package RemoteFortressReader;

//Attempts to provide a complete framework for reading everything from a fortress needed for vizualization
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

// Plugin: RemoteFortressReader

import "ItemdefInstrument.proto";

// RPC GetMaterialList : EmptyMessage -> MaterialList
// RPC GetGrowthList : EmptyMessage -> MaterialList
// RPC GetBlockList : BlockRequest -> BlockList
// RPC CheckHashes : EmptyMessage -> EmptyMessage
// RPC GetTiletypeList : EmptyMessage -> TiletypeList
// RPC GetPlantList : BlockRequest -> PlantList
// RPC GetUnitList : EmptyMessage -> UnitList
// RPC GetUnitListInside : BlockRequest -> UnitList
// RPC GetViewInfo : EmptyMessage -> ViewInfo
// RPC GetMapInfo : EmptyMessage -> MapInfo
// RPC ResetMapHashes : EmptyMessage -> EmptyMessage
// RPC GetItemList : EmptyMessage -> MaterialList
// RPC GetBuildingDefList : EmptyMessage -> BuildingList
// RPC GetWorldMap : EmptyMessage -> WorldMap
// RPC GetWorldMapNew : EmptyMessage -> WorldMap
// RPC GetRegionMaps : EmptyMessage -> RegionMaps
// RPC GetRegionMapsNew : EmptyMessage -> RegionMaps
// RPC GetCreatureRaws : EmptyMessage -> CreatureRawList
// RPC GetPartialCreatureRaws : ListRequest -> CreatureRawList
// RPC GetWorldMapCenter : EmptyMessage -> WorldMap
// RPC GetPlantRaws : EmptyMessage -> PlantRawList
// RPC GetPartialPlantRaws : ListRequest -> PlantRawList
// RPC CopyScreen : EmptyMessage -> ScreenCapture
// RPC PassKeyboardEvent : KeyboardEvent -> EmptyMessage
// RPC SendDigCommand : DigCommand -> EmptyMessage
// RPC SetPauseState : SingleBool -> EmptyMessage
// RPC GetPauseState : EmptyMessage -> SingleBool
// RPC GetVersionInfo : EmptyMessage -> VersionInfo
// RPC GetReports : EmptyMessage -> Status
// RPC MoveCommand : MoveCommandParams -> EmptyMessage
// RPC JumpCommand : MoveCommandParams -> EmptyMessage
// RPC MenuQuery : EmptyMessage -> MenuContents
// RPC MovementSelectCommand : IntMessage -> EmptyMessage
// RPC MiscMoveCommand : MiscMoveParams -> EmptyMessage
// RPC GetLanguage : EmptyMessage -> Language

//We use shapes, etc, because the actual tiletypes may differ between DF versions.
enum TiletypeShape
    NO_SHAPE = -1;
    EMPTY = 0;
    FLOOR = 1;
    BOULDER = 2;
    PEBBLES = 3;
    WALL = 4;
    STAIR_UP = 6;
    STAIR_DOWN = 7;
    RAMP = 9;
    RAMP_TOP = 10;
    BROOK_BED = 11;
    BROOK_TOP = 12;
    TREE_SHAPE = 13;
    SAPLING = 14;
    SHRUB = 15;
    ENDLESS_PIT = 16;
    BRANCH = 17;
    TRUNK_BRANCH = 18;
    TWIG = 19;

