/* * Tailor plugin. Automatically manages keeping your dorfs clothed. */ #include #include #include "df/creature_raw.h" #include "df/historical_entity.h" #include "df/item.h" #include "df/item_flags.h" #include "df/itemdef_armorst.h" #include "df/itemdef_glovesst.h" #include "df/itemdef_helmst.h" #include "df/itemdef_pantsst.h" #include "df/itemdef_shoesst.h" #include "df/items_other_id.h" #include "df/manager_order.h" #include "df/plotinfost.h" #include "df/world.h" #include "Core.h" #include "Debug.h" #include "LuaTools.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include "modules/Materials.h" #include "modules/Persistence.h" #include "modules/Translation.h" #include "modules/Units.h" #include "modules/World.h" using std::string; using std::vector; using namespace DFHack; DFHACK_PLUGIN("tailor"); DFHACK_PLUGIN_IS_ENABLED(is_enabled); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(plotinfo); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(standing_orders_use_dyed_cloth); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(world); namespace DFHack { DBG_DECLARE(tailor, cycle, DebugCategory::LINFO); DBG_DECLARE(tailor, config, DebugCategory::LINFO); } static const string CONFIG_KEY = string(plugin_name) + "/config"; static PersistentDataItem config; enum ConfigValues { CONFIG_IS_ENABLED = 0, CONFIG_SILK_IDX = 1, CONFIG_CLOTH_IDX = 2, CONFIG_YARN_IDX = 3, CONFIG_LEATHER_IDX = 4, CONFIG_ADAMANTINE_IDX = 5, }; static int get_config_val(PersistentDataItem &c, int index) { if (!c.isValid()) return -1; return c.ival(index); } static bool get_config_bool(PersistentDataItem &c, int index) { return get_config_val(c, index) == 1; } static void set_config_val(PersistentDataItem &c, int index, int value) { if (c.isValid()) c.ival(index) = value; } static void set_config_bool(PersistentDataItem &c, int index, bool value) { set_config_val(c, index, value ? 1 : 0); } static const int32_t CYCLE_TICKS = 1200; // one day static int32_t cycle_timestamp = 0; // world->frame_counter at last cycle // ah, if only STL had a bimap static const std::map jobTypeMap = { { df::job_type::MakeArmor, df::item_type::ARMOR }, { df::job_type::MakePants, df::item_type::PANTS }, { df::job_type::MakeHelm, df::item_type::HELM }, { df::job_type::MakeGloves, df::item_type::GLOVES }, { df::job_type::MakeShoes, df::item_type::SHOES } }; static const std::map itemTypeMap = { { df::item_type::ARMOR, df::job_type::MakeArmor }, { df::item_type::PANTS, df::job_type::MakePants }, { df::item_type::HELM, df::job_type::MakeHelm }, { df::item_type::GLOVES, df::job_type::MakeGloves }, { df::item_type::SHOES, df::job_type::MakeShoes } }; class MatType { public: const std::string name; const df::job_material_category job_material; const df::armor_general_flags armor_flag; bool operator==(const MatType& m) const { return name == m.name; } // operator< is required to use this as a std::map key bool operator<(const MatType& m) const { return name < m.name; } MatType(std::string& n, df::job_material_category jm, df::armor_general_flags af) : name(n), job_material(jm), armor_flag(af) {}; MatType(const char* n, df::job_material_category jm, df::armor_general_flags af) : name(std::string(n)), job_material(jm), armor_flag(af) {}; }; static const MatType M_SILK = MatType("silk", df::job_material_category::mask_silk, df::armor_general_flags::SOFT), M_CLOTH = MatType("cloth", df::job_material_category::mask_cloth, df::armor_general_flags::SOFT), M_YARN = MatType("yarn", df::job_material_category::mask_yarn, df::armor_general_flags::SOFT), M_LEATHER = MatType("leather", df::job_material_category::mask_leather, df::armor_general_flags::LEATHER), M_ADAMANTINE = MatType("adamantine", df::job_material_category::mask_strand, df::armor_general_flags::SOFT); static const std::list all_materials = { M_SILK, M_CLOTH, M_YARN, M_LEATHER, M_ADAMANTINE }; static const std::list default_materials = { M_SILK, M_CLOTH, M_YARN, M_LEATHER }; // adamantine not included by default static std::list material_order = default_materials; static struct BadFlags { uint32_t whole; BadFlags() { df::item_flags flags; #define F(x) flags.bits.x = true; F(dump); F(forbid); F(garbage_collect); F(hostile); F(on_fire); F(rotten); F(trader); F(in_building); F(construction); F(owned); F(in_chest); F(removed); F(encased); F(spider_web); #undef F whole = flags.whole; } } badFlags; class Tailor { private: std::map sizes; // this maps body size to races std::map, int> available; std::map, int> needed; std::map, int> orders; std::map supply; std::map reserves; int default_reserve = 10; bool inventory_sanity_checking = false; public: void set_debug_flag(bool f) { inventory_sanity_checking = f; } void reset() { available.clear(); needed.clear(); sizes.clear(); supply.clear(); orders.clear(); } void scan_clothing() { for (auto i : world->items.other[df::items_other_id::ANY_GENERIC37]) // GENERIC37 is "nontattered clothing" { if (i->flags.whole & badFlags.whole) { continue; } if (i->getWear() >= 1) continue; if (i->getMakerRace() < 0) // sometimes we get borked items with no valid maker race continue; df::item_type t = i->getType(); int size = world->raws.creatures.all[i->getMakerRace()]->adultsize; available[std::make_pair(t, size)] += 1; } if (DBG_NAME(cycle).isEnabled(DebugCategory::LDEBUG)) { for (auto& i : available) { df::item_type t; int size; std::tie(t, size) = i.first; DEBUG(cycle).print("tailor: %d %s of size %d found\n", i.second, ENUM_KEY_STR(item_type, t).c_str(), size); } } } void scan_materials() { bool require_dyed = df::global::standing_orders_use_dyed_cloth ? (*df::global::standing_orders_use_dyed_cloth) : false; for (auto i : world->items.other[df::items_other_id::CLOTH]) { if (i->flags.whole & badFlags.whole) continue; if (require_dyed && (!i->isDyed())) { // only count dyed std::string d; i->getItemDescription(&d, 0); TRACE(cycle).print("tailor: skipping undyed %s\n", DF2CONSOLE(d).c_str()); continue; } MaterialInfo mat(i); int ss = i->getStackSize(); if (mat.material) { if (mat.material->flags.is_set(df::material_flags::SILK)) supply[M_SILK] += ss; else if (mat.material->flags.is_set(df::material_flags::THREAD_PLANT)) supply[M_CLOTH] += ss; else if (mat.material->flags.is_set(df::material_flags::YARN)) supply[M_YARN] += ss; else if (mat.material->flags.is_set(df::material_flags::STOCKPILE_THREAD_METAL)) supply[M_ADAMANTINE] += ss; else { std::string d; i->getItemDescription(&d, 0); DEBUG(cycle).print("tailor: weird cloth item found: %s (%d)\n", DF2CONSOLE(d).c_str(), i->id); } } } for (auto i : world->items.other[df::items_other_id::SKIN_TANNED]) { if (i->flags.whole & badFlags.whole) continue; supply[M_LEATHER] += i->getStackSize(); } DEBUG(cycle).print("tailor: available silk %d yarn %d cloth %d leather %d adamantine %d\n", supply[M_SILK], supply[M_YARN], supply[M_CLOTH], supply[M_LEATHER], supply[M_ADAMANTINE]); } void scan_replacements() { for (auto u : world->units.active) { if (!Units::isOwnCiv(u) || !Units::isOwnGroup(u) || !Units::isActive(u) || Units::isBaby(u) || !Units::casteFlagSet(u->race, u->caste, df::enums::caste_raw_flags::EQUIPS)) continue; // skip units we don't control or that can't wear clothes std::set wearing; std::set ordered; std::deque worn; for (auto inv : u->inventory) { if (inv->mode != df::unit_inventory_item::Worn) continue; // skip