne next one. */ history[history_index] = raw_buffer; /* Show the new entry */ history_index += (seq[1] == 'A') ? 1 : -1; if (history_index < 0) { history_index = 0; break; } else if (size_t(history_index) >= history.size()) { history_index = history.size()-1; break; } raw_buffer = history[history_index]; raw_cursor = raw_buffer.size(); prompt_refresh(); } } else if(seq[1] == 'H') { // home raw_cursor = 0; prompt_refresh(); } else if(seq[1] == 'F') { // end raw_cursor = raw_buffer.size(); prompt_refresh(); } else if (seq[1] > '0' && seq[1] < '7') { // extended escape unsigned char seq3[3]; lock->unlock(); if(!read_char(seq2)) { lock->lock(); return -2; } lock->lock(); if (seq[1] == '3' && seq2 == '~' ) { // delete if (raw_buffer.size() > 0 && size_t(raw_cursor) < raw_buffer.size()) { raw_buffer.erase(raw_cursor,1); prompt_refresh(); } } if (!read_char(seq3[0]) || !read_char(seq3[1])) { lock->lock(); return -2; } if (seq2 == ';') { // Format: esc [ n ; n DIRECTION // Ignore first character (second "n") if (seq3[1] == 'C') { forward_word(); } else if (seq3[1] == 'D') { back_word(); } } } } break; default: if (raw_buffer.size() == size_t(raw_cursor)) { raw_buffer.append(1,c); raw_cursor++; if (plen+raw_buffer.size() < size_t(get_columns())) { /* Avoid a full update of the line in the * trivial case. */ if (::write(fd,&c,1) == -1) return -1; } else { prompt_refresh(); } } else { raw_buffer.insert(raw_cursor,1,c); raw_cursor++; prompt_refresh(); } break; case 21: // Ctrl+u, delete from current to beginning of line. if (raw_cursor > 0) yank_buffer = raw_buffer.substr(0, raw_cursor); raw_buffer.erase(0, raw_cursor); raw_cursor = 0; prompt_refresh(); break; case 11: // Ctrl+k, delete from current to end of line. if (raw_cursor < raw_buffer.size()) yank_buffer = raw_buffer.substr(raw_cursor, raw_buffer.size() - raw_cursor); raw_buffer.erase(raw_cursor); prompt_refresh(); break; case 25: // Ctrl+y, paste last text deleted with Ctrl+u/k if (yank_buffer.size()) { raw_buffer.insert(raw_cursor, yank_buffer); raw_cursor += yank_buffer.size(); prompt_refresh(); } break; case 1: // Ctrl+a, go to the start of the line raw_cursor = 0; prompt_refresh(); break; case 5: // ctrl+e, go to the end of the line raw_cursor = raw_buffer.size(); prompt_refresh(); break; case 12: // ctrl+l, clear screen clear(); prompt_refresh(); } } return raw_buffer.size(); } FILE * dfout_C; bool supported_terminal; // state variables bool rawmode; // is raw mode active? termios orig_termios; // saved/restored by raw mode // current state enum console_state { con_unclaimed, con_lineedit } state; bool in_batch; std::string prompt; // current prompt string std::string raw_buffer; // current raw mode buffer std::string yank_buffer; // last text deleted with Ctrl-K/Ctrl-U int raw_cursor; // cursor position in the buffer // thread exit mechanism int exit_pipe[2]; fd_set descriptor_set; }; } Console::Console() { d = 0; inited = false; // we can't create the mutex at this time. the SDL functions aren't hooked yet. wlock = new recursive_mutex(); } Console::~Console() { if(inited) shutdown(); if(wlock) delete wlock; if(d) delete d; } bool Console::init(bool sharing) { if(sharing) { inited = false; return false; } if (!freopen("stdout.log", "w", stdout)) ; d = new Private(); // make our own weird streams so our IO isn't redirected d->dfout_C = fopen("/dev/tty", "w"); std::cin.tie(this); clear(); d->supported_terminal = !isUnsupportedTerm() && isatty(STDIN_FILENO); // init the exit mechanism if (pipe(d->exit_pipe) == -1) ; FD_ZERO(&d->descriptor_set); FD_SET(STDIN_FILENO, &d->descriptor_set); FD_SET(d->exit_pipe[0], &d->descriptor_set); inited = true; return true; } bool Console::shutdown(void) { if(!d) return true; lock_guard g(*wlock); if(d->rawmode) d->disable_raw(); d->print("\n"); inited = false; // kill the thing close(d->exit_pipe[1]); return true; } void Console::begin_batch() { //color_ostream::begin_batch(); wlock->lock(); if (inited) d->begin_batch(); } void Console::end_batch() { if (inited) d->end_batch(); wlock->unlock(); } void Console::flush_proxy() { lock_guard g(*wlock); if (inited) d->flush(); } void Console::add_text(color_value color, const std::string &text) { lock_guard g(*wlock); if (inited) d->print_text(color, text); else fwrite(text.data(), 1, text.size(), stderr); } int Console::get_columns(void) { lock_guard g(*wlock); int ret = -1; if(inited) ret = d->get_columns(); return ret; } int Console::get_rows(void) { lock_guard g(*wlock); int ret = -1; if(inited) ret = d->get_rows(); return ret; } void Console::clear() { lock_guard g(*wlock); if(inited) d->clear(); } void Console::gotoxy(int x, int y) { lock_guard g(*wlock); if(inited) d->gotoxy(x,y); } void Console::cursor(bool enable) { lock_guard g(*wlock); if(inited) d->cursor(enable); } int Console::lineedit(const std::string & prompt, std::string & output, CommandHistory & ch) { lock_guard g(*wlock); int ret = -2; if(inited) ret = d->lineedit(prompt,output,wlock,ch); return ret; } void Console::msleep (unsigned int msec) { if (msec > 1000) sleep(msec/1000000); usleep((msec % 1000000) * 1000); }