enum TiletypeSpecial
    NO_SPECIAL = -1;
    NORMAL = 0;
    WATERFALL = 2;
    SMOOTH = 3;
    FURROWED = 4;
    WET = 5;
    DEAD = 6;
    WORN_1 = 7;
    WORN_2 = 8;
    WORN_3 = 9;
    TRACK = 10;
    SMOOTH_DEAD = 11;
enum TiletypeMaterial
    NO_MATERIAL = -1;
    AIR = 0;
    SOIL = 1;
    STONE = 2;
    FEATURE = 3;
    LAVA_STONE = 4;
    MINERAL = 5;
    GRASS_LIGHT = 8;
    GRASS_DARK = 9;
    GRASS_DRY = 10;
    GRASS_DEAD = 11;
    PLANT = 12;
    HFS = 13;
    CAMPFIRE = 14;
    FIRE = 15;
    ASHES = 16;
    MAGMA = 17;
    DRIFTWOOD = 18;
    POOL = 19;
    BROOK = 20;
    RIVER = 21;
    ROOT = 22;
    MUSHROOM = 24;
enum TiletypeVariant
    NO_VARIANT = -1;
    VAR_1 = 0;
    VAR_2 = 1;
    VAR_3 = 2;
    VAR_4 = 3;

enum WorldPoles
    NO_POLES = 0;
    NORTH_POLE = 1;
    SOUTH_POLE = 2;
    BOTH_POLES = 3;

enum BuildingDirection
    NORTH = 0;
    EAST = 1;
    SOUTH = 2;
    WEST = 3;
    NONE = 4;

enum TileDigDesignation
         * no designation
        NO_DIG = 0;
         * dig walls, remove stairs and ramps, gather plants, fell trees
        DEFAULT_DIG = 1;
        UP_DOWN_STAIR_DIG = 2;
        CHANNEL_DIG = 3;
        RAMP_DIG = 4;
        DOWN_STAIR_DIG = 5;
        UP_STAIR_DIG = 6;

enum HairStyle
    UNKEMPT = -1;
    BRAIDED = 1;
    PONY_TAILS = 3;

enum InventoryMode
      Hauled = 0;
       * also shield, crutch
      Weapon = 1;
       * quiver
      Worn = 2;
      Piercing = 3;
       * attached to clothing
      Flask = 4;
       * e.g. bandage
      WrappedAround = 5;
      StuckIn = 6;
       * string descr like Worn
      InMouth = 7;
       * Left shoulder, right shoulder, or head, selected randomly using pet_seed
      Pet = 8;
      SewnInto = 9;
      Strapped = 10;

message Coord
    optional int32 x = 1;
    optional int32 y = 2;
    optional int32 z = 3;

message Tiletype
    required int32 id = 1;
    optional string name = 2;
    optional string caption = 3;
    optional TiletypeShape shape = 4;
    optional TiletypeSpecial special = 5;
    optional TiletypeMaterial material = 6;
    optional TiletypeVariant variant = 7;
    optional string direction = 8;

message TiletypeList
    repeated Tiletype tiletype_list = 1;

message BuildingExtents
    required int32 pos_x = 1;
    required int32 pos_y = 2;
    required int32 width = 3;
    required int32 height = 4;
    repeated int32 extents = 5;

message BuildingItem
    optional Item item = 1;
    optional int32 mode = 2;

message BuildingInstance
    required int32 index = 1;
    optional int32 pos_x_min = 2;
    optional int32 pos_y_min = 3;
    optional int32 pos_z_min = 4;
    optional int32 pos_x_max = 5;
    optional int32 pos_y_max = 6;
    optional int32 pos_z_max = 7;
    optional BuildingType building_type = 8;
    optional MatPair material = 9;
    optional uint32 building_flags = 10;
    optional bool is_room = 11;
    optional BuildingExtents room = 12;
    optional BuildingDirection direction = 13; //Doesn't mean anything for most buildings
    repeated BuildingItem items = 14;
    optional int32 active = 15;

message RiverEdge
    optional int32 min_pos = 1;
    optional int32 max_pos = 2;
    optional int32 active = 3;
    optional int32 elevation = 4;

message RiverTile
    optional RiverEdge north = 1;
    optional RiverEdge south = 2;
    optional RiverEdge east = 3;
    optional RiverEdge west = 4;

enum MatterState
        Solid = 0;
        Liquid = 1;
        Gas = 2;
        Powder = 3;
        Paste = 4;
        Pressed = 5;