non-clothing if (!inv->item->isClothing()) continue; if (inv->item->getWear() > 0) worn.push_back(inv->item); else wearing.insert(inv->item->getType()); } int usize = world->raws.creatures.all[u->race]->adultsize; sizes[usize] = u->race; for (auto w : worn) { // skip armor if (w->getEffectiveArmorLevel() > 0) continue; auto ty = w->getType(); auto makerRace = w->getMakerRace(); if (makerRace < 0 || makerRace >= world->raws.creatures.all.size()) continue; int isize = world->raws.creatures.all[makerRace]->adultsize; std::string description; w->getItemDescription(&description, 0); if (wearing.count(ty) == 0) { if (available[std::make_pair(ty, usize)] > 0) { available[std::make_pair(ty, usize)] -= 1; DEBUG(cycle).print("tailor: allocating a %s (size %d) to %s\n", ENUM_KEY_STR(item_type, ty).c_str(), usize, DF2CONSOLE(Translation::TranslateName(&u->name, false)).c_str()); wearing.insert(ty); } else if (ordered.count(ty) == 0) { DEBUG(cycle).print ("tailor: %s (size %d) worn by %s (size %d) needs replacement, but none available\n", DF2CONSOLE(description).c_str(), isize, DF2CONSOLE(Translation::TranslateName(&u->name, false)).c_str(), usize); needed[std::make_pair(ty, usize)] += 1; ordered.insert(ty); } } if (wearing.count(ty) > 0) { if (w->flags.bits.owned) { bool confiscated = Items::setOwner(w, NULL); INFO(cycle).print( "tailor: %s %s from %s.\n", (confiscated ? "confiscated" : "could not confiscate"), DF2CONSOLE(description).c_str(), DF2CONSOLE(Translation::TranslateName(&u->name, false)).c_str() ); } if (w->getWear() > 1) w->flags.bits.dump = true; } } for (auto ty : std::set{ df::item_type::ARMOR, df::item_type::PANTS, df::item_type::SHOES }) { if (wearing.count(ty) == 0 && ordered.count(ty) == 0) { TRACE(cycle).print("tailor: one %s of size %d needed to cover %s\n", ENUM_KEY_STR(item_type, ty).c_str(), usize, DF2CONSOLE(Translation::TranslateName(&u->name, false)).c_str()); needed[std::make_pair(ty, usize)] += 1; } } } } void create_orders() { auto entity = world->entities.all[plotinfo->civ_id]; for (auto& a : needed) { df::item_type ty = a.first.first; int size = a.first.second; int count = a.second; if (count <= 0) continue; int sub = 0; std::vector v; switch (ty) { case df::item_type::ARMOR: v = entity->resources.armor_type; break; case df::item_type::GLOVES: v = entity->resources.gloves_type; break; case df::item_type::HELM: v = entity->resources.helm_type; break; case df::item_type::PANTS: v = entity->resources.pants_type; break; case df::item_type::SHOES: v = entity->resources.shoes_type; break; default: break; } for (auto vv : v) { bool isClothing = false; switch (ty) { case df::item_type::ARMOR: isClothing = world->raws.itemdefs.armor[vv]->armorlevel == 0; break; case df::item_type::GLOVES: isClothing = world->raws.itemdefs.gloves[vv]->armorlevel == 0; break; case df::item_type::HELM: isClothing = world->raws.itemdefs.helms[vv]->armorlevel == 0; break; case df::item_type::PANTS: isClothing = world->raws.itemdefs.pants[vv]->armorlevel == 0; break; case df::item_type::SHOES: isClothing = world->raws.itemdefs.shoes[vv]->armorlevel == 0; break; default: break; } if (isClothing) { sub = vv; break; } } auto jj = itemTypeMap.find(ty); if (jj != itemTypeMap.end()) { const df::job_type j = jj->second; orders[std::make_tuple(j, sub, size)] += count; DEBUG(cycle).print("tailor: %s times %d of size %d ordered\n", ENUM_KEY_STR(job_type, j).c_str(), count, size); } } } void scan_existing_orders() { for (auto o : world->manager_orders) { auto f = jobTypeMap.find(o->job_type); if (f == jobTypeMap.end()) continue; int race = o->hist_figure_id; for (auto& m : all_materials) { if (o->material_category.whole == m.job_material.whole) { supply[m] -= o->amount_left; TRACE(cycle).print("tailor: supply of %s reduced by %d due to being required for an existing order\n", DF2CONSOLE(m.name).c_str(), o->amount_left); } } if (race == -1) continue; // -1 means that the race of the worker will determine the size made; we must ignore these jobs int size = world->raws.creatures.all[race]->adultsize; auto tt = jobTypeMap.find(o->job_type); if (tt == jobTypeMap.end()) { continue; } needed[std::make_pair(tt->second, size)] -= o->amount_left; TRACE(cycle).print("tailor: existing order for %d %s of size %d detected\n", o->amount_left, ENUM_KEY_STR(job_type, o->job_type).c_str(), size); } } static df::manager_order * get_existing_order(df::job_type ty, int16_t sub, int32_t hfid, df::job_material_category mcat) { for (auto order : world->manager_orders) { if (order->job_type == ty && order->item_type == df::item_type::NONE && order->item_subtype == sub && order->mat_type == -1 && order->mat_index == -1 && order->hist_figure_id == hfid && order->material_category.whole == mcat.whole && order->frequency == df::manager_order::T_frequency::OneTime) return order; } return NULL; } int place_orders() { int ordered = 0; auto entity = world->entities.all[plotinfo->civ_id]; for (auto& o : orders) { df::job_type ty; int sub; int size; std::tie(ty, sub, size) = o.first; int count = o.second; if (sizes.count(size) == 0) { WARN(cycle).print("tailor: cannot determine race for clothing of size %d, skipped\n", size); continue; } if (count > 0) { std::vector v; BitArray* fl; std::string name_s, name_p; switch (ty) { case df::job_type::MakeArmor: v = entity->resources.armor_type; name_s = world->raws.itemdefs.armor[sub]->name; name_p = world->raws.itemdefs.armor[sub]->name_plural; fl = &world->raws.itemdefs.armor[sub]->props.flags; break; case df::job_type::MakeGloves: name_s = world->raws.itemdefs.gloves[sub]->name; name_p = world->raws.itemdefs.gloves[sub]->name_plural; v = entity->resources.gloves_type; fl = &world->raws.itemdefs.gloves[sub]->props.flags; break; case df::job_type::MakeHelm: name_s = world->raws.itemdefs.helms[sub]->name; name_p = world->raws.itemdefs.helms[sub]->name_plural; v = entity->resources.helm_type; fl = &world->raws.itemdefs.helms[sub]->props.flags; break; case df::job_type::MakePants: name_s = world->raws.itemdefs.pants[sub]->name; name_p = world->raws.itemdefs.pants[sub]->name_plural; v = entity->resources.pants_type; fl = &world->raws.itemdefs.pants[sub]->props.flags; break; case df::job_type::MakeShoes: name_s = world->raws.itemdefs.shoes[sub]->name; name_p = world->raws.itemdefs.shoes[sub]->name_plural; v = entity->resources.shoes_type; fl = &world->raws.itemdefs.shoes[sub]->props.flags; break; default: break; } bool can_make = std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), sub) != v.end(); if (!can_make) { INFO(cycle).print("tailor: civilization cannot make %s, skipped\n", DF2CONSOLE(name_p).c_str()); continue; } DEBUG(cycle).print("tailor: ordering %d %s\n", count, DF2CONSOLE(name_p).c_str()); for (auto& m : material_order) { if (count <= 0) break; auto r = reserves.find(m); int res = (r == reserves.end()) ? default_reserve : r->second; if (supply[m] > res && fl->is_set(m.armor_flag)) { int c = count; if (supply[m] < count + res) { c = supply[m] - res; TRACE(cycle).print("tailor: order reduced from %d to %d to protect reserves of %s\n", count, c, DF2CONSOLE(m.name).c_str()); } supply[m] -= c; auto order = get_existing_order(ty, sub, sizes[size], m.job_material); if (order) { if (order->amount_total > 0) { order->amount_left += c; order->amount_total += c; } } else { order = new df::manager_order; order->job_type = ty; order->item_type = df::item_type::NONE; order->item_subtype = sub; order->mat_type = -1; order->mat_index = -1; order->amount_left = c; order->amount_total = c; order->status.bits.validated = false; order->status.bits.active = false; order->id = world->manager_order_next_id++; order->hist_figure_id = sizes[size]; order->material_category = m.job_material; world->manager_orders.push_back(order); } INFO(cycle).print("tailor: added order #%d for %d %s %s, sized for %s\n", order->id, c, bitfield_to_string(order->material_category).c_str(), DF2CONSOLE((c > 1) ? name_p : name_s).c_str(), DF2CONSOLE(world->raws.creatures.all[order->hist_figure_id]->name[1]).c_str() ); count -= c; ordered += c; } else { TRACE(cycle).print("tailor: material %s skipped due to lack of reserves, %d available\n", DF2CONSOLE(m.name).c_str(), supply[m]); } } } } return ordered; } int do_cycle() { reset(); scan_clothing(); scan_materials(); scan_replacements(); scan_existing_orders(); create_orders(); return place_orders(); } }; static std::unique_ptr tailor_instance; static command_result do_command(color_ostream &out, vector ¶meters); static int do_cycle(color_ostream &out); DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init(color_ostream &out, std::vector &commands) { DEBUG(config,out).print("initializing %s\n", plugin_name); tailor_instance = std::make_unique(); // provide a configuration interface for the plugin commands.push_back(PluginCommand( plugin_name, "Automatically keep your dwarves in fresh clothing.", do_command)); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_enable(color_ostream &out, bool enable) { if (!Core::getInstance().isWorldLoaded()) { out.printerr("Cannot enable %s without a loaded world.\n", plugin_name); return CR_FAILURE; } if (enable != is_enabled) { is_enabled = enable; DEBUG(config,out).print("%s from the API; persisting\n", is_enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"); set_config_bool(config, CONFIG_IS_ENABLED, is_enabled); if (enable) do_cycle(out); } else { DEBUG(config,out).print("%s from the API, but already %s; no action\n", is_enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled", is_enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown (color_ostream &out) { DEBUG(config,out).print("shutting down %s\n", plugin_name); tailor_instance.release(); return CR_OK; } static void set_material_order() { material_order.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < all_materials.size(); ++i) { if (i == (size_t)get_config_val(config, CONFIG_SILK_IDX)) material_order.push_back(M_SILK); else if (i == (size_t)get_config_val(config, CONFIG_CLOTH_IDX)) material_order.push_back(M_CLOTH); else if (i == (size_t)get_config_val(config, CONFIG_YARN_IDX)) material_order.push_back(M_YARN); else if (i == (size_t)get_config_val(config, CONFIG_LEATHER_IDX)) material_order.push_back(M_LEATHER); else if (i == (size_t)get_config_val(config, CONFIG_ADAMANTINE_IDX)) material_order.push_back(M_ADAMANTINE); } if (!material_order.size()) std::copy(default_materials.begin(), default_materials.end(), std::back_inserter(material_order)); } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_load_data (color_ostream &out) { cycle_timestamp = 0; config = World::GetPersistentData(CONFIG_KEY); if (!config.isValid()) { DEBUG(config,out).print("no config found in this save; initializing\n"); config = World::AddPersistentData(CONFIG_KEY); set_config_bool(config, CONFIG_IS_ENABLED, is_enabled); } is_enabled = get_config_bool(config, CONFIG_IS_ENABLED); DEBUG(config,out).print("loading persisted enabled state: %s\n", is_enabled ? "true" : "false"); set_material_order(); return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_onstatechange(color_ostream &out, state_change_event event) { if (event == DFHack::SC_WORLD_UNLOADED) { if (is_enabled) { DEBUG(config,out).print("world unloaded; disabling %s\n", plugin_name); is_enabled = false; } } return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_onupdate(color_ostream &out) { if (is_enabled && world->frame_counter - cycle_timestamp >= CYCLE_TICKS) { int ordered = do_cycle(out); if (0 < ordered) out.print("tailor: ordered %d items of clothing\n", ordered); } return CR_OK; } static bool call_tailor_lua(color_ostream *out, const char *fn_name, int nargs = 0, int nres = 0, Lua::LuaLambda && args_lambda = Lua::DEFAULT_LUA_LAMBDA, Lua::LuaLambda && res_lambda = Lua::DEFAULT_LUA_LAMBDA) { DEBUG(config).print("calling tailor lua function: '%s'\n", fn_name); CoreSuspender guard; auto L = Lua::Core::State; Lua::StackUnwinder top(L); if (!out) out = &Core::getInstance().getConsole(); return Lua::CallLuaModuleFunction(*out, L, "plugins.tailor", fn_name, nargs, nres, std::forward(args_lambda), std::forward(res_lambda)); } static command_result do_command(color_ostream &out, vector ¶meters) { CoreSuspender suspend; if (!Core::getInstance().isWorldLoaded()) { out.printerr("Cannot run %s without a loaded world.\n", plugin_name); return CR_FAILURE; } bool show_help = false; if (!call_tailor_lua(&out, "parse_commandline", parameters.size(), 1, [&](lua_State *L) { for (const string ¶m : parameters) Lua::Push(L, param); }, [&](lua_State *L) { show_help = !lua_toboolean(L, -1); })) { return CR_FAILURE; } return show_help ? CR_WRONG_USAGE : CR_OK; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cycle logic // static int do_cycle(color_ostream &out) { // mark that we have recently run cycle_timestamp = world->frame_counter; DEBUG(cycle,out).print("running %s cycle\n", plugin_name); return tailor_instance->do_cycle(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Lua API // static void tailor_doCycle(color_ostream &out) { DEBUG(config,out).print("entering tailor_doCycle\n"); out.print("ordered %d items of clothing\n", do_cycle(out)); } // remember, these are ONE-based indices from Lua static void tailor_setMaterialPreferences(color_ostream &out, int32_t silkIdx, int32_t clothIdx, int32_t yarnIdx, int32_t leatherIdx, int32_t adamantineIdx) { DEBUG(config,out).print("entering tailor_setMaterialPreferences\n"); // it doesn't really matter if these are invalid. set_material_order will do // the right thing. set_config_val(config, CONFIG_SILK_IDX, silkIdx - 1); set_config_val(config, CONFIG_CLOTH_IDX, clothIdx - 1); set_config_val(config, CONFIG_YARN_IDX, yarnIdx - 1); set_config_val(config, CONFIG_LEATHER_IDX, leatherIdx - 1); set_config_val(config, CONFIG_ADAMANTINE_IDX, adamantineIdx - 1); set_material_order(); } static int tailor_getMaterialPreferences(lua_State *L) { color_ostream *out = Lua::GetOutput(L); if (!out) out = &Core::getInstance().getConsole(); DEBUG(config,*out).print("entering tailor_getMaterialPreferences\n"); vector names; for (const auto& m : material_order) names.emplace_back(m.name); Lua::PushVector(L, names); return 1; } static void tailor_setDebugFlag(color_ostream& out, bool enable) { DEBUG(config, out).print("entering tailor_setDebugFlag\n"); tailor_instance->set_debug_flag(enable); } DFHACK_PLUGIN_LUA_FUNCTIONS { DFHACK_LUA_FUNCTION(tailor_doCycle), DFHACK_LUA_FUNCTION(tailor_setMaterialPreferences), DFHACK_LUA_FUNCTION(tailor_setDebugFlag), DFHACK_LUA_END }; DFHACK_PLUGIN_LUA_COMMANDS { DFHACK_LUA_COMMAND(tailor_getMaterialPreferences), DFHACK_LUA_END };