-- feeding-timers.lua -- original author: tejón -- rewritten by expwnent -- see repeat.lua for how to run this every so often automatically local args = {...} if args[1] ~= nil then print("feeding-timers usage") print(" feeding-timers") print(" reset the feeding timers of all units as appropriate") print(" feeding-timers help") print(" print this help message") print(" repeat -time [n] [years/months/ticks/days/etc] -command feeding-timers") print(" run this script every n time units") print(" repeat -cancel feeding-timers") print(" stop automatically running this script") return end local fixcount = 0 for _,unit in ipairs(df.global.world.units.all) do if dfhack.units.isCitizen(unit) and not (unit.flags1.dead) then for _,v in pairs(unit.status.misc_traits) do local didfix = 0 if v.id == 0 then -- I think this should have additional conditions... v.value = 0 -- GiveWater cooldown set to zero didfix = 1 end if v.id == 1 then -- I think this should have additional conditions... v.value = 0 -- GiveFood cooldown set to zero didfix = 1 end fixcount = fixcount + didfix end end end print("Fixed feeding timers for " .. fixcount .. " citizens.")