message Spatter
    optional MatPair material = 1;
    optional int32 amount = 2;
    optional MatterState state = 3;
    optional MatPair item = 4;

message SpatterPile
    repeated Spatter spatters = 1;

message Item
    optional int32 id = 1;
    optional Coord pos = 2;
    optional uint32 flags1 = 3;
    optional uint32 flags2 = 4;
    optional MatPair type = 5;
    optional MatPair material = 6;
    optional ColorDefinition dye = 7;
    optional int32 stack_size = 8;
    optional float subpos_x = 9;
    optional float subpos_y = 10;
    optional float subpos_z = 11;
    optional bool projectile = 12;
    optional float velocity_x = 13;
    optional float velocity_y = 14;
    optional float velocity_z = 15;
    optional int32 volume = 16;
    repeated ItemImprovement improvements = 17;
    optional ArtImage image = 18;

message MapBlock
    required int32 map_x = 1;
    required int32 map_y = 2;
    required int32 map_z = 3;
    repeated int32 tiles = 4;
    repeated MatPair materials = 5;
    repeated MatPair layer_materials = 6;
    repeated MatPair vein_materials = 7;
    repeated MatPair base_materials = 8;
    repeated int32 magma = 9;
    repeated int32 water = 10;
    repeated bool hidden = 11;
    repeated bool light = 12;
    repeated bool subterranean = 13;
    repeated bool outside = 14;
    repeated bool aquifer = 15;
    repeated bool water_stagnant = 16;
    repeated bool water_salt = 17;
    repeated MatPair construction_items = 18;
    repeated BuildingInstance buildings = 19;
    repeated int32 tree_percent = 20;
    repeated int32 tree_x = 21;
    repeated int32 tree_y = 22;
    repeated int32 tree_z = 23;
    repeated TileDigDesignation tile_dig_designation = 24;
    repeated SpatterPile spatterPile = 25;
    repeated Item items = 26;
    repeated bool tile_dig_designation_marker = 27;
    repeated bool tile_dig_designation_auto = 28;
    repeated int32 grass_percent = 29;
    repeated FlowInfo flows = 30;

message MatPair {
    required int32 mat_type = 1;
    required int32 mat_index = 2;

message ColorDefinition {
    required int32 red = 1;
    required int32 green = 2;
    required int32 blue = 3;

message MaterialDefinition{
    required MatPair mat_pair = 1;
    optional string id = 2;
    optional string name = 3;
    optional ColorDefinition state_color = 4; //Simplifying colors to assume room temperature.
    optional ItemdefInstrument.InstrumentDef instrument = 5;

message BuildingType
    required int32 building_type = 1;
    required int32 building_subtype = 2;
    required int32 building_custom = 3;

message BuildingDefinition {
    required BuildingType building_type = 1;
    optional string id = 2;
    optional string name = 3;

message BuildingList {
    repeated BuildingDefinition building_list = 1;

message MaterialList{
    repeated MaterialDefinition material_list = 1;

message Hair
    optional int32 length = 1;
    optional HairStyle style = 2;

message BodySizeInfo
    optional int32 size_cur = 1;
    optional int32 size_base = 2;
    optional int32 area_cur = 3; /*!< size_cur^0.666 */
    optional int32 area_base = 4; /*!< size_base^0.666 */
    optional int32 length_cur = 5; /*!< (size_cur*10000)^0.333 */
    optional int32 length_base = 6; /*!< (size_base*10000)^0.333 */

message UnitAppearance
    repeated int32 body_modifiers = 1;
    repeated int32 bp_modifiers = 2;
    optional int32 size_modifier = 3;
    repeated int32 colors = 4;
    optional Hair hair = 5;
    optional Hair beard = 6;
    optional Hair moustache = 7;
    optional Hair sideburns = 8;

message InventoryItem
    optional InventoryMode mode = 1;
    optional Item item = 2;

