Contributing to DFHACK

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Contributing to DFHack

Several things should be kept in mind when contributing to DFHack.

Code Format

* Four space indents for C++. Never use tabs for indentation in any language.
* LF (Unix style) line terminators
* Avoid trailing whitespace
* UTF-8 encoding
* For C++:

  * Opening and closing braces on their own lines or opening brace at the end of the previous line
  * Braces placed at original indent level if on their own lines
  * #includes should be sorted. C++ libraries first, then dfhack modules, then df structures, then local includes. Within each category they should be sorted alphabetically. This policy is currently broken by most C++ files but try to follow it if you can.

How to get new code into DFHack

* Submit pull requests to the ``develop`` branch, not the master branch. The master branch always points at the most recent release.
* Use new branches for each feature/fix so that your changes can be merged independently (i.e. not the master or develop branch of your fork).
* If possible, compile on multiple platforms
* Update NEWS and Contributors.rst when applicable
* Do **NOT** run fixTexts.sh or update .html files (except to locally test changes to .rst files)
* Create a Github Pull Request once finished
* Work done against `issues <http://github.com/DFHack/dfhack/issues>`_ that are tagged "bug report" gets priority

  * Submit ideas and bug reports as issues on Github. Posts in the forum thread are also acceptable but can get missed or forgotten more easily.

Memory research
If you want to do memory research, you'll need some tools and some knowledge.
In general, you'll need a good memory viewer and optionally something
to look at machine code without getting crazy :)

Good windows tools include:

* Cheat Engine
* IDA Pro 5.0 (freely available for non-commercial use)

Good linux tools:

* angavrilov's df-structures gui (visit us on IRC for details).
* edb (Evan's Debugger)
* IDA Pro 5.0 running under Wine
* Some of the tools residing in the ``legacy`` dfhack branch.

Using publicly known information and analyzing the game's data is preferred.