-- shapechange.lua -- transforms unit (by number) into another creature, choice given to user. Syntax is: unitID tickamount maxsize namefilter. A size of 0 is ignored. A length of 0 is also ignored. If no filter, all units will be sorted. A filter of ALL will also work with all units. -- author Putnam -- edited by expwnent --shapechange gui [unitId] [duration] [maxsize] [namefilter] --shapechange manual [unitId] [creature name] [caste name] [duration] local dialog = require('gui.dialogs') local script = require('gui.script') function transform(target,race,caste,length) if target==nil then qerror("Not a valid target") end local defaultRace = target.enemy.normal_race local defaultCaste = target.enemy.normal_caste target.enemy.normal_race = race --that's it??? target.enemy.normal_caste = caste; --that's it! if length and length>0 then dfhack.timeout(length,'ticks',function() target.enemy.normal_race = defaultRace target.enemy.normal_caste = defaultCaste end) end end function getBodySize(caste) return caste.body_size_1[#caste.body_size_1-1] end function selectCreature(unitID,length,size,filter) --taken straight from here, but edited so I can understand it better: https://gist.github.com/warmist/4061959/... again. Also edited for syndromeTrigger, but in a completely different way. size = size or 0 filter = filter or "all" length = length or 2400 local creatures=df.global.world.raws.creatures.all local tbl={} local tunit=df.unit.find(unitID) for cr_k,creature in ipairs(creatures) do for ca_k,caste in ipairs(creature.caste) do local name=caste.caste_name[0] if name=="" then name="?" end if (not filter or string.find(name,filter) or string.lower(filter)=="all") and (not size or size>getBodySize(caste) or size<1 and not creature.flags.DOES_NOT_EXIST) then table.insert(tbl,{name,nil,cr_k,ca_k}) end end end table.sort(tbl,function(a,b) return a[1]<b[1] end) local f=function(name,C) transform(tunit,C[3],C[4],length) end script.start(function() local ok = script.showYesNoPrompt( "Just checking","Do you want " .. dfhack.TranslateName(dfhack.units.getVisibleName(tunit)) .. " to transform into a creature of size below "..NEWLINE .. (not not size and size>1 and size or "infinity") .. " (" .. size/(getBodySize(df.creature_raw.find(tunit.race).caste[tunit.caste]))*100 .. "% of current size) for " ..length .." ticks (" ..length/1200 .." days, ~" ..length/df.global.enabler.fps .." seconds)?", COLOR_LIGHTRED ) if ok then dialog.showListPrompt("Creature Selection","Choose creature:",COLOR_WHITE,tbl,f) end end) end local args = {...} --unit id, length, size, filter if args[1] == 'gui' then selectCreature(tonumber(args[2]),tonumber(args[3]),tonumber(args[4]),args[5]) else local race-- = df.creature_raw.find(args[3]) local raceIndex for index,raceCandidate in ipairs(df.global.world.raws.creatures.all) do if raceCandidate.creature_id == args[3] then raceIndex = index race = raceCandidate break end end local caste local casteIndex if race then for index,casteCandidate in ipairs(race.caste) do if casteCandidate.caste_id == args[4] then caste = casteCandidate casteIndex = index break end end end if not race or not caste then print("shapechange error: couldn't find " .. args[3] .. " " .. args[4]) return end transform(df.unit.find(tonumber(args[2])), raceIndex, casteIndex, args[5] and tonumber(args[5])) end