message UnitDefinition
    required int32 id = 1;
    optional bool isValid = 2;
    optional int32 pos_x = 3;
    optional int32 pos_y = 4;
    optional int32 pos_z = 5;
    optional MatPair race = 6;
    optional ColorDefinition profession_color = 7;
    optional uint32 flags1 = 8;
    optional uint32 flags2 = 9;
    optional uint32 flags3 = 10;
    optional bool is_soldier = 11;
    optional BodySizeInfo size_info = 12;
    optional string name = 13;
    optional int32 blood_max = 14;
    optional int32 blood_count = 15;
    optional UnitAppearance appearance = 16;
    optional int32 profession_id = 17;
    repeated string noble_positions = 18;
    optional int32 rider_id = 19;
    repeated InventoryItem inventory = 20;
    optional float subpos_x = 21;
    optional float subpos_y = 22;
    optional float subpos_z = 23;

message UnitList
    repeated UnitDefinition creature_list = 1;

message BlockRequest
    optional int32 blocks_needed = 1;
    optional int32 min_x = 2;
    optional int32 max_x = 3;
    optional int32 min_y = 4;
    optional int32 max_y = 5;
    optional int32 min_z = 6;
    optional int32 max_z = 7;

message BlockList
    repeated MapBlock map_blocks = 1;
    optional int32 map_x = 2;
    optional int32 map_y = 3;
    repeated Engraving engravings = 4;
    repeated Wave ocean_waves = 5;

message PlantDef
    required int32 pos_x = 1;
    required int32 pos_y = 2;
    required int32 pos_z = 3;
    required int32 index = 4;

message PlantList
    repeated PlantDef plant_list = 1;

message ViewInfo
    optional int32 view_pos_x = 1;
    optional int32 view_pos_y = 2;
    optional int32 view_pos_z = 3;
    optional int32 view_size_x = 4;
    optional int32 view_size_y = 5;
    optional int32 cursor_pos_x = 6;
    optional int32 cursor_pos_y = 7;
    optional int32 cursor_pos_z = 8;
    optional int32 follow_unit_id = 9 [default = -1];
    optional int32 follow_item_id = 10 [default = -1];

message MapInfo
    optional int32 block_size_x = 1;
    optional int32 block_size_y = 2;
    optional int32 block_size_z = 3;
    optional int32 block_pos_x = 4;
    optional int32 block_pos_y = 5;
    optional int32 block_pos_z = 6;
    optional string world_name = 7;
    optional string world_name_english = 8;
    optional string save_name = 9;

enum FrontType
    FRONT_NONE = 0;
    FRONT_WARM = 1;
    FRONT_COLD = 2;
enum CumulusType
enum StratusType
enum FogType
    FOG_NONE = 0;
    FOG_MIST = 1;
    FOG_NORMAL = 2;
    F0G_THICK = 3;

message Cloud
    optional FrontType front = 1;
    optional CumulusType cumulus = 2;
    optional bool cirrus = 3;
    optional StratusType stratus = 4;
    optional FogType fog = 5;

message WorldMap
    required int32 world_width = 1;
    required int32 world_height = 2;
    optional string name = 3;
    optional string name_english = 4;
    repeated int32 elevation = 5;
    repeated int32 rainfall = 6;
    repeated int32 vegetation = 7;
    repeated int32 temperature = 8;
    repeated int32 evilness = 9;
    repeated int32 drainage = 10;
    repeated int32 volcanism = 11;
    repeated int32 savagery = 12;
    repeated Cloud clouds = 13;
    repeated int32 salinity = 14;
    optional int32 map_x = 15;
    optional int32 map_y = 16;
    optional int32 center_x = 17;
    optional int32 center_y = 18;
    optional int32 center_z = 19;
    optional int32 cur_year = 20;
    optional int32 cur_year_tick = 21;
    optional WorldPoles world_poles = 22;
    repeated RiverTile river_tiles = 23;
    repeated int32 water_elevation = 24;
    repeated RegionTile region_tiles = 25;

enum SiteRealizationBuildingType
    cottage_plot = 0;
    castle_wall = 1;
    castle_tower = 2;
    castle_courtyard = 3;
    house = 4;
    temple = 5;
    tomb = 6;
    shop_house = 7;
    warehouse = 8;
    market_square = 9;
    pasture = 10;
    waste = 11;
    courtyard = 12;
    well = 13;
    vault = 14;
    great_tower = 15;
    trenches = 16;
    tree_house = 17;
    hillock_house = 18;
    mead_hall = 19;
    fortress_entrance = 20;
    library = 21;
    tavern = 22;

message SiteRealizationBuildingWall
    optional int32 start_x = 1;
    optional int32 start_y = 2;
    optional int32 start_z = 3;
    optional int32 end_x = 4;
    optional int32 end_y = 5;
    optional int32 end_z = 6;

message SiteRealizationBuildingTower
    optional int32 roof_z = 1;
    optional bool round = 2;
    optional bool goblin = 3;

message TrenchSpoke
    optional int32 mound_start = 1;
    optional int32 trench_start = 2;
    optional int32 trench_end = 3;
    optional int32 mound_end = 4;

message SiteRealizationBuildingTrenches
    repeated TrenchSpoke spokes = 1;

message SiteRealizationBuilding
    optional int32 id = 1;
    optional SiteRealizationBuildingType type = 2;
    optional int32 min_x = 3;
    optional int32 min_y = 4;
    optional int32 max_x = 5;
    optional int32 max_y = 6;
    optional MatPair material = 7;
    optional SiteRealizationBuildingWall wall_info = 8;
    optional SiteRealizationBuildingTower tower_info = 9;
    optional SiteRealizationBuildingTrenches trench_info = 10;

message RegionTile
    optional int32 elevation = 1;
    optional int32 rainfall = 2;
    optional int32 vegetation = 3;
    optional int32 temperature = 4;
    optional int32 evilness = 5;
    optional int32 drainage = 6;
    optional int32 volcanism = 7;
    optional int32 savagery = 8;
    optional int32 salinity = 9;
    optional RiverTile river_tiles = 10;
    optional int32 water_elevation = 11;
    optional MatPair surface_material = 12;
    repeated MatPair plant_materials = 13;
    repeated SiteRealizationBuilding buildings = 14;
    repeated MatPair stone_materials = 15;
    repeated MatPair tree_materials = 16;
    optional int32 snow = 17;

message RegionMap
    optional int32 map_x = 1;
    optional int32 map_y = 2;
    optional string name = 3;
    optional string name_english = 4;
    repeated RegionTile tiles = 5;

message RegionMaps
    repeated WorldMap world_maps = 1;
    repeated RegionMap region_maps = 2;

enum PatternType
        MONOTONE = 0;
        STRIPES = 1;
        IRIS_EYE = 2;
        SPOTS = 3;
        PUPIL_EYE = 4;
        MOTTLED = 5;

message PatternDescriptor
    optional string id = 1;
    repeated ColorDefinition colors = 2;
    optional PatternType pattern = 3;

message ColorModifierRaw
    repeated PatternDescriptor patterns = 1;
    repeated int32 body_part_id = 2;
    repeated int32 tissue_layer_id = 3;
    optional int32 start_date = 4;
    optional int32 end_date = 5;
    optional string part = 6;

message BodyPartLayerRaw
    optional string layer_name = 1;
    optional int32 tissue_id = 2;
    optional int32 layer_depth = 3;
    repeated int32 bp_modifiers = 4;

message BodyPartRaw
    optional string token = 1;
    optional string category = 2;
    optional int32 parent = 3;
    repeated bool flags = 4;
    repeated BodyPartLayerRaw layers = 5;
    optional int32 relsize = 6;

message BpAppearanceModifier
    optional string type = 1;
    optional int32 mod_min = 2;
    optional int32 mod_max = 3;

message TissueRaw
    optional string id = 1;
    optional string name = 2;
    optional MatPair material = 3;
    optional string subordinate_to_tissue = 4;

message CasteRaw
    optional int32 index = 1;
    optional string caste_id = 2;
    repeated string caste_name = 3;
    repeated string baby_name = 4;
    repeated string child_name = 5;
    optional int32 gender = 6;
    repeated BodyPartRaw body_parts = 7;
    optional int32 total_relsize = 8;
    repeated BpAppearanceModifier modifiers = 9;
    repeated int32 modifier_idx = 10;
    repeated int32 part_idx = 11;
    repeated int32 layer_idx = 12;
    repeated BpAppearanceModifier body_appearance_modifiers = 13;
    repeated ColorModifierRaw color_modifiers = 14;
    optional string  description = 15;
    optional int32 adult_size = 16;

message CreatureRaw
    optional int32 index = 1;
    optional string creature_id = 2;
    repeated string name = 3;
    repeated string general_baby_name = 4;
    repeated string general_child_name = 5;
    optional int32 creature_tile = 6;
    optional int32 creature_soldier_tile = 7;
    optional ColorDefinition color = 8;
    optional int32 adultsize = 9;
    repeated CasteRaw caste = 10;
    repeated TissueRaw tissues = 11;

message CreatureRawList
    repeated CreatureRaw creature_raws = 1;

message Army
    optional int32 id = 1;
    optional int32 pos_x = 2;
    optional int32 pos_y = 3;
    optional int32 pos_z = 4;
    optional UnitDefinition leader = 5;
    repeated UnitDefinition members = 6;
    optional uint32 flags = 7;

message ArmyList
    repeated Army armies = 1;

message GrowthPrint
    optional int32 priority = 1;
    optional int32 color = 2;
    optional int32 timing_start = 3;
    optional int32 timing_end = 4;
    optional int32 tile = 5;

message TreeGrowth
    optional int32 index = 1;
    optional string id = 2;
    optional string name = 3;
    optional MatPair mat = 4;
    repeated GrowthPrint prints = 5;
    optional int32 timing_start = 6;
    optional int32 timing_end = 7;
    optional bool twigs = 8;
    optional bool light_branches = 9;
    optional bool heavy_branches = 10;
    optional bool trunk = 11;
    optional bool roots = 12;
    optional bool cap = 13;
    optional bool sapling = 14;
    optional int32 trunk_height_start = 15;
    optional int32 trunk_height_end = 16;

message PlantRaw
    optional int32 index = 1;
    optional string id = 2;
    optional string name = 3;
    repeated TreeGrowth growths = 4;
    optional int32 tile = 5;

message PlantRawList
    repeated PlantRaw plant_raws = 1;

message ScreenTile
    optional uint32 character = 1;
    optional uint32 foreground = 2;
    optional uint32 background = 3;

message ScreenCapture
    optional uint32 width = 1;
    optional uint32 height = 2;
    repeated ScreenTile tiles = 3;

message KeyboardEvent
    optional uint32 type = 1;
    optional uint32 which = 2;
    optional uint32 state = 3;
    optional uint32 scancode = 4;
    optional uint32 sym = 5;
    optional uint32 mod = 6;
    optional uint32 unicode = 7;

message DigCommand
    optional TileDigDesignation designation = 1;
    repeated Coord locations = 2;

message SingleBool
    optional bool Value = 1;

message VersionInfo
    optional string dwarf_fortress_version = 1;
    optional string dfhack_version = 2;
    optional string remote_fortress_reader_version = 3;

message ListRequest
    optional int32 list_start = 1;
    optional int32 list_end = 2;

message Report
    optional int32 type = 1;
    optional string text = 2;
    optional ColorDefinition color = 3;
    optional int32 duration = 4;
    optional bool continuation = 5;
    optional bool unconscious = 6;
    optional bool announcement = 7;
    optional int32 repeat_count = 8;
    optional Coord pos = 9;
    optional int32 id = 10;
    optional int32 year = 11;
    optional int32 time = 12;

message Status
    repeated Report reports = 1;

message ShapeDescriptior
    optional string id = 1;
    optional int32 tile = 2;

message Language
    repeated ShapeDescriptior shapes = 1;

enum ImprovementType
    ART_IMAGE = 0;
    COVERED = 1;
    BANDS = 3;
    SPIKES = 4;
    THREAD = 6;
    CLOTH = 7;
    SEWN_IMAGE = 8;
    PAGES = 9;
    WRITING = 12;

message ItemImprovement
    optional MatPair material = 1;
    optional ImprovementType type = 2;
    optional int32 shape = 3;
    optional int32 specific_type= 4;
    optional ArtImage image = 5;

enum ArtImageElementType
    IMAGE_PLANT = 1;
    IMAGE_TREE = 2;
    IMAGE_SHAPE = 3;
    IMAGE_ITEM = 4;

message ArtImageElement
    optional int32 count = 1;
    optional ArtImageElementType type = 2;
    optional MatPair creature_item = 3;
    optional MatPair material = 5;
    optional int32 id = 6;

enum ArtImagePropertyType

message ArtImageProperty
    optional int32 subject = 1;
    optional int32 object = 2;
    optional ArtImageVerb verb = 3;
    optional ArtImagePropertyType type = 4;

message ArtImage
    repeated ArtImageElement elements = 1;
    optional MatPair id = 2;
    repeated ArtImageProperty properties = 3;

message Engraving
    optional Coord pos = 1;
    optional int32 quality = 2;
    optional int32 tile = 3;
    optional ArtImage image  = 4;
    optional bool floor = 5;
    optional bool west = 6;
    optional bool east = 7;
    optional bool north = 8;
    optional bool south = 9;
    optional bool hidden = 10;
    optional bool northwest = 11;
    optional bool northeast = 12;
    optional bool southwest = 13;
    optional bool southeast = 14;

enum ArtImageVerb
        VERB_WITHERING = 0;
        VERB_MASSACRING = 2;
        VERB_FIGHTING = 3;
        VERB_LABORING = 4;
        VERB_GREETING = 5;
        VERB_REFUSING = 6;
        VERB_SPEAKING = 7;
        VERB_EMBRACING = 8;
        VERB_TRAVELING = 11;
        VERB_RAISING = 12;
        VERB_HIDING = 13;
        VERB_DEVOURING = 16;
        VERB_ADMIRING = 17;
        VERB_BURNING = 18;
        VERB_WEEPING = 19;
        VERB_CRINGING = 21;
        VERB_SCREAMING = 22;
        VERB_FALLING = 26;
        VERB_DEAD = 27;
        VERB_LAUGHING = 28;
        VERB_BEINGSHOT = 30;
        VERB_MELTING = 32;
        VERB_SHOOTING = 33;
        VERB_TORTURING = 34;
        VERB_PRAYING = 36;
        VERB_COOKING = 38;
        VERB_ENGRAVING = 39;
        VERB_PROSTRATING = 40;
        VERB_SUFFERING = 41;
        VERB_BEINGFLAYED = 44;
        VERB_HANGINGFROM = 45;

enum FlowType
    Miasma = 0;
    Steam = 1;
    Mist = 2;
    MaterialDust = 3;
    MagmaMist = 4;
    Smoke = 5;
    Dragonfire = 6;
    Fire = 7;
    Web = 8;
    MaterialGas = 9;
    MaterialVapor = 10;
    OceanWave = 11;
    SeaFoam = 12;
    ItemCloud = 13;
    CampFire = -1;

message FlowInfo
    optional int32 index = 1;
    optional FlowType type = 2;
    optional int32 density = 3;
    optional Coord pos = 4;
    optional Coord dest = 5;
    optional bool expanding = 6;
    optional bool reuse = 7;
    optional int32 guide_id = 8;
    optional MatPair material = 9;
    optional MatPair item = 10;

message Wave
    optional Coord dest = 1;
    optional Coord pos = 2;